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Carbohydrates in the nutrition of the dog

John Hilton

By far the most organic com-

pound on the earth is the carbo- vari.fous
...... ...

hydrate cellulose. The name carbo- .. ... ...:.

hydrate was assigned to various ............... ~~~~~~~~~~~~......:..
sugars because it was thought that ... ...

. they followed the general formula *::(2):.

Cn(H2O)n (1). However, when ,:(2)

more structural determinations were :(3)

made of the other various group
members, the initial hypothesis regarding formulation (3)
was dropped, yet the name for the group has remained. (4
The basic subunits of carbohydrates are simple (6)
sugars. The most important simple sugar is glucose and
it makes up a large component of the other types of
carbohydrates. The other more complex carbohydrates
can be classified as mono-, di-, tri-, oligo-, and poly- starch gross energy = 16.7 kj/g
saccharides depending upon the number of simple ..... - :: ..... .. ~~.:.;: .. _......

sugars that they contain within a polymer chain. By

convention, the simple sugars are called mono- That is why it is possible to have different starch
saccharides, those carbohydrates continuing just two digestibilities from different plant sources, as indicated
simple sugars are called disaccharides, and all those in Table 1.
carbohydrates which have in excess of two subunits In general, cooked starch in practical-type or com-
of simple sugars in their polymer chains are referred mercial dog foods is well digested with percentages
to as polysaccharides. While there is a great variety usually in excess of 907o (7).
of carbohydrates, the number that is encountered at The digestibility of lactose in Table 1 is listed as 0 to
significant levels in the common feedst uffs and feeds 600o (2). It should be noted that this was determined
of dogs is usually quite small. using fistulated and intact dogs and represents ileal
The carbohydrates commonly found in dog foods lactose digestibility. The apparent digestibility of
are: lactose, sucrose, starch, cellulose, hemicellulose. lactose is much higher (9907) due to colonic microbial
fermentation. Thus it is not surprising that some dogs
Digestion of carbohydrates can be lactose intolerant, and high levels of dietary
The most common types of carbohydrates found in lactose from milk products such as whey can lead to
dog foods are the di- and polysaccharides. Moreover, digestive disturbances such as diarrhea (8). However,
the largest single type of carbohydrate found in foods the intake of small quantities of lactose ( < 5 o of total
is starch and this carbohydrate is generally considered calories) should be well tolerated by most animals (9).
to be the most economical way of supplying dietary It has been reported that the carbohydrate cellulose
energy in a feed or food (in comparison to protein and is also partly digested by dogs (5,6). In this regard it
lipids). Starch is usually supplied to a dog by way of should not be concluded that the dogs in and of them-
plant feedstuffs such as corn, rice and wheat, and thus selves can digest cellulose. This apparent digestibility
it is not surprising to note that these ingredients are no doubt results from microbial fermentation in the
quite common in dog foods. Moreover, they are hindgut which may provide an additional, but slight,
usually found at high levels of inclusion (> 100 kg/ source of dietary energy to the dog (10).
tonne). It should be noted that whereas the carbo-
hydrate starch is defined, the starch from corn does Dietary carbohydrate utilization
not have exactly the same structure as that from wheat. Despite the variety of carbohydrate sources that can
be eaten and digested by dogs, the greatest majority
John Hilton, CVMA Nutrition Subcommittee, Technical of these carbohydrates are digested and/or broken
Manager - Animal Nutrition, Hoffmann - La Roche down into the simple sugar glucose, which is very effi-
Limited. ciently absorbed across the intestinal tract. Glucose is
128 Can Vet J Volume 31, February 1990
physiologically very important as an energy source as However, the new "Lite" foods can contain from
well as supplying carbon skeletons for the biosynthesis 5% to in excess of 2007 dietary fiber. These levels of
for other compounds in the dog. However, despite the dietary fiber can increase the bulk of the food and
very important physiological importance of glucose, depress gastric emptying (16). Thus, the dog achieves
there is no known minimum dietary requirement for a full food feeling with a much lower dietary energy
carbohydrates in dogs. If the diet contains a sufficient intake. In contrast, the intestinal transit of chyme from
supply of other nutrients such as proteins (amino acids) high fiber diets is relatively rapid (10). Moreover, high
and glycerol, the dogs can biosynthesize a sufficient fiber diets have been shown to reduce the digestibilities
amount of glucose by way of the process of gluconeo- of protein, carbohydrates and fat to the dog (10).
genesis. For example, Beagle puppies fed carbohydrate- Thus, the inclusion of high levels of dietary fiber can
free diets all maintained normal blood glucose con- reduce nutrient bioavailability. Considering our lack
centrations and growth rates or weight gain (1 1,12) in of knowledge about specific nutrient bioavailability to
comparison to those fed carbohydrate. dogs (essential fatty acids, etc.), the use of such high
There have been reports that the inclusion of certain fiber diets as a weight-control measure is not without
levels of dietary carbohydrates may be beneficial to some potential risk, and should never be fed long-term
certain types of dogs. During gestation and lactation to dogs. Furthermore, they should never be fed to
there is an increased need for glucose. Rosmos et al. young growing animals, or any animal under some
(13) noted a reduced number of live pups at birth and physiological stress or disease state.
the three days after birth in bitches fed carbohydrate-
free diets. The effect has been attributed to severe
hypoglycemia in the bitches at whelping. In contrast,
Blaze et al (14) noted no differences in the ability of
carbohydrate-free diets to support Beagle and References
Labrador bitches through pregnancy and lactation. It 1. Rochrig KL. Carbohydrate Biochemistry and Metabolism.
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plying of an efficient and cost-effective dietary energy Institute for Animal Nutrition. Tierarytliche Hochule Hannover
1987: 13.
source, carbohydrates such as starch are very impor- 4. Visek WJ, Robertson JB. Proc Cornell Nutrition Conference,
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and to provide a sufficient gel in a canned food 5. Moore ML, Fottler HJ, Fakey GC, Corbin JE. Utilization of
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6. Burrows CF, Dronfeld NS, Banta CA, Mewitt AM. Effects of
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8. Bennet MJ, Coon E. Mellituria and postprandial blood sugar
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Carbohydrates are one of the most important diet. J Nutr 1966; 88: 163.
9. Burger IH. A basic guide to nutrient requirements. In: Edney
dietary factors in a dog food supplying energy ATB, ed. Dog and Cat Nutrition. 2nd ed. Pergamon Press, 1988:
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11. Belo PS, Rosmos DR, Leveille FA. Influence of diet on glucose
Dietary Fiber tolerance, on the rate of glucose utilization and on gluconeogenic
Dietary fiber is loosely defined as that part of the plant enzyme activities in the dog. J Nutr 1976; 106: 1465.
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14. Blaza SE, Bolles N, Burger IH. Is carbohydrate essential for
This is because of the potential health benefits that lactation and pregnancy in dogs? Proc 1985 Walthan
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Can Vet J Volume 31, February 1990 129

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