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SYMPTOMS Aplastic Anemia (AA)

Depend on what type of blood cells is

Anyone can get aplastic
low, These are common symptoms
for each: What is Aplastic
anemia, but it's more likely to
Low red blood cell count: Anemia?
• Shortness of breath *Body stops producing enough
happen to people in their late
new blood cells.
• Dizziness
A problem with cells in the bone
teens and early 20s, and the • Pale skin
marrow called stem cells. The
• Headaches
elderly. Males and females have condition leaves you fatigued and
• Chest pain
more prone to infections and
about an equal chance of • Irregular heartbeat
uncontrolled bleeding. The bone
Low white blood cell count:
marrow is the central portion of
getting it. It is more common in • Infections
the bones that is responsible for
• Fever
developing countries. making:
Low platelet count:
•Red blood cells, which carry oxygen
• Easy bruising and bleeding
•White blood cells, which fight
• Nosebleeding infection
•Platelets, which help blood to clot
Treatment depends on the severity of TWO DIFFERENT TYPES LABORATORY TESTING
condition. Some mild forms of

• Inherited aplastic anemia - caused  Blood tests. 

by gene defects, and is most common  Bone marrow biopsy. 
in children and young adults. There is
a higher chance of developing
Nursing Management
leukemia and other cancers.
Always base on the data
• Acquired aplastic anemia - more
assessed and on the symptoms that
common in adults. Researchers
the patient manifests.
believe something triggers problems
in the immune system. The To manage fatigue:
possibilities include:
 Prioritize activities.

Risk Factors for Acquired AA  Exercise and physical activity.

o Radiation and chemotherapy To maintain adequate nutrition:

o Exposure to toxic chemicals.   Diet.
o Use of certain drugs.   Alcohol intake.
o Autoimmune disorders. 
o A viral infection.  Dietary teaching.
o Pregnancy.  To maintain adequate perfusion:
o Unknown factors. 
 Blood transfusion monitoring.

To promote compliance with prescribed


 Enhance compliance.

 Medication intake.

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