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How to overcome your Accounting Teacher

Challenge, this is the mindset that I had before whenever I encounter the subject

accounting. But unlike to the teacher, it is a challenge wherein it mixed up with despair,

stress, and grudge towards the teacher. Why? Because I didn’t see my accounting teacher

as effective as those other teachers that taught us more. With these despair, grudge and

stress, how did I overcome this accounting teacher? How did this affect my whole

personality as an aspiring accountant?

As an average student I need to exert more effort in order for me to catch up with my

classmates that are above average. I told to myself that I want to learn, I want to succeed in

this subject and someday, I will become an accountant. That’s how I motivate myself before

the class started but while the teacher is lecturing, my hopes as an accountant employee

vanished and having that thought makes me want to give up. But there are ways where I can

overcome this teacher, we are both in a competition where I won’t let her win. First you need

to stay positive although you’re having a hard time catching up with the topic that he/she is

lecturing. Be brave on facing the tasks that he/she will be assigning to you together with your

classmates. Don’t focus on the grade, focus on how to get more knowledge about the topic

although your accounting teacher’s poor in her teaching skills. Make yourself ready, know

and accept your mistakes, in this case it will freshen up your mind. Seek for help if you don’t

understand the topic or use online resources to study by yourself. Never ever give up, it is

the most important trait of a student if you encounter that kind of teacher because giving up

means you let her win. With these ways of overcoming that teacher, it made me boost my

confidence that if ever I will face a teacher like her, I’ll not get afraid. Whenever I see her in

school, I just smile at her and the grudge that I felt before vanished.

In overcoming a teacher especially if it is accounting teacher is not easy. Learn to

know your worth as a student and ask yourself why I chose this path, in this way, it would be

easier for you to exert more effort and you‘ll overcome your teacher. Teachers don’t make

our future but we do. Someday we’ll be successful and will make our teachers be proud of
us because at the end of the day, teachers just wanted us to learn new knowledge for us not

to be judge by the society.

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