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As a timely issue on online buying and selling, what are your perspectives on e-commerce?

E-commerce is a two-edged sword for both buying and selling. It has both positive and negative
parts. One positive example is it saves the consumer’s time and effort. On the other hand,
frauds are more frequent when buying and selling online. One example of fraud is identity theft,
it could affect both a buyer and a seller. Nevertheless, e-commerce is an asset to society.

Relate this to an experience you had as an online consumer or seller (Narration)

Having been introduced to online shopping, it quickly became one of my favorite hobbies. An
instance where it really satisfied me was when I wanted something outside the country. It would
be a burden if I would go to another country just to buy something. Words can’t express how
happy I am with the result. E-commerce made it all possible with just one click.

How do you think E-commerce will still be in constant local demand even after the pandemic.
Why or why not? (argumentative)

E-commerce will still be in-demand after this pandemic but, it is still subject to change with the
consumers’ preference. Being the first option of shopping in this pandemic, consumers are
heavily invested in buying online. Due to this prolonged pandemic, consumer preference might
change; some would prefer staying in online shopping and some would be reverting to physical
store shopping.

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