Superhero Play Broucher

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Benefits of Superhero Play

Superhero play has so many benefits for children and there cognitive, social,
and emotional benefits. Superhero play also has so many benefits for
teachers, as well. Kids that engage in superhero play use their imagination
and learn to work well with others. Superheroes are larger than life.
Superhero Play

Child Development
Play is a major factor in development in children.

“Through play, children test the waters, try out roles and behaviors, investigate right and wrong, experiment with language, use
creativity, find outlets for physical activity, and learn more about difficult skills like impulse control and conflict resolution” (Butler
and Kratz).

Promoting healthy superhero play helps children understand more about “the good guys” and “the bad guys.” Superhero play also
helps children recognize the difference between typical, action-oriented play and aggression. And superhero play helps children
understand how best to deal with play that crosses the line to aggression. Finally, it encourages preschoolers to practice heroism
and conflict resolution.
Children look to older people for leadership. Superhero play in children promotes young leadership skills. When children act like a
hero the heroes are almost always the leaders. Children will learn how to become great leaders when they play as superheroes. As
leadership becomes one of the most wanted qualities across occupations such as business and industry, technology, politics,
medicine, and the arts’ around the world. The role of parents, teachers and mentors becomes critical in assisting with the
development of leadership attributes, qualities and skills in their children right from an early start. Starting Children with a type of
play that promotes leadership helps a child grow up to be very valuable people in society.

The Big Five

(Factors of Qualities Associated Superhero Play Attributes

Assertive Superhero play allows common ground on which

Extraversion Outgoing conversations can begin. The resulting role assigning
Enthusiastic gives children opportunities to show these qualities.

Kind While the ‘good guy’ rescues the people or attacks the
Agreeableness Trusting ‘bad guy’, it is a wonderful opportunity for the adult to
Compassionate inculcate the much needed qualities of agreeableness.

Reliable With great power comes great responsibility. As

Productive Superheroes, it is easy for the adult to help the child
Achievement- understand that a critical role of the superhero is to get the
oriented work done. This can prove to be a valuable lesson for life.

Absence of: Superhero Play gives many opportunities for building self-
Anxiousness confidence, which is the opposite of all the qualities of
(Absence of)
Self- neuroticism. Donning a role makes it easier for a shy /
consciousness introverted child to open up and approach others with
Impulsiveness confidence.

Children often construct their own story lines (with the

characteristics of the superhero still in mind). Their fantasy
Openness Imaginative
play has limitless opportunities for creativity and


Social, Emotional, Cognitive

Social Play is any play in which children of the same age interact with each other. The play is structured, and it may incorporate
elements of pretend or imagination. In superhero play children are encouraged to make out scenarios for each time they play.

Emotional development refers to the ability to recognize, express, and manage feelings at different stages of life and to have
empathy for the feelings of others. Superhero that the children may be introduced too show emotion in everything that they do.

Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making,
from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Through superhero play children learn to know what is right and wrong. They
also get a better understanding on good guys and bad guys. Superhero play make children think deeper.
Superhero Play is implemented in the classroom every Monday
Every Monday children at the school dress up as their favorite heroes. This promotes a positive response to a new week of school.
Sometimes school can be not as fun on Mondays, but when the children gets to go to school and become their favorite heroes and
act as a hero it promotes the students a healthy development. This also promotes positive outlook on the new week.

Quotes from Heroes

“When there's nothing to be gained, rising to the challenge at those times... is surely the mark... of a true hero!!"

– All Might (My Hero Academia)

“Gohan, you showed me that power is nothing without being guided without love.”

– Piccolo (Dragon Ball Z)

“Power comes in response to a need, not a desire. You have to create that need.”

– Goku (Dragon Ball Z)

“Push through the Pain. Giving Up Hurts More.”

–Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)

“What’s special about Superman is that he will always make the right choice.”

– Max Landis

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