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Multi Agent System based Fault Location and

Isolation in a Smart Microgrid System
Seetaram Alwala, Student Member, IEEE, Ali Feliachi, Senior Member, IEEE, M. A. Choudhry,
Senior Member, IEEE

reactive power flow, the fault location is identified. But this

Abstract-- In this paper, a Multi Agent System (MAS) based algorithm is limited to single line to ground faults only. Based
on sequence current magnitudes and current direction is on the fact that the line with the same direction of fault
proposed for fault location and isolation in a smart microgrid harmonic energy flow in its two terminals is the faulted line,
system. Each of the fault types has a different impact on the the proposed multi-agent based protection scheme is
sequence current components, which along with the direction of developed with current differential relays [4]. Relays as agents
the current during a fault can be used for fault location. The
cooperate to locate fault section and shed loads if necessary. A
microgrid has been implemented by adding Distributed
Generation at various locations of the 37-bus IEEE benchmark multi agent system based on current magnitude and direction
system and its fault simulation has been done in OpenDss which to identify faults in a looped distribution system is proposed in
is an open source distribution system simulation software. [5]. The simple concept used in this paper is that during a fault
all the generation units must feed the fault. This agent system
Index Terms— Fault Location and Isolation, Micro grid, is applicable only to identify zones but not the exact fault
Multi Agent technology, OpenDss location.
Microgrid protection based on sequence current magnitudes
I. INTRODUCTION for different kinds of faults has been proposed, since fault
Microgrid can be defined as a low to medium voltage currents in the islanded microgrid might not be sufficient for
tripping the traditional relays [6]. This work combines the
network that contains aggregation of certain loads and
distribution generation units, which is connected to the main concepts in [5-6] and proposes a Multi Agent System for the
grid system through a point of common coupling. It can fault location and isolation in a microgrid based on the
operate in either grid-connected or islanded mode. In grid sequence current magnitudes and current direction during a
mode it remains connected to the main grid and is seen as a fault. Three types of agents constitute the proposed multi
single aggregate load or source, while in the islanded mode it agent system (MAS) architecture, which are the Recloser
separates from the main grid, due to a major disturbance, Agent, the Zone Agents and the Switch Agents. The Recloser
becoming self sustained and continues to serve certain loads Agent is the agent near the recloser of the substation in a
[1]. One of the most common protection methods used for the radial feeder, which informs the status of the recloser to the
radial distribution system is to have a recloser near the Zone Agents. To each of these zones a zone agent and switch
substation. Recloser opens and closes several times to check agent is allocated. The purpose of the zone agent is to receive
for faults on the system and in case the fault does not clear the status of the recloser from Recloser agent and inform the
after these attempts, it locks out. In the case of a permanent switch agent after it receives recloser lockout information
fault within a microgrid in a radial system with recloser from the recloser agent. The algorithm for the fault location
protection, the recloser locks out and isolates the microgrid. In and isolation is embedded in the switch agent.
order to re-connect the microgrid back into the system, the
fault has to be located and isolated. The factors that have to be II. AGENT TECHNOLOGY
considered during a fault in a microgrid are the bidirectional An agent is a computer system or hardware entity that is
power flow and reduced fault current level in the system. It is capable of autonomous action based on sensing in its
these factors that make the fault location in a microgrid a environment to meet its design objectives. Autonomy means
complicated problem. that the components in an environment function are under
There has been a lot of work done with respect to their own control. Agents operate and exist in both
implementation of fault location in systems with distributed computational and physical environment. The environment
generation using Multiagent system. In [3] authors propose an provides a computational infrastructure for such interactions
agent based fault location algorithm for a Smart distribution to take place. The infrastructure includes both communication
system. The agents are located at various node locations and protocol and interaction protocols.
have the local feeder information. When fault occurs, Communication protocol enables agents to exchange and
depending upon the direction and amplitude of the transient understand messages. A communication protocol might
specify that messages for a particular course of action to be
The authors are with the Lane Department of Computer Science & Electrical exchanged between two agents. The behavior of a multi-agent
Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506-6109.
depends not just on its component agents, but also on how
they interact. In a multi-agent system of sufficient complexity,
978-1-4577-2159-5/12/$31.00 ©2011 IEEE

each agent would not only need to be able to do the tasks that sees negligible current in all phases of opened substation
arise locally, but would also need to interact effectively with transformer and informs the zonal agents about the lock out.
other agents. The communication protocols can be regarded as C. ZoneAgent (ZA)
the specification of these interactions. Protocols are a nice These agents inform their corresponding Switch Agents about
way of enforcing modularity in the design of a multi-agent the recloser lock out and ask them to check for faulty
system. They help in separating the interface between agents condition and implement the fault location algorithm.
from their internal design.
D. SwitchAgent (SW)
III. MULTI AGENT FAULT LOCATION ARCHITECTURE This agent is the most important entity in this agent
A. Multi Agent System Architecture architecture since it implements the fault location and isolation
The proposed MAS architecture is illustrated in Figure 1. after receiving information about recloser lock out from its
According to the architecture, there are mainly two categories corresponding zone agent. This agent has information of the
of agents available. They are Global Agent and Zonal Agents. power flows, sequence current magnitudes and phase angle of
Recloser agent (RA) is a Global agent that keeps track of the all the lines in its zone. The values of symmetrical current
status of the Recloser at the substation and informs the Zone components are obtained directly from the simulation of the
Agents in various zones when the recloser locks out. The test system in OpenDSS software. To comply with values
Zone Agent (ZA) and Switch Agent (SW) fall into the measured by the real-world protective relays [7-9] values of
category of Zonal agents. These agents are responsible for all symmetrical components are multiplied by a factor of 3.
managing each zone in the power distribution system The fault location algorithm embedded in the switch agent is
considered in figure 3 Each Zone agent has one associated described in the next section.
Switch Agent in that zone. When a permanent fault occurs in
the system, the recloser tries multiple times and locks out, up E. Fault Location Algorithm
on which the recloser agent informs the zone agents in each One of the most important aspects of the fault location
zone about the lock out. Then the zone agent informs its algorithm is identifying fault type based on the sequence
corresponding SwitchAgent to check for faulty condition in current values. For identifying single line to ground fault, 3-
any of the lines in its zone and implement fault location phase to ground fault and line to line faults the residual
algorithm described in section III E. The Zonal agents will current (Ir), positive sequence current (I1) and negative
have local information like power flow and sequence current sequence current (I2) magnitudes respectively are used. The
magnitude and phase angle of all the distribution lines in their residual current is the sum of positive, negative and zero
respective zones. In view of the real world deployment of sequence currents. The reason for using sequence current
these agents, information regarding sequence current magnitudes for fault detection is due to the fact that when a
magnitudes and phase angels can be obtained from the real fault occurs depending on its type the corresponding sequence
world protective relays described in [7-9]. Zonal agents current magnitudes are high in the affected lines and these
implement fault location in a decentralized manner up on values will be substantial even for faults in an islanded
receiving recloser lock out signal from recloser agent. So, the Microgrid. Thus the sequence current magnitudes give a
proposed MAS architecture is a decentralized MAS rough estimate of where the fault exists.
architecture. Residual currents are used for identifying single line to ground
faults, while Positive sequence current for three phase to
ground fault and negative sequence for line to line faults. The
thresholds (Irth, I1th, and I2th) are set for these Sequence
currents and all the lines violating the limit are suspected of
having a fault in them. So, the switch agent first checks all the
lines that exceed threshold and checks for conditions for
current reversal or negligible residual current magnitude in all
the lines that are connected to the violating line. Basic reason
for checking for current reversal is because of the two way
power flow and due to simple fact that when fault occurs in a
system then all the generation units will feed this fault. So,
when a fault occurs in a node between two lines such that on
either side of that node a generation unit exists which will
have to feed the fault and thus, the adjoining lines of the node
Fig. 1. Multi-Agent Architecture will have current flowing in opposite direction. So, the fault
B. RecloserAgent (RA) can be located based on current reversal. The current direction
This agent keeps track of the status of the Recloser at the for a single line to ground is determined by looking at the
substation and informs the Zone agents in various zones when change in the phase angles of zero sequence currents of the
the recloser locks out. After the lock out, the tripping off lines and for a fault located between two lines these angles
action of the recloser has been implemented by opening the magnitudes will have to be of opposite sign. In the case of a 3-
substation transformer in test system. So, the Recloser agent phase and line to line faults the current direction can be
determined from the values of real power. For a 3 phase fault

the real power values will be of opposite signs in all the 3 at 0.9 power factor while zone 3 has 9 distribution lines (L26-
phases while for a line to line fault this would be the case in L34), 7 loads demanding 567 KW and 275 KVar and 2
the two faulted phases in the lines attached to the faulty node. Distribution generation units of solar with capacity of 281KW
In case, the current reversal is not seen then the condition for at 0.9 power factor .The modified IEEE37 bus system is
negligible residual current is considered for faults in terminal shown in Figure 3.
nodes/lines where there is no two way power flow. It has been
observed from simulation that in these terminal lines the When a fault occurs the substation transformer is opened to
residual currents become negligible during a fault and this is mimic the recloser action and then MAS locates and isolates
being used for fault identification. the fault up on which autonomous islands of Microgrid are
The flow chart for fault location is provided in Figure 2. formed. The power flow results along with values of
sequence currents of all the lines along their phase angles at
the instant after opening substation transformer are written to
a excel file in csv format. The switch agent up on receiving
recloser lock out signal from its zone agent, based on the
Yes values in these files determines the fault location as per the
algorithm described in flow chart previously

The power flow results of OpenDss were verified using

Distributed Engineering Workstation (DEW).


Fig. 3. Modified IEEE37 bus Test System

A. Single line to ground Fault in node 707:

An single line to ground fault is simulated in OpenDss, then
Fig. 2. Fault Location Flow Chart the power flow results along with values of sequence currents
of all the lines along their phase angles at the instant after
IV. SIMULATION RESULT opening substation transformer are written to a excel file in
The Microgrid simulation was implemented in OpenDSS .csv format. The Recloser agent informs of its locking out
software. To achieve the Microgrid, the standard IEEE 37 bus action all the zonal agents ZA1, ZA2 &ZA3 which in turn
system was modified by adding distribution generation units pass the message to their corresponding switch agent in that
at various nodes in the circuit. The Distribution generation Zone. Then, each of these agents starts reading the sequence
unit considered here is solar. The default model of the solar current magnitudes of the lines in their zone. Up on reading
generation available in OpenDSS has been used in the these values since the faulted node is present in Zone1 SW1
simulation. The Modified IEEE37 bus system is divided into observes that threshold for the residual current is violated by
three zones such that the distributed generation in that zone the lines L6 and L9.Then it checks the L6 and L9 for any
can supply the load in that zone. Zone1 has 15 distribution current reversal or if residual current magnitude is negligible.
lines (L1-L15), 9 loads demanding 716 KW and 344 KVar The current reversal is determined by looking at the phase
and 3 Solar Distribution generation units each with capacity of angle of the zero sequence current (Io) for neighboring lines
230KW at 0.9 power factor, Zone 2 has 10 distribution lines which will opposite if the fault exists between them and both
(L16-L25), 8 loads demanding 549 KW and 267 KVar and 2 the lines are fed by a DG unit. For L6 and L9 there is no
Distribution generation units of solar with capacity of 275KW reversal or negligible residual hence switch agent checks for
L9 and observes a current reversal between L9 and L11 and

confirms that that the fault exists between theses line at node have been successfully located by this agent system. The next
707. stage of the work shall be focused on the development of an
agent system to achieve optimal energy management of the
B. Single line to ground Fault in node 705:
island Microgrid that will be formed because of the fault
This is a fault in Zone 1 so SW1 upon reading residual current isolation of the faults at some locations on the IEEE37 bus
values see’s that L4 and L2 violate the threshold limit. Then system considered.
the agent looks for either power reversal or negligible residual
current, it doesn’t see either for line L4.Then upon checking VI. REFERENCES
the values in the line after L2 it observes that line L15 has
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The switch agents in all the zones start checking sequence July 1993
current magnitudes and SW 3 notices violation in threshold [11] Radial Distribution Test Feeders,
magnitude of negative sequence current of L27, L28 .Then it
starts checking for fault identification condition for a line to
line fault in the neighboring lines of L27 and L28 for current VII. BIOGRAPHIES
reversal or for negligible residual current value. The current Seetaram Alwala was born in Hyderabad, India on April 24, 1988. He
reversal for three phase fault is determined by checking graduated with a Bachelors degree from Osmania University in 2009.He is
direction of real power in 2 phases of the distribution line and currently pursuing his Masters Degree in Electrical engineering, WVU. His
it real power flows in opposite direction in at least 2 phases, research interests are Multi Agent system application in power system, Smart
grids, Modeling and Simulation of power system.
and then it is a current reversal condition. The agent sees that
condition for currents reversal is satisfied for lines L28 and its Ali Feliachi received the Diplôme d’Ingénieur en Electrotechnique from
neighbor L29 and locates the fault to be between both of them. Ecole Nationale Polytechnique of Algiers in 1976, and MS (1979) and Ph.D.
(1983) in EE from Georgia Tech. He is the holder of the Electric Power
Systems Chair position, and the Director of the Advanced Power & Electricity
V. CONCLUSION Research Center at West Virginia University. His area of interest is modeling
The work employs multi-agent system based on sequence and control of large scale power systems.
current magnitudes and current to locate a fault in a Microgrid
Muhammad A. Choudhry received B.Sc. (EE) from University
system. The proposed Multi-agent system makes use of a of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan in 1973. He received M.S.
Hierarchical model in which fault detection is done at the top (EE) from the University of Kansas in 1977 and the Ph.D. degree from Purdue
level while the fault location is done at the zonal level. The University in 1981. He joined West Virginia in 1981 and is a professor in the
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. His areas of
Microgrid system is developed by adding solar PV model
interest are HVDC Systems, System Stability, Optimal Control, and Power
distributed generation at various nodes of a benchmark Electronics.
IEEE37 bus system. The Multi agent system is tested on this
modified Ieee37 bus system. Different fault types like Single
line to ground, Line to Line and Three Phase to ground faults

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