TINAAN - 3A4 - M2 - Formative Assessment No 1

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Tinaan, Alexis Jaina E.

3A4 M2 - Formative Assessment no 1

Answer the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences:

1) What struck you in the Planet Earth video?

Watching the video, I realized once again how detailed a mechanism our life is and how
we know so little about our world. It’s unbelievable how much father we’ve come as human beings
and to get to live in our generation today where we have access to advance technology and intricate
mechanisms, only to realize that no matter how complicated these instruments are it would not
have been possible if not for our universe’s and our planet’s intricate structure with much more
detail and complexity than any existing technology there is. It is mind-blowing to think that even
the smallest detail or process that happens in the earth; like how even the smallest creatures like
bees which we would not think so much of, could mean so much and be part of something so big
that keeps everything else so perfectly well balanced to support life and enable us to develop
ourselves and our community even father.

2) What are two of your important learnings or insights from the Planet Earth videos that
you have watched?

The first insight I got from the video is that earth has so much detailed mechanism and it
makes it hard to think that it all just happened by chance. I cannot help but think that there had to
be a master designer behind our world’s perfectly balance formula that supports life. This makes
life more special because instead of being just something coming along into existence, being born
and then dying, and thinking of it as a meaningless existence, It’s heartwarming to think that I have
someone who made me and cares about me, someone I can go to with my troubles, cares, and my
joys. The second insight I got is that no matter how diversified His creation is; where there is
different forms and kinds of life and many differences exist, there is harmony and order in our
world as if it is one body with many parts. It’s shows that our creator really loved us and thought
hard about us when we are being created, and He provided for us in accordance to our needs as if
he is telling us that there is an abundance and there is enough for all.

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