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Presentation, Analysis and interpretation of Data

The Findings of this study are presented, analayzed and interpreted in this chapter. These
findings were obtained from the questionnaires administered to 200 senior high school students
of Baliwag Maritime Academy and Living Christian Academy, Academic Year 2018-2019.

To help the readers understand this chapter, the researchers presents the data in textual
and tabular and chart form.

Profile of the Respondents

a. Grade Level

Grade 11: 100 respondents (65%) Grade 12: 100 respondents (35%)

Grade Level

35% Grade 11
Garde 12

As the 200 respondents inputted their grade level. The finding shows 100 students from
grade 11 and 12 answered the given questionnaires. Therefore it shows that 50% of the
respondents are grade 11 and 50% are grade 12. This shows that the findings in the research are

b. Age

15-16 years old: 64 respondents (32%) 17-18 years old: 136 respondents (68%)

7% 13%

33% 17

Based on the chart shown above, the age of the respondents varies from 15-16 and 17-18
years old. The findings shows that 32% of the respondents are at the age of 15-16, 68% of the
respondents are at the age of 17-18. Therefore it shows that most of the respondents are at the
age of 17-18.

c. Gender

Male: 100 respondents (50%) Female: 100 respondents (50%)

50% 50%

Based on the chart shown above, it shows that 100 respondents are male and 100
respondents are female. Furthermore, 50% of the respondents are male and 50% are female.
Therefore the gender roles are not biased.

1) Do you use Millennial Language in your school?

Yes: 200 respondents (100%) No: 0 respondent (0%)



As the question was asked to the 200 respondents, the finding shows that 200 (100%)
respondents answered yes and no one (0%) answered no. therefore all of the respondents are
aware of depression.

2) Do you have interest to use Millennial Words to your Academic Performances?

Yes: 200 respondents (100%) No: 0 respondents (0%)



Based on the chart shown above, all of the respondents answered yes and no one
answered no to the question, does it need a serious attention? Furthermore, it is clear that a 100%
of the respondents agreed that depression needs a serious attention.

3) Did you teacher use Millennial Language during their class?

Yes: 200 respondents (100%) No: 0 respondents (0%)



As illustrated in the chart shown above, 200 out of 200 respondents answered yes and no
one answered no. Therefore, all of the respondents (100%) agreed that depression affect the daily
living of a senior high school student.

4) It easy to learn if your teacher using Millennial Language?

Yes: 200 respondents (100%) No: 0 respondents (0%)


Based on the chart shown above, it shows that exactly 100% of the respondents answered
yes to the question and none (0%) answered no. Therefore. All the respondents agreed that
depression leads the senior high school students on having a bad relationship to their family and

5) What is the primary cause of cause of depression to a senior high school students?

Lack of money: 74 respondents (37%) Family Problems: 65 respondents (32.5%)

Bullied at school: 45 respondents (22.5%) Others: 16 respondents (8%)


Lack of money
23% 37%
Family problems
Bullied at school
Others: academics, lovelife,
loneliness, social media, low
self-esteem, friends


Others: 16 8%
Academics 8 4%
Low self-esteem 1 0.5%
Lovelife 1 0.5%
Social media 2 1%
loneliness 3 1.5%
friends 1 0.5%

Based on the chart above, it shows that 74 (37%) respondents answered that lack of
money is the primary cause of depression to a senior high school students, 65 (32.5%)
respondents claimed that it is family problems, and 45 (22.5%) respondents answered that
bullied at school is the primary cause. The remaining 16 (8%) respondents answered answers
that are not given to the question like academics, low self-esteem, lovelife, social media,
loneliness, and friends. In conclusion, lack of money is the primary cause of depression to a
senior high school students.

6) What are the signs and symptoms of depression?

Frequent thoughts of death: 55 respondents (27.5%) Annoyed mood: 90 respondents (45%)

Sleep Problems: 50 respondents (25%) Others: 5 (2.5%)


25% 28%
Frequents thoughts of death
Annoyed mood
Sleep problems
Others: sadness, loss of
appetite, bad relationship with
friends and family


Others: 5 3%
Sadness 2 1.2%
Loss of appetite 2 1.2%
Bad relationship with friends
1 0.6%
and family

As the question was asked to the 200 respondents, the findings shows that 45% of the
respondents agreed that one of the signs and symptoms of depression is annoyed mood and
frequent thought of death and sleep problems are nearly close to each other with 27.5% of the
respondents answered frequent thoughts of death while 25% of the respondents answered sleep
problems. The remaining 2.5% of the respondents gave different answers like loss of appetite,
sadness, and bad relationship with friends and family. In conclusion, it appears that all the given
answers are the signs and symptoms of depression.

7) Who do you think can help the students most to overcome depression?

Friends: 56 respondents (28%) Therapist: 68 respondents (34%)

Family: 71 respondents (35.5%) Others: 5 respondents (2.5%)

Others: Boyfriend/Girlfriend,
Teachers, God


Others: 5 1%
God 3 0.6%
Boyfriend / Girlfriend 1 0.2%
Teachers 1 0.2%

Based on the chart shown above, it shows that the respondents responses are nearly close
to each other with 71 (35.5%) answered family as the one who can help most the students to
overcome depression and 56 (28%) answered friends. 5 (1%) respondents gave different answers
like God with 3 responses and boyfriend / girlfriend and teachers with 1 response. In conclusion,
the researchers found that family can help most the students to overcome depression.

8) What are the possible solutions to lessen or resolve the effects of depression to a senior
high school student?

Hanging with Friends: 79 respondents (39.5%) Playing sports: 57 respondents (28.5%)

Communicate with others: 54 respondents (27%) Others: 10 respondents (5%)


Hanging with friends

29% 40% Playing sports
Communicate with others
Others: praying to God, sleep,
doing things that will make
you happy, play mobile
legends, work out


Others: 10 5%
Praying to God 5 2.5%
Sleep 2 1%
Doing things that will make 0.5%
you happy
Play mobile legends 1 0.5%
Work out 1 0.5%

Based on the chart shown above, it appears that 79 (39.5%) respondents answered that
hanging with friends is one of the solution to lessen or resolve the effects of depression, 28.5%
of the respondents answered communicating with friends, and 27% of the respondents answered
playing sports. The remaining 5% of the respondents answered praying to God, sleep, doing
things that will make you happy, playing mobile legends, and work out. In conclusion, it appears
that all of the given answers can be the solution.

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