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<?import: xdoxsl:///Common Content/Templates/Workflow Notification Subtemplate.xsb?

<?import: xdoxsl:///Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonHeader
<?call-template: PersonHeader?>
<?call-template: FusionApproveRejectLinks?>
C NoticeWarningEC
C This worker has direct reports, and you need to edit the transaction to reassign
TSRHTermination Details
C Name ParentEntityNameEC
C Legal Employer LegalEmployerEC
C Notification Date NotifiedDateEC
C Termination Date ActualTerminationDateEC
C Worker Comments WorkerCommentsEC
C Employer Comments EmployerCommentsEC
F C Flex Name ValueEC E
F C Flex Name ValueEC E
C C Revoke User Access RevokeUserAccessEC
C Recommended for Rehire RecommendationEC
C Reason ReasonEC
C Authorizer AuthorizerECEC

C Reassign Details

Direct Report Current Manager Proposed Manager

F Reportee CurrentManager ProposedManager
ManagerType ManagerType

<?call-template: FusionApproveRejectLinks?>
<?call-template: FusionFooterLinks?>

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