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Daniel V.


3.3 Explore: Sleep-test Ethics

Outline of the Case: – “Living with a Tough Decision”

1. How do you think managers would answer that question? How can a manager be
assured that a decision he or she has made would be the best?

- Managers would answer that question by giving reasons or evaluating causes why did
they come up with the decision, in that case, Michele Lapane come up with that decision because
she is taking her job seriously because as a manager you are the one who is responsible with your
subordinates and colleagues. People who is not dedicated with his/her job must really be taken out
and give proper actions towards their performance. A good manager know how the business works
and what is good in business so exactly they know what they are doing, they are sure with their
actions and it is clearly based on how they foresee results when doing that certain action. The
manager also consider variables in doing such decisions and knowing right information for him/her
to put action accordingly. The manager can be sure with his/her decision if the output of the action
can save both livelihood and welfare of his/her employees at the same time maintaining the
company’s sustainability, stability and responsive in business industry.

2. Did Michele Lapane apply the “sleep-test ethics” in her decisions? Do you think “sleep-
test: is a clear measure of ethics?

- Michele Lapane did not applied the sleep-test ethics in her decisions, according to the
case, “Michele Lapane takes her managerial role seriously”, to cut-cost also means that they need
to deduct variables for them to reduce operational cost. According to the explanation given, sleep-
test ethics rests on a single fundamental belief: that we should rely on our own personal insights,
feelings and instincts, and the case of Michele Lapane, she relies on the order of the management
above, which means her decision is not based on her personal insights and it is based on how does
her jobs works. Sleep test ethics is a kind of generalization of a certain singularities. We cannot
guarantee the decision made by a person would be the best just because he/she can sleep at night.

Sleep-test cannot be considered as a clear measure of ethics, According to (“Sleep test not
clear measure of ethics,” 2012), Knowing that whether someone can sleep at night is not a clear
indication of having behaved ethically is important enough that it warrants writing a bit longer.
Making a true ethical decision takes more than just the ability to sleep well at night. It involves a
thorough examination of the consequences of your possible actions. Most often, the challenges we
face involve choosing the best right answer possible among many choices. (Badaracco Jr, 1997),
“People sometimes lie awake at night precisely because they have done the right thing. They
understand their decisions have consequences, that success is not guaranteed, and that they will be
held accountable for their decisions. In short, if people like Hitler sometimes sleep well and people
like Mother Teresa sometimes sleep badly, we can place little faith in simple sleep-test ethics.”

3. In your life what crucial decision have you made so far and how did you come up with
the decision.

- In my life, the most crucial decision I have made so far is cutting ties within my long-
time friends. Being friends with them is a lot of roller coaster ride, we have been through upside-
down of our lives and put trust with each other but they ended it because of jealousy. This decision
is a lot more that what I expected, I came up with this decision for the reason that they are no
longer doing good in my mental health and social life. They started disliking me because I show
them who truly I am, they started giving rumors to my classmates and giving false information.
The give me trust issues in everyone I met so I decided to cut ties with them. That decision made
a big impact in my life in terms of comfort and inner peace.

Sleep test not clear measure of ethics. (2012). Retrieved October 4, 2020, from The Columbus

Dispatch website:

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