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Dryers & Ovens

Pulse Control: widths are available for handling dif-

ferent particle sizes and densities for
efficient heat transfer and reduced
Adding Velocity to buildup and downtime.
According to Aeroglide, the
AeroPulse system can accomplish the
Fluidised Drying Beds same heating, drying and cooling re-
sults in 1/3 to 1/2 the time and using
far less system air volume needed by
Instead of an undifferentiated stream of air, a new conventional conveyor driers. The
design approach to fluidised bed driers rapid heat transfer from the pulsed air-
achieves performance gains and time savings via a flow has proven successful in the dry-
ing, cooling, toasting, puffing and roast-
targeted treatment of sharp bursts of hot air.
ing of particulate product. Tested ap-
plications include RTE cereals, coco-

O REMOVE surface or bound commercialisation plan, Aeroglide Cor- nut, snack foods, nuts, beans, seeds,
moisture from particulate prod- poration received in 2001 the exclusive fruits and vegetables, among a large
ucts, fluid bed drying technol- global rights to bring the technology to range of products. With a maximum op-
ogy uses a continuous blast of air to market, and after three years of devel- erating temperature of 300°C, the
fluidise the product as it moves through opment work to refine the design and AeroPulse has yielded good results in
the machine. The air stream agitates the tests to determine the best applications half-product pellet expansion, puffing
product to increase drying ef- for the technology, the Raleigh, North and toasting.
ficiency. The uninter- Carolina-based com- A variety of applications have been
rupted and unregulated pany has introduced identified that are well suited to pulsed
stream of air, how- the first drying fluid bed technology. It can be used up-
ever, consumes line based on the stream of an existing drier as a pre-drier
much energy pulsed fluid bed to significantly boost production of an
and has lim- system. The existing line. It rapidly removes surface
ited ability to AeroPulse was moisture and prevents product agglom-
fluidise a unveiled at the eration, allowing the product to be
bed of prod- PackExpo 2004 stacked deeper on a conventional con-
ucts that vary exhibition in veyor drier bed.
in size. Chicago last When used as a stand-alone system,
It thus November. it can be configured for batch opera-
makes sense tion, semi-continuous batch, or con-
to develop a Air blast control tinuous operation. An optional above-
system whereby the air yields optimal fluidisation bed drag conveyor allows precise re-
stream can be controlled, di- The AeroPulse delivers sequential tention time control, improving on the
rected and applied at will to suit the na- blasts of pulsed air along the drier and retention time distribution variance
ture and desired quality of the product up through a perforated product bed to found in typical fluid bed systems. Of-
being dried. This technology, a method provide optimal fluidisation character- fering high process flexibility, the same
known as pulsed fluid bed technology, istics and separation of agglomerated piece of equipment can be used for eve-
was patented in the late 1990s. Using a products. Airflow and pulse frequency rything from drying to expanding,
rotating valve, this system shoots high are variable to ensure that the product toasting, roasting or cooling by simply
velocity pulses of air through a station- flows and acts like a fluid. The tech- controlling the operating temperature,
ary, perforated plate and through the nology is unique in that it sequentially retention time, and process air charac-
bed of product. The air pulses can be pulses air through the product bed with teristics.
adjusted in volume, velocity and fre- control over both pulse frequency and A pilot plant test drier is available
quency to maximise heat transfer rates, volumetric airflow. for product development and process
and the pneumatic vibration allows the The pneumatic vibration design scale-up work, either on-site or at
product to fluidise using 30-50% less keeps maintenance and operating costs Aeroglide’s test facility in Raleigh, NC,
air than in a conventional fluid bed. low, with minimal moving parts. A va- USA.
Based on a competitive bid for a riety of grid designs and conveyor Enquiry No: 021


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