800-25350-B - Maxpro NVR - 5.6 - Kib

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Known Issues Bulletin - May 2019

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This document contains Honeywell proprietary information. Information contained herein is to be used
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Revision History

Date Description
February 2019 Released for NVR 5.5 Release
May 2019 Released for NVR 5.6 Release

MAXPRO® Network Video Recorder (NVR) 5.6

This document lists and summarizes issues/ limitations that you may encounter
while using MAXPRO® NVR 5.6

Date Description
Related docu- MAXPRO® NVR 5.6 Installation and Configuration Guide
ments MAXPRO® NVR 5.6 Operators Guide
Support For information about updates to this bulletin, contact your nearest Honeywell
office or Technical Assistance Center. See the back cover for contact
The following sections categorizes and lists down the limitations/known issues that
you may encounter/must know while using MAXPRO® NVR. Occurrence of the issue
and Workarounds are provided wherever possible.

Known Issues in 5.6

General Known Issues
1. Equip S Series V2 camera Firmware is not connecting with current released
version of MAXPRO NVR (Ex: R5.0 /R5.5)
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Need to upgrade MAXPRO NVR version to 5.6 version Or set the audio
Codec to AAC type in camera web page. Refer to the MAXPRO NVR 5.6 Installation
and Configuration guide on how to set the audio Codec in camera web page.
2. After uploading new Video Analytics (VA) package for Annotation, the existing
VA package is getting disabled some time.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Need to re-enable the VA package. Recommended to use only one VA
package for Equip-s series cameras
3. Unable to render more cameras in Skylake client processor machine with new
GPU rendering mode
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: It is recommended to upgrade to 16GB systems.
4. Equip S Series camera frame drop is noticed in live and playback video.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
5. MAXPRO NVR registry entry for GPU rendering is still under "wow6432Node". It
is not updated in "Software -> Honeywell" similar to VMS.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
6. Camera is not streaming when AOV setting is set to 90 and 270.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Set the AOV value to 0 dec or 90 dec.
7. Live update in MMShell noticed during configuration changes
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Re-launch all the MMShell service in all machines to see the live
8. Trinity rendering server auto restarts during continuous video operations (in
scan sequence setups)
Occurrence: Always
2 MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin
Workaround: None
9. If camera & NVR time is out of sync the Playback in speed mode for 2-3
seconds is noticed for all the cameras in the NVR.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
10. When Playback reaches to end, then "No recording Available” message is not
displayed. Instead the Playback process remains in stuck/pause state.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None

Note: Uninstallation and reinstallation is not supported for any of the MAXPRO patches.
User may notice issues.

• For Equip S Series V2 cameras, it recommended to use only one Video Analytics
package on NVR if Annotation feature is enabled.
• Ensure that MAXPRO NVR version is upgraded to 5.6 version to connect to the
Equip S Series V2 firmware.
• To improve the Rendering performance in Skylake client processor machine, it
is recommended to use old GPU rendering modes.
• User needs to enable meta option to get events in to MAXRO NVR

Limitations in NVR 5.6

• With new GPU rendering mode, rendering performance may reduce from 16 to
11 cameras in Skylake client processor machine.

Limitations in 5.5
In Annotation
• Annotation feature is not supported in:
• Dewarped Mode
• Digital Zoom
• Different Playback speeds
• Sub Stream 2 for all the Equip-S series cameras
• If Stream 3 is set for Live recording
• New GPU rendering

MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin 3

• An additional latency of 500 Milli seconds is introduced in live video if
annotation is enabled.
• Annotations are supported on PTZ camera with defined Presets only.
• Annotations are best supported with 5FPS/5GOP and will be slightly offset for
other FPS/GOP settings. They are not supported for 1FPS/1GOP.

Known Issues In NVR 5.5

General Known Issues
11. Axis Q3518 camera is not getting added as Axis cameras or ONVIF cameras in
NVR 5.0 Build 555.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Need to add as older supported camera and maintain the same
CODEC in cameras and in NVR.
12. “Trinity.Rendering.Globalization.dll was used by another process” message is
displayed and NVR 5.5 installation stops.
Occurrence: Randomly
Workaround: Accept the message and continue to roll back the set up installation
and Re-run the set up.
13. If multiple streams are configured with parameters such as codec change or
resolution change then video stops responding if user performs the Step
Reverse operation.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None

• Ensure that the time format should have colons (:). The wrong time format
(h.mm,tt) will impact the functionality of features such as Clip export, Smart
Motion Search, Preview and Calendar search.

Annotation Known Issues

1. Annotation synchronization with motion and bounding box movement will not
be smooth if:
• user sets 30Fps and 30GOP
• the video is configured for more than 5 FPS
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
2. Approximately 2 seconds of latency in video is displayed for camera configured
with 1080 & 25 FPS and above combinations GPU Decompression and CPU
Occurrence: Always
4 MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin
Workaround: None
3. If Clip export (WMV or ASF format) is performed with combinations such as
Continuous recording with H.264 codec and Event recording with MJPEG
format then it fails.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: User needs to export the clips for Event or Continuous recording sepa-
rately to solve this issue.

Troubleshooting NVR 5.5

1. Issue: Multiple bounding boxes are displayed for one Motion in camera web
Page and the same is observed in NVR.
Resolution: Update the Video Analytics package in Camera web page

Known Issues in NVR 5.0 SP1

1. Unable to play the archived clip from the search window, it displays error mes-
sage as “Clip does not exist or you do not have the permission to view it”. This is
because if the client machine has no access to the Archived shared path.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Access permission to Archival shared drive should be granted to client
machine. See Different Scenarios to playback Archived Clip section on how to avoid
this issue.
2. Unable to play archived clip in VMS client viewer with Archived search option, if
NVR and VMS client credentials are different.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Refer Troubleshooting section to solve this kind of issue.
3. After selecting a salvo, if user double-clicks a Archived clip from search window
then the playback video for that clip is not displayed/supported.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: User need to drag & drop the archived clip to view the playback.
4. Trinity controller service status is displayed as reconnecting continuously.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: Restart NVR trinity controller service.
5. Unable to share the path which is created on the domain machine, due to that
not able to play the Archived clip
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: Need to enable the in Windows feature option.
6. Unable to play already archived clip after changing unique number in NVR.
Only newly archived clips after changing unique number are playing in VMS
Occurrence: Always

MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin 5

Workaround: Use MPVC player to play clips
7. MPVC clip player is always stop responding, after playing the specific H265
camera MPVC clip in any of the VMS client machines.
Occurrence: always
Workaround: Need to play in VMS or NVR Viewer to view those clips.
8. After un-installing NVR 5.0 SP1 build 532, GPU rendering is not functioning.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: Disable and Enable GPU rendering option in preference tab.
9. Rendering service restarts if

a. user is using 'Save image as' option.

b. when exported clip is played on NVR viewer
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: No Workaround

Limitation in 5.0 SP1

• Include archived clip option available in search tab displays only auto archived
clips. It will not display the manually archived clip.
• User cannot share and access the path which is created on the domain server
machine. If user access the share path from other domain client and play the
Archived clip then an error message is displayed.
• To Play the Archived clip on the search tab, VMS Client, Server and shared path
all should have same user name & password.
• To get the exact Archived clip count in the Search > Result window ensure that
NVR server is upgraded to 5.0 SP1.
• Double clicking on a Archived clip to play is not supported.

Troubleshooting NVR SP1

1. Issue: Trinity Server moved to non responding state, because it is connected to
“Tunnel 6To4 adapter” network adapter in that machine.
Cause: Instead of connecting to Ethernet adapter, it is connected to Tunnel 6to4
Resolution: Disable or uninstall tunnel 6to4 adapter from the machine.
2. Issue: Archived clip count displays wrong total count in the following scenarios.
• If only R500 is upgraded to R500 SP1.
• If NVR is not upgraded to 5.0 SP1
Resolution: NVR server should also be upgraded to SP1
3. Issue: Unable to play the Archived clip under search tab because the file is
created on the network archived path and it displays the size as 0 KB size.

6 MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin

Resolution: In case of NAS/shared path scenario where Archival and recording is
happening on different share paths with different access permissions, Archival drive
user need to have access to recording drive to read and archive those clips.
4. H265 configured cameras are not streaming on CPU rendering mode with Intel
4600 on board display-card.
Resolution: Enable GPU rendering option in Preference tab to see the video from
H265 Codec supported cameras.
5. Issue: Unable to play archived clip in VMS client viewer with Archived search
option, if NVR and VMS client credentials are different.
Cause: This issues occurs if VMS Server administrator user password is different,
from NVR Server password.
Follow the below steps based on the setup in the order as mentioned to solve this

For a work group setup:

• Make sure the DNS server is able to resolve the machine name from client and
the shared path is accessible using Machine name. (if not use the IP address as
the NVR address)

1. If user is using a fixed drive in NVR Server for archival and if user wants to play
the archived clips from clients then:
• VMS Server Installed user should have administrator access in NVR Server (if
the same username is used in the client /server the password should also be
• VMS Client logged in user should have administrator access in NVR Server (if
the same username is used in the client /server the password should also be
• NVR Client logged in user should have administrator access in NVR Server (if the
same username is used in the client /server the password should also be same)
In the above scenario if user uses the fixed drive for archival paths the user cannot
restrict write access and provide only read access to the NVR Client. In case user
need to have better Access control for security reasons, then user need to only con-
figure a shared folder in the NVR server for archival.
2. If user is using a shared folder in NVR Server for archival (no fixed path) and if
user wants to play the archived clips from clients then:
• The Installed VMS Server user should have read access in NVR Server shared
folder path. (if the same username is used in the client /server, then the
password should also be same)
• VMS Client logged in user should have read access in NVR Server (if the same
username is used in the client /server, then the password should also be same)
• NVR Client logged in user should have read access in NVR Server (if the same
username is used in the client /server, then the password should also be same)

MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin 7

For a domain setup:
• Make sure the DNS server is able to resolve the machine name from client and
the shared path is accessible using Machine name (if not use the IP address as
the NVR address).
• Make sure the time is synchronized between domain server and NVR VMS
server/client machines.

1. If user is using a fixed drive in NVR Server for archival and if user wants to play
the archived clips from clients then:
• VMS Server Installed user should be a domain user and should also be added to
administrators group in NVR Server.
• VMS Client logged in user should be a domain user and should also be added to
administrators group in NVR Server.
• NVR Client logged in user should be a domain user and should also be added to
administrators group in NVR Server.
In case user need to have better Access control for security reasons, then user need
to only configure a shared folder in the NVR server for archival and provide only read-
only access to clients.
2. If user is using a shared folder in NVR Server for archival (no fixed path) and if
user wants to play the archived clips from clients.
• VMS Server Installed user should be a domain user and should also be added to
a subgroup in NVR Server. However, the user should have only a read-only
access to the shared folder path used for archival.
• VMS Client logged in user should be a domain user and should also be added to
a subgroup in NVR Server. However, the user should have only a read-only
access to the shared folder path used for archival.
• NVR Client logged in user should be a domain user and should also be added to
a subgroup in NVR Server. However, the user should have only a read-only
access to the shared folder path used for archival.

Known Issues in NVR 5.0 T - Patch

1. All the cameras does not stream after installing the NVR 5.0 ISO build with T
patch on a server machine. Continuously Trinity Rendering Server restarts. If
the same server is connected to other client machine then the cameras will
start streaming.
If the DHCP server is unavailable for the lease renewal time then NVR will get a
APIPA range IP, due to this continuously Trinity Rendering Server restarts and all
the cameras does not stream.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Open new instance of MMShell.
2. 1 sec video latency is noticed for the cameras with resolution 1080P and above.
Occurrence: Rare
8 MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin
Workaround: None
3. After installation unable to login in to MAXPRO NVR, it displays Server DB
initialization failed message.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: Install NVR using windows authentication.
4. During Installation a popup messag “System Configuration check report for
Microsoft SQL - restart required”. is displayed. If user clicks OK then'
installation proceeds after restart.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: User need to respond for the popup message and continue.
5. Live video is not loading smoothly in 4k monitor and it takes more time to load
the camera. Until the cameras load it displays a empty screen.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: User need to wait until the live video is displayed.
6. If a exported (WMV format) clip of a 4K camera is played in any other monitor
then unable to view the time stamp clearly. The font size displayed is very small.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: None
7. Non-smooth video (on 2x2 and 1x2 salvo) is displayed in 4K Monitor with
1080p resolution cameras
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: None
8. Analog cameras are not rendering with new GPU Rendering technique.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
9. When user configures the QNAP NAS for recording, then recycle function is not
Cause: Because QNAP is creating Recycle bin folder in shared folders.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Need to disable Network Recycle bin option in QNAP NAS for the
recording to process smoothly.
10. MPVC exported clips are not playing on the NVR viewer but the same clip is
playing through MPVC player.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Perform the following

a. Goto to the Clip exported player

b. Run MPVC player
c. Drag and Drop the exported clip
10. H265 configured cameras are not streaming on CPU rendering mode with Intel
4600 on board display-card.
Occurrence: Always
MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin 9
Workaround: None
11. NAS disconnected Alarm is not getting generated during the recording is in
process in local drive or any other NAS drive
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
12. H265 camera preview is not loading in Window 32 bit machine but H265
camera Live/Playback is streaming.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
13. MMShell is going in unresponsive state, during heavy search operation for
clips, it recovers automatically.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Need to kill the process of MMShell and relaunch it.
14. MMShell crashes if user logout while Configuration tab is displaying
information such as stream resolution, fps, and so on.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: None
15. MMshell stops responding or displays Operation Failed message on the panel,
if playback is performed during the NAS disconnects while recording.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
16. MMShell stops responding in 128 channel machine (Seneca) during the SVMD
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Need to relaunch the NVR client
17. 25Mb memory growth is displayed in 24 hrs in Seneca Box with latest NVR 5.0
T patch.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
18. Current Archival drive reconnected Alarm is not getting generated after NAS
recovers from the failure or while reconnecting to the network
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: None
19. After NAS disconnects, configured folder is not replicating the status. It still
displays as valid drive instead of invalid drive.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: After 10 min status will be update or need to refresh.
20. NAS disconnected Alarm is not getting generated during the recording is
happening in local drive or any other NAS drive
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
10 MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin
21. In Device Tree the Devices Status is displayed wrongly as Rec (Red Mark), when
actual NAS was unavailable.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
22. Non smooth playback video is displayed when playback is performed at 16x
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: None
23. Play back is not responding continuously (Forward & reverse playback)
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: Refresh the Rendering services or re-drag & drop the cameras
24. Rendering Service is getting restarted if user is using 'Save image as' option
and if exported clip is played on NVR viewer.
Occurrence: Rare
Workaround: None
25. If Anonymized camera clip is Archived then user is able to see the moving
object without masking.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None

1. In MAXPRO App, Salvo name cannot be saved at first attempt. Need to save
with default name and modify it.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
2. Vertical positioning of App is not happening is tab.
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
3. Unable to select PTZ preset option for multiple devices
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None
4. App Crashes in Lenovo Pad: PB2: Android Version: 6.0
Occurrence: Always
Workaround: None

Limitations in NVR 5.0 T-Patch

• For the camera models such as HBW4GR1(2688x1520) & H3W2GR1V(1080p),
1 sec video latency is noticed with 1080P resolution and above.
• In 4K monitors MAXPRO NVR viewer tabs and some text alignment for viewer
controls are not proper.
MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin 11
• User will notice 4 seconds of latency in live video with 4K resolution camera.
• User will notice very slowly playing video with only in MPVC format exported
• User will not be able to move the camera text (Camera name, time stamp etc.)
available in the viewer pane from one place to another.
• After applying T patch, already added Registry camera count value is updated
with new value. (In this patch default camera count value is 20).
• User should not use “-”, “@” (Hyphen and At the rate) during the share folder
• If user selects the NAS drive for Recording, then in NAS Web page user need to
be create user with same credentials as NVR NeoStorageServer services. For
example if NVR service is running with credentials Administrator or NVR-admin
then the same user should be created in NAS web page.
• If Neo service is running with “NVRservicesuser” credentials then it is important
to have same credentials for NAS User. If different user credentials are created
in NAS then recording will not work.
• If user adds multiple directories from same NAS into NVR then the available
space will be incorrect (it will add NAS space for every such directory added)
• In Disk management window, after configuring the storage path for NAS drive,
the Total Space (GB) columns displays Invalid Drive. For NVR to show the drive
details the recording has to switch to the NAS drive.
• Mapped drive will not support for recording.

12 MAXPRO®NVR 5.6 - Known Issues Bulletin

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