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Participant Instructions - Practical Assessment

Word Processing in the Workplace Assessment

● Ensure you have all the necessary Equipment and Resources as outlined in your assessment prior to
commencing the Practical Assessment.
● You will be provided with sufficient time to complete all the tasks. Some practical assessments may have
a specified time limit to complete the assessment. You need to ensure the requirements of the
assessment are completed within the specified time. Talk to your Trainer / Assessor if you are having
any difficulties in completing the tasks.
● Please undertake ALL the practical assessment tasks.
● Reasonable adjustment will be made should the Trainer/Assessor deem it necessary
● You must show sufficient skill in all practical tasks.
● If deemed not yet competent, you will be assessed as NYC and you will be given the opportunity of
● Your Trainer/Assessor will check your performance after you have finished and ask you to explain
anything that is unclear.
● To achieve a satisfactory outcome for the Practical Assessment you will need to:
o Complete all task correctly
o Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the subject.
● All work contained in the assessment must be your own work, and not copied from other sources, or
been previously submitted for assessment. Where any significant portion of submitted work has been
copied without proper acknowledgement from other sources, including published works, the internet,
existing programs, the work of other students, or work previously submitted for other awards or
assessments, penalties may be imposed.
● You must upload your document(s) in the required format, and as individual files. Do not compress (zip)
the documents when uploading it for assessment or include within folders.
Word Processing in the Workplace Assessment
Assignment Activities
There are five (5)​ ​parts to this assignment. Each part is based on a workplace scenario.

Part A​ is a customer letter. Read the scenario and respond.

Part B​ is a staff invitation. Read the scenario and respond to the requirements.

Part C​ is a staff roster. Read the instructions, and then apply them to the task.

Part D​ is an instructional document. Read the scenario and respond to the requirements.

Part E​ has specific requirements to address. Ensure you provide evidence of your documents being

General instructions
For this assignment, you will need to use Microsoft Word 2013 or higher, to create several documents. ​You
must upload your document in the required format. Do not compress the document(s) when uploading
it/them for assessment. They must be uploaded as individual files.

Ensure you check your document for readability, spelling, grammar, etc.

For each document you need to save the file in an appropriate format – e.g. ‘subject_your
name_version.file extension’ e.g. ‘Roster 1_j smith_v1-0.docx’.
You are a customer service/sales representative for Talon Textile Fasteners (TTF). Refer to the TTF
policies provided (found at the bottom of ​​ website homepage)

One of your clients (Mrs Jones) is looking for a wooden peg to replace the one she has been using for the
past few years. She wants another one like the one she has used before, but she sees from the online
website that this is no longer available, as the marketplace has demanded new styles.

● Identify and clarify customer needs and expectations (Greet Mrs Jones into your store and find out
what she is after and if you can help her).
○ Ask for the features of the previous wooden peg that Mrs Jones used,
○ Provide options of new models available.
○ Give her the reasons for why you can’t provide the same model (legislative requirements
around safety of products and new environmental laws).
○ Use your communication skills in building rapport with Mrs Jones.

● Mrs Jones has told you all the features of her previous product and you have narrowed it down to
the choice between the new TTF design and a plastic peg. You need to use your communication
skills to inform Mrs Jones of the available choices and help her choose. Also upsell the new
package that allows her to keep her pegs safely in a stainless-steel box.

● Manage expectations on delivery with Mrs Jones.

○ She expects to take the product straightaway, but it is not in stock.
○ How will you manage her expectations by confirming the availability with your supervisor?
(Example: Ask your supervisor to find out how soon the product can be delivered, or can Mrs
Jones pick it up from the warehouse?)

● Speak with your supervisor in relation to your organisational policy about Mrs Jones taking the new
packaged peg box from floor stock.
Part A – Customer Letter
Create a letter to a customer (Mrs. Jones) apologising for the poor service she has received from your
company. Ensure you include:

● Details of the business (fictitious)

● Date
● Address details for Mrs Jones (fictitious)
● Salutation
● Headings
● Suitable language and content
● Outcomes
● Ending
● Your name and position.

Part B – Staff Invitation

Create an invitation for staff at your company to attend the end of financial year party. Make sure you use
plenty of colour and some pictures, and make it look inviting.

Ensure you address the following:

● Invitation is to be a single sided A4 document

● Include the date of the event
● Include venue details
● Include start time and finish time
● Explain what the invitation is about
● Explain cost, drinks, etc.
● Include RSVP details.

Part C – Task 1: Staff Roster

1. Create a weekly staff roster for 10 staff to do dishes in the office kitchen. Dishes are cleaned twice
a day – Monday to Friday.
2. Make sure you use a table that is formatted to make it easy to read.
3. Save and upload this document in both a Word .docx and .PDF format.

Part C – Task 2: Staff Roster Version 2

1. Create another copy of the weekly staff roster for eight (8) staff to do dishes in the office kitchen,
because you just found out that two (2) are leaving. Dishes are cleaned twice a day – Monday to
2. Make sure you use a table that is formatted to make it easy to read.
3. Save and upload this document in both a Word .docx and .PDF format.
Part D – Word Info/Cheat Sheet
Create a help guide/cheat sheet for colleagues for Word or an equivalent word processing application.
Address each of the following in your document.
a) The document is to be one to two pages double sided A4, with the font size 12. The font you use
should be appropriate for the document.
b) Use graphics or snips where appropriate.
c) Include three features, and reasons why you might use them.
d) Provide some common keyboard short cuts.
e) Include brief explanations describing some basic technical terminology;
f) Include explanations for:
▪ Undo,
▪ copy,
▪ paste,
▪ save as…
▪ and at least two others you think may be relevant.
g) Briefly explain how you would convert the document to a PDF, and how to hyperlink. Include some
screenshots of this process.
h) Embed some links to external help manuals and online help to allow further research.

Part E – Printing
You need to show evidence that you have printed one of your documents.

If you are using Windows 7, or later, you can use the snipping tool to capture the screen as you print the
document. Include the snip in a document.

If you are not using Windows 7 you can use the built in ‘print screen’ button located on your keyboard to
capture the screen and then you can insert the captures into a word document. Include the graphic in a
You will need to upload your completed documents in Word 2013 or higher version to MyUpskilled.

Submission Checklist – documents

1. Check your submission for spelling, grammar, readability, etc.
2. Check your submission addresses the assessment instructions, assessment rubric and any other
3. Ensure you have provided references for material that has been sourced from elsewhere.
4. Save your submission in an appropriate format (.docx, .doc, or .pdf as required in instructions).
5. Upload both versions of the roster from Part C in PDF file format.
6. You must upload your document(s) in the required format, and as individual files. Do not compress
(zip) the documents when uploading it for assessment or include within folders.

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