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What have I accomplished?

It’s a pretty undermining question, isn’t it? But I will try to answer sincerely, as
far as my English vocabulary allows me too. It’s very self-deprecating for me to
think about my accomplishments, because there aren’t many. So to answer that
question, it’s important to define what the word “accomplishment” means to me.
From my perspective it’s the same as “success”.
As a student without any sense of purpose and meaning of existence, I’m
desperately trying to find a sweet-spot in life, where I could be in my element.
But, as older you get, the more you start understanding, that life is not easy and
you shouldn’t try to make it that way! Life is no fair, it never was, it isn’t now
and it won’t ever be.
So my first accomplishment would be, that I don’t fall into the entitlement trap
of feeling like I’m a victim. I got over it and got on with it. My second
accomplishment is, that I started to ask myself what success is to me. Maybe it’s
money or being spiritually sound? Every day I’m asking myself this question.
My answers may change over time, but I think that’s fine, because I’m doing
myself one favor: Whatever my answer is, I don’t choose anything that will
jeopardize my soul. I’m trying to prioritize who I am, who I want to be, and I
constantly am fighting off the temptation of biting into the forbidden fruit of
spending time with anything that antagonizes my character. Maybe in the future
I will even take the hill, but firstly I need to answer one question: <<What’s my
hill?!>>. The third accomplishment is my thirst for knowledge and new
experiences. Regarding knowledge, right now I’m trying to grasp the vast
science behind the economy subject, because I think that it is something people
should know to better understand how the world functions. Perhaps they could
even leave the world a better place than they found it, due to that knowledge.
And in terms of new experiences, I believe it’s one of many steps that lead to
our identity in life. So for me it’s very important to get out of the house to
engage with the world and to get some real human interaction. To find out “who
you are not?”, you need to try things.
As you may have noticed, that are just a couple of blank accomplishments. I
think it’s just a mind-state of uncertainty that students go thru or perhaps the
start of a beautiful journey, called YOUNG ADULTHOOD…

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