Lesson Plan Sandrine

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Class: CM2 Subject: English Date: 12/10/2020

Topic: Descripti on

Sub topic: There is, there are

Objectives: describing a place, an image using there is, there are.

Séance 1: Describing a place, a picture

Objectives: to know how to describe a place, an image using the appropriate vocabulary

Séance 2: Describing a place, an image

Objectives: to know how to describe a place, an image using there is, there are.

Vocabulary: how many are there? Bridge, buildings, opera, flat, kindergarten

Vocabulary and expressions

There are……there is……….what can you see?

I can see……are there……? Is there……?

Yes there is, yes there are

Pre –requisites: school vocabulary (pens, books, school bag, etc)

Materials: flashcards, students sheet 1


1. Rituals (5min)

 Greetings
 What’s the date?
 Yesterday was?
 Tomorrow will be?
 Revision of last topic

2. Listening to the dialogue (5min) discovery

The teacher shows the "View from the bedroom" poster to the students and reads the dialogue

aloud. The pupils follow the reading. During reading, the teacher points to the elements of the photo

as the vocabulary appears.

Paul: Wahoo, it’s very beautiful.

Emily: Yes, there is a big bridge. There are a lot of buildings and there is the Sidney
3. Feed back on First listening: (5 min)

The teacher questions the students orally: (bilan)

Where is Paul? Paul is in the Emily bedroom.
What can Paul see? Paul can see a big bridge, a lot of buildings and the Sidney Opera.
Does Paul like the view? Yes, he does. He says: It’s very beautiful.

4. Memorization of new vocabulary (flashcards) (15min)

The teacher points to the apartment and says, "There is a flat".

Then she shows the following flashcard "there is a kindergarten". Then the bridge and buildings.
She then shows the vegetables and says: "there are vegetables"
She writes these sentences on the board and underlines there is, there are by making an arrow
towards the corresponding number
She then shows the other flashcards and says, "There is or there are ..." Until the flashcards run out.
Once all the flashcards have been presented, the teacher questions a few students. And their
request: "is there one pen? Or are there two pens? Students respond with «yes, there is”or“yes,
there are”...
In pairs students write sentences on the slates using there is, there are from items within the
5. Introduce negation (7min)
The teacher points to the kindergarten and says: there is a flat. Then she replies: No, there isn't. She
similarly queries students on other images, also introducing no, there aren't.
She writes the questions on the board and makes sure that all students have understood the
vocabulary and structures.
Do not move on to exercises until the concepts are well acquired.

7. Exercise (15min)
1. Application exercices (student sheet 1 session 1).
2. There is, there are? (Leçon)
Read the lesson and complete it
8. End of lesson. (5min)
 Stick the exercise sheet in the notebook as well as the lesson.
 End of session greetings: "It's time, the lesson is over, goodbye"

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