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Visa for Family Visit or Private Invitation


1 Visa application Forrm
2 Passport
3 Copy of passport data page
4 Copies of all visa issued
5 Copies of all stamps
1 passport photo with white
6 backgroud
7 Visa fee
Copy of roundtrip airline
8 reservation
9 Travel and medical insurance
10 Personal bank statements
11 Credit card statements
12 Certificate of employment
13 Certificate of leave absence
Department of Trade Industry
14 (DTI) registration of business
Securities Exchange Commission
15 SEC
16 Income Tax Return
17 Business Financial Statement
18 Marriage contract issued on
National Statistics Office (NSO)
19 security
IBP ID paper
20 Certificate of Bar Membership
Birth certificates of children
issued on National Statistics
Office (NSO) security paper
Invitation Letter from Ate Ayet
with purpose of stay, address,
telephone number, email, period
22 of stay
birth certificate or marriage
23 certificate
Photocopy of the bio data page
of the passport and/or travel
24 history of the host
Original Affidavit of Support
25 (“BIJLAGE 3bis / Annexe 3bis”)
Copy of Belgian ID card or
26 Resident ID card
Family Composition of the
sponsor (“Samenstelling van het
Gezin / Composition de
27 Ménage”)
Recent proof of income of the
sponsor (3 last months’ salary
slips and last income tax
assessment paper from the
28 Finance Department in Belgium)

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