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Hematopoietic Cell Culture


History of Hematopoietic Culture Long Term Bone Marrow Culture

Types of Hematopoietic Culture Long Term Culture Initiating Cell Assay
Progenitor Assays Growth Factors Used in Hematopoietic Culture

Acronyms and Abbreviations

BFU-E, burst-forming unit-erythroid; BMMC, bone marrow mononuclear cells; CFU, colony-forming unit; CFU-E,
colony-forming unit-erythroid; CFU-GEMM, colony-forming unit-granulocyte, erythroid, macrophage, megakary-
ocytic; CFU-GM, colony-forming unit-granulocyte/macrophage; EPO, erythropoietin; G-CSF, granulocyte colony
stimulating factor; GM-CSF, granulocyte/macrophage-colony stimulating factor; HC, hematopoietic cell; LTBMC,
long term bone marrow culture; LTC-IC, long term culture initiating cell.


ematopoietic cell (HC) culture involves the cul-
tivation of primary cells; those that have been
derived directly from the host. Sources of HC The discovery of progenitor cells in hematopoietic
include bone marrow, peripheral blood mononuclear tissue occurred almost 50 years ago8 using both in vitro
cells, spleen (rodents) and fetal liver (rodents). Generally, and in vivo assays. The colony-forming unit-spleen
HC culture is used to study progenitor cells, which are (CFU-S) assay was originally developed in the early
lineage committed but morphologically indistinguish- 1960s7,9 as a way to identify and enumerate bone marrow
able cells. Because progenitors cannot be identified progenitor cells. The CFU-S assay provided important
microscopically, their descendents need to be studied information on the nature of both hematopoietic pro-
and identified in order to retroactively identify the pro- genitor cells and less differentiated (and more pluripo-
genitor. This is done by culturing in a semi-solid tent) hematopoietic stem cells. Progenitor/stem cells
medium under conditions that allow a single progeni- from bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) injected
tor to form a clone of differentiated cells. Thus, progeni- into lethally irradiated mice migrate to the spleen and
tor cells are also called colony-forming units (CFU). form macroscopic colonies of variably differentiated
Hematopoietic cell culture can enumerate these pro- hematopoietic cells. One cell is capable of forming a
genitor cells in a crude suspension of hematopoietic colony of 106 differentiated cells, indicating that the
tissue cells. Besides enumeration, HC culture is used to original cell is capable of massive division as well as
study the physiology, differentiation mechanisms and differentiation. These assays provided evidence that
growth factor control of hematopoiesis. Additionally, these cells are of low frequency in bone marrow suspen-
liquid based HC culture is employed to establish long- sions (1 per 104 bone marrow cells), have no distinctive
term cultures that recapitulate the microenvironment of morphologic features, have extensive proliferative and
in vivo hematopoiesis. It is also used to expand either differentiation capacity, and are capable of limited
lineage-committed cells or undifferentiated stem cells self-renewal.
for transplantation. This chapter describes the history In vitro clonal progenitor assays were developed
of HC culture, a description of its methods and uses, shortly after CFU-S assays.1,5 Initially only granulocytic
the types of resulting cells, and the growth factors progenitors were cultured, but then conditions for
required. erythroid colony formation were developed. A liquid

culture system permitting long term culture of bone varying numbers of rubriblasts, rubricytes, and metaru-
marrow progenitors with an adherent stromal feeder bricytes. These colonies can be counted microscopically
layer, termed long term bone marrow culture was first in the culture dishes and are identified by their particu-
developed by Dexter et al.4 lar morphology (Fig. 133.2). Mature erythroid colonies
will appear orange-red because of their hemoglobin
content. The semi-solid medium may consist of agar,
TYPES OF HEMATOPOIETIC CULTURE methylcellulose, agarose, or plasma or fibrin clots. In
general, larger colonies of a single type are derived
Progenitor Assays from less differentiated progenitors (i.e. more prolifera-
tive potential). Also, mixed colonies (i.e. those with
Progenitor assays are also known as clonogenic assays morphologies of more than one lineage) are derived
(Fig. 133.1). Hematopoietic mononuclear cells (derived from less differentiated progenitors (multipotential).
from blood, bone marrow, fetal liver or spleen) are cul- The enumeration of progenitors from a mixture of
tured in a semi-solid medium so that one dividing and HCs is usually done as a percentage of the original
differentiating cell remains in one location as a colony cells plated, rather than as an absolute number
of variably differentiated cells. For example, an eryth- Table 133.1 lists and describes the various progenitors
roid progenitor will produce a colony containing derived from progenitor cell assays.

FIGURE 133.1 Schematic showing a typical

progenitor assay. (Courtesy of STEMCELL
step 1
Prepare Cells
Process human cells by:
† ammonium chloride lysis
† density gradient separation
† progenitor cell enrichment with
EasySep®, StemSep®, RosetteSep® or
FACSorting (e.g. CD34+)
Wash cells (e.g. in Iscove’s MDM plus 2% FBS),
then count and adjust cell concentration.


Add Cells to MethoCult®
Add cells to MethoCult® and vortex.

step 3
Plate and Incubate
Dispense cells into pre-tested petri dishes using
syringe and blunt-end needle. Incubate human
cells for 14–16 days in humidified incubator at
37∞C and 5% CO2.

step 4
Count Colonies
Count and evaluate colony types using inverted
microssope and gridded scoring dishes.
Alternatively, individual colonies may be plucked
for routine staining, PCR, or cytogenetic

TABLE 133.2 Some Hematopoietic Cytokines and their


Growth Predominant Progenitors Other Cells
Factor Stimulated Affected

M-CSF Macrophages Primitive

GM-CSF Granulocytes/macrophages Primitive
G-CSF Granulocytes Primitive
IL-3 Granulocytes, macrophages, Erythroid (with
BFU-E megakaryocytes, EPO)
eosinophils, mast cells
Stem cell Primitive progenitors in N/A
factor synergy with other
EPO CFU-E to erythroblasts Megakaryocytes
TPO Megakaryocyte colonies Primitive
CFU-GM progenitors

FIGURE 133.2 Photomicrograph of a CFU-GM colony and a hematopoietic cells are generated. Lineage-committed
BFU-E colony in a culture plate. (Courtesy of STEMCELL cells will be released from the stroma as non-adherent
Technologies.) cells and may then be enumerated using progenitor
assays.6 LTBMC is primarily used to study the humoral
and cellular mechanisms of hematopoiesis.3
TABLE 133.1 Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells and the
Contents of the Subsequent Colonies Long Term Culture Initiating Cell (LTC-IC) Assay

Progenitor Differentiated Cell Colony Size An LTC-IC is a cell that can give rise to all of the pro-
genitor cells described above over a 5–8 week period
CFU-GEMM Granulocytes, macrophages, >500 cells when cultured on an appropriate adherent “feeder cell”
rubriblasts, megakaryocyte layer.10 The LTC-IC assay measures the frequency of
BFU-E Rubriblasts >200 cells these cells by performing progenitor assays after 5
CFU-GM Granulocytes, macrophages >20 cells weeks in culture and then inferring the number of LTC-
CFU-E Rubriblasts 8–200 cells ICs in the original culture. The majority of CFCs are in
the adherent layer.2 The frequency of LTC-ICs in human
marrow is approximately 1 per 104 BMMC. LTC-ICs
Long Term Bone Marrow Culture (LTBMC) comprise 1 in 50–100 purified human CD34+ bone
marrow cells.
This is a liquid culture system that consists of both an
adherent and non-adherent cell population and reca-
pitulates in vitro the in vivo relationships of bone GROWTH FACTORS USED IN
marrow stromal and hematopoietic cells. Proliferation HEMATOPOIETIC CULTURE
and differentiation of HCs occurs in liquid culture and
production of progenitors can be assessed by culturing The growth of progenitors in semi-solid medium is not
cells harvested from the liquid cultures in a subsequent autonomous and therefore a variety of “growth factors”
progenitor assay. These cultures can be maintained for are required for their growth and differentiation. The
several months. The adherent layer consists of typical reader is directed to an excellent review of hematopoi-
bone marrow stromal cell components, including etic cytokines by Metcalf.8 Each type of progenitor (e.g.
fibroblasts, adipocytes, endothelial cells, and macro- CFU-GM, BFU-E, etc) responds to a certain set of growth
phages.11 The cultures are initiated by a suspension of factors, and thus many growth factors are named for
BMMCs and incubated until an appropriate stromal the predominant lineage whose growth they stimulate.
layer is formed. The cultures are re-infused with another The growth factors were originally called “colony stim-
BMMC suspension, and fed with media twice weekly. ulating factors” (CSFs) because of this functional effect
The cells of the microenvironment (stromal layer) on progenitor assays. The CSFs were derived from
produce growth factors and can support the growth of media conditioned by immortalized cell lines or by
multipotent progenitor cells from which all mature mitogen stimulated primary cultures of mouse lung or

lymphocytes. Over a brief period of time, these growth 4. Dexter TM, Allen TD, Lajtha LG, et al. Stimulation of differentiation and
proliferation of haemopoietic cells in vitro. J Cell Physiol 1973;82:461–
factors were identified and cloned (Table 133.2). 467.
Although growth factors may have a predominant 5. Ichikawa Y, Pluznik DH, Sachs L. In vitro control of the development of
effect, they often synergize with other factors, or even macrophage and granulocyte colonies. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
affect the functions of mature hematopoietic cells. If 6. Kohn CW, Swardson CJ, Provost P, et al. Myeloid and megakaryocytic
growth factors are not added to the growth medium, hypoplasia in related Standardbreds. J Vet Intern Med 1995;9:315–
many can be supplied using an adherent “feeder layer” 7. McCulloch EA, Till JE. The radiation sensitivity of normal mouse bone
of cells which produce them. marrow cells, determined by quantitative marrow transplantation into irra-
diated mice. Radiat Res 1960;13:115–125.
8. Metcalf D. Hematopoietic cytokines. Blood 2008;111:485–491.
REFERENCES 9. Siminovitch L, McCulloch EA, Till JE. The distribution of colony-forming
cells among spleen colonies. J Cell Physiol 1963;62:327–336.
1. Bradley TR, Metcalf D. The growth of mouse bone marrow cells in vitro. 10. Sutherland HJ, Lansdorp PM, Henkelman, DH, et al. Functional charac-
Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 1966;44:287–299. terization of individual human hematopoietic stem cells cultured at limit-
2. Coulombel L, Eaves AC, Eaves CJ. Enzymatic treatment of long-term ing dilution on supportive marrow stromal layers. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
human marrow cultures reveals the preferential location of primitive hemo- 1990;87:3584–3588.
poietic progenitors in the adherent layer. Blood 1983;62:291–297. 11. Swardson CJ, Kociba GJ, Perryman LE. Effects of equine infectious anemia
3. Dexter TM, Allen TD, Lajtha LG. Conditions controlling the proliferation virus on hematopoietic progenitors in vitro. Am J Vet Res 1992;53:
of haemopoietic stem cells in vitro. J Cell Physiol 1977;91:335–344. 1176–1179.

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