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Science group project

 Law of conservation
Law of conservation of mass
• Law of conservation of mass was given by
Lavoisier in 1774 . As this law states that
matter cannot be nor be destroyed in an
reaction. The substance which combine or
react in an chemical reaction is called
“reactant”. The new substance that is formed
is called as “product”. This law means that in a
chemical reaction the total mass of reactant is
equal to the of the product.
Image of Lavoisier
Law of conservation of mass
Law of conservation of mass
It has been found by experiment that if
100 gram of calcium carbonate are
decomposed completely then 56 gram of
calcium oxide and 44 gram of carbon
dioxide are formed. This can be written as-
 calcium carbonate heating
calcium oxide 56g + carbon
dioxide 44g = 56 + 44 = 100g
• Sodium carbonate reacts with ethanoic acid to form
sodium ethanoate , carbon dioxide and water. In an
experiment ,5.3g of Sodium carbonate reacted with 6g
of ethanoic acid to form 8.2g of sodium ethanoate ,2.2g
of carbon dioxide and 0.9g of water. Show that this data
verifies the law of conservation of mass?
• Ans Sodium carbonate + ethanoic acid = sodium
ethanoate + carbon dioxide + water .
• 5.3g + 6g = 8.2g + 2.2g + 0.9g
• 11.3 g= 11.3g
• Hence it verify the law.

• In this whole ppt we have learn

that law of conservation of
mass says that mass can
neither be created nor being
destroyed. The total mass of
reactant is equal to the mass of

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