Analysis and Performance Assessment of NH and H Fed SOFC With Proton-Conducting Electrolyte

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Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and

H2 fed SOFC with proton-conducting electrolyte

Yildiz Kalinci a,*, Ibrahim Dincer b,c

Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir Vocational School, Department of Technical Programs, Education Campus Buca,
Izmir, Turkey
University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Mechanical Engineering
Department, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ont., L1H 7K4, Canada
Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey

article info abstract

Article history: The present paper investigates the performance of a solid oxide fuel cell based on proton-
Received 4 July 2017 conducting electrolyte (SOFC-Hþ) using one-dimensional steady-state model. The analysis
Received in revised form covers a detailed electro-chemical model for H2 and NH3 fuels. The direct internal
28 July 2017 reforming of NH3 is examined, and the effects of some operating parameters (e.g. tem-
Accepted 29 July 2017 perature, pressure, fuel utilization and oxidant utilization) on the reversible cell potential
Available online xxx are investigated. In addition, the overpotentials (including activation, ohmic and concen-
tration) are calculated to study the irreversible behavior of the SOFC-Hþ with some actual
Keywords: data operating conditions and material properties taken from the literature. In addition,
Solid oxide fuel cell effects of some operation and structural parameters on cell performance were examined.
Proton conducting electrolyte The present results indicate that the activation and the ohmic losses are considerable. The
Ammonia concentration overpotential at the anode side is negligible due to the fact that H2O is
Hydrogen produced at the cathode side. The maximum power density is calculated as 3212 and
Electrochemical performance 3113 W/m2 at 1073 K and 1 atm for the fuels of H2 and NH3. The results further show that H2
provides better performance than NH3 at the same partial pressure. Moreover, NH3 is an
excellent hydrogen carrier which is a potential candidate for SOFC-Hþ due to its high
hydrogen content and considerable cell performance.
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC.

according to their temperatures, such as low temperature

Introduction (500  Ce650  C), intermediate temperature (650  Ce800  C),
and high temperature (800  Ce1000  C). In addition, they are
Fuel cells are commonly defined as devices which can convert categorized based on their types, such as integrated planar,
chemical energy of a fuel into electrical energy, directly. cone-shape, flat-tube, micro-tubular and honeycomb [3,4].
SOFCs with relatively higher operation temperatures provide From the fuel flexibility point of view, hydrogen is considered
some advantages, such as fuel flexibility, internal fuel an excellent energy carrier with some technological issues
reforming and cooperation with other systems (e.g., gas tur- (e.g. storage, transportation and large-scale production).
bine) [1,2]. Also, SOFCs are classified into three categories Alternatively, NH3 is proposed as a more flexible fuel (and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Kalinci).
0360-3199/© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3

hence hydrogen carrier or storing media) at industrial scale proton conductive electrolytes. They focused especially on
without carbon content [5]. At present, the total annual NH3 BaCeO3 investigating co-doping, doping by nonmetallic ele-
production is about 146 million tons which is used mainly as ments and composites development.
fertilizer for food production [6] as well as production of Some researchers have focused their works on the
plastics, fibers, nitric acid and intermediates for dyes and modeling of SOFCs. For instance, Farhad and Hamdullahpur
pharmaceuticals [7]. [21] presented a computer simulation about NH3 fuelled a
In addition, NH3 offers a significant advantages with good 100 W portable system. They investigated the effect of the cell
volumetric and gravimetric densities that NH3 can be easily operating voltage and fuel utilization ratios on voltage, excess
liquefied at ambient temperature and 10 atm or 33  C under air, duration of operation and heat transfer of the system.
atmosphere pressure (Note that the volumetric and gravi- Their results showed at the cell voltage 0.73 V with fuel utili-
metric densities for NH3 and H2 (250 atm) are 60 (mol L1 H2), zation ratio of 80%, first law efficiency is 41.1%. Ni [22] studied
17.6 (wt% H2) and 10 (mol L1 H2), 100 (wt% H2), respectively [8]. the thermo-electrochemical modeling of NH3-fuelled SOFCs.
Some other advantages are its easy storage and transportation They modeled NH3 thermal decomposition in the anode.
with well-established infrastructure [9], carbon-free fuel, Some other modeling examples can be found from literature
endothermic reaction during its cracking which provides [23e25].
cooling effect [10,11] and less flammability compared to other Furthermore, the literature indicates the lack of perfor-
fuels [12]. Although its leakage is easily detected by nose, it mance analysis and assessment studies on how to improve
brings some concerns about its toxicity if excessive amounts the system efficiency and effectiveness for NH3 fuelled SOFC-
are leaked out [13,14]. Hþ at intermediate temperatures. In this regard, the present
During the past decade, there has been a focused research study aims to contribute to filling this gap to help engineers
on SOFCs with ion conducting electrolyte. The main aim was and researchers for system design, analysis and improve-
to improve ionic conductance of the electrolyte and cell po- ment. The originality of the study, therefore, comes from the
tential with high operating temperature of SOFC. However, fact that it dwells on investigating the critical effects of
higher operating temperatures may bring some issues related varying operating and system parameters on the cell perfor-
to durability of material, stability problems and varying ther- mance for NH3 fuelled SOFC-Hþ. The presented one-
mal expansion behaviors of components [15]. In this regard, dimensional steady state model integrates two sub-models,
researchers have been examining the performance of proton i) NH3 thermal decomposition, ii) electro-chemical model to
conductive electrolytes and SOFCs-Hþ to solve the mentioned understand the activation, concentration and ohmic over-
problems. They do not have a problem as dilution of fuel at potential with different operational and structural parame-
anode side due to creating water vapor at cathode side. Also, ters, such as T, P, Uf, Uo, thickness, porosity, pore size.
reducing operation temperature diversifies using areas of
SOFCs. Some studies by various researchers are presented to
investigate the SOFCs-Hþ with performance parameters in Analysis
open the literature. Taherparvar et al. [16] examined the ef-
fects of humidification at anode and cathode in SOFC-Hþ. In this section, the performance of the H2 and NH3 fed SOFC-
They carried out the experiments at 600  C800  C using Pt/ Hþ is investigated as shown in Fig. 1. The analysis consists of
Yb-doped SrCeO3/Pt cell. They defined that total conductivity four main sections: i) the ammonia decomposition process, ii)
increased with PO2 higher than 105 atm and decreased with reversible cell potential, iii) overpotentials, iv) effects of some
respect to PH2O, suggesting that electron hole formation was operation and structural parameters on the cell performance.
suppressed in the presence of water. In addition, Some assumptions for the analyses are, in this regard, given
SrCe0.95Yb0.05O3a electrolyte was prepared by Zisekas et al. as follows:
[17] and studied electrode kinetics using Pd electrodes and
CO2eH2eHe mixtures at temperatures between 400  C and  The fuel cell operates at steady state condition
700  C. They reported that while low CO2 partial pressures isothermally.
(0.05 kPa and 1 kPa) had a minor negative effect on exchange  The pressure drops along the fuel cell channels are
and limited currents, higher partial pressure of CO2 (98 kPa) negligible.
affected cell performance significantly. Pekridis et al. [18]
investigated the electrode polarization measurements in the
FejSrCe0.95Yb0.05O2.975jAu. According to partial pressure of NH3 or H2 H2, N2, NH3
hydrogen and cell operating temperature, they defined ex- H2
change and limited current densities, anodic and cathodic Anode
charge transfer coefficients as well as the corresponding en-
Electrolyte H+ V
ergies of activation.
Another study was also presented by Dailly and Marrony
[19] who manufactured a proton conducted SOFC (35  35 mm) Cathode H2O
consisted of NiO-BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-d/BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-d/Nd2NiO4þd as
anode, electrolyte and cathode, respectively. A modest power Air (O2, N2) O2, N2, H2O
density was achieved as 60 mW/cm2 at 600  C and 1000 h of
long-term measurement without electrical degradation. Also, Fig. 1 e Schematic representation of the NH3 or H2 fed
Medvedev et al. [20] presented a comprehensive review about SOFC-Hþ.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3 3

 The fuel cell body is adiabatic.

vwmax ¼ zFDfdn (10)
 Only hydrogen reacts electrochemically.
 The air composition is 79% N2 and 21% O2. where F, z, Df and dn stand for Faraday's constant 96485 C/mol
 All gases are in the ideal gas form. e, electron number transferred per mol of the fuel, electric
potential difference and mole of ions, respectively. If the
Ammonia decomposition transport is reversible, the electric potential difference be-
tween the electrodes is named the electromotive force, E as
When NH3 is heated; it is cracked into hydrogen and nitrogen given below:
as given below:
vwmax ¼ zFE0 dn ¼ dG (11)
NH3 40:5N2 þ 1:5H2 (1) and
The reaction is an endothermic one based on its temper-
DG ¼ zFE0 (12)
ature and pressure. The thermodynamic equilibrium of the
reaction can be taken by minimizing the total Gibbs energy
E0 ¼ DG=zF (13)
(GEM) of the reaction:
  The equation is a well-known Nernst equation and
DGsystem T;P
¼0 (2) 0
commonly used for calculating the E value of a specific
and the chemical activity of a given species i can be written for chemical reaction [27].
The reactions:
real gas:

fi Anode: H2 42Hþ þ 2e (14)

gi ¼ gi ðT; PÞ þ RT ln (3)
Cathode: 2Hþ þ 2e þ 0:5O2 4H2 O (15)
For ideal gas, the activity of gas species is equal to its partial
pressure in the system. It can be modified according to this
Overall: H2 þ 0:5O2 /H2 O (16)
and adding solid or condensed species:
X The relevant parameters are written as
Gsystem ¼ ni gi (4)
DG ¼ DGðT; P0 Þ þ RT ln K (17)
X    X 
Gsystem ¼ ni gi þ RT ln yi P þ ni gi (5)   
gas condensed PH2 O P0
DG ¼ DGðT; P0 Þ þ RT ln     0:5 (18)
The GEM requires only the standard Gibbs function of all PH2 P0 PO2 P0
species. Then, using chemical equilibrium constant K, the and for P0 ¼ 1 atm
equilibrium composition of an ideal gas mixture can be
defined as below [26]: RT PH2 O
EOCV ¼ E0 ðT; P0 Þ  ln (19)
2F PH2 P0:5
aA þ bB/cC þ dD (6)
Here, E0(T, P0) may be given as a function of operating
temperature for H2-O2 cell at 1 atm pressure as follows [28]:
K ¼ eDGðT;P0 Þ=RT (7)

and E0 ðT; P0 Þ ¼ 1:253  2:4516104 T (20)

 Dv¼cþdab where, E is well known as OCV in a cell and indicates the
ncC ndD P
K¼ (8) maximum voltage obtained from a cell.
naA nbB nT
The reactants are usually supplied more than their stoi-
Here, A and B state reactants and C and Dare products. n chiometry value to tolerate any sealing or unwanted re-
and v mean, mol value and stoichiometric coefficients. actions. At this point, utilizations of fuel and oxidant are
important parameters, because some of the fuel can be
Electromotive force (E) exhausted as unused. The utilization parameters can be given
as below:
There is a force pushing charged ions from an electrode to
other in cell which is known as electromotive force, cell ðFuelÞconsumed ðH2 Þconsumed
Uf ¼ ¼ (21)
ðFuelÞsupplied ðH2 Þsupplied
voltage or cell potential as volt (V).
The direction of a chemical reaction becomes the direction
of decrease in the Gibbs free energy. When a system un- ðAirÞconsumed ðO2 Þconsumed
Uo ¼ ¼ (22)
dergoes a reversible process as isothermal and isobaric, the ðAirÞsupplied ðO2 Þsupplied
maximum work done by the system becomes [27]: here, f and o mean fuel and oxidant.
dG ¼ vwmax (9) In addition, the Faraday's law is an important law in an
electro-chemical reaction and states the flux of reactants and
In a cell system, the work is electrical work which is products according to the electric current in the electro-
defined as chemical reactions. In the electrical current, I is a linear

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
4 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3

function of the molar flows. J(J ¼ I/A) is commonly used as

current density. Two moles electrons are produced while Jde
hohm ¼ Jde re ¼ (29)
1 mol of hydrogen is consuming so: se

J here, s gives ionic conductivity of the electrolyte.

NH2 ¼ (23)
Concentration overpotentials

J The mass transfer of uncharged species is important due to

NO2 ¼ (24)
4F the reactants and products on the catalyst layer determine the
The Nernst potential cannot be obtained practically from a fuel cell performance. To minimize the concentration loss, it
cell due to irreversibility occurred. There are three types of can be optimized at the electrodes. The mass transport in a
voltage losses, mainly, activation, ohmic and concentration porous solid is ultimately known as a complex phenomenon.
which are defined as [29]: Under a constant system pressure, the mass flux may involve
ordinary molecular diffusion, Knudsen diffusion, and surface
E ¼ EOCV  hact;a  hact;c  hohm  hcon;a  hcon;c (25) migration. The surface migration only occurs where the
diffusion gasses are adsorbed in a mobile layer and this is
here, a and c are anode and cathode. Also, there may be other
negligible in most studies of SOFCs [27]. The Knudsen diffu-
problems, such as crossover the species through the electro-
sion considers the diffusion of gas molecules through very
lyte or electrical short circuits which are not considered in the
small capillary pores. If the pore diameter is smaller than the
present study, due to their negligibility.
mean free path length of the diffusing gas molecules and the
density of gas is low, the gas molecules will collide with the
Activation overpotential
pore walls more frequently than with each other. This process
is known as Knudsen diffusion [27]. If the pore diameter is
It is the amount of voltage required to overcome the activation
larger than the mean free path length, the molecular diffusion
energy of the electro-chemical reaction which can be
will be dominant.
expressed using Butler-Volmer equation:
The effective Knudsen diffusion can be written taking into

azFhact ð1  aÞzFhact account the porosity and tortuosity of the electrode [33,34] as
J ¼ J0 exp  exp  (26)
RT RT follows:

where a is known as transfer coefficient (or symmetry factor) sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

eff 2ε 8RT
and its value changes in the range 0 < a < 1. Indeed, it is Di;k ¼ rp (30)
3t pMi
defined according to electrode materials (such as Pt, Ni, Ag)
and chemical reactions. Experimentally, it is often found to be where ε, t and rp mean porosity, tortuosity and average pore
about 0.5. Also, J0,i is the exchange current density and rep- radius of the porous media. M is molecular mass of species.
resents the readiness of an electrode to form an electro- The effective binary diffusion of chemical species, which is
chemical reaction [11]. The activation overpotentials for known as Chapman-Enskog equation [34,35] is given as
anode and cathode can be written as follows: sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

eff ε 1 1 1
2RT J Dij ¼ 0:0018583 T3 þ (31)
hact;i ¼ sinh
; i ¼ a; c (27) t Mi Mj Ps2ij UD;ij
zF 2J0;i
Here, sij is the mean characteristic length of the molecular
Ohmic overpotentials collision diameter of species i, j and given by

si þ sj
The charge transport means both electronic and ionic charges sij ¼ (32)
from production to consumption stages. In the SOFC-Hþ, Hþ is
considered to cross over through the electrolyte. The resis- Also, UD, ij is the collision integral as defined by
tance to the charge transport results in voltage losses (ohmic
1:06036 0:19300 1:03587
loss) [30]. For the ohmic overpotential of SOFC by considering UD; ij ¼ þ þ
G0:15610 expð0:47635GÞ expð1:52996GÞ
the contribution of each cell components (anode, cathode,
electrolyte, and interconnector), the Ohm's law can be given þ (33)
as [31,32],
hohm ¼ Jðda ra þ de re þ dc rc þ dint rint Þ (28)
where, d and r stand for the thickness and resistivity for G¼ (34)
anode, cathode, electrolyte and interconnector.
It is a fact that the ionic transport is more difficult and pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
εij ¼ εi εj (35)
complex than the electric conduction. In the electrolyte, the
losses are dominant and caused by the ohmic overpotentials. For gas mixtures in the anode and cathode, the diffusion
It can be mathematically written as for the electrolyte: coefficients are written as below [36]:

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3 5

1 1 1 main overpotential is ohmic losses, the concentration losses

¼ eff
þ eff
(36) have a lesser effect at 1 atm and 1073 K. As can be seen from
Da DH2 N2 DH2 ; k
Fig. 2, the results of the present model and the experimental
! data show a good agreement.
1 1 1 1 1  
¼ eff
þ eff
þ eff
1  yN2 (37)
DO2 DO2 ; k DO2 N2 DO2 H2 O DO2 N2 Ammonia decomposition results

1 1 1 1 1   The equilibrium parameters depend on the chemical compo-
¼ eff
þ eff
þ eff
1  yN2 (38) sition at different temperatures and pressures. The balance
DH2 O DH2 O; k DH2 ON2 DO2 H2 O DH2 ON2
compositions can be defined by the GEM methods using Eqs.

(1)e(8). As can be seen in Fig. 3, the composition of ammonia is
PH2 O eff PO2 eff
c ¼
Deff DO2 þ DH2 O (39) favorable at high temperature and low pressure. Using the
GEM method, the molar fractions for the decompositions of
The concentration differences of the gas species between ammonia can be determined at every temperatures and
the electrode-electrolyte interface and the bulk become the pressures. Here, for 1 atm pressure, the molar ratios for ni-
concentration overpotential which can be given for SOFC-Hþ trogen, hydrogen, and ammonia are considered and calcu-
as follows [37]: lated as 0.0162, 0.0486 and 0.9352 at 300 K and 0.249, 0.748 and
! 0.003 at 700 K, respectively. Accordingly, it can be said that full
RT PH conversion of ammonia can be achieved at 700 K and atmo-
hcon; a ¼ ln l 2 (40)
2F PH2 spheric pressure.
Having said that there may be issues related to the
0 !0:5 1
decomposition reaction speed of ammonia. The GEM method
RT @ PO2 PlH2 O
hcon;c ¼ ln A (41) gives the equilibrium compositions without any information
2F PlO2 PH2 O
about the reaction speed. Sometimes, a chemical reaction
The partial pressures at the electrode-electrolyte interface may have a high equilibrium constant, but achieving com-
of the gas species (Pli ) are defined by the Fickian diffusions [36]: plete reaction may take longer time. NH3 thermal decompo-
sition is generally slow at low temperatures without catalyst.
  JRTda However, it can be improved at higher temperatures with Ni
PlH2 ¼ P  P  PH2 exp (42)
2FDa catalyst. 100% NH3 conversion is possible with thin layers (a
few ten of microns) of the anode [39,40]. In addition, a com-
JRTdc plete conversion is achieved at nearly 600e650 K by employing
PlO2 ¼ PO2  eff
(43) special and expensive metal catalysts, e.g. ruthenium and
platinum [41,42]. After checking the literature and results, one
can write that considering a full conversion of NH3 is
PlH2 O ¼ PH2 O þ eff
(44) conceptually reasonable enough from the view point of the
model accuracy.
Finally, the power density for each cell is calculated as In a recent study by Appari et al. [14] on a micro-kinetic
follows: modeling of NH3 decomposition with Ni, their model was
validated by considering the temperatures ranging from 700 to
P ¼ JE (45)
1500 K and pressures ranging from 5.3 Pa to 100 kPa, respec-
tively with an experimental study of Ma et al. [8]. In the study
Results and discussion

In this section, the performance analysis and assessment re-

sults of direct H2 and NH3 fuelled SOFC-Hþ systems are dis-
cussed by considering the overpotentials. The software
Engineering Equation Solver (EES) is employed to analyze and
make the necessary calculations.

Model validation

The results of the electro-chemical model are compared with

the data taken from an experimental study by Ref. [38]. In their
experiment, a SOFC (Pt/SrCe0.95Yb0.05O3a/Pt) was used to
investigate the proton conductivity and cell performances at
different situations as fuel cell and steam electrolyzer at 1 atm
and different temperatures. Their cell performance was
calculated via the electro-chemical model. Here, the exchange
current density is taken 800 A/m2 for Pt electrodes. While the Fig. 2 e Comparison between theoretical modeling results
and experimental data from Ref. [38].

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
6 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3

effects of the varying pressure between 1 and 10 atm, as seen

in Fig. 4, increasing pressure gives a positive effect on the cell
potential, especially the rise of pressure between 1 and 3 atm.
At present, most of the fuel cells operate at atmospheric
pressure. It is a known fact that high pressures cause some
problems, related to material, durability, etc. On the other
hand, the higher pressures are required for integrated sys-
tems, such as the systems integrated with gas turbine
Also, fuel and oxidant utilization factors are considered as
important factors affecting the cell performance. While there
is H2 and N2 gas mixture taken from NH3 decomposition at the
anode side, air is used as an oxidant at the cathode side. The
partial pressures of the components at anode and cathode
sides change between input and output of the cell according to
the fuel and oxidant utilization factors. For instance, the
hydrogen molar ratio decreases from 0.74 to 0.13 with
increasing the fuel utilization (0.05e0.95) which is illustrated
Fig. 3 e Thermodynamic equilibrium of ammonia. in Fig. 5.
Although the high fuel utilization is desired to increase
of Ma et al. [8], they compared NH3 and H2-fuelled SOFC at system efficiency, it affects cell potential negatively as can be
600  C550  C. They reported that the cell efficiency was seen in the same figure. In addition to this, a similar effect can
smaller for NH3 due to the incomplete decomposition of NH3 be seen for the oxidant utilization as well. Note that the high
at lower temperatures. Furthermore, Cinti et al. [10] investi- oxidant utilization means that the molar concentration is less
gated the effect of decomposing ammonia (with an endo- for oxygen and more for H2O at the cathode exit. In other
thermic reaction) which may help to manage the heat for a words, increasing the molar concentration of H2O decreases
better control of stack temperature and the cooling effect on the OCV as shown in Fig. 6.
the NH3 decomposition.
Overpotential results
Open cell potential (OCV) results
The OCV is known as a theoretical potential which cannot be
There are some parameters affecting the reversible potential, obtained in the actual applications due to irreversibilities (so-
such as temperature, pressure and molar ratios of gas species. called: overpotentials). This section presents the overpotential
While the temperature changes from 700 to 1073 K, the results for activation, ohmic and concentration. The input
reversible cell potential decreases from 1.081 to 0.989 V at parameters are taken from literature for the electro-chemical
1 atm pressure as illustrated in Fig. 4. Despite of this influence, analysis as listed in Table 1.
the high temperature provides better ion conductivity and
hence better cell performance practically. By considering the Activation overpotential results
The activation overpotential shows the energy required to
initiate the reaction. Sometimes it can be defined as an energy
barrier that the reactants have to overcome. The overpotential
depends on resistance of the electro-chemical reaction,

Fig. 4 e The effects of temperature and pressure on the

OCV. Fig. 5 e The effect of fuel utilization (NH3 fuel).

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3 7

resistance of electrolyte against ion transport. The ionic

transport is more complex and more influential than the
electronic charge transport, so the ionic resistance becomes
dominant in the reactions [28,30]. The ohmic overpotential
depends on three main parameters, such as the proton con-
ductivity, the electrolyte thickness and the current density, as
presented in Eq. (29). The protonic conductivity of
SrCe0.95Yb0.05O3a electrolyte at 1073 K is calculated as 0.637 S/
m, according to this, values of the ohmic overpotential change
between 0 and 0.628 V for 0e20000 A/m2 as shown in Fig. 8.

Concentration overpotential results

There are some simultaneous activities in a fuel cell such as
transport of mass and heat as well as electric. While the re-
actants are sent to the electrochemical reaction regions, the
products have to be removed from the reaction sites to get a
steady electric production in SOFCs. So, the complex phe-
nomena consist of multi components and multi-dimensional
transport processes. The main reasons of the concentration
overpotential can be defined as i) the convective mass transfer
Fig. 6 e The effect of oxidant utilization (NH3 fuel).
from the gas channel to the porous electrode ii) the diffusion
in the porous electrode iii) the slow diffusion of reactants/
products through electrolyte to/from the electrochemical re-
Table 1 e Input parameters for the electrochemical
action regions [45].
Furthermore, the fed channels consist of H2 or H2, N2 for
Parameter Value the anode side and O2, N2, H2O for cathode side, but only H2
Operation conditions: and O2, H2O flow in porous electrodes. The diffusion co-
Anode/electrolyte/cathode Pt/SrCe0.95Yb0.05O3a/Pt [37] efficients relate to not only microstructure of the porous ma-
Operation temperature, T 1073 [K]
terial (i.e., porosity, tortuosity, pore size) but also operation
Opertaion pressure, P 1 [atm]
conditions (e.g. P, T) as given in Eqs. 30e39. The Lennard-Jones
Fuel NH3 or H2
Air 0.21 O2þ0.79N2 intermolecular force parameters are given in Table 2, in
Uf 5% [43] addition to this, the Knudsen and binary diffusion coefficients
Uo 5% [43] are calculated and presented in Table 3.
Material Properties: Accordingly, H2 can pass to electrode-electrolyte interface
Electrode porosity, ε 0.4 [37,39] quickly at anode side thanks to its high effective diffusion
Electrode tortuosity, t 5 [37,39]
coefficient. On the other hand, O2 and H2O which have high
Electrode pore radius, rp 0.5 mm [37,39]
molecular weights, diffuse in the cathode side with lower
Anode supported SOFC-Hþ [34]
Anode thickness, da 500 mm diffusion coefficients. While the anode concentration over-
Cathode thickness, dc 50 mm potential can be negligible, the concentration overpotential of
Electrolyte thickness, de 20 mm
Electrolyte protonic conductivity, se 225.92 exp(6.3$103/T)
(U1 m1 ¼ S/m) [37,44]
Electrode exchange current density, Jo 800 A/m2 [37]

adsorption of reactants on the electrode surface and activa-

tion energy of the process. Also, it is assumed that the elec-
trochemical reactions occur at the electrode/electrolyte
interface. However, the effects of thickness of the electrodes
on the activation overpotential are considered negligible. In
the present study, the exchange current density defining
readiness of electrodes to the electrochemical reaction is
taken 800 A/m2 from Ref. [37]. According to these, the activa-
tion overpotentials for both anode and cathode side changes
from 0 to 0.335 V as shown in Fig. 7.

Ohmic overpotential results

Here, the electrical resistance represents the electrical resis-
tance of bipolar plates, cell interconnects, contacts and other
cell components, except that the ionic resistance gives the Fig. 7 e Activation overpotential.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
8 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3

Fig. 8 e Ohmic overpotential.

Fig. 9 e Concentration overpotential.

Table 2 e Lennard-Jones intermolecular force parameters thicknesses affect the gas transport to/from TPB layers
[46]. directly. Here, the transport of hydrogen in the porous anode
Molecular Weight (kg/kmol) s (Aº) ε/k (K) is fast, so the concentration overpotential of the anode may be
H2 2.016 2.915 38 negligible. Increasing the cathode thickness hinders transport
O2 32.0 3.433 113 of O2 and H2O at cathode side, so the concentration over-
N2 28.02 3.681 91.5 potential increases as shown in Fig. 11a.
H2O 18 2.641 809.1 In the literature, considering durability of the cell, the
cathode thickness is commonly taken as 50 mm for anode
the cathode can be important at high current densities as supported SOFC-Hþ, see Refs. [10,36,37,39]. Other important
shown in Fig. 9. One may obtain from this figure that the component is the electrolyte, of which thickness affects the
current density changes from 0 to 20000 A/m2 while the con- ohmic loss directly. The proton transfer through the electro-
centration overpotential of the cathode increases between lyte is a difficult problem related to material conductivity. It
0 and 0.12 V. can be seen clearly in Fig. 11b, the higher current density and
Consequently, the most part of the overpotentials belongs thicker electrolytes may damage to the cell potential. The
to the activation losses, followed by the ohmic losses. In losses may be decreased with thin electrolytes as possible or
addition to this, the maximum power density is calculated as using high proton conductivity materials. The electrolyte
3212 and 3113 W/m2 at 7000 A/m2 for H2 and NH3. It can be thicknesses change between 8 and 50 mm for anode
seen from Fig. 10 that the cell voltage and power density reach supported-SOFC [10,36,37].
zero at about 15000 A/m2, due to the high voltage losses at
high current densities. Effect of operating temperature

Effect of thickness of main components As mentioned earlier, the effect of increasing temperature on
the OCV is negative as shown in Fig. 4. However, the
By neglecting the activation overpotential, the other over-
potential values relate to the component thicknesses.
Considering the concentration overpotentials, the electrode

Table 3 e The Knudsen and binary diffusion values.

DK,i(m2/s) DK; i
H2 11.19$104 0.895$104
O2 2.81$104 0.225$104
H2O 3.75$104 0.3$104
N2 3.002$104 0.24$104
Dij (m2/s) Dij (m2/s)
H2-N2 6.495$104 0.519$104
O2-N2 1.816$104 0.145$104
H2O-N2 2.224$104 0.178$104
H2O-O2 2.292$104 0.183$104
Fig. 10 e Polarization curve of SOFC-Hþ.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3 9

Fig. 11 e Effects of thicknesses of main components on a) concentration overpotential b) ohmic overpotential.

Fig. 12 e Effect of operating temperature on a) ohmic overpotential b) activation overpotential c) concentration overpotential
d) power density.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
10 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3

cumulative influence on the cell potential may be different, so investigated by focusing on the concentration overpotential
its examination with the overpotentials is important. and power density, in the study. Therefore, the present study
The ohmic overpotential is sensitive to the operating examines the effects of the parameters not their optimum
temperature. Increasing temperature enhances proton con- values.
ductivity of the electrolyte, so reduces the ohmic over- The gas components diffuse in the porous electrodes ac-
potential, considerably. As illustrated in Fig. 12a, the cording to combination of Knudsen and ordinary diffusions.
conductivity of the electrolyte increases from 0.348 to 1.051 S/ The pore size obviously affects the diffusion coefficients of
m, while the temperature increases from 973 to 1173 K. Thus, the gas species. In accordance to this, increasing pore size
the ohmic overpotential reduces from 0.402 to 0.133 V at the facilities the Knudsen diffusion and reduces the concentra-
same temperature range. On the contrary, both activation and tion overpotentials in the electrodes. While the pore size
concentration overpotentials increase with increasing tem- changes from 0.5 to 3 mm, the concentration overpotential
peratures as shown in Fig. 12b and c, due to the fact that a reduces from 0.0508 to 0.0382 V. So the power density in-
slight increase in the concentration overpotential is caused by creases from 3113 to 3203 W/m2 at 1073 K, as shown in
the gas density. It is noted that increase of the concentration Fig. 13a and b.
overpotential is not as significant as change of the activation In addition, the porosity has a similar effect as given in
overpotential. Finally, the net effect of increasing temperature Fig. 14a and b. Increasing porosity reduces the concentration
on the power density is positive which helps in decreasing of overpotential due to facilitating the gas diffusion in the
the ohmic overpotential importantly, as shown in Fig. 12d, electrodes. As a result, increasing of the porosity from 0.3 to
respectively. 0.5 enhances the power density from 3028 to 3169 W/m2 at
1073 K. But, there is an optimum porosity value which should
Effect of pore size and porosity give the largest length of TPB to decrease the activation
The effect of electrode microstructure on the overpotentials Some related studies are available in the literature. For
can be defined by examining the activation and the concen- instance, Patcharavorachot et al. [36] examined a planar
tration overpotentials. The electrode microstructure de- SOFC-Hþ which used commonly materials as Pt and
termines the TPB length which influences the electrochemical SrCe0.95Yb0.05O3a for electrode and electrolyte. They reported
reactions near the region so the activation overpotential. Also, that their maximum power density was 2600 W/m2 at 4800 A/
the exchange current density can be determined with two m2 for H2 fuel and 50 mm electrolyte. Another study was also
approaches in the literature. In some cases, it is assumed to be investigated by Arpornwichanop et al. [37] for CH4 fuel with
constant. In some other cases, the effects of operation con- same materials. They defined 3600 W/m2 maximum power
ditions and structural parameters on the exchange current density for Uf ¼ 0.9 and 0.6 V cell voltage. Also, Ni et al. [39]
density can be examined with different correlations. While conducted a SOFC-Hþ study using Ni based electrode and
some correlations can be founded in the literature for SOFC- Sm-doped Ba(CeO3) electrolyte for NH3 and H2 fuels. The
O-, it is not commonly used for SOFC-Hþ [47]. Therefore, the maximum power densities at anode supported system were
exchange current density is taken as constant for the activa- defined as 4800 and 4400 W/m2 at 10000 and 9000 A/m2 current
tion overpotential in the study. In other words, effects of the densities for H2 and NH3 (the values were roughly taken from
pore size and the porosity on the cell potential are the respective figure).

Fig. 13 e Effect of pore size on a) concentration overpotential b) power density.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3 11

Fig. 14 e Effect of porosity on a) concentration overpotential b) power density.

In summary, the above listed results clearly show that NH3

Conclusions can be considered as an alternative fuel.

The present study examines electrochemical and thermody-

namic analyses of a direct ammonia and H2 fed SOFC-Hþ. The
one-dimensional steady state model consists of four main Acknowledgements
sections as the ammonia decomposition process, reversible
cell potential, overpotentials and effects of some operation The authors gratefully acknowledge the support provided by
and structural parameters on the cell performance. Some of Dokuz Eylul University, Yildiz Technical University and
the key findings of this study are listed as follows: University of Ontario Institute of Technology as well as the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
 The cracking reaction of NH3 produces N2, H2 with un- Canada.
converted NH3. The mole fractions of the components after
NH3 decomposition are selected accordingly as 0.249, 0.748
and 0.003 at 700 K for N2, H2 and NH3, respectively.
 The largest overpotential belongs to the total activation d thickness of electrode (m)
overpotential of anode and cathode. The overpotential is D diffusion coefficient (m2 s1)
calculated as 0e0.335 V for 0e30000 A/m2 current density. E cell potential (V)
 The ohmic overpotential essentially relates to conductivity f fugacity of chemical species in the system ()
and thickness of the electrolyte. The proton conductivity is F Faraday's constant (96485 C mol e1)
g specific molar Gibbs energy (J mol1)
defined as 0.6368 S/m for SrCe0.95Yb0.05O3a electrolyte at
G Gibbs energy (J)
1073 K, and the ohmic overpotential is obtained as 0.219 V
I current (A)
for 7000 A/m2. Thinner and higher proton conductive
J current density (A m2)
electrolyte materials can improve the ohmic overpotential.
J0 exchange current density (A m2)
 The gas diffusion in porous material is a very complex
K balance constant of a chemical reaction ()
issue, comprising of operating and structural parameters.
M molecular mass (g mol1)
Although the concentration overpotential is not important
at the results, it may become more dominant and influ- n number of mol (mol)
ential at higher current densities. N molar flux (mol s1 m2)
 The activation and the concentration overpotentials in- P pressure and power density (atm, Pa and W m2)
crease at higher temperature, while the ohmic over- R universal gas constant (J mol1 K1)
rp average pore radius (m)
potential decreases. Increasing temperature has a negative
T temperature (K)
influence on the OCV, while increasing temperature im-
U utilization ratio ()
proves the power density due to the reduced ohmic
v stoichiometric coefficient ()
W work (J)
 Larger pore sizes and porosity values improves the gas
y molar fraction of chemical species ()
diffusion and hence enhances the power density. But, It
z number of electrons transferred per mole of fuel
should be used their optimum values.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
12 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 3

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Please cite this article in press as: Kalinci Y, Dincer I, Analysis and performance assessment of NH3 and H2 fed SOFC with proton-
conducting electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),

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