1 Worksheet 1

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Name: Miko Joshua C.

Calalang BSBA2A

Title of the reading

What is the reading all about?

With his achievement in writings and literary criticism, which resulted into an inspiring history that
wakes the national consciousness in the time that Filipinos are slaved by the Spaniards Dr. Jose Rizal as a
nineteen year old, is already aware of what the Spaniards is done to the society.

Rizal as a nineteen year old student already have a winning literary piece entitled El Consejo de los
Dioses that talks about three literary figures that examined by Gods of Olympus and with the three
Cervantes won the argue whose works were centered around social reform and the rule of reason.
Spaniards first taught it reflect what Dr. Jose Rizal has learned onto them but it was really a
representation of what Dr. Jose Rizal sees on the society. In addition, Dr. Jose Rizal was aware of the
tragic events at that time that bring him to do something to change the status of his fellow Filipinos. He
think of a way and tried different and many ways that could highlight the Filipino culture and promote
national unity. For him Filipinos must exercise their authority through writings like what Dr. Jose Rizal
did in his work Noli Me Tangere as a window to his present time and El Filibusterismo as a glimpse of the

What did you learn from the article?

I learned that we can do our own great way to do something as Dr. Jose Rizal being a true hero he
devoted his life to “dispel the ignorance of fellow Filipinos and raised their moral standards and combat
the Spaniards injustices and abuses to them at that time. By studying and knowing the life and works of
Dr. Jose Rizal I am so inspired on how his writings transform and brought light to the Filipinos. We must
never forget thus celebrate what Dr. Jose Rizal was done to our country. His way is admirable with such
intelligence he and other Filipino heroes bring us on what we are today.

How does the article relate to the lesson?

It deeply relates to the lesson as the article shows deep nationalism and love to the country and with
Rizal he is a good example of having nationalism with his inititative to change what is ignored by most
people at that time and just close their eyes on the abuses of the Spaniards. But then Dr. Jose Rizal do
his own way of saving our country because it drives his inner nationalism to do something.

How does it develop and or promote nationalism to you?

As for me, since on my elementary days Dr. Jose Rizal is introduced to me as our national hero and a
true nationalist with his great reforms during the Spanish era he shows his love for our country. His
works promotes nationalism to me as it shows love for our country and desires unity of us Filipinos
without any violence but his still his knowledge and virtues do change the status of Filipinos at that time.
Moreover, what he would always want us is to be proud of our country and be proud as Filipinos!

How does it develop and or promote patriotism to you?

During the time of Dr. Jose Rizal other many heroes are present which also shows great love, devotion
and attachment to our country which is an a true act of patriotism. Not only Dr. Jose Rizal does develop
my patriotism but also many other heroes contributes to it. I am very overwhelmed of all the heroism
and sacrifices that brings us on what we are now today. Therefore, in gratitude for them I will continue
being a patriot by being proud of my country and as a Filipino become a responsible citizen of the

How does it develop and or promote volunteerism to you?

Volunteerism is an act of giving anyway or doing things to others without expecting for return likewise
our heroes they even sacrifice their life, dispel ignorance and even if take their life they do volunteer
and act to bring change and freedom to reform our country. With knowing all that hardship we should
be all shy on not doing even the very simple things of helping others.

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