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Chapter 2 
Chapter 2—Cost Terminology and Cost Behaviors 4.  Which of the following would generally be considered a fixed factory

Straight-line  Factory  Units-of-production 

MULTIPLE CHOICE depreciation  insurance  depreciation 

1.  The term "relevant range" as used in cost accounting means the rang a.       no          no           no 

a.  costs may fluctuate.  b.       yes         no           yes 
b.  cost relationships are valid.  c.       yes         yes          no 
c.  production may vary.  d.       no          yes          no
d.  relevant costs are incurred. 
ANS:  C  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
ANS:  B  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2 NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking  LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 
5.  An example of a fixed cost is 
2.  Which of the following defines variable cost behavior?  a.  total indirect material cost. 
b.  total hourly wages. 
Total cost reaction  Cost per unit reaction  c.  cost of electricity. 
to increase in activity  to increase in activity  d.  straight-line depreciation. 

a.  remains constant                      remains constant  ANS:  D  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2

b.  remains constant                      increases  NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
c.  increases                                 increases  LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 
d.  increases                                 remains constant 
6.  A cost that remains constant in total but varies on a per-unit basis w
ANS:  D  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2 a(n) 
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking  a.  expired cost. 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting  b.  fixed cost. 
c.  variable cost. 
3.  When cost relationships are linear, total variable prime costs will vary d.  mixed cost. 
a.  direct labor hours. 
b.  total material cost.  ANS:  B  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
c.  total overhead cost.  NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
d.  production volume.  LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 

ANS:  D  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2 7.  A(n) ____ cost increases or decreases in intervals as activity changes

NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking  a.  historical cost 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting  b.  fixed cost 
c.  step cost 
d.  budgeted cost 
ANS:  C  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 

8.  When the number of units manufactured increases, the most significan
reflected as a(n) 
a.  increase in the fixed element. 
b.  decrease in the variable element. 
c.  increase in the mixed element. 
d.  decrease in the fixed element. 
ANS:  D  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 

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Chapter 2  Chapter 2 
13.  Which of the following is not a product cost component? 
9.  Which of the following always has a direct cause-effect relationship t a.  rent on a factory building 
b.  indirect production labor wages 
Predictor  Cost driver  c.  janitorial supplies used in a factory 
d.  commission on the sale of a product 
a.  yes         yes 
yes         no 
ANS:  D  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
no          yes 
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
no          no
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 
ANS:  C  PTS:  1  DIF:  Moderate  OBJ:  2 14.  Period costs 
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking  a.  are expensed in the same period in which they are incurred. 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting  b.  are always variable costs. 
c.  remain unchanged over a given period of time. 
10.  A cost driver  d.  are associated with the periodic inventory method. 
a.  causes fixed costs to rise because of production changes. 
ANS:  A  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
b.  has a direct cause-effect relationship to a cost. 
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
c.  can predict the cost behavior of a variable, but not a fixed, cost. 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 
d.  is an overhead cost that causes distribution costs to change in dis
changes in production volume. 
15.  Period costs include 
ANS:  B  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking  distribution costs  outside processing costs  sales commissions 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 
a.  yes                    no                 yes 
11.  Product costs are deducted from revenue  b.  no                     yes                yes 
a.  as expenditures are made.  c.  no                     no                 no 
b.  when production is completed.  d.  yes                    yes                yes
c.  as goods are sold. 
ANS:  A  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
d.  to minimize taxable income. 
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
ANS:  C  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2 LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting  16.  The three primary inventory accounts in a manufacturing company ar
a.  Merchandise Inventory, Supplies Inventory, and Finished Goods In
12.  A selling cost is a(n)  b.  Merchandise Inventory, Work in Process Inventory, and Finished 
c.  Supplies Inventory, Work in Process Inventory, and Finished Goo
product cost  period cost  inventoriable cost  d.  Raw Material Inventory, Work in Process Inventory, and Finished

yes          yes          no 
ANS:  D  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
yes          no           no 
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
no           yes          no 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 
d.  no           yes          yes
17.  Cost of Goods Sold is an 
ANS:  C  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2 a.  unexpired product cost. 
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking  b.  expired product cost. 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting  c.  unexpired period cost. 
d.  expired period cost. 
ANS:  B  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 
361 Chapter 2 MC Solutions 1 / 19 加入 361 Chapter 2 MC Solutions 1 / 19 加入

Chapter 2 
18.  The indirect costs of converting raw material into finished goods are 
a.  period costs. 
b.  prime costs. 
c.  overhead costs. 
d.  conversion costs. 
ANS:  C  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 

19.  Which of the following would need to be allocated to a cost object? 
a.  direct material 
b.  direct labor 
c.  direct production costs 
d.  indirect production costs 
ANS:  D  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 

20.  Conversion cost does  not include 

not include 
a.  direct labor. 
b.  direct material. 
c.  factory depreciation. 
d.  supervisors' salaries. 
ANS:  B  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 

21.  The distinction between direct and indirect costs depends on whether 
a.  is controllable or non-controllable. 
b.  is variable or fixed. 
c.  can be conveniently and physically traced to a cost object under 
d.  will increase with changes in levels of activity. 
ANS:  C  PTS:  1  DIF:  Moderate  OBJ:  2
NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 

22.  Moore Company is a construction company that builds greenhouses o
proper classification of the carpenters' wages? 

Product  Period  Direct 

a.  yes      yes      no 
b.  yes      no       yes 
c.  no       no       no 
d.  no       yes      yes

ANS:  B  PTS:  1  DIF:  Easy  OBJ:  2

NAT: AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
NAT:  AACSB: Reflective Thinking 
LOC:  AICPA Functional Competencies: Measurement, Reporting 

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