Chapter Test #Quiz No. 1 Direction: On The Space Provided Before Each Number Put A T If The Statement Is TRUE and F If The Statement Is FALSE

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Chapter Test

Direction: On the space provided before each number put a T if the statement is
TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.

______F___1. Marketing is beneficial only to consumers but not to the producers.

______T___2. In niche product, the company can survive even without a proper
marketing plan and strategy.
______T___3. Assembly operation indicates a production line made up of purely
assembly operations.
______T___4. It is projected that about 10% of total population is directly or indirectly
dependent upon marketing.
______T___5. Risk bearing means damage due to some unanticipated situations in
______T___6. At the core of marketing is an understanding of what customers need
and value.
______T___7. With the development of newest marketing techniques even the poorer
sections of society have reached a reasonable level of living standard.
______T___8. Warehouse should be positioned at such places from where the
distribution of goods may be easier and economical.
______F___9. The creation of awareness can be attained by using technology
platforms such as websites, search engines, and social media.
______T___10. Typically, the selling concept is practiced with unsought goods.

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