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Dosen Pengampu : Dody Feliks Pandimun Ambarita S.Pd.,M.Pd

Disusun Oleh :

Bryan Saragih ( 1193311174 )






A. The First Journal

Title : Learning English in Taiwan's Elementary Schools

Author : Wu, Tzu-Ying

Journal : Journal of Futures Studies

Date of journal :December 2011

Volume : 16(2)

Pages : 35 – 46

Reviewer : Bryan Saragih

B. The second Journal

Title : Improve the ability of English students with using running

dictation trough the material religion in elementary school AL-

Author : Nur Aisyah Zulkifli

Journal : Jurnal Penelitian sosial keagamaan

Date of journal : Juli-Desember 2014

Volume : Vol.17

Reviewer : Bryan Saragih


 Reviewing the first journal by comparing the second journal

 Research purposes

To improve students' English language competence. To help students improve

their ability touse English to communicate with others in daily life

 The problem

The way of teaching teachers are not efficient and in line with the with policy of
taken by the government that just oriented to the tests and value.

 The benefit of research

 To help students create a better communication future

 Student can use technology well

 For student, Studied English can be more efficient and not just

 Students can learn English in their lives

 The subject of research : Students and teacher

 The metode of research

There are four scenarios:

1. Black hole: Teachers try to help students develop English skills in real life. They teach
students in traditional ways, under which students learn slowly. Because of inefficiencies,
teachers need to increase learning hours, to allow for more practice, while trying to help
students use English fluently in writing,reading, listening and speaking.
2. Gaming English: Teachers use game-based learning styles to help students learn well
and happily, using high-technology to help students fulfill their potential. The aim is to
create an English-embedded environment in which English is used for communication as
much as possible.

3. Number one: To make their students number one in the education rankings, teachers
focus on students' grades in English tests and only care about the global rankings.
Students practice tests to gain better grades, and teachers teach students how to get good

4. Test machine: Teachers use high-technology to attract students' attention. Students

learn English and practice to get higher grades by using high-tech materials.

 Criticism of the journal

Title: On the first and second journal contents are accordance with the title. In the first
journal we can see that the subject of his research is not a specific. the subject still very
wide. While, in the second journal (comparison) target a specific subject in the primary
school Al-ifftiyah pekanbaru. But on the second journal have too long words and it's not

In both journals contain journal types. although not an English language learning journal.
But the content of the journal, discusses the English language. The first is the type of
journal Journal of Futures Studies, while in the second journal is Kutubkhanah: Social
Research Journal religious.

Volume and number: volume and number on the main journals and the comparison
there is placed at the bottom of journal.

Year of journal: on the first and second journals listed the year of journal, so that readers
can know what kind of educational problems facing this year and can be checked with
last year as well as next year.

Author: The name of first and second author on the journal is quite clear, although it is
only made by one author. the author of the second journal put her email, it allows the
reader can easily criticize directly to the author. While in the first journal not put email of
the author

Abstract: In the main journal contains 207 words, while the second journal contains 62
words. on first and second journal contains the abstrak which the entire contents of the
journal is very easy to understand with one read.

Keywords: At first journal contains keywords that are less appropriate object of study
that does not concern the English language learning via the Internet. While in the second
journal is easier to digest. With three words and lead contents of journalsIntroduction: In
the main journal does not contain the introduction, in the second journal have an
introduction. Introduction to the second journal has a clear source references therein,
although there are also a source that is based on blogs. And introduction really

The contents of the journal: On the second journal contains a discussion of clear,
where the two of jornal discussed the importance of learning English, government
policies that are not in accordance with the times and the current era of globalization,
solving the problems of education to create a comfortable which make student can be
enjoy studying english at primary school. But it's can be different in the strategic of
learning whom author made on both of journal. The first journal writer suggested to the
government to focus on the quality of teachers and students. Teachers should be giving
the extra times, not monotonous by using rote learning and assessment. Students and
teachers are encouraged to use the Internet to communicate, add insight and vocabularies.
students be able to hear, see, write and communicate directly. Being on the second
journal to discuss about learning English to improve students' creativity while playing.
"Running Dictation" This concept make students trained in listening English

Type of writing: In the main journals written in Indonesian, while the second journal
written in Indonesian format.Both of them have theme / studies is happening in schools
today.Both of journal discussed about Conditions of teaching English in primary schools,
while the first journal about taiwan’s English learning and the second about Pekanbaru’s
English learning in Indonesia's region.The method of the first jurnal is unclear. It’s so
different with second journal.

In the first of journal, time, date and located of research are not specific and it's can make
journal to be not clear. The subject of the research in this journal not mentioned in the
number of quantitative. wheres in the second of journal was cointained

Design journal: design of journal was comparative, structure is neat and compact so it is
more easily understood than the first journal

 The result of research

Learning English is important in Taiwan, so a long term learning project is necessary.

Increasing learning hours may be useful as a transition stage, but is not a sustainable
solution. Adding classes exhausts students and teachers. Language skills are likely to
improve if people use them as much as possible in their daily lives. Since today's students
are interested in digital tools, teachers can use technology to create an environment where
students can learn English in a natural way without pressure – using interactive
technologies that can inspire digital natives. Teaching English through games, instead of
adding classes, means teachers may spend their time better on designing curricula and on
self-improvement. The win-win situation is a curriculum designed for achieving the
required language skills. Helping students get used to an English environment is a
sustainable way of learning for both students and teachers.

 Suggestion

For the sake of students, I suggested that teachers could have a communicative platform
with English games, songs, videos, e-books and other learning materials; students might,
for example, need to read the contents and listen to the songs in English on the web.
Teachers could also introduce some hardcopy books for students and encourage them to
share their thoughts and homework in English on a joint blog. Every student could
communicate with every other via MSN or Skype, and learn from each others'
homework. Teachers may also offer some web hours with students and check the
platform to assess students' learning. Teachers and students could discuss what students
share on the blog in class. Instead of putting a lot of effort into achieving good grades,
students would use English freely in daily communication: reading, writing, listening and
speaking. Students' English ability will improve if they use English as much as possible

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