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10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

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Two Month TOEFL Study Plan

(60-Day) Two Month TOEFL Study Plan

This two-month TOEFL study schedule is designed for self-study test prep only. I highly recommend that
you seek out other opportunities to practice, especially conversation with English speakers, but that is not
included in the schedule because it depends on what opportunities you have.

This plan is mostly designed to get you familiar with the TOEFL format and question types, but with the
end goal of getting your TOEFL scores to an acceptable level. That means some of the material focuses on
academic English in general, including vocabulary and grammar.

Each week, there are 6 days of preparation. One day per week will be a rest day, which isn’t included in
the schedule. Use that day to relax!

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10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

TOEFL Prep Resources

To follow this schedule fully, you’ll need four things:

A computer with speakers, a CD drive, and Internet access

Magoosh TOEFL Prep
The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT, 4th Edition with the accompanying CD
Official TOEFL iBT Tests

Optional Materials
If you have over two hours to spend studying each day, you can supplement the below schedule with
these materials:

Quick Prep (Note that Quick Prep is older and slightly out-of-date. Quick Prep is currently hosted
by and a number of students have indicated that the content loads slowly. Before
you use Quick Prep, check out Magoosh’s guide to using older TOEFL prep.

Plan on spending between one and two hours each day to stay on this schedule, although some days will
be less, and the practice tests will take longer. Note: you can find information about how to prepare using
old materials on our TOEFL Format Post-Old Materials Section.

Ready to take a TOEFL practice test now? Check out our favorite (and FREE!) TOEFL practice
tests from around the web!

A Note on Materials & Recent Changes to the Exam

Also, please keep this fact in mind: the TOEFL was recently updated in August of 2019. Because these
changes are so recent, many prep materials—including official materials, such as the Official Guide—
haven’t been updated to reflect the changes. But that’s ok! You can learn how to use “old” materials
to prep for the “new” exam here.

Two-Month TOEFL Study Schedule Breakdown

Week One
Week 1, Day 1:

Watch the first four videos in Magoosh: under Introduction to the TOEFL, from “Overview of the
TOEFL” to “Listening Section.”
Magoosh Practice:
Start working on Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards. Begin with the “common” deck. Master 20 words
at minimum. If you believe this deck is very easy for you, finish it today.
Complete Magoosh TOEFL Blog Reading Practice Set Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride.
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10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Complete Listening Practice Sets 1 and 2 on the TOEFL Listening Practice PDF. There are no
recordings, so you will treat this as reading practice.
Complete Reading Practice Set 1 on TOEFL Reading Practice PDF.
Your goal is to become familiar with the format of the test—don’t worry too much about how
many right and wrong answers you get.
Week 1, Day 2:

Watch the video “Using the Grammar Lessons” in Introduction to TOEFL Grammar.
Watch any 4-5 grammar videos in Magoosh of your choice according to your weaknesses.
Magoosh Practice:
Master at least 20 more words in Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards. Again, if you believe the deck
you are working on is easy for you, finish it today.
Official Practice:
Complete speaking practice questions 1 and 2 from the TOEFL Speaking Practice Questions
Complete Writing Practice Set 1 from the TOEFL Writing Practice Questions PDF. Your goal is
to become familiar with the format of the TOEFL and how much time you have for each
task. Don’t worry about grading yourself.
General Reading and Listening Practice
Go to Find a short article to read. Use a dictionary as you read it, and put new
words that you think will be helpful onto flashcards. Review the flashcards after reading
NOTE: From now on, this schedule will not include “non-TOEFL” reading like ALdaily. This
assignment today is only to introduce you to the resource. If you have extra time in future
days, return to ALdaily (or other English news sites) for challenging reading.
Week 1, Day 3:

Watch the next three videos in Magoosh: under Introduction to the TOEFL, from “Speaking
Section” to “Studying for the TOEFL.”
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text
changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get
Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions
associated with three different recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation
video for every question you get wrong. If you start a fourth recording, return to the
dashboard by clicking “Magoosh” at the top left of the screen to exit your practice.
Week 1, Day 4:

In Magoosh, watch the first two videos under Reading, titled “Pacing While Reading” and
“Sample Passage: Clonal Colonies.”
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 10-20 minutes working on Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards.
Official Practice:
Complete the speaking section of practice test 1 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Use
either your phone or this online recorder to record your answers. Don’t worry about grading
them today. You will listen to them later. (NOTE: Speaking Tasks 1 and 5 from the Official
Guide practice tests are no longer part of the newly reformatted TOEFL. For a more realistic
test experience, skip these two tasks on the practice test.)
General Reading and Listening Practice Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day t… 3/43
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Go to and find a presentation by a native English speaker that you want to watch.
Take notes on the presentation. Be sure to keep your notes as short as possible while still
including all the main ideas of the presentation. After watching once, turn on English
subtitles, if they are available, so you can read while you listen again.
NOTE: From now on, this schedule will not include presentations. This assignment
today is only to introduce you to the resource. If you have extra time in future days, return
to, similar to
Week 1, Day 5:

Watch any 3-4 grammar videos in Magoosh of your choice according to your weaknesses.
Official Practice:
Complete the Reading section of practice test 1 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Give
yourself exactly 54 minutes to complete it. (NOTE: In the TOEFL Official Guide practice
tests, the Reading section has 12-14 questions per passage. On the 2019-and-later version
of the real exam, you’ll only see 10 questions per passage. The practice tests will still give
you a very authentic feel for the real Reading section, but keep this difference in mind on
test day.)
General Reading and Listening Practice
Return to the flashcards you made when you last read an article from Review
them for 10-20 minutes.
Week 1, Day 6:

Watch the first four videos under Speaking, from “How to Practice Speaking” to “Other
People Talking.”
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 10 – 20 minutes reviewing vocabulary flashcards that you studied this week.
Official Practice:
Take the listening section of Practice Test 1 from the CD that comes with the Official
Guide. (NOTE: In the Official Guide practice tests, you are given 6 tasks total: 4
lectures and 2 conversations. On the new version of the TOEFL, you get 3 lectures and
two conversations. For a more realistic practice experience, skip one of the lectures in
each OG practice Listening section.)
Score yourself with the table at the back of the book. Review your incorrect answers carefully.

Week Two
Week 2, Day 1:

Watch the first three videos under Listening, the “Sample Recording” videos.
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Speaking” button on your Dashboard. Answer 4 questions. Watch the
explanation video for every question.
Complete Magoosh TOEFL Blog Reading Practice Set The Legacy of
Edmund Wilson.
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Return to the speaking task recordings you created on week 1, day 4. Listen to your
responses, noting any problems. Repeat the same tasks better than the first time,
attempting to include new vocabulary in every answer.
Complete Reading Practice Set 2 on TOEFL Reading Practice PDF. Review your incorrect
answers carefully, learning from your mistakes.
Week 2, Day 2:

Watch any 3-4 grammar videos in Magoosh of your choice.
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 10-20 minutes working on Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards.
Official Practice:
Complete the listening section of practice test 1 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests (NOTE:
In the Official Guide practice tests, you are given 6 tasks total: 4 lectures and 2
conversations. On the new version of the TOEFL, you get 3 lectures and two conversations.
For a more realistic practice experience, skip one of the lectures in each OG practice
Listening section.). Review your wrong answers carefully so that you understand why you
made every mistake.
Week 2, Day 3:

Watch the first three videos under Writing, from “The Five-Paragraph Essay” to “Integrated
Introduction Sample.”
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete one essay, and watch the
explanation video.
Week 2, Day 4:

Watch once again the second video under Reading, titled “Sample Passage: Clonal
Watch the next two videos under Reading, the “Question Type” videos from “Vocabulary in
Context” to “Detail.”
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 20-30 minutes working on Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards.
Official Practice:
Take the speaking section of Practice Test 1 from the CD that comes with the Official Guide.
Record your answers so you can review them later. (NOTE: Speaking Tasks 1 and 5 from
the Official Guide practice tests are no longer part of the newly reformatted TOEFL. For a
more realistic test experience, skip these two tasks on the practice test.)
Week 2, Day 5:

Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Main Idea” to “Where is the
Main Idea?”
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 10-20 minutes working on Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards.
Official Practice:
Complete the writing section of practice test 1 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
Week 2, Day 6:

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Watch 4-5 new grammar videos in Magoosh.

Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text
changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get
Official Practice:
Listen to the recordings of your answers that you made on week 2, day 1. Compare the
quality of your answers to the sample answers on the CD for The Official Guide to the TOEFL
iBT, 4th Edition, and also check the transcripts and explanations for those sample
responses (see page 320 – 330 of the OG).

Week Three
Week 3, Day 1:

Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Detail” to “Using Your Notes”
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions
associated with three different recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation
video for every question you get wrong. If you start a fourth recording, return to the
dashboard by clicking “Magoosh” at the top left of the screen to exit your practice.
Official Practice:
Return to the speaking task recordings you created on week 2, day 4. Listen to your
responses, noting any problems. Repeat the same tasks better than the first time,
attempting to include new vocabulary in every answer.
Read the essays that you wrote on week 2, day 5. Compare them to the sample answers
explanations in the book (page 331 – 342). Grade yourself based on which sample essays
yours was most similar to. Edit both your essays to improve them.
Week 3, Day 2:

Watch the next two videos under Speaking, “Task 1 – Choose One from Two” and “Task 1 –
Sample Answers.”
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 10-20 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards
or these vocabulary exercises. (The easiest set of words is sublist one; the most difficult is
sublist ten.)
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Take the Reading section of Practice Test 1 from the CD that comes with the Official Guide.
Give yourself exactly 54 minutes to complete it. Score yourself with the table at the back of
the book, and review your incorrect answers carefully. (NOTE: In the TOEFL Official Guide
practice tests, the Reading section has 12-14 questions per passage. On the 2019-and-later
version of the real exam, you’ll only see 10 questions per passage. The Practice Tests will
still give you a very authentic feel for the real Reading section, but keep this difference in
mind on test day.)
Week 3, Day 3:

Watch the next two videos under Speaking, “Task 2 -Conversation and Reading” and “Task 2
– Sample Answer.”
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Speaking” button on your Dashboard. Answer 4 questions. Watch the
explanation video for every question.
Official Practice:
Complete Listening Practice Sets 3 and 4 on the TOEFL Listening Practice PDF. There are no
recordings, so you will treat this as reading practice.
Complete speaking practice questions 3 and 4 from the TOEFL Speaking Practice Questions
PDF. Record your answers to the speaking section. Review your incorrect answers to the
speaking section carefully. Listen to your recordings, and note what could be improved.
Then, answer the questions again with those improvements.
Week 3, Day 4:

Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Integrated Structure A” and “Integrated
Structure B.”
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 20-30 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards
or these vocabulary exercises. (The easiest set of words is sublist one; the most difficult is
sublist ten.)
Official Practice:
Complete Writing Practice Set 2 from the TOEFL Writing Practice Questions PDF. After
finishing, set it aside until next week.
Week 3, Day 5:

Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh.
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 10-20 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards
or these vocabulary exercises.
Official Practice:
Complete the reading section of practice test 2 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
Carefully review your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes. (NOTE: In the TOEFL
Official Guide practice tests, the Reading section has 12-14 questions per passage. On the
2019-and-later version of the real exam, you’ll only see 10 questions per passage. The
practice tests will still give you a very authentic feel for the real Reading section, but keep
this difference in mind on test day.)
Week 3, Day 6:

Today, you’re going to take a full practice test. If you don’t have a full four hours to spend, then
switch this day with a day next week when you will have the time. You need four hours with no Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day t… 7/43
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interruptions at your computer.

Take practice test 2 from the CD that comes with the Official Guide. Do not take breaks during a
section, and be careful with the clock. The software will give you the timer for most parts, but here is
the timing for reference:

Reading section: 60 minutes (NOTE: In the current version of the TOEFL, there are now 10
questions per passage, rather than 12-14, and the Reading Section is 54 minutes long. The OG
practice test still gives you an experience that is very close to that of the current exam, but be
mindful of these differences on test day.
Listening section: 20 minutes total to answer the questions of all six recordings. Stop the
timer when you are listening to the recordings. ) (NOTE: The new version of the TOEFL gives
you approximately 16.5 minutes and 5 recordings, rather than 20 minutes and 6 recordings. For
an experience more similar to the reformatted exam, skip one of the lectures in the Official
Guide Practice Test.)
BREAK: 10 minutes (have a quick snack!)
Speaking section: (You will need to time yourself and record yourself in the speaking section,
so be prepared.)
15 seconds to prepare, 45 seconds to speak.
30 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
30 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
20 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
NOTE: In the practice tests for TOEFL Official Guide (OG), there are 6 tasks, but the new
TOEFL Speaking section has just 4 tasks. For a practice test that reflects the current TOEFL
exam, skip Task 1 and Task 5 in the OG software.
Writing section:
20 minutes
30 minutes

Week Four
Week 4, Day 1:

Watch the next three videos under Reading, from “Except” to “Purpose.”
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions
associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for
every question you get wrong.
Complete the following Magoosh TOEFL 5 Part Blog Post Reading Practice Set. There is one
question per link. Work through all 5 questions.
The Caravaggio Mystery Purpose Question.
The Caravaggio Mystery Detail Question.
The Caravaggio Mystery Insert Text Question.
The Caravaggio Mystery Inference Question.
The Caravaggio Mystery Vocabulary Question.
Official Practice:
Complete Reading Practice Set 3 on TOEFL Reading Practice PDF. Carefully review your
answers and learn from your mistakes in the reading section. Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day t… 8/43
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Complete speaking practice questions 5 and 6 from the TOEFL Speaking Practice Questions
PDF. Save the recordings of your answers to the speaking section.
Week 4, Day 2:

Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Integrated Body Sample (Structure A)” and
“Integrated Body Sample (Structure B).”
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete two essays and then watch
the explanation videos for both.
Spend 20-30 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards
or these vocabulary exercises.
Official Practice:
Return to the essay you wrote for Writing Practice Set 2 from the TOEFL Writing Practice
Questions PDF. Edit and add to it to make it even better.
Return to your answers from speaking practice questions 5 and 6 from the TOEFL Speaking
Practice Questions PDF. Listen and note what could be improved. Answer them again with
those improvements.
Week 4, Day 3:

Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Function” and “Getting in the
Speaker’s Head.”
Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete one essay, and then watch
the explanation video.
Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text
changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get
Week 4, Day 4:

Watch the next two videos under Speaking, “Task 3 – Lecture & Reading” and “Task 3 –
Sample Answer.”
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 20-30 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards
or these vocabulary exercises.
Official Practice:
Complete the first portion of the listening section (three recordings, 17 questions) of
practice test 3 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
Complete the speaking section of practice test 2 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Record
your answers for review next week. (NOTE: Speaking Tasks 1 and 5 from the Official Guide
practice tests are no longer part of the newly reformatted TOEFL. For a more realistic test
experience, skip these two tasks on the practice test.)
Week 4, Day 5:

Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Essay 2 -Independent” and “Independent
Introduction Sample.”
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Spend 10-20 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards
or these vocabulary exercises.
Official Practice:
Complete the writing section of practice test 2 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
Week 4, Day 6:

Watch the next two videos under Reading, “Reference” and “Paraphrase”
Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
Official Practice:
Complete the first three reading practice sets in the Official Guide, starting on page 60.
Carefully review your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes.

Week Five
Week 5, Day 1:

Congratulations—you’ve finished half of the two-month study schedule! Keep up that hard work.

Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Attitude” and “Tone of Voice.”
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions
associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for
every question you get wrong.
Spend 10-20 minutes working on your vocabulary using these vocabulary exercises.
Official Practice:
Return to your answers to the speaking questions in practice test 2 of Official TOEFL iBT
Tests. Listen and note what could be improved. Answer them again with those
Week 5, Day 2:

Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Independent Structure A” and “Independent
Structure B.”
Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Speaking” button on your Dashboard. Answer 4 questions. Watch the
explanation video for every question.
Official Practice:
In the Official Guide, read the essay prompt on page 211. Outline your own answer to the
question (don’t write the essay yet—just prepare for it). Then, read pages 211-215. After
you read each essay and before you read the rater comments, critique the essay yourself.
What are its strengths and weaknesses? What would you have done differently? What
aspects of this essay might you try to incorporate into your own writing? Then return to
your outline, and write your own response.
Week 5, Day 3:

Watch 2 new grammar videos in Magoosh Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 10/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete one essay, and then watch
the explanation video.
Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text
changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get
Week 5, Day 4:

Watch 1-2 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 20-30 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards
or these vocabulary exercises.
Complete two Magoosh TOEFL Blog reading practice sets Reading Practice Set 1 and
Reading Practice Set 2.
Official Practice:
Complete the listening section of practice test 2 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
(NOTE: In the Official Guide practice tests, you are given 6 Listening tasks total: 4 lectures
and 2 conversations. On the new version of the TOEFL, you get 3 lectures and two
conversations. For a more realistic practice experience, skip one of the lectures in each OG
practice Listening section.)
Week 5, Day 5:

Watch the next two videos under Reading, “Insert Text” and “Summary.”
Official Practice:
Complete Listening Practice Sets 5 and 6 on the TOEFL Listening Practice PDF. There are no
recordings, so you will treat this as reading practice.
Complete the second portion of the listening section of practice test 3 in the book Official
TOEFL iBT Tests.
Week 5, Day 6:

Watch the final video under Reading, titled “Category”
Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
Official Practice:
Complete the reading section of practice test 4 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Give
yourself exactly 54 minutes to complete it. (NOTE: In the TOEFL Official Guide practice
tests, the Reading section has 12-14 questions per passage. On the 2019-and-later version
of the real exam, you’ll only see 10 questions per passage. The practice tests will still give
you a very authentic feel for the real Reading section, but keep this difference in mind on
test day.)

Week Six
Week 6, Day 1:

Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Organization,” and “Structural
Key Words,” Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day t… 11/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions
associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for
every question you get wrong.
Official Practice:
Complete Writing Practice Set 3 from the TOEFL Writing Practice Questions PDF.
Week 6, Day 2:

Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Independent Body Sample (Structure A)” and
“Independent Body Sample (Structure B)”
Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Inference,” and “Don’t Go Too
Official Practice:
Complete Listening Practice Set 7 on the TOEFL Listening Practice PDF. There are no
recordings, so you will treat this as reading practice.
Return to any two of your previously written essays. Edit and add to them to make them
even better.
Week 6, Day 3:

Watch the final video under Writing, “Independent Conclusion Sample.”
Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions
associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for
every question you get wrong.
Official Practice:
Complete the speaking section of practice test 4 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Record
your answers so you can review them later. (NOTE: Speaking Tasks 1 and 5 from the
Official Guide practice tests are no longer part of the newly reformatted TOEFL. For a more
realistic test experience, skip these two tasks on the practice test.)
Week 6, Day 4:

Watch the last two videos under Speaking, “Task 4 – Lecture” and “Task 4 – Sample
Magoosh Practice:
Spend 20-30 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards
or these vocabulary exercises.
Official Practice:
Complete the reading section of practice test 3 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
Carefully review your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes. (NOTE: In the TOEFL
Official Guide practice tests, the Reading section has 12-14 questions per passage. On the
2019-and-later version of the real exam, you’ll only see 10 questions per passage. The
practice tests will still give you a very authentic feel for the real Reading section, but keep
this difference in mind on test day.)
Week 6, Day 5:

Watch the final two videos in Listening, “Question Type: Filling in Tables” and “Easiest to
Hardest.” Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 12/43
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Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions
associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for
every question you get wrong.
Official Practice:
Complete speaking practice questions 7 and 8 from the TOEFL Speaking Practice Questions
Week 6, Day 6:

Today, you’re going to take a full practice test. If you don’t have a full four hours to spend, then
switch this day with a day next week when you will have the time. You need four hours with no
interruptions at your computer.

Take the practice test 3 from the CD that comes with the Official Guide. Do not take breaks during a
section, and be careful with the clock. The software will give you the timer for most parts, but here is
the timing for reference:

Reading section: 60 minutes (NOTE: In the current version of the TOEFL, there are now 10
questions per passage, rather than 12-14, and the Reading Section is 54 minutes long. The OG
practice test still gives you an experience that is very close to that of the current exam, but be
mindful of these differences on test day.
Listening section: 20 minutes total to answer the questions of all six recordings. Stop the
timer when you are listening to the recordings. ) (NOTE: The new version of the TOEFL gives
you approximately 16.5 minutes and 5 recordings, rather than 20 minutes and 6 recordings. For
an experience more similar to the reformatted exam, skip one of the lectures in the Official
Guide Practice Test.)
BREAK: 10 minutes (have a quick snack!)
Speaking section: (You will need to time yourself and record yourself in the speaking section,
so be prepared.)
15 seconds to prepare, 45 seconds to speak.
30 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
30 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
20 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
NOTE: In the practice tests for TOEFL Official Guide (OG), there are 6 tasks, but the new
TOEFL Speaking section has just 4 tasks. For a practice test that reflects the current TOEFL
exam, skip Task 1 and Task 5 in the OG software.
Writing section:
20 minutes
30 minutes

Week Seven
Week 7, Day 1:

Watch half of the Magoosh grammar lessons that you have not seen before.
Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete two essays and watch the
explanation videos.
Week 7, Day 2: Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 13/43
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Finish watching the Magoosh grammar lessons.
Official Practice:
Complete the listening section of practice test 4 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
(NOTE: In the Official Guide practice tests, you are given 6 Listening tasks total: 4 lectures
and 2 conversations. On the new version of the TOEFL, you get 3 lectures and two
conversations. For a more realistic practice experience, skip one of the lectures in each OG
practice Listening section.)
Week 7, Day 3:

Official Practice:
Review all of your answers from the full practice test you took at the end of last week. Pay
careful attention to your wrong answers in reading and listening, learning from your
mistakes. Grade your speaking and writing tasks by comparing them with the examples
given on the CD.
Week 7, Day 4:

Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text
changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get
Spend 20-30 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards
or these vocabulary exercises.
Official Practice:
Complete Writing Practice Set 4 from the TOEFL Writing Practice Questions PDF.
Week 7, Day 5:

Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions
associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for
every question you get wrong.
Official Practice:
Complete the writing section of practice test 4 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
Week 7, Day 6:

Official Practice:
Complete the reading section of practice test 5 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. (NOTE:
In the TOEFL Official Guide practice tests, the Reading section has 12-14 questions per
passage. On the 2019-and-later version of the real exam, you’ll only see 10 questions per
passage. The practice tests will still give you a very authentic feel for the real Reading
section, but keep this difference in mind on test day.)
Complete the speaking section of practice test 3 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
(NOTE: Speaking Tasks 1 and 5 from the Official Guide practice tests are no longer part of
the newly reformatted TOEFL. For a more realistic test experience, skip these two tasks on
the practice test.)

Week Eight
Week 8, Day 1: Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 14/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Speaking” button on your Dashboard. Answer 4 questions. Watch the
explanation video for every question.
Official Practice:
Return to the essays you wrote for practice test 4 of Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Edit them and
add to them to make them even better.
Week 8, Day 2:

Magoosh Practice:
Spend 30 to 60 minutes reviewing vocabulary that you have studied in the last two months.
Official Practice:
Return to the recordings of your responses to practice test 3 from Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
Repeat the same tasks better than the first time, attempting to include new vocabulary in
every answer.
Week 8, Day 3:

Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete one essay and watch the
explanation video.
Official Practice:
Complete the last three reading practice sets in the Official Guide, starting on page 90. Give
yourself no more than 20 minutes per passage (including the questions). Carefully review
your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes.
Week 8, Day 4:

Magoosh Practice:
Spend 30 minutes reviewing vocabulary that you have studied in the last two months.
Official Practice:
Take the writing section of Practice Test 1 from the CD that comes with the Official Guide.
Grade your essays by comparing them with the examples given on the CD.
Week 8, Day 5:

Magoosh Practice:
Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text
changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get
Official Practice:
Complete the five listening practice sets in the Official Guide, starting on page 143.
Carefully review your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes.
Week 8, Day 6:

Official Practice:
Complete the listening section of practice test 5 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
(NOTE: In the Official Guide practice tests, you are given 6 Listening tasks total: 4 lectures
and 2 conversations. On the new version of the TOEFL, you get 3 lectures and two
conversations. For a more realistic practice experience, skip one of the lectures in each OG
practice Listening section.)
Complete the speaking section of practice test 5 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
(NOTE: Speaking Tasks 1 and 5 from the Official Guide practice tests are no longer part of
the newly reformatted TOEFL. For a more realistic test experience, skip these two tasks on
the practice test.) Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 15/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Listen to Amy Cuddy’s TED talk about posture, and consider how this could help you on your

If you have time remaining:

Review Magoosh videos and practice questions daily.
Review vocabulary that you’ve already learned.
Plan 10 essays based on the questions in pages 216-230 of the official guide. Write 1 or 2 of
them. Set them aside for a day or two, then come back and edit/improve those essays.
Answer questions from the list on pages 260-230 as if they were speaking task 1 questions.
Record your answers (NOTE: In the OG, Speaking Task 1 will be listed as Speaking Task 2, which
reflects the old format of the TOEFL).
Complete these additional free practice materials from ETS.
Regularly listen to TED talks and read articles from New York Times or Newsweek. After every
article or talk, summarize what you learned either in writing or in speech. If you speak your
summary, record yourself.

The day before your TOEFL test:

You’re going to dominate tomorrow! Be confident, and don’t study today. Relaxing is much more
important. If you’ve followed this two-month TOEFL study schedule, you should be in good shape for
the test. Get a good night’s sleep, and have a healthy breakfast in the morning. Good luck!

By the way, sign up for Magoosh TOEFL Prep! You’ll get access to 110 lesson videos that cover
everything you need to do well on the TOEFL! Click here to learn more.

Most Popular Resources

TOEFL Practice Test
TOEFL Free Trial
TOEFL Vocab Flashcards
TOEFL Study Plans Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 16/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

97 Responses to Two Month TOEFL Study Plan

khorshid May 11, 2015 at 10:37 am #

how long would each lesson take?

Lucas Verney-Fink May 15, 2015 at 11:18 am #

The lesson lengths vary, but they are mostly 5 to 10 minutes.

Kush Kumar Pandey January 26, 2019 at 2:18 am #

Hello Sir,
I am going to write my TOEFL exam on 12th March 2019. I am a beginner, but can
spend upto 1.5-2 hours per day for prep as I am currently working as Research
Scholar too. Which plan should I follow

Magoosh Test Prep Expert January 28, 2019 at 7:56 pm #

Hello Kush!

If you’re planning on taking the TOEFL in March, I’d recommend using the 1-
month study plan.

The 1-month TOEFL study plan requires about 2 hours per day for 6 days a week
to stay on track, so it should work pretty well for you.

Rogério SIlvestre July 4, 2016 at 7:30 pm #

Hey Lucas !!! Firstly, I’d like to say you’re doing a great job, along with your
team! Congrats! I have some concerns about my writing skills. I am not so confident.
Although I had been studied recently in a extension course in a US University, I had a Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 17/43
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hard time to write my paper over there. How long do you think it takes for me to reach a
100 points. What should I do to improve and optimize my time? Thanks a lot!

Magoosh Test Prep Expert July 5, 2016 at 12:36 pm #

On behalf of Lucas and the rest of the Magoosh TOEFL team, thank you for
your kind words, Rogério!

As for writing skills, it’s hard to say how long it would take you to reach a 25 in
writing (proportional to a 100 on the test overall). If you struggle with writing more
than other skills, you’ll want to devote some extra prep time to writing. This could
mean more hours per day or an extra week or two of study. But you coudl also do
this by spendign less time in a TOEFL area you’re stronger in,a nd focusing on writing

That being said, it’s hard to tell how much extra work you need to do on your TOEFL
Writing, based just on your performance in a university extension class. TOEFL
Writing is designed to be similar to general academic writing, but TOEFL essays and
“Real” college essays are not 100% the same, and can involve different skills.

I would advise doing some actual practice TOEFL essays, either through a service like
Magoosh TOEFL, or by using questions from ETS’s official TOEFL materials. Then have
someone give you feedback on your TOEFL Writing– maybe a tutor, or maybe a fellow
test prepper on a TOEFL forum. You may find that you are already at the 25-point
level for your TOEFL essays, even if you struggled a bit more int he class you took. Or
you may find you still need to improve your TOEFL Writing skills. But make sure you
really gauge your TOEFL skills specifically before building a study plan toward your
target score of 100.

Rogério SIlvestre July 13, 2016 at 4:58 pm #

Thank you so very much team!!! you are the greatest!! I’ll begin my
studies with you next july 25th. Wish me luck!!! Yes, we can !D

all the best

SANJANA WOONNA August 31, 2015 at 7:11 am #

I am going to write my TOEFL exam on 16th October. I can spend upto 1-1.5 hours a day for
TOEFL prep as I am currently doing my engineering too. Which plan should I follow? Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 18/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Lucas Fink September 1, 2015 at 2:55 pm #

I’d recommend using the one-month study schedule, and if you have extra time
after, you can use it to review or finish material that you weren’t able to use during the

Faisal January 16, 2016 at 10:03 pm #

Thanks for your hard working. I really appreciate it.

LEE January 28, 2016 at 7:28 am #

Hi Lucas,

I’m gonna study pathway Master Degree in August 2016 but I haven’t taken TOEFL exam

I registered for the test on 23rd April 2016. My TOEFL target score is more than 80 points.

I also have to take GRE exam too, my GRE target score is 320 [Quantitative Score more
than 165 and Verbal Score more than 155].

I haven’t register for the GRE exam yet.

So I can’t decide which study-plan should I use (one month TOEFL study plan, two months
TOEFL study plan or Four Months GRE and TOEFL study plan).

I’m looking forward to hearing from you

Thank you.

David Recine January 28, 2016 at 9:03 pm #

Hi Lee,

I can answer this for you— I’ve worked with a lot of students in your situation. Whether
you should study for the TOEFL before the GRE or study for both exams at the same time
depends on your English ability.

If your’e fairly comfortable with the TOEFL and are starting to get pretty close to your
target score in practice, then it’s a good idea to study for both exams at the same time.
The extra challenge of the GRE can push your forward to reach and maybe even exceed
your TOEFL goal, and the TOEFL practice can provide a little extra language study that
can help boost your GRE performance.

However, if you aren’t so close to your TOEFL target score in practice and you struggle
with confidence in English, you should probably master the TOEFL first before you move Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 19/43
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on to studying for the even more challenging English on the GRE

Williams Sbardella March 17, 2016 at 4:14 pm #

Hi, I have 34 days for take my TOEFL on May 7th (without counting weekends).
Which schedule should I use? I have a lot of free time. I also have a Teacher that is my
friend. How I can study with him? I want to keep studying with him every day, two times per

Magoosh Test Prep Expert April 4, 2016 at 2:18 pm #

I apologize for the late reply William. Thanks for commenting nonetheless, as I
think your question is a good one for any Magoosher who is trying to choose a study

If you have a lot of spare time and slightly over thirty days to study, I recommend using
our one month study schedule as the main framework for your study, but incorporating
parts of the two month plan into your studies. Use aspects of the two-month study plan
to devote extra time to any areas that you’re weak in.

I’m also really glad you asked how best to include work with a tutor in your studies.
Tutors come in the most handy for Speaking and Writing skills, since these need to be
graded on a rubric and can’t be automatically scored. So I recommend focusing mostly
on TOEFL Speaking and TOEFL essays during your study schedules. Tutors are also very
useful if there is an answer choice you don’t understand, and the answer explanation in
the materials isn’t quite doing it for you.

Nui April 19, 2016 at 11:20 am #


With the materials I need before I start following this plan, is it okay to have Official TOEFL
iBT® Tests Volume 2 to work on?

Thank you

Magoosh Test Prep Expert April 19, 2016 at 10:27 pm #

That will certainly work! Official TOEFL iBT tests Volume 2 has the same amount
of practice material in the same format as Volume 1, so it can fit into your studies in the
exact same way. Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 20/43
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Mohammad May 26, 2016 at 8:12 am #


I am preparing for TOEFL iBT exam and only have two months for it. My English is quite and
have already published some papers in recognized conferences in my field of study. But I
have a bit stress about my exam. The time constraints in the exam is my problem which
increases my stress in responding, especially in reading section. Normally, I have only 40
seconds for the last question in this section.
I have studied different methods from different recognized publishers. I really need your
valuable and accrue recommendation to help me solve this problem of mine.

Thanks in advance,

Magoosh Test Prep Expert May 27, 2016 at 4:16 pm #

Beating the clock really can be the hardest part of TOEFL prep. It can also be one
of the hardest things on the exam itself. One way to breeze through questions more
quickly is to rely on your own logic and prior knowledge. Some answers can be gotten
with common sense– at times, you can tell that only one answer really “works,” without
having to double check the passage. And since TOEFL passages are factually accurate,
sometimes your own knowledge of the academic subject can tell you what the correct
answer is. The Magoosh TOEFL Blog also recommends a special method for improving
pacing. In this method you temporarily stop using a a timer while you practice, and then
you slowly reintroduce the time limits as you build pacing skills. Be sure to check out our
post on prior knowledge and logic in TOEFL pacing, and try our tutorial for untimed-to-
timed TOEFL pacing practice.

Linh June 29, 2016 at 8:43 pm #


Thank you for the study plan! I will start it tomorrow.

I took the TOEFL test 2 years ago and got 108 (R: 26, L: 26, S: 27, W: 29). However, I
haven’t used English regularly since then, so I’m quite worried about the test this time,
especially the speaking and writing sections (my reading and listening skills have improved
greatly in the past 2 years). My goal is to get 110. Do you think that it’s possible with 2
months of studying? I’m on summer vacation so I have a lot of spare time.

Thank you,
Linh Pham Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 21/43
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Magoosh Test Prep Expert June 29, 2016 at 8:55 pm #

Losing some of your English skill because you aren’t using English can be
frustrating. But it happens. The good news about “losing” your English in this way is that
English skills are easier to recover if you’ve had them before.

I’ve seen students in your situation recover their English quickly when they start to study
again. It’s certainly possible that you could catch up on your English and boost your
TOEFL score a few points, if you study full time for two months. I would say it’s definitely
worth a try.

Arshit July 18, 2016 at 11:02 pm #

Seriously I am unknown about the test but when i heard about it, i thought to give it
a try, kindly guide me from the beginning like how to prepare, how much to prepare, when
and how to submit the test, validity of the test…. i know this is a whole bunch of questions
but i am sure you’ll help me sort it out.

Magoosh Test Prep Expert July 19, 2016 at 8:18 pm #

Wow, that is a lot of questions. It would be hard to answer all of them here, but I
can give you some resources to help you get started. I recommend reading through our
blog’s free eBook, the Magoosh Guide to the TOEFL iBT. And look through our complete
list of Magoosh TOEFL Blog posts. We have many different posts on prep, when and how
to submit scores, which schools, employers and immigration offices accept scores, and
so on.

Dmitry August 22, 2016 at 6:50 am #

Good day!

My level of English proficiency is somewhere between B2 and C1. Do you know whether it is
possible for me to score 110+ using this schedule considering that I’m planning on taking
the test on the 26th of November? Thanks in advance.



Magoosh Test Prep Expert August 22, 2016 at 10:51 am # Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 22/43
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ETS has actually published a conversion scale for CEFR and TOEFL iBT. You can
find that scale at this link on the official TOEFL website. (Scroll down past the IELTS
score conversions to see CEFR.)

As you can see, your score puts you somewhere between a 72 and a 95 on the TOEFL.
These conversions aren’t precise though. If you study and really work to build those
TOEFL skills, you could conceivably get yourself up to 110 plus, even if there isn’t a
corresponding increase in your CEFR levels.

Dmitry August 25, 2016 at 5:00 am #


Romina August 23, 2016 at 6:22 pm #

Hi, I would like to konw, which is the main difference between the one month and
the two month study plans? How much time per day requires the two month plan? If I have
about 30 to 40 minutes per day to study, which plan do you recommend for me and how
many months do I need to be prepare for the exam?
Trank you!

Magoosh Test Prep Expert August 25, 2016 at 6:25 pm #

Both our two month plan and our one month TOEFL study schedule require 1-2
hours of study time per day on average. The difference is that the two month plan allows
for more study and longer prep time, assuming you need more total study time to
master the TOEFL.

Because you have only 30 or 40 minutes a day, you should probably double or triple the
calendar length of any plan you choose. So if the two month plan seems right for you,
you could do that same amount of work in 4-6 months, studying 30-40 minutes a day
instead of 1-2 hours a day. Similarly, if you opt for the one month plan, you’ll probably
need 2 or 3 months to go through all of the activities listed in the plan.

It’s also worth mentioning that you will sometimes need more than 40 minutes in a day
to study. It can be useful to really get into a study session and study for an hour or two.
And it’s best to do the practice exams in one sitting, and those take more than 40
minutes. So I suggest setting aside some longer periods for study over the weekends or
on your days off.

Ahmed Elabd August 26, 2016 at 5:16 am # Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 23/43
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Why you mentioned in Official IBT tests to use book not CD ?

Magoosh Test Prep Expert September 5, 2016 at 1:18 pm #

The Official TOEFL iBT test also comes with a CD that you’ll need to use in your
prep. But the Official iBT Tests CD isn’t quite as important. The CD for Official TOEFL iBT
Tests doesn’t have any actual testing software. It only has audio files. So you use that
CD just for the Listening and Speaking sections and the first Writing task. And the CD
can’t simulate the way the exam will actually look and feel.

Andrey August 29, 2016 at 7:30 pm #

Hello, how long take each study day? What if I will not be able to take some of
exercise days in the week?

Magoosh Test Prep Expert September 5, 2016 at 12:55 pm #

You need one or two hours per study day to stay on track with this schedule. But
of course, sometimes you have a day where you simply can’t fit in even an hour of study.
When you miss a day of study or have a day where you aren’t able to complete all of the
planned activities, make sure that you do more hours in the next 1-3 days, so that you
can make up for lost time. And even when you don’t meet your daily goals, make sure
you meet your weekly goals. That way, you don’t risk falling behind, even when you have
a day where you can’t do all the planned exercises.

Nur Andi August 29, 2016 at 11:29 pm #

Hi, I will take iBT test on the beginning of January next year to fulfill scholarship
application. My target score is 85.

I have not taken IBT test yet, but I have PBT score 513 (listening 51, structure 48, reading

Would you please advice me which study-plan should I use to reach the target?

Magoosh Test Prep Expert September 5, 2016 at 12:52 pm #

There’s not an easy way to directly compare iBT and PBT scores, since the test
structures are very different. However, based on what you’ve told me, your PBT score Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 24/43
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might be roughly equal to a TOEFL iBT of between 65 and 70. Raising your TOEFL score
15-20 points takes time. I’d definitely recommend our two-month plan. I also suggest
you start the two month plan about 90 days before your actual test date. That way you
have a few extra weeks to continue building skills in any weak areas you have with

Luigi October 4, 2016 at 9:27 am #

Does the Official Guide 3rd edition fit in this plan?

Magoosh Test Prep Expert October 5, 2016 at 8:21 pm #

The Third Edition of the TOEFL OG has all of the same explanatory content (info
about the test, tips, tricks, and strategies), but has 2 full practice tests instead of 3. So if
you use the OG 3rd edition, you’ll need to adjust your study schedule, either by taking
one less practice test, or by getting an extra practice test from Official TOEFL iBT Tests
Volume 2 or TOEFL Practice Online.

Rasha January 2, 2017 at 2:09 pm #

Hi , any printed version for this plan ?

Magoosh Test Prep Expert January 3, 2017 at 5:51 am #

Hi Rasha,

Unfortunately we do not have a printable version, but if you make a PDF of the entire
page you can unselect the comments section and will be left with about a 16 page

Armin March 23, 2017 at 7:15 pm #

Hello, I’d like to apply for a master degree. The deadline for application is June 1,
Let me know which your study plan is suitable for me? and when your advice is for my test
date? My iBT test score should be 100. Thank you for your time. Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 25/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Magoosh Test Prep Expert March 23, 2017 at 9:58 pm #

Hi Armin,

It is hard to say exactly when you should take the exam by given that you should think
about a number of variables, including (1) your flexibility/schedule, (2) whether you
need to take another graduate exam (e.g., GRE, GMAT, etc.), (3) how much time you
require for your applications, (4) do you want to build in time for a potential retake, as
well as other questions. I would think about these questions, and then I think you’ll know
which option is the best for you. Good luck!

Armin March 24, 2017 at 1:05 pm #

Thank you for your attention. My schedule is very flexibility (could be until 5
hours per day) and I don’t need to take another graduate exams. The deadline for
my application is June 1, 2017. I could take a time for May 6, 20017 and/or May 20,
2017, from TOEFL test system.
Note: Time for to get a result is 10 days.

Magoosh Test Prep Expert March 24, 2017 at 7:33 pm #

Hi Armin,

If these two times are available, it may be in your best interest to take the earlier
date to give yourself more of a cushion. You can also decide whether you would
like to schedule for a potential retake proactively (hopefully you won’t need it).
That being said, both options are good!

peyman April 22, 2017 at 5:12 pm #

Hi, I scored 65 on my Toefl around 8 months ago. reading:11- listening:15-

speaking:23 and writing:16.

I want to take two month plan, can I score above 80?

David Recine April 23, 2017 at 12:38 am #

I’ve definitely seen students go up 15 points in two months. Doing so will take
hard work, of course. And make sure you study test strategy as well a language skill.
Improvements to your test approach (multiple choice elimination, pacing, note-taking, Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 26/43
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etc…) is a powerful way to boost your score, and can be just as important as general
English ability.

Borun May 13, 2017 at 3:14 am #

Hi Lucas, I have almost more than 3month left to the exam. Which schedule should I
follow? I am not a native speaker. My speaking in English is not good. Please help me out .

Magoosh Test Prep Expert May 13, 2017 at 12:58 pm #

Hi Borun,

Given your timeline, I would work off the 2-Month study plan first, and then build off of it
as you better determine your needs! These plans can be adapted easily, or you can do
more targeted studying on your areas of weaknesses once you complete the 2-month
plan. I hope this helps!

Huyen May 25, 2017 at 5:07 pm #

I want to ask about study plan for 6 months? How can I improve my English in 6

Magoosh Test Prep Expert May 25, 2017 at 7:57 pm #

Hi Huyen,

First of all, it’s great that you’re dedicating 6 month for your studies! Unfortunately, we
don’t have a six month study plan for TOEFL at this time. What you can do is utilize the 2
month study plan as a base, and build from there. Identify areas you need more work
on, and do more targeted studying on those areas. I apologize for this inconvenience at
this time, but definitely consider the two month plan as a base. Best of luck Huyen!

Karen Garcia May 28, 2017 at 9:26 pm #

Hello. I’m going to take my TOEFL on september but I have taken this exam on april
and I hadn’t gotten a great score (62). I need to have more than 95 because I have to apply
for my master scholarship. What study plan could you recommend me? And How many
hours per day should I have to spend? I’m working in engineering please help me Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 27/43
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Magoosh Test Prep Expert May 29, 2017 at 1:49 am #

Hi Karen,

I’m sorry to hear that your TOEFL score wasn’t at the level it needed to be. That sounds

In your case, it may take longer than two months to prepare for the TOEFL and get the
higher score you need. Before you get started on TOEFL prep, however, ask yourself an
important question: are you ready to start studying for the TOEFL? By this, I mean: are
you ready to begin test prep, or should you first spend a little more time improving your
general English language skills. Click the link above to read more about how to assess
your TOEFL readiness.

If you need to study English a bit more first, you should probably spend 3-5 months
building up your general English skills, and then start this 2-month TOEFL study plan.
However, if you’re pretty good at English already, yet are still struggling with the TOEFL,
then you’ll want to focus on test strategies and skills.

In that case, give yourself a month or two to really learn multiple choice for TOEFL
Reading question types and the TOEFL Listening questions, good pacing for TOEFL
Speaking and good TOEFL Writing pacing, useful note-taking skills, etc…. Then, when you
feel more confident in the test skills, and you’re getting scores that are at least in the
high 70s on practice tests, you can use our 2 month plan to boost your score all the way
up to 95.

Camila May 29, 2017 at 7:39 pm #

Hi Magoosh team! So, here’s my question: Im already studying for the GRE, using
the 90 days study plan for advanced students (i did a practical test before starting any study
and scored 152 in the verbal section and 145 in the quant section). i made a weekly study
schedule that has 10 hours for GRE and 7 hours for TOEFL. i did this based on the
assumption that by studying to the GRE im already training a lot of TOEFL skills, so in my
TOEFL hours i can focuse more on speaking and listening. Is that assumption correct? Can i
assume that, by studying to the GRE, im already kind off studying for TOEFL too?

Magoosh Test Prep Expert May 29, 2017 at 8:55 pm #

Hi Camila,

Great question! In some ways, studying for the GRE will help you in parts of the TOEFL.
However, the TOEFL requires skills and strategies that you will not see on the GRE. The
skills that you learn when you study for the verbal section will be helpful in building your
general English abilities (vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, writing etc), but
the reading and writing sections for the TOEFL will require different strategies than the Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 28/43
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reading and writing sections of the GRE. So, you should make sure to review the
question types and strategies for reading and writing as well, even if your TOEFL study
time is more focused on the speaking and listening section.

Check out this blog post about studying for the TOEFL in 20-30 minutes per day. It
sounds like you have a good idea of what your study schedule should look like, but this
blog post can help you figure out the best way to master all 4 TOEFl skills while studying
for the GRE.

I hope this helps! As a Premium student, remember that you can always send use
questions through

Harold June 10, 2017 at 7:43 pm #

Hi Magoosh,

Do you have a Six Month TOEFL study plan? I want to purchase the 6 months plan and I
would like to know if you provide a schedule for that time?

Thank you.

Magoosh Test Prep Expert June 14, 2017 at 12:54 pm #

Hi Harold,

We don’t have a 6-month study schedule, but you can easily extend our 2-month
schedule to accommodate your study needs! If you’re wondering how long you should
study for the TOEFL, this blog post might help. Many students purchase our 6-month
Premium package and study for 2-3 months. If for some reason they need to re-take the
TOEFL, they have more time left on their subscription

If you have any other questions about our plans before purchasing Magoosh, you can
send your questions to

Mohammad Sohel Mia July 29, 2017 at 2:17 am #

Dear Lucas Fink,

While I am writing this email ,I am quite frustrated .I need 79 in TOEFL but I got 72 in
I sat for TOEFL three times ,last time my score was 72 but I need 79 or 80.

My toefl Score:Reading:16,Listening 18,Writing 21,Speaking 17.Total=72

How can I do better in TOEFL?I need 79 or 80

I bought your one month Package . Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 29/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Magoosh Test Prep Expert July 31, 2017 at 5:10 pm #

Hi Mohammad,

If you haven’t already reached out to our team via, I recommend
you do so! Since you are a premium member, we can give you better advice that way.

Sahar August 17, 2017 at 2:30 pm #


I always have a problem with time management in studying and preparing for TOEFL iBT. If I
decided to prepare for toefl in two months, how many hours per day should I study for the
TOEFL so I can have an organized schedule.

Thanks for your response


Magoosh Test Prep Expert August 23, 2017 at 5:28 pm #

Hi Sahar,

Happy to help! This plan in particular says, “Plan on spending between one and two
hours each day to stay on this schedule, although some days will be less, and the
practice tests will take longer.” So this can be your rough guide.

Lokin August 19, 2017 at 11:45 am #

Hi Lucas,

I have exactly 2 months to prepare for TOEFL and also planned to take 2-month study
schedule.My first attempt score was 82 (R:17,L:19,S:22,W:24) .My target score is 105.

With the two-month study schedule is it possible to boost up the score and how many hours
I need to spend per day in order to get the required score.

Magoosh Test Prep Expert August 23, 2017 at 5:30 pm #

Hi Lokin, Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 30/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

The plan indicates that you should “plan on spending between one and two hours each
day to stay on this schedule, although some days will be less, and the practice tests will
take longer.” To see 23 point improvement is a tall order, but if you are determined, it is
doable. I would recommend bumping the plan’s recommended hours up by at least 1-1.5
hours per day in your case. Happy studying!

Andres October 30, 2017 at 10:29 pm #

HI! My question is about the time that I need to improve my score. I got my score 2
months ago and it was 86 over 120 (Reading 18 Listening 21 Speaking 23 and Writing 24).
My target is 100 or more but a least 100. How long do you think is going to take me to get
there and do I have to do something first?

Magoosh Test Prep Expert October 31, 2017 at 12:56 pm #

Hi Andres,

This really depends on several factors. First: why do you think you got an 86? Was it
because you need to improve your general English ability? Or, was it because you didn’t
understand the best strategies for answering each question? If you need to improve your
general English ability, then it might take you a few months before you are ready for the
TOEFL again (see this blog post:
start-studying-for-the-toefl/). However, if you just need to improve your strategy and
knowledge of the TOEFL test, 2 months is a good amount of time

Sharna January 27, 2018 at 10:46 pm #

I have scored 89 (L-23,W-22, R-26 and S-18) in my last TOEFL exam. I want to
make in 100 ( 25 in each). I will retake my exam by end of April. What i need to do for it?

Magoosh Test Prep Expert January 28, 2018 at 1:11 pm #

Hi Sharna,

The first step is to check out this study schedule–it will give you a good idea of what it
takes to prepare for the TOEFL. You’ll see a list of essential and recommended materials
as well as resources to help you succeed in your studies! One thing to keep in mind is
that one of the best ways to study is to immerse yourself in English as much as possible.
This means that you should spend some time every day reading in English, listening to
something in English, speaking in English and writing in English. On top of this, it’s Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 31/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

important to understand the best strategies for how to answer each type of question you
will find on the TOEFL. Have you ever considered becoming a Magoosh Premium
Student? Our comprehensive program will bring you through all of the information you
need for success on the TOEFL. Give us a try with a free 7-day trial

Camila March 22, 2018 at 8:28 am #

Hello guys!
I presented the toefl two months ago and I have scored 70, but I need at least 100 for
master program, after this I should study for the Gmat. I would like to present the toefl
again by the end of May. Do you think it might be time enough to retake it? I’m thinking of
to start the two months plan with Magoosh. I’m studying English as a full time student in a
English speaking country, though. I think this may be in my favor. Please help me out. I
need some sort of guidance to boost my overall score. Thank you in advance!

David Recine March 22, 2018 at 10:53 am #

Hi Camilla! One thing I will tell you up front is that two months of study time is a
relatively short time to boost your TOEFL score by a full 30 points.

Can you do it? Possibly, but that depends on a number of factors. Most importantly, how
quickly you can improve depends on which areas of the TOEFL you need to improve in. If
you got your 70 because your language skills (pronunciation, reading comprehension,
etc…) are not where they need to be, then you need to improve actual your actual
English. This can be time consuming, and you may not be able to sufficiently improve in
2 months. Being in an English language program in the English speaking world can help
accelerate your improvement of English, but even then, two months may or may not be
enough time. (And I say this as a former professor at a full-time American intensive
English program.)

On the other hand, your area where you need to improve could be test skills, such as
pacing, note-taking skills, skimming and canning of reading passages, strategies for
eliminating multiple choice questions, strategies for finding the easiest way to structure a
speaking or writing response, etc…. These skills CAN be improved quickly. So if strategy
is the main thing you need to improve on, then with hard work, you’d have a decent
chance (but not a guarantee) of getting to 100 by the end of may.

Either way, I’d say it’s definitely worth trying. You have at least some chance of getting
to where you need to be, regardless of the areas you need to improve in.

Ian Zacnich April 9, 2018 at 9:48 am #

Dear Team Magoosh, Greetings from Perú. Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 32/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

I’ve been reading your page for a while and everytime i see your study plans, it requires
either The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT, 4th Edition with the accompanying CD or Official
TOEFL iBT Tests. Where can i buy/find those books? because i see that to get a proper
preparation, following your guides, it is a pre-requisit to have them.

By the way, i’m not in a hurry so i’m planning to get that 6 months subscription and prepar
myself 3 times, accoding to your 2 month study plan. However, i don’t know whether is
enough to purchase only the Magoosh TOEFL Prep, to get at least 100+. I know everything
depens on me but i need to know if it is possible.

Thanks in advance.


Magoosh Test Prep Expert April 12, 2018 at 9:22 am #

Hi Ian,

I’m going to forward your message to our team of tutors who can help you with some
more personalized study advice and support You should hear from someone soon!

Saeed June 19, 2018 at 1:14 am #

Hi all and thanks for this awesome website!

I have scored 58 (L-14,W-17, R-18 and S-9) in my last attempt. I need to score at least 68 (
17 on average for each section ) and I will retake my exam by Aug 12 “within two months
from now”. apparently am struggling with the speaking part. would you recommend
magoosh for me? and which plan is best in my case? any advice/suggestion is highly
appreciated with regards.

Magoosh Test Prep Expert June 19, 2018 at 5:21 pm #

Hi Saeed,

I’ve forwarded your message on to our team of tutors so that they can provide you with
some resources and study help You’ll hear back from someone in an email soon!

AYLA June 22, 2018 at 2:57 pm #

The last time I took the TOEFL exam I got an 87 (read-18, listen-21, speak-26, write-22)
and this was almost two years ago. I am planning to take the TOEFL test again in Auget. Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 33/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Would this study plan be the right level for me and if not, are there any other suggestions
that might help me prepare for the test?

Thank you!

David Recine June 26, 2018 at 12:02 pm #

Hi Ayla,

Great question! This study plan is optimal for an intermediate English student, someone
who has decent English and TOEFL ability but may need to take some time to both
refresh and raise their English skill. As such, this plan would probably be perfect for you
You could review your previous TOEFL learning, while also using the activities to boost
your TOEFL score to new heights.

I do have a few other suggestions as well, based on what you’ve told me. First, don’t be
afraid to review TOEFL materials you’ve used in your past studies. 2 years is a long time,
and previously used practice will not be fresh in your mind. Revisit that practice, and it
just might be as useful as all-new material. I also recommend carefully gauging where
your English strengths and weaknesses lie now. A lot can change in two years, and your
exact study needs could be different than they were the last time you took the exam.

In addition, be sure to take a practice test to figure out your current TOEFL “baseline”–
the ability you have right now, after previously taking the test, but before starting your
new TOEFL prep. To measure your baseline, consider taking an accurately designed mock
TOEFL, such as one from one of the official TOEFL books. A test from TOEFL Quick Prep
or Magoosh TOEFL could also be useful. Once you know your current level of ability,
you’ll be ready to make good use of this study plan, aiming for your target score.

Luis July 29, 2018 at 12:21 pm #

I just noticed that in day 4 week 8, the writing section from the official guide had
been taken wayyy early, I found that interesting considering that your schedules had no
repetitive activities so far. Was there a mistake? What activity can I do instead? thanks.

David Recine July 29, 2018 at 4:29 pm #

I’m not seeing a repeat of activities, Luis. But I am seeing something that almost
looks like repetition. I see that in Week 2, Day 5, the study plan calls for students to take
the writing section from practice test 1 of Official TOEFL iBT Tests. then, in week 8, day
4, the study plan asks students to take the writing test from a different practice test 1–
the first practice test of the TOEFL Official Guide. I’ve seen a lot of students get confused
about that and take the OG practice test 1 writing section in week 2. If that’s what Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 34/43
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happened to you, then you can just take the Official TOEFL iBT Tests practice test 1
writing assessment in week 8.

If you’ve somehow taken the writing from the first practice tests in both books, then I
recommend taking the writing from practice test 5 in Official TOEFL iBT Tests during
week 8.

I hope this helps. But if there is a different repetition, I didn’t notice, my apologies. In
that case, just tell me what it is.

Thais August 21, 2018 at 1:37 pm #

Help me, please!!! Where can I find the videos here? Is it on youtube only?? Thanks!

Magoosh Test Prep Expert August 23, 2018 at 10:07 am #

Hello Thais,

The videos in this study schedule are from our Magoosh TOEFL Premium Program. You
will have to purchase a Premium subscription in order to watch them. However, many of
the other resources from our study schedule are available for free on our blog. If you
have further questions about the Premium program, please reach out to 😉

Viki August 25, 2018 at 8:45 pm #

Thank you very much for the schedule. It is really help me to arrange my time for
studying toefl !

SARA November 19, 2018 at 5:38 am #


I’m planing to take the TOEFL for next couple of months, since it’s require to get 68 score to
enroll a master, so I need to know how I can improve my English skills. I can score my
English 4/10

Magoosh Test Prep Expert November 20, 2018 at 6:47 am #

Hi Sara, Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 35/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

We have a lot of resources to help you improve your English skills. In general, the best
thing that you can do is to immerse yourself in English as much as possible. This means
that you should read in English, watch movies and shows, speak as much as possible and
spend time writing in English each day. The more you are exposed to English, the more
you will learn! This blog post also has some great resources for learning English online

Minaa November 19, 2018 at 9:12 am #

Two weeks ago, I got a 68 (R15,L17,S18,W19). This study plan in 2 month is it good
for me?
Thank you.

Magoosh Test Prep Expert November 20, 2018 at 7:12 am #

Hi Minaa,

This depends on how much you want to improve, and how much studying you did before
the exam! This blog post might help you to think through this a little more

You can certainly improve a lot in two months, and our study schedule can help you to
maximize your study time. Keep in mind that it takes a lot of work to see significant
improvement on the TOEFL. If you are looking for affordable and high quality study
materials, I would recommend that you look into our Magoosh Premium Program. That
will give you access to everything you need to prepare for the TOEFL, and our dashboard
score estimator will help you to know when you are prepared for the exam!

Ai Vy May 1, 2019 at 1:35 pm #

Dear Sirs,

I am following the 2-month schedule. But it is stated in the introduction: “This plan is mostly
designed to get you familiar with the TOEFL format and question types, but with the end
goal of getting your TOEFL scores to an acceptable level”. So even if I do all perfectly as
instructed, I can not get the scores of around 110 as I wish? Thanks.

Magoosh Test Prep Expert May 3, 2019 at 4:04 pm #

Hi Ai,

Our plans are designed to be comprehensive and take you through everything you need
to know about the TOEFL! Many of our students have gone on to achieve 110+ scores
after studying for two two months. Your score potential after two months of studying Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 36/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

really depends on your starting point and how much time and effort you put into your
studies. If you have a strong English level and work hard over two months, then you can
certainly achieve a 110+ score! However, if you need significant improvement in general
English levels, or have test anxiety, or struggle with test-taking strategy, then it may
take more time to reach that goal.

Marcia Alves May 6, 2019 at 9:07 am #

Hi there,

I started today two months plan with Magoosh Toefl. However, I’d like a direction to my best
plan, because I need 26 speaking scores with 85 overall. What you recommend me.

Thank you

David Recine May 9, 2019 at 2:33 pm #

This two month plan has gotten a lot of students to a 26+ in Speaking and an
85+ in TOEFL overall. With that said, depending on your exact strengths, weaknesses,
and learning needs, you may want to modify this plan, so you can focus the right amount
on the right things. I see you’re a Magoosh TOEFL Premium user, so I can also send you
a private email for some extra study support as well.

Hugo Castro May 26, 2019 at 12:38 pm #

Hi, I am currently following this program and using the quick prep
(, but some days ago volume 3 and 4 are
no longer available.

Magoosh Test Prep Expert June 9, 2019 at 7:50 pm #

Hi Hugo!

Thanks for pointing this out. For now, you should still be able to access the PDFs from
an archived version of the webpage here. I’d recommend downloading the PDFs as soon
as possible in case anything else changes.

onur July 29, 2019 at 10:43 am # Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 37/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

hi there,
I read most of the comments here and I saw this plan is here for a long time. there
are some comments from 3-4 years ago and as you know Toefl system is going to
change in soon. I heard there should be different kind of study techniques for different
personalities. Please don’t misunderstand. I totally trust your professionalism. I know you
made this plan with your experiences. I will take exam at 4th October 2019 , I have a whole
2 mounts and I just need your suggestion if I still follow your 2 mounts plan straightly. Can I
get min 90+ from exam. What do you think?
Thank you so much.

David Recine August 9, 2019 at 11:01 am #

The new TOEFL actually is still a lot like the old TOEFL (see our TOEFL format
changes article), so you can follow our two month study plan to study for the new
version of the test. I’m glad you brought up the idea of different study approaches,
depending on the personality and preferences of the students, though. I always
encourage students to modify our study plans if they want to add in activities that work
particularly well for them, or remove activities that don’t meet their learning needs quite
so well.

As for whether or not you can get 90+ on the test after two months of study, that
depends on your current performance on the TOEFL. If you’re getting an 80 or higher on
practice tests right now, I’d say you have a good chance of getting to 90+. If your
current TOEFL scores are in the 70s or below, though, you may need more than two
months of study (3 months, maybe even 4 or 5) to have a good chance at your target

Stunna November 15, 2019 at 7:10 am #

Good Morning,

Please, what plans can I choose for reading, listening, speaking, and writing on this site? I
want to join and learn more to improve my English reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

Thank you

Magoosh Test Prep Expert December 20, 2019 at 12:11 pm #

Hi Stunna,

Do you want to improve your English skills more generally, or prepare for a test? Our
TOEFL program will help you prepare for the TOEFL exam, and while improving your
English is a bit part of this, it’s not our focus. But we do have a program that pairs Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 38/43
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people with English tutors. This is more geared towards improving your general English
skills, and may be helpful: Magoosh English Speaking.

Javid December 17, 2019 at 4:05 am #

Hi Magoosh team
I’m searching these days for TOEFL’s material, I saw many websites and materials so I think
magoosh prepares everything I need for TOEFL and I’ll find the best and fastest way to
study. From now I have about 4 months to the exam and I need score 92 or upper, I have
questions about this,
what’s different 4th and 5th edition of The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT ? can I use 5th
Which full exam I do in this schedule, practice exam in prep Magoosh or do an exam in the
official book?

Magoosh Test Prep Expert December 20, 2019 at 11:40 am #

Hi Javid,

Just a reminder that if you are a Premium student, you can always send us questions at We generally respond more quickly to direct emails.

The 4th and 5th editions are practically identical; there are rarely many changes in
official materials from year to year. You can use either edition.

You can use either Magoosh or Official practice tests. We generally recommend Official
Practice tests so that you can save Magoosh questions for more targeted practice.The
Official practice tests will also give you the most authentic testing experience.

Lyanna July 13, 2020 at 8:18 am #

Hi, I’m preparing for TOEFL November 14th and I was wondering if i should use
Magoosh 2months plan for TOEFL or not?
Iam also planning to take a GRE exam as well so, should i study GRE first and then TOEFL or
study them together or TOEFL first?
My english level is advance..

Thank you

Magoosh Test Prep Expert July 24, 2020 at 10:31 am # Two Month TOEFL Study Plan&text=That means some of the,Use that day … 39/43
10/6/2020 Two Month TOEFL Study Schedule

Hi Lyanna, this blog post will help you decide how long to study for the TOEFL. If your
level is advanced, you may only need a few weeks to prepare. We recommend that you
study for the TOEFL first and then the GRE.

Lyanna July 30, 2020 at 12:29 am #

Thank you for your guidance

Sincerely, Lyanna

Veronica Nguyen Jones July 18, 2020 at 1:50 pm #

I did contact you yesterday. Receiving no feed-back. I need your advice for a good
enrollment according to my current English status. Please contact with the course cost.
I took TOEFL IBt last year. My score was 60 in total. My school requests 79. My main
problem is unable to catch up the testing time. It was not enough for reading and listening. I
have plenty of time for speaking and writing.

Thank you for reply. I need your advice and course.

Magoosh Test Prep Expert July 24, 2020 at 10:26 am #

Hi Veronica,

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best
people to answer this question! I recommend using this post as a starting point, and
reaching out to your target schools for more information.

Magoosh blog comment policy: To create the best experience for our readers, we will only
approve comments that are relevant to the article, general enough to be helpful to other students,
concise, and well-written! 😄 Due to the high volume of comments across all of our blogs, we
cannot promise that all comments will receive responses from our instructors.

We highly encourage students to help each other out and respond to other students' comments if
you can!

If you are a Premium Magoosh student and would like more personalized service from our
instructors, you can use the Help tab on the Magoosh dashboard. Thanks!

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