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Submitted to


in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of




(Reg. No. 191614067)



June 2020



Certified that this Final year project report done is the bonafide work of
NAGARJUNA REDDY.GAYAM (Reg. No. 191614067) who carried out the
Project under my guidance


Dr. Manju Dr. K. Shanmuganandam

Department of Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor, Dept.of.Mech

Saveetha School of Engineering Saveetha School of Engineering


I declare that this final year report on “Investigation of industrial layouts :

Modifications by a varied approach ” submitted by me for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering is the record of the project carried out by me and
furthermore this work has not formed the basis for the award of any degree or
diploma in this or any other University or other similar institution of higher



(Reg. No. 191614067)


The main idea of this project report is to investigate about various industrial

layouts that are exiting in present and suggest a modified industrial layout to it and

improve the production rate, transportation ease.

By doing this ease of production rank of India's industries will increase in the

global scenario. Here, we are going to investigate about production layout, process

layout, combined layout, group technology by taking UCAL fuel systems layout

as existing model and each section by section, Process by process. First General

description of industry is explained and production details are done in the later.

The key provisions of this report is the understanding the basic ideas of industrial

that is the location of casting, machining, Assembly parts, material removal

section, inspection, mess and quality in a manner that this will give easy access to

material and improve the production rate which will improve more profits to the

owner in particular, company in general.


This project work would not have been possible without the contribution of many people.

It gives me immense pleasure to express my profound gratitude to our honorable Chancellor

Dr. N. M. Veeraiyan, Saveetha University, for their visionary thoughts and support. I am

indebted to extend my gratitude to our Director madam Mrs. Ramya Deepak, Saveetha School

of Engineering, for facilitating us all the facilities and extended support to gain valuable

education and learning experience.

I register my special thanks to Dr. D. Dhanasekaran, Principal, Saveetha School of

Engineering and Dr. Manju, HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, for the support

given to me in the successful conduct of this internship. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to

my Guide Dr. K. Shanmuganandam, Mr.D.Vinodh for helping me throughout my project.

I am grateful to project Coordinators, The Internal Members and the entire faculty of the

Department of Mechanical Engineering, for their constructive criticisms and valuable

suggestions which have been a rich source to improve the quality of this work.



Title.............................................................................................................. 1

Bonafide....................................................................................................... 2

Declaration by the candidate......................................................................3



Table of contents........................................................................................6

1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 7

2. LITERATURE SURVEY............................................................................ 9

3. EXPERIMENTATION...............................................................................26

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS................................................................41


6. REFERENCES.......................................................................................... 45


A layout which is which is installed in an industry decides the production levels, efficiency and
even the profits of the company. There are more than four types of layouts already existing in the
present day industries ranging from product, process, combined, fixed layout, group technology
layouts etc.[1] whatever may be the layout pattern they always design for the betterment in the
conditions of work area and impart good output by minimizing losses. Some industries choose,
product layout because they target about the only products and their number which is very
classical mode of production layout[2]. Some select process layout where product work is
divided into various processes, some even choose group technology layouts where similar work
proceedings are grouped together like periodic table elements for better understanding of the
industrial layouts[3].

After understanding the existing industrial layouts and their fallouts, in this paper the modified
layout which is the out come of blend of good patterns of most of these layouts is suggested,
which enhance the production output and reduce the losses incurred during that time.

Ease of doing production and transportation are crucial parameters in Ease of doing
business. In order to improve the production various factors are involved in turn ranging from
industrial layout model, management, electricity, water availability, worker’s ability to work,
research and development, quality control and better transportation availability and more
freedom of space for logistics to move. From this, industrial layouts models are one of very high
weighted components in the production improvement.[1-2] Generally, it is known that industrial
layout means how should a good industry arranged in a maner that it reduces cost of production,
better industrial safety, easy material movement. Considering one carburetor manufacturing
industrial layout, as part of this research paper investigation proceeds for existing industrial

A facility may be a machine tool, a work centre, a manufacturing cell, a machine shop, a
department, or a warehouse and a facility layout is an arrangement of everything neededfor
production of goods or delivery of services. An efficient layout would ensure increased
productivity. Determining thephysical organisation of a production system is defined asthe
facility layout problem (FLP). It is difficult to resolvedue to inherentconflicting objectives and
constraints. FLP is known to have a significant impact upon the manufacturing costs, work
process, lead time, and productivity [3]. FLP is even more difficult in the food processing
industry]. Failing to produce food items according to hygiene standards has a direct influence on
production efficiency through loss of production and has an even greater effect through loss of
consumer confidence [4]. Lapses in ensuring food hygiene can also lead to prosecution in

criminal court for negligence and can cause major financial losses to companies. Food safety and
hygiene therefore play a major role in industry and food quality is the result of numerous factors
such as physical, biochemical, and microbiological characteristics [5]. Therefore, it is imperative
that these factors are considered in layout design in the food processing industry. Many practices
such as the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) or good manufacturing practices
(GMP) attempt to ensure food safety and hygiene requirements in the food manufacturing
process. In order to align with these requirements, layouts need to focus on segregating the work
area to control hazards and prevent contamination of the products being manufactured. This
focus will ensure that the layouts comply with the requirements of the food industry and avoid
modifications required later that usually result in additional costs. However, little research on
FLP considering the unique manufacturing requirements of the food processing industry is
reported in the literature. Therefore, this paper formulates a model that simplifies the layout
planning process for the food processing facilities (FPF). A generalised framework that helps to
visualise the FLP was initially developed. Then, a layout model for FPF was proposed
considering the unique features that need to be present in the layout.A plant layout is designed to
obtain a physical arrangement of different entities of a facility that most economically meets the
required output, in terms of both quantity and quality [6]. According to [7], a plant layout ideally
involves allocation of space and arrangement of equipment in such a manner that overall
operating costs are minimised. Three main types of layouts, product layout, process layout, and
group layout, are commonly encountered in manufacturing systems. Group layouts can further be
categorised into flow line, cell, and centre [8]. These are shown in Figure 1, and, according to
[8], the distinction between these types of layouts is made based on system characteristics such
as production volume and product variety. It is reported that a well-designed manufacturing
layout can reduce the operating cost by 50%.


The most well known method to industries are product and process layouts they are very
conventional in nature and allows less worker friendly environment, which are good in
productive but creates some losses in production which are not neglected by these layouts as

well. From this investigation the layout patterns are identified and review their relationship with
every machine in detail that is where the out put error occurs and from where accumulation of
material happens and how to reduce this time by providing auxiliary equipment such as materials
handling basins, quality control equipment, service providing persons and notice boards for
information. These helps in the reduction of cost of production and increase the output to work

Orville sutari, Sathish rao U, they reported very first nature of the industrial layouts and their
evolution over the time from beginning [4], the product layout established by one major goods
producing industry have twenty to twenty-five stages of Assembly lines and each one is given
one stage to work on, the legitimisation of the work involves straight line manner and the cnc
machines , oil check stages are not in a position to eliminate the fact that they are the time
consuming stages in small and medium scale industries[5-6]. It provided that the each major
stage is the key area where the lag of production occurs. Workers, working at the heavy
machines are specialized over time to do that work but others are not ,this has to be overcome.
[7], the product layout specific about completing the products, more output oriented and they get
profit by producing more numerous products in given time[8]. Systematic Layout Planning is
key thing we need to understand before establishing new layout models[9], if we use SLP
method we also get increased productivity.[10]
Layout Efficiency. In order to assess the efficiency of a layout, key performance indicators (KPIs) are
used. The commonly used KPIs are travelling distance (m), distance travelled times weight (mkg), goods
movement, personnel movement, overall equipment efficiency (OEE), energy efficiency, and waste
generation. However, KPIs suitable for the food manufacturing need to be identified and incorporated
into the assessment criteria of layout efficiency in order to address the food safety considerations. This
also enables effective determination of the efficiency improvement of the food manufacturing processes
when layout modifications are performed.
Food Processing Technology. The primary concern of food manufacturers is to produce something that
is wholesome and safe, that is, free from pathogenic microorganisms and chemical and foreign body
contamination [11]. Food items are perishable and become unsuitable for consumption with time.
Although it cannot be prevented, one aim of food processing is to slow down the rate of deterioration
by selecting appropriate methods of processing, ingredient formulations, packaging, and storage
conditions [12].

In order to make food items safe for consumption, food processing plants take measures to eliminate
the possibility of microbial, chemical, and physical contamination. Thus, it becomes a key factor of
concern, and layout design should essentially help to prevent direct and cross contamination of the
products being manufactured. Hence, the layouts of the food processing factories have to be designed
to meet food safety requirements on top of production efficiency. This is the main envisaged difference
between the layouts of food processing and other manufacturing plants. Thus it can be concluded that
the food processing plants add a new dimension to the common layout design problem.
Quality Standards Applicable for the Food Processing Industry. Many guidelines are available to regulate
the food manufacturing processes. In the food processing sector, Quality Assurance (QA) systems are
used to improve quality and reduce costs whilst HACCP programs are specifically deployed to assure
food safety [4].
Based on management principles, HACCP and GMP have been implemented to help plants to maintain
high levels of hygiene [4]. HACCP systems establish process control by identifying points in the
production process that are most critical to monitor and control in terms of contamination [13]. It is
widely recognised in the food industry as an effective approach to establish good production, sanitation,
and manufacturing practices that produce food items that are safe to consume [14].
Therefore, it can be concluded that QA and HACCP implemented in concert facilitate improvements in
both production efficiency and product safety [15].

Considering the above factors, an area that needs attention in the food processing industry is the
relationship between hygiene and the layout of the processing plants. Aspects of food hygiene have
been addressed in different disciplines and a considerable amount of knowledge is available. However,
this knowledge is not systematically linked to the evaluation and design of layouts for food processing.
The literature on layout planning has thus far inadequately addressed the influence of hygiene factors
on the specific nature of the food processing companies [4].

Nurulzulaiha Sa’udah, Mohammad NazriAli explained about process layouts in food

industry[11], they are installed by the industries which requires the process of the production
should complete. It is clear for them as they are segmented into various processes of the products
like, casting process, machining process and assembly work, quality work in cellular
manufacturing using robots[12-13]. The major advantage of this type is better use of the
available resources by minimising the losses of time accumulation at one place. It is a section

wise work and adding to give good results by facilitating the layout simpleness[14-15]. Inspite of
existing benefits one of pump manufacturing industry also experienced more negative factors
which are ranging from lack of information from one batch of technology to other in a way that
one batch consists most skill full persons and they completed the work in good fashion[16].
Flexible manufacturing systems are one or the other way related to process layouts[18]and
algorithms for this dynamic process layout are utilized to check the existing capacity the
same[17]. Process layout is established in electronics manufacturing plant and the better
efficiencies are noted with some safety limitations[19]. Design of shop floor based on process
layout by utilizing facility layout problem is great benefit to the industry in the production[20].

Zarc, xionem, A model can be developed for the food industry to support Step D in the
framework. Layout generation and evaluation are often challenging and time consuming due to
their inherent multiobjective nature and complexity in the data collection process [16, 17] as in
[18]. Past and emerging research is aimed at developing methodologies to meet these needs [3,
7]. For example, [7] discusses an algorithmic approach to layout design. However, algorithmic
approaches have focused mainly on minimising flow distance in order to minimise material
handling costs [3]. On the other hand, procedural approaches have relied heavily on experience
of experts [3]. Therefore, neither an algorithmic nor a procedural layout design methodology is
necessarily effective in solving practical design problems [9] as cited in [19]. Food processing
factories are governed by guidelines developed by regulators. These guidelines describe the
minimum requirement relevant for the industry. GMP for industry is developed based on these
guidelines and the latest developments made in relation to the industry [12]. These mandatory
GMP have to be adopted by the food manufacturing factories to comply with product safety
standards and ensure hygiene. Hence there are many similarities in these factories. These
similarities can help to develop a common model layout applicable for the food processing
factories. As discussed earlier, the food industry norms have to be followed in designing factory
layouts for food manufacturing and segregation of work areas is important for the food
processing industries as they are characterised by a continuous change in volume, type, and mix
of products due to constantly changing market requirements [4]. On top of this, many critical
control points are present in the food processing industry.These have been identified as

hazards for the manufacturing process. Hence there should be adequate controls to mitigate
the risk of contamination. The site layout plays an important role in this risk mitigation process.
Thus, basic sections of food processing facilities were identified as primary manufacturing,
secondary packing, warehouse, utility area, and administration.

The hazards identified in HACCP [11] are biological hazards (e.g., bacteria, yeasts, and moulds),
chemical hazards (e.g., cleaning chemicals and lubricating fluids), and physical Administration
Utility Secondary Primary Stores Section Colour Code R, G, B 255, 255, 0 0, 255, 0 0, 255, 255
255, 0, 255 255, 191, 127 Colour scheme to identify the five basic sections of a layout.hazards
(e.g., glass, insects, pests, metal, and dust). Layouts for food processing facilities should be
designed to minimise risks due to the above hazards. The product is exposed to the
environment at the primary manufacturing area. Thus, it is the area, which poses the highest
risk for hygiene in the manufacturing process, and risk mitigation steps are essential to prevent
contamination. Environmental conditions in terms of humidity, temperature, and particulate
levels and the barometric pressure have to be closely monitored and maintained within the
primary manufacturing section. Furthermore, the primary manufacturing area has to be
completely separated from the other areas to control the risk of contamination. Employees
moving to the primary manufacturing area should undergo uniform changes as required by
GMP requirements for the manufacturing processes and adequate facilities are needed for this
activity. Personnel entry and the material entry paths to the factory also have to be clearly

This is a GMP and safety requirement in the industry. The other four sections need to be placed
to provide maximum assistance to primary manufacturing while ensuring the food hygiene
requirements. Thus, it is important to clearly define the above five basic sections of a food
processing factory in a layout drawing. A colour scheme as shown in Figure 3 is also proposed in
order to identify the basic sections. Food processing comprises many simultaneous activities
and can have complex layouts.These can take many shapes.Therefore, the proposed colour
scheme can potentially simplify the layout design process by enabling easy visualisation.

Okpala, Charles Chikwendu and Chukwumuanya, Okechukwu reported that the combined layout
is the one which installed by mixing product and process layouts by taking all positive outcomes
from them, like some work can be like processes and some like product divided into batch
wise(21-22). combined layout is well suited for the large scale industries where multiple works
are going on.[23-24]. The reliability is the key factor one should note that before going to install
the layout and if we develop any model without the said reliability it is of worthless work[25].
More than profits industries look at the damage of losses, More than fastness industries strive for
worker safety and ease of doing work by utilizing microwork cells[26]. This layout which uses
the special things in both the previous layouts it can be suggested as best among them all which
reduces the risk factor from them[28]. Some layouts in low capacity manufacturing industries
show greater faults in production environment due to lack of effective management[27]. some of
the industries which produce consumer goods, perpormance is also verified with the worker
output ratio which requires modifications to their layouts[29-30].
In a competitive market the manufacturing companies have to produce cost effective products
which can be realized by minimized production cost and higher effectiveness. The effective
facility planning can significantly reduce the operational costs of companies. An adequate
facility layout can result in the improvement of the performance of the production line. The
Facility Layout Problem (FLP) is relating to location of objects (departments, workstations,
machines, etc.) on a given site and the material flow between these objects. The goal of this
study is to show the reasons, objectives and steps of a layout redesign process. The minimization
of the workflow realized on the shop floor is an often applied an objective function during the
layout redesign. Material flow efficiency is a commonly used term for the determination of the
amount of workflow, which is the multiplication of material flow data and distance data. In this
study, this mathematical method for workflow calculation is introduced. The described case
study shows how the efficiency and reduced manufacturing cost of a real manufacturing system
can be improved by re-layout design, while smaller floor space is needed for the production. The
definition of facility layout may be given as the arrangement of machinery and flow of materials
from one facility to another, which minimizes material handling costs while considering any
physical restrictions on such arrangement [4].
Facility layout considers available space, the final product, user safety and facility and
convenience of operations [5]. Facility layout concerns with the optimum arrangement of

departments with known dimensions in such a way that minimizes materials handling and
ensures effective utilization of men, equipment and space. The Facility Layout Problem (FLP)
relates to the location of objects (departments, workstations, machines, etc.) on a given site and
the material flow between these objects.
The most important reasons of the redesign of facility layouts are the continuously fluctuating
customer demands and changing market environment. Changes in the product portfolio,
production volume, as well as changes in the manufacturing process and technology can result
in bad utilization of space, huge work in progres at the plant, high material handling distances,
bottlenecks at workstations, idle time of facilities and workers, etc.
There are lot of theoretical methods for design and optimisation of FLPs both for new facility
design and for redesign of an existing layout. Simulation technique is also recommended in the
facility planning analysis. Often used softwares in facility planning are PlantSimulation, Flexsim,
Witness, Arena, etc. which provide two or three dimensional visualization .
Kamal Khanna, Gazal Preet Arneja, Rakesh Kumar, explained about the group technology, It is
the technology which uses all the similar resources at one place to minimize the individual
efforts loss and give better results in production[31-32]. Where heavy machines like cnc and
quality checking machines are to be partially eliminate from the given layout line and grouped
with similar fashion in order to fasten the work and do the proposed work in separate manner not
to include with the prior[33]. Group technology is that instead of completely eliminating
dissimilarities, it tries to include this stages but to separate them major machine wise[34-35].
This not only improve the output but the space requirement is also less and improves the
efficiency of the work[36]. Production management is the crucial thing done with carefully by
adopting good industrial layouts before establishing new ones[37]. Safety while operating at
heavy machines like CNC lathe machines and time lag between such machines should be
reduced minimum values to obtain good results which benefit all as a whole[38]. However, it is
evident that there is a need for considering safety aspects in more detail within group technology
plant layout and design frameworks[39]. Some aspects which require grouping of individual
stages for better coordination is verified by SLP[40].
Group Technology benefits manufacturing in many ways. It reduces the number and variety of
parts. Process planning for the remaining parts is easier and more consistent.
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) is an important tool for this[5]. It uses the coded

similarities to plan consistently, standardize and accurately estimate costs. It then assigns the part
to a GT manufacturing cell.Group Technology cells reduce throughput time and Work-
InProcess. They simplify schedules, reduce transportation and ease supervision. Some of the
more dramatic and tangible savings come from improved setups and tooling cost. Setup time
reductions bring smaller lot sizes and smaller queues which mean faster throughput, shorter lead
times and decreased inventory.GT sometimes eliminates the need for expensive NC equipment.
Combined with NC, GT simplifies programming, fixturing and tooling.Group Technology or GT
is a manufacturing technique in which the parts having similarities in geometry, manufacturing
process and/or functions are assembled together. GT is based on a general principle that many
problems are similar and by grouping similar problems, a single solution can be found to a set of
problems, thus saving time and effort. The group of similar parts is known as part family and the
group of machineries used to process an individual part family is known as machine cell. This
type of manufacturing in which a part family is produced by a machine cell is known as cellular
manufacturing. In this type of manufacturing efficiencies were generally increased by employing
GT because the required operations may be confined to only a small cell and thus avoiding the
need for transportation of inprocess parts. Cellular Manufacturing is a model for workplace
design, and has become an integral part of lean manufacturing systems and it is based upon the
principles of Group Technology, which seeks to take full advantage of the similarity between
parts, through standardization and common processing.In Cellular manufacturing, sometimes
they called cellular or cell production, arranges factory floor labor into semi-autonomous and
multi-skilled teams, or work cells, who manufacture complete products or complex components.
Properly trained and implemented cells are more flexible and responsive than the traditional
mass-production line, and can manage processes, defects, scheduling, equipment maintenance,
and other manufacturing issues more efficiently and this paper gives some concept that relevant
to concepts of GT with cellular manufacturing systems in various production industries.
Computer programs are available for manipulating large matrices but they cannot solve the
problem of inconsistent routings that is often encountered in a PFA analysis. Inconsistent routing
means that similar parts use different machines[9]. This occurs for a variety of reasons such as:
Parts have usually entered the product mix over a period of many years. Different conditions and
different planners over this time have arrived at different routing decisions. Capacity issues may
influence routing decisions. For example, machine A would normally be used for a particular

operation but it is heavily loaded so the process planner uses machine B. Different process
planners have different backgrounds and a different bias. This may lead to different routings for
the same part. Analysts encounter inconsistent routings in most PFA analyses. If the product mix
is not too complex, they can make intuitive manual adjustments. When the product mix becomes
larger than 100 or so items, PFA becomes too cumbersome and a Coding & Classification
analysis is indicated.
Coding systems for manufacturing usually have both product and process information. The
analyst works with both If there is a great deal of inconsistency in existing processes, the analyst
can revert to the more fundamental characteristics such as size, shape and material. Parts with
similar physical characteristics should usually have similar processes. The coding system allows
an analyst to standardize process routings and then group the parts into families. The example
below shows a small part of a database for castings. Each digit position represents a particular
part characteristic. For examples the third position indicates the casting's finished weight.Each
character in the code carries information about the product characteristic assigned to that digit
position. For example, a "1" the third character position might indicate a finished weight between
1.0 and 5.0 pounds. Through sorting, retrieval and specialized algorithms, the analyst groups.
This cell has the classic U-shape but it does not operate like a Toyota Cell. This cell produces
about 85 different turned parts. These are shafts and shafts with integral pinions and/or splines.
Arrows show the sequence for three of these many parts.All parts have dedicated carts for
handling and storage. They serve as material handling devices, containers and kanban. Perimeter
carts are a kanban stockpoint. The internal lot size (transfer batch) is one cart (16 parts). External
lot size varies from 16-48 parts in multiples of 16. Work times are highly variable and
unbalanced. The hobbing machine (7-1) is extremely slow while the NC lathe is fast.The product
mix was carefully selected to include some parts that require hobbing and many others that do
not. Operators schedule their work from kanban signals. They must schedule non-hobbed parts
immediately after a hobbed part. If they did not, the slow hobber would bring output to a crawl.

Buchari , U Tarigan , M B Ambarita, have reported certain things about u shaped layout,
where the operations go in a linear manner and turn like u continue in linear manner to better
coordination [41]. Some new trends like AI can solve the problems of the existing human
failures in manufacturing[42]. Time study and work study of the existing industries gives some
idea about wastages that occur in industrial area, found the cost losses where ever required[43].

U shaped layouts are mentioned here to understand the work in industries like u shaped
production model here one can see the most of the groups in one single point of time and
understand what is going on there[44-45]. If any problem occurs one have to go to back of the
machines and repair. It involves not only time but also money[46]. These existing layouts
utilizes the work of the all similar and dissimilar items for better coordination. The present
crucial industrial demand is to reduce the time losing in production work and to improve safety
of the worker in the industries and to use ergonomics principles for better worker friendly
environment[47-48]. Cellular manufacturing systems and flexible manufacturing layouts should
consider for their relevance before optimization[49]. This CMS utilized in Automotive industrial
sector produces better results if we eliminate the minute errors.[50]

The global competition has been increasing and enforced to various manufacturing enterprises to
adopt flexible manufacturing system (FMS) to get improved productivity and quality of the
product. flexible manufacturing system involve following items, an integrated system of
Computerized Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine tools and automated Material Handling
System (MHS), operating under the control of computer(s). Many supporting workstations such
as load/unload stations, washing stations, storage, de-burring stations, tools and fixtures setting
stations can be added to FMS (Aly and Subramaniam, 1993; Bayazit, 2005).
The fundamental building block of an FMS is data communication because flexibility is mainly
imparted by integrating the functions of various elements such as machining cells, robots, AGVs
using computers (Venkatesh and Ilyas, 1993; Ficko et al, 2010). Hence FMS is very complex and
expensive in nature and requirement large amount of planning and investment thus The flexible
manufacturing system may be defined as it is a highly automated group technology machine cell
consisting of a group of processing work stations interconnected by an automated material
handling and storage system and controlled by a distributed computer system. The Flexible
manufacturing systems (FMS) is made up of hardware and software elements. Hardware
elements are visible and tangible such as CNC machines tools. Software elements are invisible
and intangible such as NC programs. Flexible manufacturing is a concept that allows
manufacturing systems to be built under high customized production requirements. The issues
such as reduction of inventories and market-response time to meet customer demands, flexibility
to adapt to changes in the market, reducing the cost of products and services to grab more market
shares, etc have made it almost obligatory to many firms to switch over to flexible manufacturing

systems (FMSs) as a viable means to accomplish the above requirements while producing
consistently good quality and cost effective products. FMS is actually an automated set of
numerically controlled machine tools and material handling systems, capable of performing a
wide range manufacturing operations with quick tooling and instruction changeovers. In studying
FMS, we need to keep in mind what Peter Drucker said: "We must become managers of
technology not merely users of technology". Since FMS is a technology, well adjusted to the
environmental needs, we have to management.

The product usually enters the primary area through pressurised air locks. Personnel also must
enter through air locks and undergo gowning changes. They need to wear head covers, shoe
covers, masks, and gloves as appropriate to the manufacturing process before entering the
primary manufacturing area. Hand-wash stations also need to be established at the entry to the
primary manufacturing area. Furthermore, entrances to this area need to have air curtains to
prevent outside air from entering the high risk area. As mentioned, the product is exposed at the
high risk primary manufacturing area. Thus, the air in this section must be conditioned as a
standard. The particle count in air is controlled through high efficiency particle absorption
(HEPA) filters and relative humidity is controlled as per the process norms. The air pressure is
also maintained at a slightly higher level than that of the secondary manufacturing area to
prevent particulates from getting into the primary manufacturing area.The pressure difference
between low and high risk areas is kept between 5 and 15 Pa so that the air flows to the low risk
area from the high risk area is 1.5 m/sec orgreater through openings.

. Secondary Manufacturing Area. The product is first exposed to the facility environment in the
secondary manufacturing area. The raw material enters the secondary manufacturing area from
the stores. The product being manufactured at the primary manufacturing area is usually in its
primary packing when it reaches the secondary manufacturing area, and the secondary
manufacturing area is the entity in which the final packing of the product takes place. Then the
product in its final packing is sent to the finished goods warehouse. Hence, air locks need to be
placed between the stores and secondary manufacturing area to prevent contamination through
leaking air. These air locks also prevent pests from entering the secondarymanufacturing area.

The personnel entry to the secondary manufacturing area is from the administration area and that
too needs to be through air locks. It is also usually equipped with a gowning regime to change to

designated clothes before entering the secondary manufacturing area. Thus, the gowning area
needs to be appropriately placed in the administration section of the layout.

The air quality of the secondary manufacturing area is maintained as specific to the
manufacturing process. The same pressure difference is maintained between the primary and
secondary manufacturing areas so that the air flows to the low risk area from the high risk area
[11]. Here, it is also good practice to maintain positive pressure (e.g., 0.02 mm H2O) with
respect to the utility, stores, and office areas. The positive pressure prevents outside air from
reaching the secondary manufacturing area. This prevents possible contamination of the product.

. Warehouse. The warehouse holds raw material and packing material for the manufacturing
process and finished goods. The warehouse is divided into two sections: Store A and Store B.
Store A keeps the raw material and packing material. All these materials are in the quarantine
area until they pass the quality check. Then these materials are released for manufacturing. Store
B holds finished goods. The finished goods are released from the store once the quality checks
are over. The environmental conditions in the store areas can differ to suit the products being
manufactured. For example, these can be cold rooms, chilled rooms, or air conditioned according
to the requirement for raw material and finished goods.

The goods movement from the stores is in one direction. There is no back tracking or criss-
crossing of material movement on the layout. As shown in Figure 5 for material
movement, the raw and packing material entering StoreA move through the manufacturing
process and reach Store B as finished goods. Therefore, in order to prevent cross contamination,
personnel movement needs to be restricted or controlled and thus changing room facilities need
to be placed at appropriate locations.

By undergoing thorough literature survey one can identify the problem statement as need to
improve the industrial production by suggesting modified layout to this industry and improve
various conditions of production environment.

Flexibility is an attribute that allows a mixed mode manufacturing system to cope up with a
certain level of variation in part or product cycle , without any interruption in production due to
change over’s between model and hence FMS is called flexible due to the reason that it is
capable of processing a variety of different part styles simultaneously at the workstation and

quantities of production can be adjusted in response to changing demand patterns. The different
type of flexibility that’s exhibited by manufacturing system.

Casina, Alexia, Utility Area. This area hosts all utilities and the engineering department of the
organisation. Utility equipment includes components such as air handlers for the heating,
ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system, boilers, air compressors, chillers, and water
purification plants that support the manufacturing process. According to the observations, there
is no need for frequent direct access to the secondary packing area from the utility area.
Therefore, sealed type emergency exit doors can be fixed if required.. Administration Area. This
area holds the facilities such as the main administration office, changing rooms for employees,
canteens, washrooms, toilets, and first aid rooms. Employees use the changing room in the
administration area and wear the factory uniform and sanitise their hands before entering the
secondary manufacturing area. Employees enter the stores from a separate entrance after
changing their uniforms.This area is not treated as a production area. Offices are also located in
this area and the layout can be designed so that the offices have a direct view of the
manufacturing area through glass panels. This facilitates good visibility of the production area
while preventing cross contamination. Visitors’ viewing area of the production process can also
be located in this area.
Vijay, Arun, Personnel and Goods Movement. Employee movement within the facility in the
diamond model is shown by arrows The employees working in different sections can access
them through the administration area. Those who work at the primary and secondary
manufacturing areas can enter through air locks. Access to the primary manufacturing area is
only through the secondary manufacturing area. Goods movement in the diamond model is
depicted in Goods first reach the warehouse as raw and packing material.These are stored in
Store A.Then they move towards the secondary manufacturing area. Removal of packaging,
weighing, and batch preparation takes place in this area.The proposed framework conveniently
facilitates handling the aspects of data requirement in order to arrive at a decision on the layout.
The OEE, maximum production capacity and finally the area requirement for the layout were
obtained by following the framework. One advantage when modifying an existing layout is the
knowledge of most of data related to machine performance and the process. Hence, machine
capacity, physical size of machinery, process details, and area requirement for sections could be
obtained easily. Furthermore, this information was accurate as no assumptions were made when

obtaining data. The proposed diamond model resolved the major decision points in the FLP. The
location of the five sections of the factory was clear. The process equipment to be positioned in
these five sections (i.e., primary manufacturing, secondary manufacturing, utility, warehouse,
and administration) was clearly known as these were identified when the framework was applied
in the first stage. This simplified the process of providing the solution to the FLP. A process-
oriented layout was used in the arrangement of the equipment in the five sections. The
relationship chart and the distance chart helped to reach the best location for the equipment in the
layout. lists the improvement observed in the facility in terms of the key performance indicators
(KPIs) after the implementation of the layout change. it is observed that the new layout has
helped to increase the overall equipment efficiency of the factory. This is due to reduction of
down time in the process. Supervision of machines became relatively easy as similar machines
were grouped together.Communication of machine failures and production issues was efficient
due to close proximity location of machinery.This helped supervisors and technicians to respond
promptly to maintenance activities and provide solutions to avoid machine down time. The
comparison of from-to matrix (travel distance) and the travel distance to weight before and after
the layout change. indicate the reduction in the distance travelled and the weight into distance
travelled after the modification. For instance, the cumulative travel distance of BIB area was
reduced by 36% and the cumulative distance into weight was reduced by 29%. Similarly all the
parameters of Jar, Sachet, and BIB filling process were reduced in a favourable manner in the
new layout. The changes improved ergonomics of the workplace as well. For example, pulling of
heavy pallet trucks for long distances was reduced thus providing a more relaxing working
environment. However, the level of improvement needs to be verified.The layout development
was performed considering the OEE as 60%. Once the factory started operating after
modification, the OEE gradually increased to 82%. The OEE was stable at 82% after one year of
operation. This increased the capacity of the facility. However, other determining factors such as
equipment and maintenance may also have contributed towards the improvement of OEE and
further investigation to ascertain that the contribution due to facility change is required.

Karly, sirens, Finding solutions to the facility layout problem (FLP) is difficult. This becomes
more difficult in the food processing industry due to industry-specific regulatory needs such as
food safety, hygiene, and GMP requirements. Thus, the aim was to develop a method to help
layout design specific to the food processing industry. A set of operations unique to the food

processing could be identified by considering the food safety risk level. Various operations could
be grouped into five different areas: primary manufacturing, secondary manufacturing, utility,
warehouse, and administration. These five areas have different ventilation, building finishing,
access control, and lighting requirements to mitigate the food safety risks. Considering the
unique requirements, a framework was developed that considers specific requirements of the
food processing industry and collects data in a systematic manner to support resolving the FLP.
Later, a model named the diamond model was developed, which included the five different areas
identified. In a case study, the framework helped to collect vital data relevant to factory
operations. It was also helpful in the decision making process to resolve the FLP. The diamond
model further simplified the FLP by splitting the plant operation into the five major sections and
helped locating each section in the layout. The improved layout resulted in an increase in the
overall equipment efficiency (60% to 80%), a decrease in material waste (2.4% per batch to
0.8%), and a reduction of CO2 emissions per metric ton of production (62.5 to 51.6 kg/MT). The
approach was only tested in an existing factory modification. However, it should be further
evaluated when developing a completely new facility for food processing

Augustine, De Louis, The layouts of marble factories are generally made according to flow
shop production systems. The layout changes with the introduction of new machines or new
products. However, new machines are put to the free spaces without considering relocating the
departments. In new product case, the flow of new products may be different than the current
products. The layouts made without considering the affect of introducing new machines or
products may cause larger transportation times between departments. Again, the facility layout
problem arises. The facility layout can be defined as a plan of an optimum arrangement of
departments, personal, equipments and storage spaces to design the best structure of the facility.
There are some types of layouts such as product layout, process layout, and fixed layout. Product
type of layout is generally appropriate for the facilities which produce one product or one type of
a product. Therefore, the machines (or departments) are configured as in the order of operations
of the product. In process type layout, the machines that perform similar operations are grouped
together. The products visit these groups in the order of their operations. In case of fixed type
layout, the products and their components are placed in a fixed location and the labor, equipment
or tools are brought to this location.
The layout problem may be stimulated by cost reductions, production design change, new

product introduction and changes in demands. According to these changes, the layout problem
may arise to perform minor changes in the present layout, rearrangement of the current layout,
relocating into existing facilities or building a new plant.

The product is exposed to the environment at the primary manufacturing area. Thus, it is the
area, which poses the highest risk for hygiene in the manufacturing process, and risk mitigation
steps are essential to prevent contamination. Environmental conditions in terms of humidity,
temperature, and particulate levels and the barometric pressure have to be closely monitored and
maintained within the primary manufacturing section. Furthermore, the primary manufacturing
area has to be completely separated from the other areas to control the risk of contamination.
Employees moving to the primary manufacturing area should undergo uniform changes as
required by GMP requirements for the manufacturing processes and adequate facilities are
needed for this activity. Personnel entry and the material entry paths to the factory also have to
be clearly segregated.This is a GMP and safety requirement in the industry. The other four
sections need to be placed to provide maximum assistance to primary manufacturing while
ensuring the food hygiene requirements. Thus, it is important to clearly define the above five
basic sections of a food processing factory in a layout drawing. A colour scheme is also proposed
in order to identify the basic sections. Food processing comprises many simultaneous activities
and can have complex layouts.These can take many shapes.Therefore, the proposed colour
scheme can potentially simplify the layout design process by enabling easy visualisation.



Company has various sections and stages initially these all are discussed clearly to
understand the industry of taken existing layout.


This is the section where the casting bars are made to be casted which are
considered as the skeleton of the carburetors.

After this section the casting bars are moved to the machining section .


This is the section where the machining operations like drilling, thread
cutting, various sizes holes are made for assembly.
This is the stage where the coolants are applied because due to machining
operations we get lot of heat.
This is the coolest section in the company.


This is the most interesting section of everyone and included various stages
ranging from 20 stages to 23 stages.

It consists of 5 main lines where general assembly done.

1 sub assembly line where auxiliary works done here.

Major part of the work is done here.

The 5 lines are work for different company carburetors;

1. Royal enfield
2. TVS
3. Bajaj
4. Pulsar

I worked in 4 line and 3 line most of the days and the description on
assembly stages are based on the major observations of these stages.


Pluging is the stage one where the system is installed and the
carburetor has gone through the entering model number on it.
This stage has laser printing by software.
All models which frequently used are inbuilt before in it and whenever
model changes use that.

Outer pipe is the second stage ,where it is prepared by sub
assembly line by adding pilot air jet to pipe.
It throws water from petrol tank cap.


Balls of various diameters including 20 mm, 23 mm, 25 mm
are used various stages of pluging.
After the outer pipe and along with nipple assembling, after the jet
UCAL once faced the complaint from their customers that these balls are
missing most of the cases.
They rectified it with increment of the depth of the ball assy.
These are used for checking purpose .

This is the stage where the pilot air jet is assembled.
Carburetor consists of two holes allotted for jets where the big one is meant
for pilot air jet.
Lower pressure inside the carburetor is equilised by the pilot air jet.

This is important stage of this plug section. This is of
various sizes and colours are used ,Balls also assembled here.
We use lock tite (gum) to fix the inlet nipple .
Nipple is used for direct intake of fuel into it.

This is next to inlet nipple ,the stage where difficulty
level , the operations done under this stage need carefulness .
It requires a minor screw to open the clamping from carburetor.
For sucking the fuel from the carburetor is done by it.


This is the stage where the smaller hole of the
carburetor is fixed with main air jet. Some times it is proceeded by plug.
This main air jet mixes air thoroughly with the gasoline.

This is the first stage of testing where we test for locktite ok
for nipples are not and the balls are again checked here.
This is the stage also belongs to quality check.
Here we put small seals for shaft fixtures.

Here the shafts are fitted into the carburetor having two holes
on it ,which appears one side big and one side small.

In shaft assembly stage the white coloured fixtures are used to close the shaft
and the springs are turned to it .

The circular slides with holes are exactly fixed 90 degrees.

Because of these slide the adjustment of the fuel in carburetor taken place.

In this stage again testing is done for the checking of
screw fixing, air flow, ensure that no bending of shafts here.
Here for that before mentioned holes of the shafts are closed by screws.

In this stage grid is formed on the screws fixed on the shafts. This
is to give some type of grip to the shaft.

In this stage we simply assemble the end cap as it is the end
part of the carburetor the name end cap.
It closes the white fixture and spring installed in it .

It is most difficult of the entire assembly line and called as
the Heart of the assembly line.
It creates 3 or 4 holes by rotating various drilling machines in it.
Basically it is a 3 dimensional CNC (computer numerical control) machine.
It requires lot of skill to judge whether the holes created by the bypass are
correct or not.
We have to fix the screw and air test is done here.


We have to clean the carburetor in vibratory

cleaning, this is done because to remove the clensol accumulated in it.

If it is not done when the carburetor passes to ultrasonic testing it gives false

Here we fix service plug and apply glue to balls and
small fixtures. This service plug is fixed to close the holes created by bypass
without blocking them.

This conical plug is the cylindrical in shape to close
the hole with small gap.
It is of testing purpose.
It is a pressure testing where the carburetor is tested for fuel
pressure. And if it is not ok the problem is with the bypass.
Once it passed the screw which is rotated by the by person is tight here.

This is for the allowing of air pressure out. Pressure is escaping
from this. This is numbered from the numbering section.

Piston is one of the inner part of the carburetor and used to
moment for fuel and air .
It has needle, shim, ring.
Diaphram , ring, after the screws are fixed in it.

It is to close the top cover with the spring is installed
inside of it .

It is the air flow test and is the final air test which is
done in assembly line .clearance is must to approve the carburetor.
It is to close other side of the carburetor as top cover one side ,
so 4 screws are fixed.

In this stage we test for final oil leakage testing by and used
oil is clensol.
Once it is passed here then it is ok for oil leakage free.

This is the final section of assembly line and is tested for
flooding. If it is clear then automatically it shows the alarm to stop it.
Then it is marked for approval with radium colour.


This is the section where the all type of air jets are drilled
and packed for assembly usage.
Frequently the size of the holes are checked by the sensor type machines.
It should be done inside the cool area as we work more of sensors we get
accurate results.
Air jets are cleaned in water for sometime to remove accumulated powder of
the material.


This is the section the section where the

numbering is done on the valves, and some type of jets are marked and stored for
assembly line.


This is the section where the pipes are fitted to thassembled
carburetor, we also check for leakage of oil.

FI refers to fuel inspection section.

Here the nipple and small cylindrical openings are closed by the pipe.

After verification of the parts inside of it we have to mark with colour marker that
all assembled parts are present.

Now it will move to packing section to be packed.

This is the section where the packing of the carburetor is
done for the direct sale of to the customer.
It involves some basic operations.
They are;
1. Covering:
It is the place where the final carburetor is closed by a
transparent cover.
2. Packing into boxes:
It is the stage where the packing of the above finished product
is done by using boxes.
3. Sticker :
In this stage we do sticker to the box and send to storage, which
will be used for sales purpose.


As we are working in a fast and productive zone there are

more chances of damaging of the jobs by the workers unknowingly.
Some parts are damaged in machining section.
But major damages occur in the assembly section.
The collection of such recorded and stored damaged products are sent to the
material removal board section.

They remove the unwanted materials in the carburetor and made available as
rejection carburetors.
After the removal of damaged parts they are sent to casting if damage done
to casting part.
If the damage is done to assembly part these are send to store room.

This is the section where the all output and production
details are available.
Here we can rectify all our corrections about the details we had provided.
All the supervisors have to inform here and take suggestions from
HR manager.


This is the most important section because it creates a
chance to learn by classes.
It gives a chance of asking questions for us and to clear them there itself.
One have to very careful in learning here and know whatever he can about
the company work.

Fig 1,Fig2. Assembly section VIEW of UCAL



Daily training and motivation before the starting of the work is

given by the supervisor.
He gives the previous day output details and provides some information
about how we can improve the out.
He informs about the safety measures to be followed.
He also gives some tips to reduce damage of work done.
It gives great chance of learning daily within work time.

My supervisor is Mr. Venkat , my experience with him gives me a good

knowledge about the work I have done.


This type training session very frequently happen by the HR

person and he gives information about audit work done.
He inform about the score for that particular line or section or company unit
as a whole.
He gives some methods to be followed in the company to get good output
and good score whenever the audit is done.

After analyzing how an existing layouts are there, now testing of

various parameters involved in the carburetor producing industry layout
and to suggest modifications for it to improve production are done,
(a)ranging from time involved to obtain complete a product(s) by taking
time values between casting process, machining process and stage by
stage assembly process and to bring materials to near stage of
production, infrequent quality inspection at the last and irregularities in
packing and no connection between the the substages and entire line in
turn entire production.[11-12] After this time study now, (b)worker

friendly layouts as easy to escape during emergency, better alarming
devices, basic amenities like restrooms, recreation breaks and easy way
to food section, office, first aid room, to way out. Then, (c)integrated
management, including HR and his team, manager and research and
development, their availability to shopfloor. In one the carburetor
industry, initially the steel alloy material bars are supplied by logistics to
casting section, it will cast for all four types of models it have to. Then
that material supplied to machining section where all work is done like
send to assembly and packing. Here intermediate distances are time
consuming and lag in heavy machine processes. Materials of last stage
persons have to walk through long distances quality is confined to
limited persons. In order to overcome these limitations as shown in fig1,
Convergent layout is proposed, where casting is in centre position
separately, divided machining processes into groups, assembly lines are
integrated with respected material rooms, rest rooms, easy emergency
rooms and segmented assembly lines with special storage blocks and
integrating quality and rejection and final storage rooms into casting
process to reduce more time and involving two way transportation.[13-

Fig3. Top view of Convergent layout
Fig 3, is the top view of the convergent layout after modifying the
existing layout by introducing casting at centre all the machining lines
are by parted and Assembly sections are quadrupled to improve the
fastness of recasting material when ever it is bring to casting in a easy


After investigating about each and every section of the industry we come
up with certain results by which one can easily move the materials and
chemicals and improve its efficiency.these values are listed in table one.

Table 1 Comparision between existing layout and convergent layout

Existing Convergent Time
Components Inference
layout(min) layout(min) difference(min)

Logistics (unload) 30 30 - -

Casting 60 60 - -

Divided into
Casting – Storage 20 15 5
2 rooms

Available at
Machining (chemicals) 60 55 5
nearest location

Divided into
Machining – Storage 20 15 5
2 rooms

Materials 5 - 5 Segment wise

Assembly (1-5) 15 15 -

Gap (CNC) 3 1 2 Easy to bring

Aseembly (6-10) 15 15 -

Gap (Testing) 3 1 2 Easy to bring

Assembly (11-15) 20 20 -

Gap (oil) 3 1 2 Easy to bring

Assembly (16-last) 15 15 -

Packing 2 2

Dived into 4
Rejection – Storage 5 3 2

Storage – Casting 20 min* 15 min* 5 min*
(not counted)

Final Storage 20 15 5 4 rooms

Logistics 30 30 -

Total Time 328 min 295 min 33 min

if the industry involving casting, machining, assembly lines is

investigated then we can reduce so much time between machines of
working process, the effectiveness of worker determines it’s efficiency.
The layout plan shown in fig2, is modified version of existing layout
which will give maximum output. Due to global warming the real
working hours are reducing by legitamising errors, so there is need for
keeping more cooler production space by installing extra equipment of
cooling devices for reducing that errors which can impact not only
production but the parameters


This audit of assessing the work of a line, section, company as a whole.

This audit is done during three days before the month get ends.

This is done by AUDITOR and his team of four.

This audit is done at 3 stages.



This is the self - audit stage, where the assessment of the

working area and out is done the worker alone.

To pass this stage we should get minimum 90/100 .

This may be passed very easily because we are auditing and it may be
satisfied most of the cases.


This is a three member audit done by the persons of the

chief auditor team.

The three members individually audit the lines or sections and gives score

Each person gives some marks.

To pass this audit level we have to score 85/100 in each audit.


This is the main and crucial audit as it directly impacts

the working of the company.

To pass this audit one has to score minimum 80/100.

After doing so we will get aggregate of marks scored in the audit for 100.

This process is repeated for every month to keep check on the production
and the work environment.

This is shown on a board as graphs and line diagrams of increased or
decreased for previous outputs.

Based on this they give rankings which give competition over other lines
and sections and there are chances of good output.

After taking into account the assembly line model from product layout,
processes from process layout, segmentation and similar operations
grouped together from group technology, we obtained the convergent
layout by applying minor modifications. If we increase the ease of doing
production, worker’s efficiency by special facilities we can improve ease
of doing business, which every industry wants to achieve. By following
all these measures, as obtained earlier 10.06% efficiency and also
improve worker’s safety, well being in industry and utilize his maximum
effectiveness. This layout study and implementation of industrial layout
improves the production in industries after investigating all existing
layouts there is a scope for new layout which suits best to most of the
new industries. The sun layout, in which the management is like sun and
sub-sections like working stages of heavy machines are like planets and
auxiliary works like quality checking areas, materials availability and
storage sections are maintained like satellites. Segmented model is
taken from process layout, group technology is used in similarities

grouped section wise and inspection is done in three levels which
increases not only quantity, but also quality.



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