The Creation of Social Media Enables Everyone To Communicate Even People Across Our Nation, This

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1. The creation of Social media enables everyone to communicate even people across our nation, this
medium functions in many different ways and one of these is the promotion of one’s businesses. Social
platforms help us to introduce our brands or services to the public in a much easier and less hassle way.
It has higher chances for our business to be widely recognize as there are about billions of social media
users that are active worldwide, customers would also prefer this type of shopping for it doesn’t require
them to go outside their houses just to check for the items that they’ve wanted to purchase. We can as
well accommodate customers’ concern regarding our items on sale, they can ask anything they’ve
doubted about it and we can answer them directly even from long distances. For the trust and loyalty of
the customers we can post previous buyers’ feedbacks about our product which guarantee everyone
that we are a quality maker. We can promote our business online to whoever audience we are targeting,
we can even be aware of the people’s choice which is known to be the trends the majority is embracing,
and by this we can think of applying those certain trends to our business marketing strategies for
attracting more people’s interest.

2. Since some of the fast-food competitors are closing due to technicalities, it would be a great
opportunity of gaining more customers since they would have lesser options to choose. They can as well
make the recipe which people are finding similar to the menu of the previous competitors of them. It’s
the time for the improvisation of their service to attract people and gradually grows loyalty and trust
towards their business. While their rivalry are still in the state of fixing, they should have already
construct plans not just for the current but as well as for the possibility of their future competitors
marketing strategies.


Opportunity Business Proposal

1. The negative effects of virtual class to the 1. sell an original anti-radiation eyeglass.
students or school staffs and the 2. Sell anti-radiation screen for laptops and
technicalities it undergoes. computers.
3. Sell headsets for clearer audio and for the
prevention of extra background noises
4. Sell adjustable chairs for backpain solution
5. Sell gadget supporter appliances like speaker,
portable keyboard, mouse and cellphone holder.
2. Citizens experience regular boredom in 1. Sell play cards for the social enjoyment of the
their houses lately due to strict protocols family
brought by the Covid-19 Pandemic 2. Establish a shop that sells different kind of
technologies that generates entertainment
3. Introduce and sell beauty product to gain a
desirable outcome while in the house
4. Make a profit by offering discounts for the
entertainment apps that needs payment like
Netflix, Crunchyroll, premium YouTube, premium
Spotify, etc.
5. Sell drawing tools for this is one of the recently
most practiced skills by the people today
3. Diseases and illnesses are apparent among 1. Sell Vitamins that helps boost immune system
the people of today 2. Make a store that distribute nutritious foods
such as fruit and vegetables
3. Create a handmade facemask and sell it to
others at a friendly price
4. Sell surgical face mask, face shield, and surgical
5. Include hand sanitizers and rubbing alcohol as
items on sale in our sari-sari store
4. Displaying plants have now become a 1. Sell creative and pleasing flower pots
trend most especially among the ladies. 2. Grow more plants and sell it to others
3. Be a supplier or reseller of plant seeds
4. Supply different fertilizers for the proper grow of
the plants
5. Sell planting tools like a trowel, garden rake,
garden gloves, watering can, etc.
5. People can’t easily buy their needs because 1. Show what you sell via Facebook or any popular
of the age limitation set for classification of Social platforms and add charge for the delivery.
individuals that are allowed to go outside 2. Run a business that provides delivery services for
their houses the customers.
3. Sell your products to those people by roaming
around their place
4. Call for retailers of your items so that it can be
distributed in different areas
5. Establish a store in every barangays of your city


1. I don’t really see the uniqueness of choices by the people in our local area, since if we say unique that
means that it has specific characteristics which differs to others. What I observe here is also apparent to
the places across us, this is maybe because I am born in the digital era where people’s inclination rely on
what is popularly disseminating in the social medias thus they just kind of exhibit uniformity.

2. I have more than one reference group yet the one who are closest to me is my squad that I’ve joined
when I was in Junior High years. I actually can’t make friends that easy because I feel uncomfortable
when they don’t share the same interest as mine, it will just push me to try harder just to fit in them and
that’s really what I detest the most that I can’t act naturally based on who I truly am. On the other hand,
those I called my best friends, we really do have identical habits in most of the things thus they don’t
completely change my choice of buying and the activities that I do yet they still influence those aspects
in a way that I become more preoccupied by the staffs that I, before was already used to.

3. During the days when there’s still no pandemic, the availability of stores or the area of my residence
doesn’t in fact totally affect what I buy because what hinders me of buying the things that I want is the
amount of money that I only have, and sometimes my mother keeps on dictating me of the things that I
should have spent my money with. But when this new normal hit our place, the more I can’t be able to
get the items that I long to have and I can’t freely carry out the activities that I should have done right

4. I’m the kind of technological gadgets user who manipulates it everyday, I can say that I already
become addicted on it especially during this times that we need to find something which can ease our
loneliness during the circumstances that we are facing. I’m not very expert with the functionality of the
gadgets that I own, the common apps and media sites is what I only visit just for the entertainment and
as well as for research purposes for our class homework. Sometimes it’s hard for me to utilize my time
of using it which can be fruitful or results in a positive outcome since I’m always tempted to do things on
it that aren’t educational related, what I mostly dig in is to make sure I’m satisfied of the enjoyment it
displays to me like in Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. While when it comes to sports, I’m not
always involving myself in it, I was once a representative of our school in elementary to the sport called
Volleyball yet I can’t manage to continue it even up until now and thankfully there’s no need to be
worried since I’ve become used to it already and I don’t have any plan of joining it again maybe because
I’m a bit lazy especially during warm-ups or any workout and I also have insufficient trust of what myself
can achieve.

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