Report On Computer Networking and Communication: Harshavardhan Dyavath ID:201551043 Student, IIIT Vadodara

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Harshavardhan Dyavath
Student, IIIT Vadodara

Abstract—Computer networks have become increasingly ubiquitous. However, with the increase in networked applications, there has
also been an increase in difficulty to manage and secure these networks. The proliferation of 802.11 wireless networks has heightened
this problem by extending networks beyond physical boundaries. We propose the use of spectral analysis to identify the type of
wireless network interface card (NIC).Computer networks are a system of interconnected computers for the purpose of sharing digital
information. The concept of a network began in 1962 when a server at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was connected to a
server in Santa Monica, California. Since that time the proliferation of computers and computer networks has increased significantly.
One of the most significant challenges to networks is attacks on their resources caused by inadequate network security. The purpose
of this research project was to evaluate open source, free, intrusion detection systems and how easily they can integrate into an
existing network. Research was conducted for this study through a review of existing literature pertaining to intrusion detection systems
and how they function. The literature also highlighted previous studies conducted on intrusion detection systems, both commercial and
open source.

Index Terms—Computer networks,internet,data communication.

Today the world scenario is changing. Data Communica- 1.2 Reliability
tion and network have changed the way business and other It decides the frequency at which network failure take place.
daily affair works. Now, they rely on computer networks More the failures are, less is the network’s reliability.
and internetwork. A set of devices often mentioned as nodes
connected by media link is called a Network. A node can
1.3 Security
be a device which is capable of sending or receiving data
generated by other nodes on the network like a computer, It refers to the protection of data from the unauthorised user
printer etc. These links connecting the devices are called or access. While travelling through network, data passes
Communication network is mainly de- many layers of network, and data can be traced if attempted.
rived from the iso and osi layers.The best we can give a Hence security is also a very important characteristic for
breif is internet. Networks.
Computer network is a telecommunication channel
through which we can share our data. It is also called data 2 P REREQUISITES
network. The best example of computer network is Internet. Students need an introductory course in probability, a strong
Computer network does not mean a system with control understanding of binary numbers, bits and bytes, and
unit and other systems as its slave. It is called a distributed knowledge of how computers lay out data in memory. They
system should also be comfortable with algebra.
A network must be able to meet certain criteria, these are
mentioned below:
1) Performance
2) Reliability Computer networks allow companies to store information
3) Scalability on databases that employees can access. Employees work-
ing on documents can store them on centralized databases
1.1 Performance because they’re easier to back up than individual worksta-
tions. Internal cloud solutions can also aid in collaboration
It can be measured in following ways : Transit time : It is the by allowing multiple employees to work on the same items
time taken to travel a message from one device to another. in real time. Networks also make sharing hardware simpler.
Response time : It is defined as the time elapsed between Most printers and scanners, for example, can be connected
enquiry and response. Other ways to measure performance to a network that enables companies to avoid having to buy
are : more printers than necessary. Networks also allow employ-
1) Efficiency of software ees to communicate with each other. Internal email and in-
2) Number of users stant messaging have become popular means of communi-
3) Capability of connected hardware cation. Voice-over-Internet-protocol (VOIP) solutions allow

companies to use their existing networking equipment to

provide internal phone service. Networks can be configured
to implement various safeguards. Internal spam filters can
save employees time, and virus scanners can check emails
for viruses and other malware. A network can also block
certain websites; schools often use this capability to keep
students from accessing inappropriate material when using
the school’s network.

OSI Layering in Computer networks


[1] Application layer Application layer
[2] Presentation layer Host to host trasnport layer
[3] Session layer Internet layer
[4] Transport layer Network interface layer
[5] Network layer
[6] Datalink layer
[7] Physical layer

Computer communication, it seems, will become a much
more useful networking tool when large numbers of peo-
ple with similar interests acquire access to the technology.
Though it can expedite the formation of new interpersonal
networks by overcoming the space and time barriers faced
by traditional networking techniques, it still requires a great
deal of concentrated effort and resources to get the people to
use it. This problem should become increasingly minimized
over the coming years as the technological innovations
become more diffused throughout society.
The Native Computer Communications Network Project
was a good example of how a focus on creating a network
of computers does not necessarily ensure the interpersonal
networking of the potential users of that technology. If the
people were not communicating with each other before, de-
veloping another method of communication doesn’t mean
they’ll start. Computer networks tells us a draft informa-
tion on which the current world has been devoloping in
networking scheme.It also gives us wide information about
Wifis,Wlans in which today world is busy and widely using.

[1] Kalyan Shashidar . Sir, Lectureres, lecturer of DAIICT and Staff of
IIIT Vadodara.

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