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1. Diseases associated with HLA-B8….

Celiac disease and dermatitis

2. Which defect is transferred by mitochondrial DNA…. Lebe hereditary optic
3. Problem at environmental or social level is called? handicap
4. Odd statement regarding human hair is?
5. Following is not true about t-RNA
- 4 loops
- 75-100 nucleotides
- Secondary structure looks like a clover leaf
- 3’ end has CCA
- 5’end has MTP *something*
6. Treatment of psoriasis… ingram’s regimen (Diathranol and UVB)
7. Isolatino of DNA doesn’t require what of the following.
8. Chromosomal abnormalities are not found in which of the following?
9. What’s the time period of acute and chronic urticaria? Less than 6weeks
acute more than 6 weeks chronic
10.Which is the feature of autosomal recessive inheritance pattern? Clinically
expressed only in homozygous state, the offspring must inherit one copy of
disease causing allele from each parent.
11.Right hemiplegics have? Left brain injured, communication impaired,
learns by demonstration, will learn from mistakes.
12.Impaired hearing is?
- Disability, impairment, etc *something*
13.Mechanism of action of biologic drug given in psoriasis is? Infliximab TNF
14.Upper extremity orthosis which is given for stroke patients is? Hemiplegic
arm sling
15.Prader willi syndrome? Characterized by neonatal hypotonia, moderate
mental and developmental delay, obesity by 2-4 age. Deletion from
paternal 15q.
16.Multiple of 23 chromosomes is called?
- Euploidy, aneuploidy, plolyploidy, *something*
17. The following abnormal karyotyped setting is the least likely to be found in
a live-born infant? Trisomy 18 Edward syndrome… commonest stillbirth
with congenital anomalies
18.For better counseling which of the skill is used?
- Sign language
- Body language
- Etc *something*
19.Allele definition? Variants of a gene.
20.Which orhtosis is given in cases of genu varum, valgum and recurvatum?
Knee Foot ankle orthosis KAFO
21.In BMD, which level is osteopenic? -1 to -2.5
22. Whats genu recurvatum? Genu recurvatum is a deformity in the knee joint, so
that the knee bends backwards. In this deformity, excessive extension occurs in
the tibiofemoral joint. Genu recurvatum is also called knee hyperextension and
back knee.
23.Best treatment of psoriasis is? ingram’s regimen (Diathranol and UVB)
24.Paraphrasing definition? (when doctor repeats the important points of
patients complain)
25.A 12 year old inherited a disorder from his father. No one else in the family
has that disorder. What is the nature of problem responsible? imprinting
26.A man has X linked haemophilia A. Will the son of his daughter have it,
what are the percentage chances? Yes 50%
27.A male and a female are both autosomal recessive albinos, their son is not
an albino. How can that be? Incomplete penetrance
28.Site of hypertrophic LP? Ankle and lower leg
29.Rehab medicine is practiced through a team of? Physiatrist, occupational
therapist, physiotherapist, certified therapeutic recreation therapist,
prosthetic orthotist, rehab nurse, speech language pathologist,
psychologist, social worker and vocational counselor
30. Main d/d of LP is?
Graft Versus Host Disease
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Pityriasis Rosea
Psoriasis, Guttate
Psoriasis, Plaque
31.What is ergonomics?
the study of people's efficiency in their working environment.

32.Trauma is the main reason for amputation in patients whose ages range
from? 15-30 years
33.Whats the feature of pemphigoid… widespread (trunk flexures and limbs)
itchy tense bullae involve hemidesmosomes
34.Epidermis of skin has the following cell types? Keratinocytes (90%),
langerhan cells, melanocytes and Merkel cells
35.Which layer of skin is also called horny layer? Stratum corneum
36.Which orthosis is given in forefoot pain? Ankle foot orthosis AFO
37.Risk of osteoporosis is lower in? people who are active and do load bearing
exercises or wight bearing activities at least 3 times a week.
38.Treatment of vaginal candidiasis? ketoconazole (400 mg/day), itraconazole (50-
100 mg/day), fluconazole (100 mg/wk) for 6 weeks, and clotrimazole (500-mg vaginal
suppositories once per wk)
39.Osteoporosis prevention program follows which activity guidelines? The
National Osteoporosis Guideline Group* (NOGG) 
40.Exercise in CAD does what? benefits include enhanced functional capacity;
in symptoms of myocardial ischemia, and subsequent
coronary artery disease mortality; improvements in blood
lipid profiles, weight and hypertension control; and, in
diabetic patients, glucose tolerance
41.FIM score? The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scale assesses
physical and
cognitive disability. The scale includes 18 items, of which 13 items are
physical domains based on the Barthel Index and 5 items are cognition
Each item is scored from 1 to 7 based on level of independence, where 1
represents total dependence and 7 indicates complete independence. The
FIM has been used extensively in rehabilitation, including that
for stroke and multiple sclerosis.
42. Amuputation at metatarsal bone *something*….. Transmetatarsal
amputation (TMA) is a relatively common operation that is performed to
safeguard limb viability.[1] Originally used for trench foot, TMA now has
widespread uses in both orthopedic and vascular surgery because it
treats patients with infection of the forefoot, necrosis, gangrene,
and diabetic neuropathy, who commonly develop ulcerations.
43.Level of immunoflorescene in biopsy is?
44.Ideal stump length and shape is? 2/3rd cylindrical
45.Prosthesis of titanium *something*
46.Acitretinin contraindicated in pregnancy, why? Teratogenic, Major human
fetal abnormalities associated with acitretin have been reported including
menigomyelocele, menigoencephalocele, multiple sclerosis, facial dysmorphia,
syndactyly, absence of terminal phalanges, malformations of hip, ankle, and
forearm, low-set ears, high palate, decreased cranial volume, cardiovascular
malformation, and alterations of the skull and cervical vertebrae.
47.Deletion of both ends of chromosome, with fusion of each other is called?
Ring chromosome
48.At which point of t-RNA does the amino acid attach? 3’
49. Nail finding in LP? Ridges or grooves on the nails.

Splitting or thinning.

Loss of nails (can be temporary or permanent).

50.Proper way to lift weight? Prevent forward flexion of trunk as much as

51. Tinea capitis *something* superficial fungal infection of the skin of the scalp,
eyebrows, and eyelashes, with a propensity for attacking hair shafts and follicles.
synonyms are used, including ringworm of the scalp and tinea tonsurans.
52.An amputee is advised to lie prone 3 times a day to prevent contracture
- Knee extension
- Knee flexion
- Hip flexion
- Lumbar flexion
- Ankle flexion
53.Prosthetic where stump muscle power is used? Myoelectric prosthesis:
“Myoelectric” is the term for electric properties of muscles. A myoelectric-controlled
prosthesis is an externally powered artificial limb that you control with the electrical
signals generated naturally by your own muscles.
54.Treatment of mild psoriatic arthropathy? NSAIDs, intra articular
55.Which orthosis is used in shoulder amputation? shoulder disarticulation
prosthesis with a molded socket, a multipositional shoulder joint, an electric locking
and a mechanical hand.
56.When is harness used? To provide suspension, for patients with axilla
pressure, for heavy duty activities.
57.Woods lamp *something* long wavelength UV light
58.Deafness is?
- Impairment
- Disability
- Social stigma
- Handicap
59.Dynamo chatbos is used for? Portable communication device with a dynamic black
and white screen display, which uses recorded speech and allows access to several
60.In which part of counseling is trust building done? Building relationship

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