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Article M AT E R I A L S
Journal of Composite Materials
47(14) 1717–1727
! The Author(s) 2012
Improved viscoelastic model for laminate Reprints and permissions:
composite under static and dynamic DOI: 10.1177/0021998312451294

J Berthe1,2, M Brieu2 and E Deletombe1

Organic matrix composite materials are rate-dependent. Approaches exist for static and for dynamic cases but not for
both. In the present study, a viscoelastic spectral model, classically used for low strain rates, was successfully identified on
dynamic test data as being suitable for high strain rates. The associated identified model was no longer available for low
strain rates. An improved formulation of the model was devised, to be representative for both high and low strain rates.
Results exhibited the desired rate dependence and good agreement with experimental data.

Laminate composite, non-linear behaviour, strain rate dependence

Inversely, other models initially developed for creep

tests with viscoelastic behaviour16 have recently been
The use of composite materials in transportation enriched with continuum damage mechanics.17
industries is increasing every year to reduce vehicle One issue in current research is to achieve a unified
weight. Lighter structures allow greater autonomy vision of the various existing models for various strain
and reduced greenhouse gas emission. More than rates. This will allow designers to take account of dif-
50% of the materials of the future A350 Airbus aircraft ferent kinds of loading simultaneously during the
will be composite, while for the A320 the figure is close design process using a single model, rather than
to 10%. The composite materials used for structural having to implement each model separately in an itera-
applications are subject to various kinds of loading tive loop.
during an airplane’s life, from dynamic stress due to The aim of this paper is to present an improved
bird or ice impacts to creep loading during parking. viscoelastic formulation, to model dynamic, static
Composites made of organic matrix are rate-depen- and creep loadings. It will be based on the ONERA
dent. The literature contains many studies modeling progressive failure model.16,18 This model was chosen
rate dependence. Studies of dynamic loading are because its description of the viscoelasticity is based
mainly based on viscoplastic models1–3 or loading on a temporal spectrum formulation which appears
rate-dependent failure criteria.4,5 These models are easier to identify on available dynamic experimental
identified on experiments using hydraulic jacks and/ data than the Schapery model15 or others integral
or Split Hopkinson pressure bars. The usual strain models19,20 based on the known relaxation and creep
rate range in such experiments is from 101 s1 to functions. This model was choosen because it is writ-
103 s1 . Studies of static loading generally pay less ten at the mesoscopic scale which is currently the most
attention to rate dependence, focusing more on
damage and multiscale modeling6–10 or on failure 1
ONERA, The French Aerospace Lab, Lille, France
criteria for static design.11–13 Creep tests also require Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille (LML), Ecole Centrale de Lille,
Boulevard Paul Langevin, Villeneuve D’Ascq, France
a time-dependent model. For instance, the Laboratoire
de Mécanique et Technologie (LMT) Cachan model6,9 Corresponding author:
has been recently upgraded14 with Schapery’s visco- J Berthe, ONERA, 5 boulevard Paul Painlevé, Lille, 59045, France.
elastic model15 so as to become time-dependent. Email:

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1718 Journal of Composite Materials 47(14)

efficient one for the structural parts FE computation elementary viscous mechanisms i , associated with a
in the industry. The ONERA progressive failure relaxation time i and a weight i :
model has been enriched by a failure model,21 ageing
effects22 and multiscale effects.23 Most of these enrich- : X : : 1
"ve ¼ gðÞ i and i ¼ ði gðÞSR :   i Þ ð2Þ
ments are not affected by the improved formulation i
presented in the Multispectrum model section of this
paper. The purpose of the present study is to model with g() a non-linear function and SR the viscous com-
variations in the apparent tangent modulus of a pliance, which are defined in the sequel. This model can
½45 s laminate behaviour by considering the visco- be seen as a generalization of rheological models with
elastic behaviour of the ply before damage apparition. an important number of springs and dashpots. The
This model is presented in the sequel. weight and relaxation times of each elementary viscous
In the Reference model section, the reference model mechanism (i , i ) define the temporal spectrum. These
is introduced and analysed. In particular, the require- relaxation times are the classical ones from rheological
ments and limits of identification of the reference model models. To be representative, the model needs a large
on dynamic data are highlighted. In the Proposal for number of viscous mechanisms to be considered (in the
an improved formulation section, a multispectrum rest of this paper 200 mechanisms are arbitrarily used).
formulation is presented which achieves a more pre- In order to simplify identification of the temporal
dictive viscoelastic model for a large range of loading spectrum, a Gaussian spectrum form (equation (3)) is
rates. used.

The reference model i ¼ expðiÞ and i ¼ P
The ONERA progressive failure model is a mesoscopic i
model, based on knowledge of the ply behaviour. 1 i  nc 2
Consequently, the model is based on a change of with i ¼ pffiffiffi exp  ð3Þ
n0  n0
scale method, in this case classical laminate theory
(CLT), and a ply behaviour description. The choice of The spectrum is based on only two parameters:
pffiffiffi nc
non-linear viscoelastic behaviour for the ply (explained the mean of the gaussian spectrum and n0 ¼ 2sd with
and described in the sequel) requires a non-linear exten- sd the standard deviation. The described spectrum has
sion of the CLT. been successfully used in Maire16 to model the visco-
elastic behaviour of glass fiber reinforced polymer
(GFRP) during creep test. In order also to simplify
Ply behaviour identification, the viscous compliance is taken as a func-
The purpose of this study is to model the mechanical tion of the elastic compliance S0 . In this model, only
response of organic matrix composite materials under viscosity in transverse and shear directions is con-
loadings of various strain rates. We will specially focus sidered (11 ¼ 0):
on the variation in the tangent shear modulus G12 in a 0 1
½45 s laminate, which is known to be rate-dependent. 0 0 0
One way taking this phenomenon into account is to B C
SR ¼ B
@0 22 S022 0 C
A ð4Þ
introduce a function f to describe the evolution of the
modulus, G12 ¼ f ð"Þ, as, for example, in Song et al.24 0 0 66 S066
The choice of f is not simple and generally not physic-
ally based. Another way, considered in the present Finally, to describe creep tests, the following non-
paper, is to use a viscoelastic behaviour for the uni- linear function g() is introduced18:
directional ply. In the following work, a viscoelastic pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffin
spectral model taken from Maire16 is used. The visco- gðÞ ¼ 1 þ  t  : SR :  ð5Þ
elastic behaviour of the ply, in the local basis, can be
written as:
This viscoelastic model is claimed to need only two
tests to identify all viscous parameters (nc , n0 , 22 , 66 , 
 ¼ C0 : ð"  "ve Þ ð1Þ
and n): a multiple step creep test on a ½45 s laminate
and a single creep test on a ½90  laminate.
where  is the Cauchy stress, C0 the elastic tensor, " the The model has been successfully used to described
total strain and "ve the viscous strain. In such an the behaviour of UD and woven plies. In the sequel,
approach, the viscous strain is taken as the sum of regarding available experimental dynamic data, only

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Berthe et al. 1719

woven ply will be considered. As fibres are not

Identification with dynamic test data
rate-dependent, woven ply are not rate-dependent in Only dynamic tests on ½45 s laminate are used in the
the transverse direction, unlike UD ply. Thus, viscosity present study to identify the viscous behaviour of
in the transverse direction will be neglected (22 ¼ 0). woven plies. Only small stress levels are studied, in
order to identify the viscoelastic behaviour of the ply,
Study of the influence and sensitivity of the without damage. Indeed, micro-damage can appear for
very low stress, but generally does not affect the overall
parameters behaviour of the laminate.26
The influence of parameters can be analysed with the As seen in Figure 2, it is possible to distinguish two
previous equations (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). It can be groups of tests: the 4 m/s test and the others. During the
proved that temporal spectrum parameters (nc and n0 ) 4 m/s test, which is close to the maximum capability of
define the range of strain rates in which the behaviour is the test machine, the strength sensor may vibrate and
time-dependant. With such a model, for a ½45 s disturb the measurements. Most of the disturbance can
laminate, if the strain rate is too high compared to be smoothed by filtering techniques (the eigen fre-
(nc , n0 ), no viscous mechanisms are activated and the quency of the sensor being known). However, as can
apparent behaviour is purely elastic. If the strain rate is be seen in Figure 2, some disturbances from the
very low, all viscous mechanisms are activated, the
apparent behaviour is the asymptotic viscous behav-
iour. The value of the purely elastic asymptote corres- σ 12 [MPa]
ponds to G12 . The viscous asymptote depends on the
value of 66 . Finally, the non-linear shape of the curve
is linked to  and n.
Some organic matrix composite materials, such as
G939/M18, exhibit an increase in shear modulus G12
with the strain rate.25 Classically, the reference model
is identified with low strain rate tests. Thus, the identi-
fied value of G12 is less than the apparent shear modu- 45° Dynamic Tension - 5 mm/min
lus in high strain rate mechanical tests. In conclusion, 45° Dynamic Tension - 500 mm/min
45° Dynamic Tension - 0.1 m/s
to be suitable for dynamic tests as well as for static or 45° Dynamic Tension - 4 m/s
creep tests, the model has to be identified on tests that
include high strain rate components. ε12

Figure 1. Dynamic tests results from Deletombe et al.25 on

Dynamic test data ½45 s G939/M18 composite laminate.
Dynamic tests were performed on G939/M18 carbon
fabric/epoxy laminate25 with a Schenck hydraulic
jack. Four speeds were tested: 4 m/s, 0.1 m/s, 500 mm/
σ [MPa]
min and 5 mm/min, corresponding to average rates
of deformation " of 92 s1 , 1.6 s1 , 0.1 s1 and 90
1:4  103 s1 (Figure 1). For dynamic tension, there
is no normalised test; the specimen dimensions are
here 100 mm  15 mm  2.5 mm. The 2.5 mm thickness 70

corresponds to 12 plies. The fibre volume ratio is 59%, 60

to which identified parameters are linked. A different 50
set of parameters would be required for a different fibre
ratio. Fibre volume ratios in aerospace structural
laminate composites are subject to minor variation 30

around 60%. Therefore, the following set of parameters 20

is expected to correspond to standard aerospace 10
materials. ε
During the test, deformations of the specimen are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −3
x 10
measured with two strain gauges, one for the longitu-
dinal and the other for the transverse deformation. The Figure 2. Experimental data and their 2nd order approximations
force transducer is a piezo-electric cell (Kisler type for identification procedure. The darkness of the curve increases
9077). with test speed: 5 mm/min, 500 mm/min, 1 m/s and 4 m/s.

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1720 Journal of Composite Materials 47(14)

experimental environment remain on the high-speed To compare the experimental data with numerical
curve. In the previous section of this paper, it was results, two error estimators were introduced:
proved that the upper asymptotic limit of the model
is G12 . In order to be predictive in a large range of exp ðiÞ  num ðiÞ
dynamic rates, this G12 value has to be identified on Error1 ¼ mean ð6Þ
exp ðiÞ
the highest possible speed test, which would give the
higher tangent modulus. For this reason, the vibrating exp ðiÞ  num ðiÞ
sensor could be a problem for the present identification. Error2 ¼ max ð7Þ
i exp ðiÞ
The identification of the viscous parameters of the
model was performed with Matlab Optimisation
ToolboxÕ . Three of the four test curves are used: 4 m/ with exp ðiÞ the stress from experimental data and num ðiÞ
s, 0.1 m/s and 5 mm/min. Six parameters have to be the prediction of the stress, both at a given point i. Values
identified: G12 , 66 , nc , n0 ,  and n. Elastic properties for these quantities are given in Figure 4. The three curves
in directions 1 and 2 are already known: in light grey are those used to perform the identification.
E11 ¼ E22 ¼ 63,000 MPa and 12 ¼ 0:1 (manufacturer’s Both error indicators are lower than 10% for the 0.1 m/s
data). and 5 mm/min tests. The 4 m/s curve is worse, probably
because of the experimental disturbances, but the mean
error is limited to 10%. The curve in dark grey, corres-
Results of the dynamic identification ponding to the 500 mm/min test, can be used to check if
Several runs of computation were performed using dif- the model can be predictive, as these experimental data
ferent sets of initial parameters. Results globally con- were not used for identification: both estimators are
verged on the solution given in Table 1. These results lower than 10% in this case.
confirm that a spectrum with lower relaxation times is To conclude, the model can be identified on dynamic
required to represent the dynamic tests. Figure 3 com- tests and can be predictive for behaviour in a range of
pares the identified dynamic spectrum with a classical speeds fixed by identification tests.
one. A compilation of identified spectrum parameters
from the literature was performed to define this clas-
Static test prediction with dynamic parameters
sical static spectrum. The results indicate that the relax-
ation times involved in dynamic tests are lower than Experimental data on G939/M18 carbon/epoxy lamin-
those in static tests. In the region close to log()¼0, ate are available at different static loading rates in
there are some relaxation times, which are involved in Graindorge,27 but the ONERA model was not used in
both static and dynamic tests. In fact, the 5 mm/min that study, so the spectral and static parameters are not
test, used for the identification procedure for dynamic available there. Moreover, with the available data, a
data, is the bridge value between dynamic and static static identification cannot be considered, since there is
tests. The identified viscous parameters are of a usual
order of magnitude when compared to the literature.21 μ
Dynamic spectrum Static spectrum
Only the G12 value appears to be quite high, which may
be due to the experimental disturbance at highest 0.1
speeds, described in the previous paragraph (the tan-
gent modulus in the experimental data was closed to
10,000 MPa at the beginning of the 4 m/s test). On the
other hand, the identified value of G12 is the tangent
modulus expected for a very high speed test:
" ¼ 105 s1 . Experimental results at such a strain rate
level are not available, so that it is difficult to assess this

log(τ )
Table 1. Mechanical properties of the G939/M18 after opti-
misation on ONERA Lille dynamic tests only –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30

G12 n0 nc  n 66 Figure 3. Comparison between a classical static spectrum

15,800 MPa 5.6 9.25 0.8 2.5 3.2 (light grey) and the identified dynamic spectrum (dark grey) on
½45 s G939/M18 composite laminate.

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Berthe et al. 1721

σ [MPa]








20 4 m/s 0.1 m/s 500 mm/min 5 mm/min

Error1 10% 5% 6% 4%
10 Error 2 29% 11% 10% 11%

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x 10

Figure 4. Comparison between experimental data (dots) and numerical results (plain curves) for dynamic test on G939/M18. The
light grey curves are those used for identification of the model and the dark grey curve estimates the prediction capability of the

very little information in the report about the specimens σ [MPa]

used for testing. Delsart28 showed that a difference of 90

15% is found on G12 between static and dynamic 80
sample geometry. In dynamic tests, normalised specimen 70
geometries do not exist: each laboratory is free to use its 60
own. This does not really matter if one works only with 50
ε̇ 100 s–1
dynamic loadings, with always the same geometry. ε̇ 1 s–1
40 ε̇ 10 s–1
Moreover, this can explain the results in Figure 5. Dark ε̇
10 s–1
grey curves are dynamic tests from Deletombe et al.25 ε̇
10 s–1
and light grey curves are static tests from Graindorge.27 20 ε̇ 10 s–1
−5 –1
10 ε̇ 10 s
On these curves, the apparent modulus for a static test at
"_  105 s1 is higher than the apparent modulus for a 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
dynamic test at "_  101 s1 . x10

As it is difficult to compare experiments and numer-

ical predictions quantitatively with the dynamic Figure 5. Superimposition of data from dynamic25 (dark grey)
and static test27 (light grey) on ½45 s G939/M18 carbon/epoxy
parameters identified, Figure 6 compares results only
qualitatively. Experimental and numerical results are
normalised by the maximum stress value selected on
the _ 12 ¼ 5 MPa/s tests in order to make results com- The reference model identified on static tests is thus
parable. The model is able to predict the shape of the not suitable for dynamic tests; conversely, dynamic par-
curve. However, all numerical predictions for the dif- ameters are not suitable for static tests: the relaxation
ferent strain rates are superimposed. In this range of times involved in the two sets of loading rate are dif-
speed, the model is not able to exhibit a loading rate ferent. Both are linked to the temporal spectrum, which
effect, because all viscous mechanisms are activated at is different in static and in dynamic modes. One way to
any of these static test speeds with the spectrum identi- extend this model from dynamic to static cases is to
fied on dynamic tests. change the spectrum model.

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1722 Journal of Composite Materials 47(14)





0.6 Experiments
0.5 σ̇12 = 5MPa/s
σ̇12 = 0.5MPa/s
0.4 σ̇12 = 0.05MPa/s

0.3 Numerical
σ̇12 = 5MPa/s
0.2 σ̇12 = 0.5MPa/s
σ̇12 = 0.05MPa/s
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018
Figure 6. Comparison between static experimental data from Graindorge and the prediction of the model identified in dynamic

Proposal for an improved formulation Table 2. Mechanical properties of the G939/M18 after opti-
misation on dynamic tests for a large spectrum (nC ¼ 0)
Mono-spectrum model
G12 n0  n 66
The first possibility would be to find a single large spec-
trum that involves static and dynamic relaxation times. 31,875 MPa 20.5 2.08 0.37 3.65
Analysing Figure 3, the choice of a spectrum centred on
nc ¼ 0 appears to be interesting for such an objective.
Identification on dynamic tests can then be performed, satisfactory, which leads us to propose the modified
as previously, in order to identify n0 , 66 ,  and n. The ‘‘multispectrum’’ model, described in the following
results of identification are presented in Table 2. A paragraph.
comparison between numerical results and experimen-
tal data is presented in Figure 7. The values of the par-
Multispectrum model
ameters are quite classical, except for G12 . Its high value
is due to the fact that it corresponds to the apparent The proposed solution is to use a multi-gaussian spec-
modulus for "_ ¼ 1015 s1 . The value of n0 , which is close trum (Figure 8). The idea is to superimpose a dynamic
to 20, induces a range of strain rates with sensitivity gaussian spectrum (ndyna
c and ndyna
0 ), identified on
"_ 2 ½1015 s1 ; 1015 s1 . A very large range of rates, dynamic data, and a static gaussian spectrum (nstat
c and
particularly a large range of unwanted rates in dynamic nstat
0 ) identified on static data, all the other viscous par-
mode, is then covered. ameters being unique. Equation (3) has to be re-written
In terms of error indicators, given in Figure 7, these in order to take account of this superimposition:
new results are worse than those from the previous
dynamic identification. Moreover, the prediction of i dyna i stat
the apparent modulus is also worse. This can be seen i ¼ expðiÞ and i ¼ P dyna þ P stat
i i
in the zoom made in the dotted line frame. With that i i
large spectrum model, the errors on the prediction of  2 !
k 1 i  nkc
the apparent modulus are close to 7%, 27%, 30% and with i ¼ k pffiffiffi exp  ð8Þ
n0  nk0
33% for, respectively, the 4 m/s, 0.1 m/s, 500 mm/min
and 5 mm/min curve, while the error is, respectively,
5%, 15%, 6% and 4% with the spectrum identified
with dynamic data. To be representative, the model needs, as previously,
Clearly a monospectrum model, based on dynamic a reasonable number of viscous mechanisms to be
tests, static tests or both together, is not taken into account. The other equations and variables

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Berthe et al. 1723




σ [MPa] 0 1 2 −3
x 10







4 m/s 0.1 m/s 500 mm/min 5 mm/min

20 Error1 6% 10% 9% 11%
Error2 22% 20% 17% 21%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x 10

Figure 7. Comparison between experimental data (dots) and numerical results (plain curves) for dynamic tests on G939/M18 with a
large spectrum. Light grey curves are those used for the identification of the model and the dark curve (500 mm/min) estimates the
prediction capability of the model. A zoom on the beginning of the plot highlights the prediction of the apparent tangent modulus.

of the model remain the same (equations (1), (2), (4) µ Multi Gaussian spectrum
and (5)). The main result of this new formulation is to Dynamic spectrum
0.1 Static spectrum
introduce two sets of asymptotes for the viscoelastic
behaviour. This idea will be highlighted with the virtual
test in the sequel.

Virtual test results

In the previous sections, data from static and dynamic
experiments on G939/M18 carbon/epoxy laminates were n0

used separately. They cannot be used simultaneously

to identify the multispectrum model because of the vari-
ation in geometry (see Static test prediction with log ( τ )
dynamic parameters section). dyna stat
–30 –20 nc 0 20 30
To check the capabilities of this model based on a
multi-gaussian spectrum, a virtual test is proposed. The Figure 8. Construction of a multi-gaussian spectrum based on
multispectrum model is used to simulate the dynamic as dynamic and static spectra. Curves plotted with ndyna
c ¼ 9:25,
well as the static response of a G939/M18. Results ndyna
0 ¼ 5:6, nstat stat
c ¼ 8 and n0 ¼ 5.

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1724 Journal of Composite Materials 47(14)

σ [MPa]

0.1 Dynamic spectrum

300 ε̇ = 1078 s−1

ε̇ = 10 5 s−1
250 ε̇ = 10 s−1
ε̇ = 1 s−1
ε̇ = 10 −2 s−1


log (τ )
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30
0 2 4 6 8 10 –3
σ [MPa]

0.1 Static spectrum

ε̇ = 1 s−1
ε̇ = 10−1 s −1
250 ε̇ = 10−3 s−1
ε̇ = 10−7 s−1
200 ε̇ = 10−8 s−1


log (τ )
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30
0 2 4 6 8 10 –3
σ [MPa]

µ Multi Gaussian spectrum

Dynamic spectrum
0.1 Static spectrum
ε̇ = 107 s−1
300 ε̇ = 105 s−1
ε̇ = 10 s−1
250 ε̇ = 1 s −1
ε̇ = 10 −1 s−1
200 ε̇ = 10 −3 s−1
ε̇ = 10 −7 s−1
ε̇ = 10 −8 s−1

log (τ ) 50
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30
0 2 4 6 8 10 –3

Figure 9. Results of the virtual test for the multi-gaussian spectrum model.

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Berthe et al. 1725

(Figure 9) are compared to the earlier model, identified spectrum. This allows the variation in apparent modu-
on dynamic or static data. The parameters used for lus to be described for a range of loading rates between
these tests are summarised in Table 3. They concatenate 108 s1 and 108 s1 .
the viscous parameters previously identified with the This virtual study indicates that the multi-gaussian
dynamic test (Results of the dynamic identification sec- spectrum model exhibits a satisfying dependence on
tion) with standard literature values for the static loading rates in the range of speeds from dynamic
spectrum. tests to creep tests, where a single ‘‘large’’ spectrum
The model with only the dynamic spectrum exhibits failed.
a dependence at loading rates between 108 s1 and
108 s1 (Figure 9). The model with only the static spec-
trum exhibits a dependence at loading rates between
Discussion on the virtual test results
108 s1 and 1 s1 . The multispectrum model with both Quantitative comparisons with experimental results are
static and dynamic spectrums exhibits a dependence at for the moment not available. Nevertheless, a qualita-
loading rates between 108 s1 and 108 s1 , which is the tive comparison of the multi-gaussian spectrum model
union of the two previous interval of dependence. This with the experimental G939/M18 results is possible.
result permits to support the concept of the two sets of The aim is to check whether the behaviour is now
asymptotes. In fact, the dynamic spectrum defines two rate-dependent with respect to the tests by
asymptotes (purely elastic and viscous) as well as the Graindorge.27 The parameters used for this test are
static spectrum. For the multi-gaussian spectrum, two summarized in Table 3. Results are presented in
grey levels were used to plot results, to see the loading Figure 10. As in Static test prediction with dynamic
rates linked to the dynamic spectrum and the loading parameters section, the stress is normalised to make
rates linked to the static spectrum. The new formula- model and test results comparable. The predicted
tion uses the viscous asymptote of the dynamic spec- behaviour is now clearly rate-dependent on the full
trum as the ‘‘purely elastic’’ asymptote for the static rate range investigated.
Dynamic experimental results are compared to the
prediction of the multispectrum model (Figure 11), with
Table 3. Value of multispectrum model parameters used for
the same set of viscous parameters (Table 3). Light grey
the virtual test: nstat stat
0 and nc are standard values from the
curves have been used for the dynamic identification
(Results of the dynamic identification section) G12 ,
G12 ndyna
0 ndyna
c nstat
0 nstat
c  n 66 ndyna
c , ndyna
0 , 66 ,  and n. The dark grey curve can be
used as a prediction case. Dynamic results with the
15,800 MPa 5.6 9.25 5 8 0.8 2.5 3.2
multispectrum model are subject to minor





0.6 Experiments
σ̇12 = 5MPa/s
σ̇12 = 0.5MPa/s
σ̇12 = 0.05MPa/s

0.3 Numerical
σ˙ 12 = 5MPa/s
0.2 σ˙ 12 = 0.5ΜPa/s
σ̇12 = 0.05MPa/s
2ε 12
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018

Figure 10. Comparison between static experimental data from Graindorge27 and the prediction of the model with the
multi-gaussian spectrum.

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1726 Journal of Composite Materials 47(14)

σ [MPa]








4 m/s 0.1 m/s 500 mm/min 5 mm/min
Error 1 10% 5% 6% 5%
10 Error 2 29% 11% 10% 12%

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x 10

Figure 11. Comparison between experimental data (dots) and numerical results with a multispectrum model (plain curves) for
dynamic tests on G939/M18. Light grey curves are those used for previous identification of the dynamic mono-spectrum model and
dark grey curves estimates predictions from the model.

modifications as compared to those obtained with the static tests. An improved multispectrum formulation
dynamic mono-spectrum (Figure 4). This is related to of this model was then presented and evaluated.
the small overlap area between the static and the The capability of the new formulation was demon-
dynamic spectra, as shown in Figure 8. Results with strated by virtual tests and qualitative comparison
this multi-spectrum model are significantly better than with experimental data.
those with the large mono-spectrum model (Figure 7), A dedicated experimental campaign remains to be
since strain rate effects are effective for both the high performed on a standard CFRP material in order to
strain rate and static cases. fully validate this improved formulation for a wide
These results confirm the capability of the multi- range of loadings. The campaign will also allow results
gaussian spectrum to be representative over a large to be assessed for unidirectional tape materials. Last,
range of strain rates. This viscoelastic behaviour others works are also under progress on M21 material
should therefore be more suitable for dynamic, static samples to investigate if the multispectrum formulation
and creep tests on composite laminates. would also prove relevant for the pure epoxy constituent.

Conclusion Funding
This work was supported by DGA (French Ministry of
The purpose of the present study was to model the
effect of strain rates on aeronautical CFRP composite
laminates behaviour, with special attention to variation
in the tangent shear modulus G12 of a ½45 s laminate, Acknowledgements
which was shown to be rate-dependent. The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the DGA
A viscoelastic spectral model was used to model the (French Ministry of Defense) for this work.
laminate ply behaviour. The reference model was iden-
tified on dynamic tests as being suitable for high Conflict of Interest
strain rates. However, it was no longer predictive for None declared.

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