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P-1 Poblacion Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800

Mobile Number: (+63) 907-223-8085

Ryan Christian T. Bustillo MAELT-1



Direction: Answer the following comprehensively.

1. Define education in your own words based on the various definitions of

educational thinkers.

Answer: It is learning we set out to make happen in the belief that people can ‘be more’.

It is a cooperative and inclusive activity that looks to help people to live their lives as

well as they can. Education is for all. It doesn’t matter if we’re on the top, middle, or

bottom of the class. It doesn’t matter if we are financially capable or not. What matter is

our attitude towards our goal. As the saying goes, “Educating the mind without

educating the heart is no education at all”.

2. Why should a teacher study philosophy of education?

Answer. Teachers are mentors and play an active role in inculcating and teaching

independent thinking in learners. However, to do that as a teacher, we must have a

teaching philosophy of our own. Students always look up to us and therefore, it

becomes necessary for us to have thoughts to inspire them. It is a need for us to study

philosophy/ies of education because it will help us avoid judgmental. Remember, we

P-1 Poblacion Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800
Mobile Number: (+63) 907-223-8085

need to consider that all students are equal. Another, it will help us interpret the path of

learning. Knowing the philosophy of students lead us to be informed of their

movements. It is not possible to make students learn something until the teacher knows

why and how he/she wants to teach. Once we know their path, we are helping them to

reach their destination. Lastly, it will help us as a teacher to know the strengths and

weaknesses of our students.

3. “The scope of Philosophy of education is unlimited” Critically evaluate this


Answer: Indeed! Its scope is very limited because we have diverse learners. And

because we should think of a teaching styles and teaching strategies appropriate to the

needs of the learners for them to learn the subject taught. Thus, the strategies and

guidelines of education, the choice of subjects for a suitable curriculum, the textbooks,

the employment of methods of teaching, and the tone of discipline required are all

influenced by the philosophy of education.

4. Discuss the relationship between Philosophy of Teaching and Teaching


Answer: Educational philosophies and teaching styles are two aspects of learning that

influence the teaching-learning transaction in schools. The educational philosophy can

inform the educator with strategies and methods for implementing adult learning
P-1 Poblacion Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800
Mobile Number: (+63) 907-223-8085

principles. The study of teaching style is important because it assists educators in

designing a positive learning experience for students. Also, the relationship is the two is

that both focuses on the needs of the students in acquiring and learning new

knowledge. Create a learning environment that addresses the diversity of the students

and the appropriate teaching-learning strategies for them.

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