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Importance of Marketing Management

Marketing plays a vital role in the business. Every business owner who wants
their business to be successful in the industry needs to have a marketing strategy and
an effective marketing management. In the video clip that I watched, tells us the
importance of marketing in the industry.

Marketing is important because it helps us to sell our products and services. The

main goal of any business is to make money and marketing is an essential channel or
tool reach that goal. Without marketing, I think many businesses wouldn't exist or will go
down fast because marketing is ultimately what drives sales to the business. According
to Philip Kotler, Marketing Management is the analysis, planning, implementation, and
control of programs designed to bring about desired exchanges with the target markets
for the purpose of achieving organizational objective. One of its importance is it can help
the business introduce the product or services that they offer. It helps us to understand
what the client needs and how can we satisfy them by introducing the new products.
Marketing will help us promote the products that can lead to positive results.

Marketing management helps the business to make decisions. It can help us

have insights to customer behavior regarding the brand, that can be a lot of help to the
marketers to make you next move in identifying which of the products are still selling
and what needs to be improved. Marketing management helps you retain your company
or business reputation. Creating a specific image of your brand in your customer’s mind
is important. Last, Marketing management helps the businesses identify the unfulfilled
needs and desires of the consumers and it benefits the economy in general and
increase the economic growth.

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