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EAPP Answer Sheet: MODULE 1, LESSON 1

Name: Antonio Miguel T. Ladra Section: Grade 12 Serenity Date Submitted:

What I know. Page 4

Let’s Answer This! (True or False)
1. True 4. True 7. True 10. True
2. True 5. True 8. False
3. False 6. False 9. False

What’s New. Page 5

Let’s Move On
A. 4 D. 9 G. 10 J. 6
B. 1 E. 3 H. 2
C. 7 F. 8 I. 5

What’s More. Page 8-10

Let’s Practice!

Introduction  Political candidates use technology in many ways.

Different communication channels provided by the
Internet have the power to influence the growth of
different individuals in their respective spheres. The likes
of Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are powerful
communication media platforms that can easily raise the
ratings of political candidates.
Body  One of the ways in which technology influences politics
is the financial side. Raising funds to use for
campaigning is an important factor for political
candidates. It comes with the need to create a vertical
response to the whole country or target region.
 The Internet can be accessed by anyone and podcasts
can be posted by anyone. The integrity of information is
therefore difficult to preserve, hence, many potential
candidates may have to establish a verifiable connection
with various achievements.
 Another way to look at the matter is in relation to thinking
about the Internet as a tool for free advertising. It is no
secret that presidential bids are the most expensive, as
they are run to cover the whole region. On the other
hand, political videos easily generate online rating gains,
and such political Internet advertisement will reach the
target audience if launched properly.
Conclusion  It is clear that gaining political publicity through the use of
technology has become easier, especially since
technological devices are so accessible and widespread.
 With the huge impact that technology has on societies
and public opinion in particular, it is crucial to be cautious
in the use of information about any political figure, or you
risk making a positive advertisement into a negative
advertisement with just one click.

What I Can Do. Page 10-11

Let’s Do It!
Gender inequality is always present in work and in organizations that greatly
affects one candidate’s role, salary, career development opportunities, and even
promotions. With this in mind, I agree how influential recruiters are in a company and
even in breaking gender inequality stereotypes. In this way, we can produce more
diverse and skillful people in the workplace.
The impact of gender bias in hiring decisions also affects a company. According
to Koch, D'Mello, & Sackett, (2014), these biases arise from stereotypes, which are
simplified judgements they make about the characteristics of jobs and the ideal
candidates for them. For example, when selecting for a CEO, we usually associate that
position with characteristics like dominance and emotional toughness that we usually
associate with men leaving everyone to think that women are incapable of that job.
Many Research confirms that companies tend to select male applicants for specific
roles while female applicants have less chance of getting hired because of their gender.
Although it doesn’t affect the company’s integrity, but its long term consequences may
be large for everyone.
However, recruiters now pave a way on how to be more inclusive in the
workplace by assessing quantitative qualifications rather than gut instinct to help
balance the fairness scales and this gives women a better chance to prove their value
to the company.
In this ever-changing time, these stereotypes are gradually fading away because
of how society accepts our reality that gender isn’t a pre-requisite in finding a job.
Recruiters now has become more influential and open in selecting people for a specific
position in the company. Employers now can ensure that all genders are represented at
all levels in the company and also make sure equity exists in all forms. And that is one
way how recruiters are key to gender resolutions.
Koch, A., D'Mello, S., Sackett, P., (2014). A Meta-Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and
Bias in Experimental Simulations of Employment Decision Making. Retreived
mployment_Decision_Making on October 9, 2020.
Let’s Answer This!

1. B 4. C 7. A 10. A
2. C 5. B 8. B
3. B 6. C 9. D
EAPP Answer Sheet: MODULE 1, LESSON 2

Name: Antonio Miguel T. Ladra Section: Grade 12 Serenity Date Submitted:

What I know. Page 16

Let’s Answer This!

United States Make Going to the United States makes me feel anxious.

The students Excel The students living from Beverly Hills excel in
Mathematics and Science.

English Language Help Learning the English Language helps improve your
social skills.

The books Improve Reading the books improve your cognitive learning.

The journey Enhance Undertaking the journey enhances my sense of

oneness with nature.

The patient Cry One of the patient cries to the Lord for help.

Mrs. Cruz Appeal Mrs. Cruz’ appeal was withdrawn by the court.

Filipino People Provide In times of calamity, the Filipino People provides

relief goods to the victims.

A child Love A child loves to eat sweets.

The lecturer Explain In a seminar, the lecturer explains the difference

between formal and informal writing.

What’s More. Page 20

Let’s Practice!

1. The essay has 6. Selected

2. Become 7. Represent
3. Funded 8. Audience
4. Role 9. Assassination
5. Ironic 10. Created
What I Can Do. Page 20-21
Let’s Do It!

2. By allowing his men to make important decisions in a democratic manner, Lewis

fostered a spirit of togetherness and commitment among his fellow explorers.
3. He studied biological and natural sciences and learned how to categorize and draw
animals accurately.
4. Mark Twain is the author of a classic American novel entitled Huckleberry Finn.
5. My friends like coffee and tea except for milk.
6. John F. Kennedy was inaugurated into office in January 1961 and was assassinated
in November 1963.
7. Some students become nervous around computers while other students seem to
enjoy new challenges.
8. Jae Hee, Kyung Eun, and Jae Hyun comes from Korea.
9. I am going to but the blue, red-wheeled skateboard with a picture of a dragon on top.
10. My 45-year old father plays football and goes jogging, but does not play tennis
anymore for his wrist was broken two years ago.

Post Assessment. Page 21-22

Let’s Answer This!

1. C 6. B
2. D 7. D
3. A 8. A
4. C 9. B
5. B 10. A

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