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Aepubli. ot llrf fbitimin.s

Deptrrtruent of @burtrtion
Nraionil Crpital Region
SchooliD irion Ofrrc of Que?4n Cir!-
Ofllcc of the Schoob Divlrlor Sup€rtaterdcat


To : Assistant Schools Division Superintendents

Chiefs, SGOD/CID
Section Heads
Education Program Supervisors/Public Schools District Supervisors
School Heads of Public artd Private EleDentaiy and Secondary Schools
All Concemed
OF DEPED I{CR H.E.R.O.E.S (Help Educ.tor. Rll to Ollinc Education for 2O2O-

I For the information and guidance of all concerned, attached is Regional

Memorandum No. NCR-287, s. 2020 regarding the teacher upscalirg pnogram on
"lntroduction to Ontine Teaching' and 'Creatiag Your First Online Course.'
'2 Particular attention is directed to the third paragraph of the RM, which states
that'"ttre funds and necessa.rj/ expens€s relative to upscaling program shall be
charged from the school's Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE),
local funds or other sources upon the availability of funds, subject to the usual
govemment accounting and auditinS rules and regulations.'

3 For details rega.rding the processing of the Registration Fee of Five Hundred
Pesos (PsOO.OO), participants are directed to the attached lctter from
H.E.R.O.E.S 2021.

1 Immediate and rvide dissemination of the contents of this Memoraldum is



Schools Division Superintendent

.ono,**oo-r*-I5!-* r, * 1rt
O Nueva tciia 5t., Ba*o gantay, queu on Gty
o {02} 3s2'78-91 {02) 3s2-58-m

ft'sttk d drt BDitEoitrtr

Departmert of @uotton ,(

DepartrEtt ol f/Cu<rttJh '

rtG'toxat ,*EIOIAXOU scttootS DaVrS'On orfl cg
l{ort{Cl - 28 7 ,.mm

TO scHool.l orvrsrot{ suPEnl IExDENIS Date: 4

fRoi AtCOt s. GAliia

SUIJECI SIAGT 2^oslA Slngopo.. Coott ol

DepEd a{Cl tl.E.l.O.E.3. (H.lp Educdor! tlt. to
OnIn €drrcodon lo. 2020-it(rll )

OAIE Seplember 24, 2020

l. R€lotive lo ltE oh€olq ooln€ !€ltfoced tacining coqse ,or Slog@ I Bolch 2 of
the obo'/e rrlentb.Ed Glivity ond fq Stoo€' 2 uider lhe NCR €dt cotilo Fqum (NEF)
lf{ough the Ctrrbulum ond Leqr|i.lg Monogement Dvition w& conducl o leocher
uprkill&'lg p.ogrom on lhe k lorir€:

o. 'rntodscLa to Olta t ocr*tg" b o 3 modt ke ond sdf-poced lror{rg course.

b. "C,tofE f8 H du Co.r!a" b o 2 module tooche. lhot b ideol fo.
educotors who ho\€ never deaigrEd ori o. &r€ cou(se.

2. This onltrE rdt-poced lrohhg lerie6 oirns lo consiij€r lhe dffereni componenls of
on online cowle ond how to monogs them tllrough t,"e use o{ techrFlogry. Anoiher is 1o
exploae ond reflect recent experbnc6 In becoming o rnoe goficbnl educotor in using
lechnology. Lo6tly, exomine sorne ol lrE crffelPncei belween online ond clossaoom
leoching including the paoctice on the use ot FREEJOO 1006 lo c.eole on ooline course.

3. Ihe fund6 ond nec€6sgy experaes reloiive to lhb sholl be chdged trom the
school ! MoinlerErEe ond Othea Op€rolhg Etp€rtse5 {MOOE). locol fund! oa olfler souces
upor' lhe ovoibtility ol tunds. Subigcl lo lhe uiuol governrnenl occounli€ on<, oudiling
rules ond regulotims.

t. Pdlk:ubr o enti5n b inviled lo lhe oti€hed btt€r wilh re96d5 lo regblrolDn

p.oceas, pcymenl optbns ond cfronr€b. onbodcli€ 1o SlogE 2 fs ltE deloiis. Fo.
cbficolbns ond olh€{ deloik pleole ernoilol hron202lalEt!..aar1Ph.
5. hrnedbte cBseminotbn ol lhii MomqondLrm i5 desied.


Alqt@y urtlv*dLv2)
Misanir 5t. 8.go Eantiy, Qo€IonCilY
rel Nos.: 920-582i1i926-2213|crc.801
Emarl address:
- weBit€: http://wvu,.&p€d Sovph/reS'ons/n.r/ -rto
:':- IJFRPES,?OZ\ { }
r '-':
S€pt 24, 2020

Ragion.l Oir.ctor Mak lm Garma

DepEd t{cn
Matro M.nila

Dear RO Garma.
As we move forward to the Stege 2 impl.mentation of HEROES 2021 lo. their Thames-
Aksdasia Singapore colfse, wc request that a monro be released to the teachers Ior
thcir guiranc4 on thcir how to regislcr and secure the documcnts fot lheir
reimbursemenl. Below ate thc pcrtinent information.

HERoES 2021 St gs 2 Regirtl8uon Proc..s

l. Courls Descripton!.nd ObJecdves
A. lrnroduction b Online Taching

'lntrodudlon To Onhrle Teaching' B a 3 rnodub s€{-P6cod tedler up-skilling proCrar

thSt ls ired for educdo{3 wtp hsrrc nevq iaught an oolino couEe bGbre Onine cducatbn,
although not n8w. has bocorne a rnaFr rocus for €ducators atound the,r/odd in r€cer{ monlhS
duc to global et,€nts. Howsver. the delinition of whst this sclually meens has b€3n very fluid.
A! rrll as pro^riling an opportunity to expdrcflcs oflIne leaming as a dudent. this courlc will
examin€ ditrersri rnodcls c, ooline learning and provire an opporlunily br educao6 to rrf,ed
on lhoir cun nl n€ods and pradrcss. The couIsa will then exflore the ditrersnt componentr3
of an onlin. course and exarninc so,n€ online tools lo t&ilitate thoss procass€s
The Coursc Obi€div6 a.e as folbrxs :
. To invesligde ! of thc d L.Gnt modcls oa onlinc bamng. indudang hybod 8nd
blendrd rnodels
. To consiLr thc dificranl comporEnts oa an onlne couGe {ld IEU to managp tfierr
lhrough ttre usc d tccinology
. To exdor€ ditrcreflt tooh tor onlins tcaching and leaming
. To ra0cct on rgcer{ expcricnces and exdorB nc)d sicps in beco.Iir€ a moIe prdcier(
educalor in uEing tecnrlobgy

Thb easy to use self-paced toacher utrskiling program. is ddiver€d online through th€
FREEJOO leEming man4e,red dafom.

B. Croaung Your Firlt Online CouBe

"Creatrng Your First Online CouBe" is a 2 rnodule teacfier up-sklling program that ts ijeal for
educ€tors who have ne\rer destlned an online colrso bo{ore. Through this course. particip€nts
will bam to conven thgir enstrng cbssr@m b€sod cunicllum fo( oolinc loarning. Through
simde aod praclial eramples. panrcipa s will leam how to des€n and input course materials
thougtrtfully o an onliDe baming pldorm and mal(e ttE colrse ava{abb to their studeits

Th! Col,rsc Obiqriv€s arE as bllows:

. Eramin. ot t le diibranoer bdEn or*oe eod cbsoqn tc€dtilg
. Explofr sorna o, the ways io coo\rarl coqrsc cooted to ao oolnc enviaoomqrt
. Predha using FREEJOO tools to creat€ an onlins @unto

This sasy lo use self-pacsd teadsr upskilling p.ogram, s,hi$ comes yvith simpb step by step
irstudims on lrow to qaate yourfirst onlins coursc. E d€livaIgd ooling thlough th€ FREEJOO
baming rnansg€nEnl p{afform.

ll, Rogittr.tlonProcess
To complete the rGgistratbo for Heroes2021 Slage 2, participants may choose to pay the
registration tee ot PHP500 via Gcash. Paymaya, or thru Metrobsnk account The
registration fee c€n bc rsimburs.d undar the Maintenancr and Olher Operattng Expenses

1. Procr$ lhc payment thru the following paymsnt options: Gcash, Paymaya, or
Molrobank Accourt. Teko note ot the transaclion Reto.enca Number.
2. Fill in the registration form: htto./,bit lyi Heroessraoe2Forrn
3. lndklate in the ioIm the Relerence Number / lD for verificAiofl.
4. Clict Submit.
5. After submissbn, please exp€d an email the lcrbwing day with the Onborrdlng
ln3ttuclionr (as a PDF file attached).
6. Your Otficial Re€€ipt will b€ sent in anothcr smail. PLagr use this a8 rrfersnco
for rermbursement under the MOOE

l.lote: You may al6o re{cr back to your courso 'WdNCR Staoa 1 o{ 2 (Betch 'l}' in
heroes2o21 ora to access the regidrstiirn form aM payrnent in8iructions (sce behry).

Fof eny fuathcr sdstama, los may ]!edr u3 lhru heroG202 I @thames edu oh

a HrbtrErorlctoE EI
I lbFr{E.iFrna.t..rft- Ef
lll. P.ymmt Wom xd
l. yb (rc18H - Florn th. @ssh dshbrd, t p "Smd Uollotf 8nd cfioc. Eg.!.s
Sqd.' Entcr ]tcit*xf3 @8h mobib nl'tscr ind rlgi&dio; bc emur (pfip Soo),
t,tan dEk'Coffl'r.' O'lcG fltaactibn i8 cortpl.b, rcU fr; opfion aoO.typc ycii
pe,lllent R.tulrEs ttmb.r (3a t.npb) gl thc ffi pruviOrl

G Gcosh

2. via PAYIAYA " From the PayMaya dashboard. tap "Send Money' and enter
recipient's PayMaya mobile number and regislration fee amount (PHP 500)then tap
"Continue." Review lransacition detarls then click ''Send " Once transaclion is
complete, selact fiis optbn and type your payment Relerenc€ lD (see sample) on
the freld provided below.

3. via ETROBAT{K - Oeposit the regiskation lee amouri (PHP 500) to our Motrcbank
account andicated, then email a
photo or
screenshot of
deposit slip
lo1lq!pLa!e9q4!!g@IeDe!€d .

Ba.rk Nam6 Iletrobank- E atwood Bnnch Addrols T€chno Pl.u. One 8ldg., B.gumbayan, Ouezon City
Account No 50&3.504-5008.r{

lV. Onboarding to St go 2:

Afier payment has been confirmed, you please expecl an emdl with the Orbording
lnsbuclkxE as a PDF file.

We hop€ the sbov€ irformalion \flas sufriciefit and if the.e are further questions, krndly ask
your t€am to coordinde orc€ again lo Avon tlo\ra or Lerh Mdal of the Thames-Heroes2o2l
team. Thaok you


Jaime Noel Santos

Thames- Heores 2021

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