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Total time: - Step 1: Plan- 2-3 minutes

20 minutes + read the queston carefully, find at least 3 key points, decide features to compare
+ decide number of paragraphs to write
+ decide what to write in each paragraph

- Step 2: Write- 12-15 minutes

- Step 3: Revise – 2-3 minutes

Length - At least 150 words. You can write more

Score To receive a good score:

- address all parts of the task
- accurately summarise the information
- make meaningful comparisons
- end with a brief overview of the information
- use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation.
- write in complete sentences
- use your own words, don’t copy exact senteces from the task


- data is demonstrated in vertical and/ or horizontal bars

- emphasize the comparison between objects

- the vertical bar shows data ( in number or percent…)

- the horizontal bar shows year/ month….

Two common types of bar chart:

+ with changes of time ( summarise the trend, the increase, the decrease )

+ without changes of time (compare items)


Para 1. Introduction: 1- 2 sentences (paraphrase the question)

- The chart shows/ indicates/ illustrates/ provides details about…. + topic + place + time.

Para 2. Overview: about 2-3 sents

Para 3. First feature: often 4-5 sentences

Para 4. Second feature: often 4-5 sentences


Para 1. Introduction: 1- 2 sentences (paraphrase the question)

- The chart shows/ indicates/ illustrates/ provides details about…. + topic + place + time.

Para 2. First feature ( describe/ compare the data ) : often 4-5 sentences
Para 3. Second feature: often 4-5 sentences

Para 4. Overview : about 2-3 sents


+ graph = line graph
+ chart = bar chart/ pie chart/table/flow chart
+ the diagram = the figure
+ the map = the diagram
+ Dạng mix:
- the charts = the bar/line/pie charts
- the charts = the first bar/line/pie chart….the second bar/line/pie chart
+ shows = illustrates = indicates (or 'compares' if the graph is comparing)
+ gives/ provides information about = shows data about
+ compares… terms of….
Cấu trúc:
The chart(s) compare(s) + countries + in terms of ……
+ the number of = the figure for
+ the proportion of = the figure for = the percentage of
- Use "the number of + plural noun" e.g. the number of visitors.
- Don't use it to describe percentages or uncountable nouns.
- Use "the amount of + uncountable noun" e.g. the amount of money.
- Don't use it with countable nouns.
- Only use this to describe percentages (not numbers).
- Use "the proportion of + plural noun" e.g. the proportion of people.
- Use "the figure for + plural noun" e.g. the figure for visitors to the UK.
- Use it with uncountable nouns e.g. the figure for unemployment.
- Use it with countries e.g. the figure for Canada.
- Use it with percentages e.g. the figure (for...) rose to 10%.
+ in three countries = in the UK, France and Spain (i.e. name the countries)= in three different
countries = in three countries namely….
+ from 1999 to 2009 = between 1999 and 2009 = over a period of 10 years/over a 10 year-period
+ in 1999 = in the year 1999
+ in 1980 and 2000 = over two separate years/figures are given for 1980 and 2000/in two
different years
* notes for mix- type:
The first chart illustrates... The second chart shows...

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