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Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh…

Good Afternoon, and peace be upon us.

First of all, let us thank to get Allah the benefition and the merciful till we can meet together in
this beautiful pleace.

Secondly, sholawat and salam be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW who was given us and
Islamic teaching till we can get out from the draknes to the lightnes.

Thirtly, I will never forget to thank to the lecturer Mrs. Kustini cause given me a little time to
explain and describe about my poster bellow by the title…

“Indonesian Millennial Horse”

From this title, maybe you so confused why I taking this title of my poster. Before I explain it, I
want to showing the outlining about my topic. There are : Explain about the idea, the reason of this
topic, how important is this information, and the last is result. Before begain about my topic, I will asking
with u guys… “What do you think about Horse? And What do you think about Millennial?” (does anyone
want to answer it?) …

The philosophy of the horse describe someone who is creative, innovative, confident, brave,
and like challenges. whereas millennials are us or all people who live in this era. So the reason of my title
is I wish we can advance Indonesia by developing our talents.

Indonesian Millennial Horse is the application who have access the data to making choices,
knowing their talents and interests, and also being able to become safe friends to confide in. This
application use ANP (Analytic Network Process) method.

ANP is a development of the AHP method. Analytic Network Process (ANP) was developed by
Prof. Saaty, as the development of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The basic principles of Analytic
Network Process are decomposition, comparative judgment, and synthesis of results. The principle of
decomposition is applied to formulate complex problems into homogeneous node network structures
from the factors influencing influence. Data and information are extracted and collected from the
parties concerned who know the problem, through focus group discussions (FGD) and or indept
interviews. Comparative assessment in the Analytic Network Process is carried out on a ratio scale.

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