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Teenagers often stay late at night and wake up later in morning.

When schools start early between 7:15-

7;30 A.M it is a perfect schedule to go school that neither too late or too early. If schools begin early
then it will ends ealier there outcome more flexible time for students either having a noon nap which is
use wisely in Asia or envolve in part-time jobs; school acitives. Thereafter they would go to bed sooner
for prepare the next day of school. Some research shows that early schools affect brains function and
health immune systems, but, there is evidence saying that wake up early affect health schedule and
improve some disease such diabetes and heart attacks. When schools start early specially high school it
will teach how to prepare for real conditioning in real life. So I have these reasons why we should start
classes earlier. 1.There is no significant Difference in learning attitude of Students if classes will start at
8:00 versus when it will start at 7:30 2. Having 8:00 as start of class will mean late class dismissal in the
afternoon. These will be hazardous to students going home since they might not have gone home
before sunset. Having more avenues to untoward events like Rape, kidnapping and Vehicular Accidents.
3. Students should be taught at the early age of how valuable time is and how to manage time wisely.
Moving the start of class to 8Am is not a wise time management practice. 4. 8AM start of class would
not give way to working parents to bring their children to school since they will also have to go to work
at 8AM 5. 8Am start of class would result to more traffic conjestion and Students who participate in
sports and extra-curricular activities would get home much later in the evenings. Adjusting school
schedules is a controversial issue because there are various considerations, all legitimate, that come into
play. School districts that have experimented with adjusted schedules have found beneficial effects for
students. However, making a massive change may be challenging in the face of limited school budgets
and resources.

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