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Name : Muhammad Jundi Sholihuddin Adz-dzikri

Class : B

Date : 16/07/2020

What is a friend, anyway?

Friends are people who want to understand our desires (even though they

can't fulfill). Friends are people who want to listen to us. Friends are people who are

honest with us. Friends are people who have never restrained us, for reasons in the

name of friendship itself. Friends are people who let us develop and progress.

Friends are people who never force us to do what they want. Friends are people who

have never intentionally dropped our image in public with the aim of showing that he

is greater. a friend is a person who respects our privacy. Teman adalah orang yang

membuat kita merasa bebas dan nyaman untuk bercerita saat ada masalah ataupun

tidak. dan kita tidak merasa tertekan dan terkungkung saat sedang bersama

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