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Co dominance example? ABO Blood group

Homozygous unaffected male and heterozygous female carrying a dominant disease causing allele.
What would be the recurrence risk in her offspring? 50%

Southern blot western blot questions

PCR is used to? Synthesise DNA, sequence DNA,

Most common condition caused by HPV? warts

SBL young male comes to you with erythematous targetoid like lesion (I don't remmeebr location) and
he was FEBRILE 101 degrees temp and no other finding.

Diagnosis? Steven johnson syndrome (SJS)

This disease mostly occurs in which of these locations? Flexural surfaces, genital mucosa, nails, don't
Rmeneber other options

Which of these is a precursor lesion to this disease? Erythema multiforme

Which of these can cause erythema multiforme? Herpes virus

If this condition is caused due to virus, which drug can be given? Acyclovir

Male pateint comes to you with itchy erythematous somethjng somethjng vesiculobullous lesions on
palms and sole. Diagnosis?bullous Pemphigoid

Differential diagnosis? Pemphigus?

Then something about drugs

Which drugs is given in cryptococcal meningitis? Amphotericin B and Other one starts with an F

Which of these isn't a laboratory sample test for prenatal investigation? Amniocentesis, chorionic villous
sampling, fetal tissue biopsy, ultrasound, (i marked ultrasound cause the question says "sample"test)

A 5 question SBL on northern blotting and all that

A PROTEIN was run through electrophoresis gel blha blha what is this technique called? Western blot

When DNA is ran through electrophoresis gel? Southern blot

Somethjng like in electrophoresis the samples travel on the basis of? The SIZE of the sample

A question that was asking the steps used in southern blot and the probe being added. I think the
answer is "agarose gel- transfer to membrane- expose to probe"

The osces were awful.

One was a burn pateint. A woman's forearm with burns. What's the type of burn? Fire, chemical,
electrical, scald,

What would be the first step this pateint should've taken at home? Escape plan, call fire dept, fire alarm,
use stairs,

What should be the first aid management in this? Spill cold water and put topical xylocaine, spill warm
water, expose to air,

Which antibacterial would you use in this patient? Fucidin, gentamycin, some other option with g,
petroleum jelly, paraffin wax, 1% silver sulfasalzidine somethjng,

What would be the surgical management in this patient ?

What would do for managemtb of pain in this patient? Expose to air, expose to warm water, cold water
and some anaesthetic, 1% silver sulsalazidine

Which of these is the most commonly used low visual aid used in our society? Glasses

The other two osces were orthesis!

One was a blue color heel cushion. Patient had heel pain. Identify the orthesis? Heel cushion.

Given in?

In heel spur, what would be the surgical option or soemthing? Thermography, cryotherapy,

Don't rmeber the last two questions but somethjng like In this pateint, the pain is in?

This orthesis is being given to relieve pressure on?

Both these questions had achilles tendon as an option

The other osce was some sort of orthotics knee length idk what it was.
What is this type orthotics? Functional, endo skeleton, exoskeleton,

Given in patients with which surgery? Transtibial, transfemoral, knee disarticulation, ankle,

The main support in this orthotic is comig from? Foam, socket,

Symes operation is disarticulation at? Ankle

A 5 q SBL on this patient who comes in with hyperpigmentation on oral mucosa and somewhere else,
her BP is 70 by 50. She's also had chronic cough and Her mother died 2 years back from "pulmonary

What is your diagnosis? Addison's disease

What is the cause of hypotension in this pateint? High adrenocortical hormone, *low adrenocortical
hormone, don't rmeber other options

What is the cause of hyperpigmentation in this patient? High melanocyte secreting hormone

The most likely underlying pathology in this patient is? Disseminated TB of adrenal gland

What else would you find in this patient? Obesity, hypoglycaemia,

A 5 q SBL on this female pateint. Half of her eyebrows or soemthing have fallen off, she has dry skin, and
some other symptom.

What's your diagnosis? Hypothyroidism

What would be the appropriate treatment? Thyroxine

What would you find on examination on this patient? Peritibial Myxedema

Then there was another question on Peritibial Myxedema — with

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