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BCD DIET 1 Lesson 1

Norms of Conduct/Piety
Learning Objectives:

After reading this information sheet, you are expected to:

1. Observe norms of piety inside the chapel / church.

2. Make one’s norms of piety.

1. Prayer booklet

Key Concepts:
Norms means a “standard” or the basis of something. Norms of piety are acts
done to show our love for God.

Materials: Laptop, whiteboard, whiteboard marker

References: Checklist of things to do when inside the oratory, personal

scheduler, Sinagtala pamphlet of prayers

Norms means a “standard” or the basis of something. Norms of piety are
acts done to show our love for God. We cannot say we love someone without
doing anything for that special someone. We need to know how to act properly
in the chapel and in the church so that we could show proper attitude and
1. When entering the oratory, you may make the sign of the cross with the holy
water at the entrance. There is no need to make the sign of the cross with holy
water when leaving.
2. Before entering a pew, leaving it, or when you pass in front of the Blessed
Sacrament (in the tabernacle), execute a proper genuflection, which is done
with the right knee touching the floor; the back should be straight like a
soldier. If the Blessed Sacrament is not present, whenever you cross the center
aisle, bow before the crucifix.
3.In order to go from a sitting position to a kneeling position, stand up first and
then kneel down. The same procedure is followed in going from the kneeling
position to the sitting position.
4.When inside the oratory, never cross your legs, slouch, look around, joke,
giggle, or talk unnecessarily. Whenever you have to speak, do it in a low voice
or in whispers. Silence should already be maintained as soon as you enter the
oratory. Do not rest on the front pew or stand on one leg. Do not place your feet
Date Developed: Document No.
March 30 2020 Issued by:
Date Revised:
Developed by:
Faustino Langahin
Jr. Revision # 00
on the kneelers. Don't bang oratory and confessional doors. Use the Mass
booklet provided. Do not use the Mass booklet to fan yourself.
5. No one is allowed to enter the sacristy or to go up into the sanctuary area
(area of altars and wooden floors) except the students whose oratory
assignments require them to be in these areas. Maintain the proper posture
when standing up. Those who wish to receive Communion should be in the
state of grace and should have observed the required one-hour Eucharistic fast.


(1 month norm sheet for acts of piety)

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  n e d u i t n n e d u fri t n n e d u i t sun

1. Make your own checklist of things to do every day for God (norm sheet).
2. Make a norm sheet for one month. Put under the chart the norms of piety
that you only plan to do. The things given above are only examples. You
may want to add some that you are already doing.

1. Download the app YOUCAT in your phone, tablet or pc from Google play. Track
your daily progress.

BCD 1 Lesson 1

I. Identification: Write your answers on the space provided.

1. What are the norms of piety that you are doing already?


BCD 1 Lesson 1
1. Answers may vary of what you are doing already.

Date Developed: Document No.

March 30 2020 Issued by:
Date Revised:
Developed by:
Faustino Langahin
Jr. Revision # 00

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