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Derm/Rehab/Genetics (Semester) 2013

1. SBL: cleft lip & palate

1. Dx: cleft lip & palate
2. associated with: cardiac anomaly
3. incidence: 1:450? 1:600?
4. in pick shown, invloved: both lip and palate
5. not an etiology: solar eclipse
2. SBL: Asteatotic Eczema: pt with scaly rashes on shins
1. diagnosis: asteatoic eczmea
2. diagnostic labs: T3, T4, TSH
3. Abnormal etiology: Hypothyroidism
4. Drug associated: funesamide
5. Rx: Emollients
3. SBL: Female pt comes with discomfort in vagina, mouth ulcers, BD 70/50,
increase HR, high grade fever
1. Diagnosis: TSS
2. Etology: Staphylococcus
3. D/Dx: Septic Shock/SJS
4. complication: desqumation? Gangrene?
5. Tx: Antiobiotics? Fluid & electrolyte?
4. SBL: A patient comes with rashes on flexors (groin, axilla) Rshes are beefy
red, nails are infected
1. diagnosis: Psoriasis
2. D/D: Flexoralal Psoriasis
3. Inv of choice:Xray
4. Tx: Methotrexate
5. part of body involved: Joint
5. SBL: a 40 yro patient having kidney transplant comes with hypopigmented
lesions on trunk and back
1. Diagnosis: tinea versicolor
2. condition predisposing: immunosuppression
3. lesions you'll see in: wood light
4. treatment: ketaconazole
6. SBL: neonatal tube defect pic, patient with spina bifida
1. spina bifida is: NTD
2. anencephaly of spina bifida example of: NTD
3. AFP will be raised in: NTD
4. karyotyping done by: Amniocentesis
7. patient having impair at his body level: disability
8. impairment at social level: handicap
9. aphasia & dysarthria held by: speech language pathologysit
10. Rehabilitation done by Multidisciplinary team
11. Ankle dysarticulation: syme
12. clef lip associated with: cardiac anomaly
13. radial nerve palsy with humerous head fracture: dynamic WHO
14. echomocandins MoA: inhibit B- glucan 1,3 synthase
15. approved for psoriasis: acetretin
16. upon transcription o nucleotide
17. Mc cause of burns: domestic burn
18. not feature of of psoriasis: hyperproliferation of stratum granulosum

19. 1/3rd of orthosis are abandoned: within 3 months

20. non invasive technique ofr face: Laser? Botox?
21. Blisters of bullous pemphigoid: sub-epidermal
22. for best outcome of CBR, following should be involved:
a. patient
b. WHO
d. NGO
e. Govt of pakistan
23. shows: consangenous marriage
24. scarring occurs in which bullous disease?
a. Herpes labalis
b. pemphigus
c. pemphigoid
25. toxin mediated disease: bullous impetigo
26. freckles: focal abnormality of melanocyte in discrete field
27. target like lesoins associated with: erythema multiforme
28. immunofloresence patter in bullous pemphigoid: linear
29. characteristic spots of neurofibromatosis: cafe au laut
30. MC invasive Ca of skin: Basal cell Carcinoma
31. patient with hypertrophic scar after burn, Rx: pressure garment
32. 3x3 wound of thigh, which flap you use?
a. Partial thickness
b. full thickness
c. local
33. SBL: patient had a nevus surgery of 5x5 cm on nose tip
1. flap used
2. flap will be taken from
1. ear lobule
2. post ear canal wall
3. thigh
3. after excision you'll send tissue for: histopathology
4. risk of malignancy depends on size
34. SBL: Patient comes, tibia bone exposed; with 12x20 cm area
1. flap used will be taken from: soleus
2. soleus is type of: distant flap
3. will there be any complication: yes; if patient is athlete
4. the flap thickenss will be:
35. SBL: female patient comes because of suspecting thoracic vertebrae
fracture. She walks with bending, marked kyphosis noted. Increased Ca
because of Calcium supplements
1. modality used: DEXA
2. rx: bisphosphonate
3. advise to her: weight bearing exercise
4. what type of orthosis used: CTL orthosis
5. what will you give her for support: assistive device
36. SBL: prosthesis pic
1. the prosthesis type shown:
1. endoskeleton
2. ex
2. porsthesis given in: transtibial amputation
3. the weight bearing area in orthosis: foot
4. the stability of orthesis is due to
1. rim?
2. Inner body?
37. correct regarding eczema: xerotic skin affected
38. scabies is diagnosed by: burrows in web space
39. decrease level of LDL receptor feature of: familal hypercholestic lesion
40. most comon abnormailty in sponateous abortion: triploidy
41. ultimate source of new allelle: mutation
42. tall and intelligence are: polygenic traits
43. pretibila myxedema feature of: hypothyroidism
44. gene of fragile X syndrome: FMR1
45. chicken pox rash:
a. present on extremeities
b. rash is presenting feature
c. papulovesicular rash
46. counseling best way? Verbal cue
47. genetic counselling in: down syndrome
48. not done by FISH: amplification of FISH
49. cryptococcal meningitis: flucytosine & amphotericin B
50. regarding drug interactoin
a. adverse effect more with multiple disorders
b. drug adverse effects more when used for 2 months
c. drug interaction more when used for 6 months

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