HLT541115 Diploma of Nursing BSBWOR404 Develop Work Priorities Assessment Task 1 Written Questions

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HLT541115 Diploma of Nursing

BSBWOR404 Develop work priorities

Assessment Task 1 Written Questions

1. Discuss the three main information systems used in health and how the use of these
systems together, contribute to the effective planning and management of patient
care. Describe in detail aspects of the system which most directly relate to delivery
of safe patient care.

The three main information systems used in health are the hospital information

systems(HIS), the management information systems(MIS) and the clinical information

systems(CIS) (Ribbons, 2017).

HIS brings together administration systems such as human resources, scheduling,

accounting and other ancillary systems (Ribbons, 2017).

MIS is a management tool to assist with quality decision making to both assist with day to

day running and to identify trends for the future. This assists in managing future planning

and estimation future health strategies (Ribbons, 2017).

CIS is the system that most healthcare worker use on a day to day basis. This is where obs,

preferences, behaviours, referrals, test results, prescriptions and other information is

brought together, recorded, and made accessible to all who have reason to access it.

The goal of CIS is to assist health care workers to provide personalised care for each Patient.

This system also facilitates good communication, record keeping and access to required

information in a timely and flexible manner (Ribbons, 2017).

The information system that most directly relates to delivery of safe patient care is the CIS.

This system assists delivery of safe patient care by sharing time critical, changing

information quickly with the people who need to know that information to make informed

choices regarding patient care (Ribbons, 2017). This may be as simple as recording patient
Judy Jackson
HLT541115 Diploma of Nursing
BSBWOR404 Develop work priorities
Assessment Task 1 Written Questions
preference for Tea over Coffee and the kitchen responding by providing Tea with meals. Or

it could be as lifesaving as showing a critical patient’s medical history and the fact, they are

allergic to penicillin.

By having specific to the person information, person centred, tailored, individual care can be

provided. The system can also prompt or highlight expected dangers and in this way reduce

overall risk of repeating mistakes (Ribbons, 2017).

2. Discuss the rationale behind the cycle of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
and the NMBA minimum annual requirements required of the enrolled nurse.

Compliance with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s (NMBA) registration

standard: Continuing professional development (CPD) is a requirement for registration and

is a fundamental aspect of nursing. Nursing practice is constantly evolving, to stay current a

nurse must continue to learn. The CPD requirement is one-way nurses continue learning.

The Nurses and Midwifery Board of Australia supports nurses to maintain their standard of

ability by requiring 20 hours per year minimum CPD. The CPD must be relevant to each

nurse current nursing practice so the learning and skills can be implemented directly into

the workplace (AHPRA, 2020).

It is a requirement for all nurses to continue to educate themselves and their colleagues

regarding current best practice (AHPRA, 2019). This is shown by standard 10 of the enrolled

nurses stands for practice ‘Engages in ongoing development of self as a professional.’. This

standard has indicators regarding professional development that include 10.2 ‘Recognises

the need for, and participates in, continuing professional and skills development in

accordance with the NMBA’s continuous development registration standard.’, and 10.4

‘Contributes to and supports the professional development of others. (AHPRA, 2019)’

Judy Jackson
HLT541115 Diploma of Nursing
BSBWOR404 Develop work priorities
Assessment Task 1 Written Questions
Nurses are encouraged to maintain their skills, learn new skills, learn new technology,

increase expertise and competence through CPD. Overtime a nurse can develop and refine

personal and professional abilities and grow throughout their career (AHPRA, 2020).

3. Referring to Standard 3, Action 3.8 Hand hygiene of the NSQHS standards, briefly
discuss the reporting framework for Victorian hospitals for hand hygiene

Victorian Hospitals have many standards in place in order to work towards known current

best practice to prevent harm and deliver quality healthcare service to the community.

Many of these standards are overseen by a framework governed by the Australian

Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC).

Best practice is constantly evolving as more is learnt. Reflecting this, standards are

constantly evaluated and reviewed. Continual review is a requirement of the standards to

meet best practice. This can be shown when we look at Action 3.8 regarding hand hygiene

as an ‘Infection prevention and control system for clinical governance and quality

improvement,’, under the ‘Preventing and controlling healthcare-associated infection,’

standard ( ACSQHC, 2019).

Action 3.8 asks for education and compliance programs to in place to comply with best

practice as outlined in the standards. Standards such as that the hand hygiene program

includes available hand sanitiser, auditing, education, feedback, review and evaluation. The

standard also gives tips to address noncompliance ( ACSQHC, 2019).

Hospitals must show that the hand hygiene program they have in place meets these

requirements. If a hospital is suspected of not meeting the standards, ACSQHC will work

Judy Jackson
HLT541115 Diploma of Nursing
BSBWOR404 Develop work priorities
Assessment Task 1 Written Questions
with the institution to assist them to meet standards and if required audit the facility (

ACSQHC, 2019).

ACSQHC. (2019). Action.3.8. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from Australian Commission on Quality

and Safety in Healthcare: https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/standards/nsqhs-



ACSQHC. (2019). Standards. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from Australian Commission for Safety

and Quality in Healthcare: https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/standards

AHPRA. (2019). Enrolled Nurse Standards for Practice. Retrieved September 3, 2020, from Nursing

and Midwifery Board Ahpra: https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-


AHPRA. (2020). Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from

Continuing professional development:



Ribbons, R. M. (2017). Nursing informatics and technology in healthcare. In K. S. Gabrielle

Koutoukidis, Tabbners Nursing Care Theory and Practice 7E (pp. 90-106). Chatswood, NSW.:

Elsevier. Retrieved September 10, 2020

Judy Jackson

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