Reflection On Ra6713 - Pacas

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Jan Marco A.

Pacas MaEd-1 September 18, 2020

Legal Aspects and Issues in Education EM703
Reflection on RA 6713
“Public officials and employees shall provide service to everyone without

unfair discrimination”. This particular statement of RA 6713 has struck me the most.

Of course, it wouldn’t catch my attention if I didn’t have experienced it in actual situation.

I got so disappointed with one of the officials in a government agency because of his

way of accommodating clients. I waited for how many hours just to be entertained that

time, and when I was already next in line, I felt so relieved because at last I will be

entertained. To my surprise, the employee called the other person on the line. I got so

angry that I want to confront her personally. But instead of letting my anger to dominate,

I patiently waited for my turn. However, this action should not be tolerated. As public

officials and employees, we should be unbiased in serving the people. We have to

consider that every clients or guests have the same purpose or intention that needs to

be catered. We should not let discrimination to happen or otherwise, it can affect the

efficiency of our work. When applied to teaching profession, I should make sure that

every learner is welcome and that their needs must be catered. Regardless of their

background and socio-economic status, I must make them feel the sense of

belongingness and equality.

“Public officials and employees shall always uphold the public interest

over and above personal interest.” The main reason why there are issues and

controversies in the government is because of the personal interest of the public

officials and employees. They have forgotten their utmost duties and responsibilities to

be performed and exercised. Frankly speaking, our government has been criticized for
bad governance. We are currently facing corruptions and discrepancies solely because

of the selfish interests of the public officials. They set aside the value of honesty and

efficiency in serving for the common good. The best thing we can do is, to set ourselves

as exemplars in upholding the public interest because as the cliché goes, one act can

make a difference. In our context, as teachers, we have to prioritize the interest of our

students. Every decision and action that we are going to make must be grounded for the

common good of the students not for our self-interest.

“A system of annual incentives and rewards is hereby established in order

to motivate and inspire public servants to uphold the highest standards of

ethics”. This practice is one of the ways to encourage the public officials and

employees to be effective and efficient in their duties. If someone is awarded or

recognized for upholding the highest standards of ethics, other officials and employees

will emulate their exemplary acts. Just like in the classroom setting, we sometimes give

rewards or reinforcement to students who are showing excellent performance and good

behavior worthy of emulation. The effect of this situation is that other students will follow

their classmate’s behavior with the aim of receiving a reward. However, giving of

rewards and incentives should not be always done as it might lose its essence or effects

to the recipient.

“Public officials shall at all times be accountable to the people and shall

discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence and

loyalty, act with patriotism and justice, lead modest lives, and uphold public

interest over personal interest.” The statement depicts an ideal public official or

employee. If we want our country to progress and have productive and competent
citizens, we should lead by words and examples. Public officials and employees should

always uphold the highest standards of ethics so that the people will do the same. This

line struck me the most because this will be the most challenging part to do in

exercising my profession. Even if sometimes I commit mistakes and lapses in my

duties, what’s important is that I bounce back and learn from it. Despite my

imperfections, I shall continue to uphold these standards of ethics to be efficient and

effective in my workplace. This is not only my challenge but to every public officials and

employees who is exercising his/her duties and responsibilities. It is indispensable that

our actions and decisions should be grounded in this policies and principles.

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