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Literature Review

Pathophysiology and Nonsurgical Treatment of Chronic Subdural Hematoma: From Past

to Present to Future
Dana C. Holl1, Victor Volovici1,2, Clemens M.F. Dirven1, Wilco C. Peul3, Fop van Kooten4, Korné Jellema5,
Niels A. van der Gaag3, Ishita P. Miah5, Kuan H. Kho6, Heleen M. den Hertog7, Hester F. Lingsma2, Ruben Dammers1,
on behalf of the Dutch Chronic Subdural Hematoma Research Group (DSHR)

Key words - BACKGROUND: Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is one of the more
- Angiogenesis frequent pathologic entities in daily neurosurgical practice. Historically, CSDH
- Chronic subdural hematoma
- Corticosteroids
was considered progressive recurrent bleeding with a traumatic cause. How-
- Head trauma ever, recent evidence has suggested a complex intertwined pathway of
- Inflammation inflammation, angiogenesis, local coagulopathy, recurrent microbleeds, and
- Pathophysiology
exudates. The aim of the present review is to collect existing data on patho-
Abbreviations and Acronyms physiology of CSDH to direct further research questions aiming to optimize
ACE: Angiotensin-converting enzyme treatment for the individual patient.
BHC: Burr-hole craniostomy
CSDH: Chronic subdural hematoma - METHODS: We performed a thorough literature search in PubMed, Ovid,
COX-2: Cyclooxoygenase 2 EMBASE, CINAHL, and Google scholar, focusing on any aspect of the patho-
CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid physiology and nonsurgical treatment of CSDH.
CT: Computed tomography
IL: Interleukin - RESULTS: After a (minor) traumatic event, the dural border cell layer tears,
PGE2: Prostaglandin E2
t-PA: Tissue plasminogen activator
which leads to the extravasation of cerebrospinal fluid and blood in the subdural
VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor space. A cascade of inflammation, impaired coagulation, fibrinolysis, and
angiogenesis is set in motion. The most commonly used treatment is surgical
From the 1Department of Neurosurgery, Erasmus Medical
Center, Erasmus MC Stroke Center, Rotterdam; 2Department
drainage. However, because of the pathophysiologic mechanisms, the mortality
of Public Health and Medical Decision Making, Erasmus and high morbidity associated with surgical drainage, drug therapy (dexa-
Medical Center, Rotterdam; 3Department of Neurosurgery, methasone, atorvastatin, tranexamic acid, or angiotensin-converting enzyme
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Haaglanden MC
and Haga Teaching Hospital, The Hague; 4Department of
inhibitors) might be a beneficial alternative in many patients with CSDH.
Neurology, Erasmus Medical Center, Erasmus MC Stroke - CONCLUSIONS:
Center, Rotterdam; 5Department of Neurology, Haaglanden
Based on pathophysiologic mechanisms, animal experi-
Medical Center, The Hague; and Departments of ments, and small patient studies, medical treatment may play a role in the
Neurosurgery and 7Neurology, Medisch Spectrum Twente, treatment of CSDH. There is a lack of level I evidence in the nonsurgical
Enschede, The Netherlands
treatment of CSDH. Therefore, randomized controlled trials, currently lacking,
To whom correspondence should be addressed:
Dana C. Holl, M.D.
are needed to assess which treatment is most effective in each individual
[E-mail:] patient.
Dana C. Holl and Victor Volovici contributed equally.

Supplementary digital content available online.

Citation: World Neurosurg. (2018) 116:402-411. patients.1-7 Because it is expected that the who fell off a horse. For the first few days,
Journal homepage: proportion of elderly citizens will double she had no complaints except amnesia,
Available online: in 2030, the CSDH incidence will likely but in the weeks to follow, she experi-
1878-8750/ª 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. increase.8 enced progressive headaches, nausea, and
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND The first authentic description of a vomiting. After 5 weeks, a trepanation was
license ( clinical case that seems to describe CSDH, performed in which ‘black liquid blood’
came from Johannes Wepfer in 1657. He appeared from under the dura. She
described a “bloody cyst,” which he recovered immediately after surgery.10
INTRODUCTION discovered post mortem in the subdural Houssard was the first to describe the
As one of the more frequent pathologic space of an elderly man. The man, just CSDH as a clot surrounded by developing
entities in daily neurosurgical practice, before he died, had an apoplectic stroke membranes in 1817. Bayle also described
chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is a with aphasia and hemiplegia.9 these membranes in 1826. He stated that
major topic in neurosurgical literature. The first description of a craniectomy the lamination could be caused by recurrent
Moreover, CSDH is a public health issue for a CSDH was published almost a cen- hemorrhages.11 In 1857, Virchow
with an estimated 1-year incidence of tury later by James Hill in 1751. He formulated CSDH as “pachymeningitis
5e58/100,000, the highest in elderly described the injury and treatment of a girl hemorrhagica chronica interna” and



Figure 1. Literature search. CSDH, chronic subdural hematoma. *See Appendix for the search strategies.

indicated that CSDH can be initiated by consensus on optimal CSDH treatment, Original articles and basic, trans-
trauma, but the lesion itself was more because none of the available treatment lational, and clinical studies including >10
likely to be caused by chronic modalities has been evaluated in compar- patients focusing on any aspect of the
inflammation of the dura. He described ative randomized clinical trials. The fact pathophysiology of CSDH (molecular
the histology and formation of (neo) that its pathophysiologic mechanism has markers, cytokines, inflammation, or
membranes: a process of “chronic not been fully elucidated further compli- coagulation) were included. Reviews, case
inflammation” in the dura followed by cates the matter. Consequently, as more reports, and pediatric series were
fibrin formation and proliferation of research is directed toward this area, the excluded.
capillaries from the dura with hydra paradox comes into effect: best Risk of bias assessment was performed
extravasation of blood into the subdural practice for treatment has not been by the first 2 authors (V.V. and D.H.) us-
space.12,13 This theory of inflammation of established and evolving research data ing, among others, the QUADAS-2 tool.35
the dura became widely accepted until in raises an increasing number of unsolved For biomarkers, we used no specific tool.
1914 Trotter proposed a traumatic cause of questions. Despite the increased research The uncertainties were discussed with
this lesion.14 Throughout the twentieth and advances in surgery and technology, the senior author (R.D.) and the conflicts
century, many different theories came up little has changed in the management of were resolved. However, because of the
for the latent interval between trauma and patients with CSDH in the last decades. scarcity of evidence and research in this
the onset of symptoms in patients with The treatment of CSDH is associated with area, no articles were excluded on these
CSDH. The CSDH was proposed as being serious morbidity, mortality, and recur- grounds. All articles had a relatively high
a chronic or recurrent bleeding,15 possibly rence rates.1,5,26-33 risk of bias given the generally small
expanded through osmotic pressure16 or This review aims to collect existing data sample sizes and lack of external
increased as a result of recurrent on pathophysiology of CSDH to direct validation of results.
microhemorrhage after an initial small further research questions aiming to opti-
CSDH.17,18 The idea was adopted that mize treatment for the individual patient.
CSDH is a progressive bleeding that can
develop after (mild) trauma, Topics of Interest
spontaneously, out of an acute subdural METHODS To discuss all relevant aspects concerning
hematoma or after a subdural the pathophysiology and treatment of the
A broad Medline (PubMed and Ovid),
hygroma.19-23 However, it has been CSDH, we focus on the following subjects:
EMBASE, CINAHL, and Google scholar
recently suggested that a more complex search (for gray literature) was performed
intertwined pathway of angiogenesis, to review the pathophysiology of CSDH 1) Anatomic consideration and membranes
inflammation, recurrent microbleeds, (see Appendix for the search strategies). 2) Inflammatory pathways
exudates, and local coagulopathy is This search yielded 3970 results, 1866
involved.24,25 after removal of double references. The 3) Angiogenesis and growth factors
The management of CSDH may consist results were evaluated using the PRISMA 4) Coagulopathy and hyperfibrinolysis
of surgery (burr-hole craniostomy [BHC]), (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic and exudation
a temporary high dose of corticosteroids Reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement.34
as monotherapy or as an adjunct to sur- 5) Proteome and hormones
Fifty-eight papers were included in the
gery, or watchful waiting. There is no review (Figure 1). 6) Nonsurgical treatment of CSDH.

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 116: 402-411, AUGUST 2018 403


fibrinoid substance among loosely tied

collagen fibrils and elastin; and the final
layer, in which the cells scarcely show the
tight intercellular junctions such as des-
mosomes that are to be expected from the
arachnoid mater.43

Inflammatory Pathways
With progression of disease, fewer cellular
and vascular structures and more fibrous
tissue are present in the membranes.
Fibroblasts are recruited by basic fibro-
blast growth factor and the release of
chemokines. The fibroblasts organize on
the dural side of the outer membrane.
Some of these fibroblasts become myofi-
broblasts, which in electron microscopy
studies resemble smooth muscle cells.
Figure 2. The pathophysiology of chronic subdural hematoma; this cycle perpetuates. CSF, Their presence might be attributable to a
cerebrospinal fluid; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor. physiologic reaction also seen in athero-
matous plaques or granulation tissue.44
Myofibroblasts produce chemokines to
RESULTS hematoma itself.41 The CSF sets a cascade recruit inflammatory cells to the
of inflammation, impaired coagulation, inflammation epicenter.45 The dural
Anatomic Consideration and Membranes fibrinolysis, and angiogenesis (Figure 2). border cells organize the inner
The Subdural Space. The subdural space Before discussing these parameters in membrane with help from the arachnoid
was described in several human and more detail, we focus on the role of the mater, which becomes adherent to it.
anatomic studies and in a review by membranes. Inflammation in CSDH is a local pro-
Haines et al.36,37 CSDH was initially cess, as shown by normothermia and
regarded as a thin lamina of fluid between The Membranes. The external membrane absence of increased/augmented systemic
the dura mater and the arachnoid mater, a has abundant blood vessels, with giant inflammatory markers such as C-reactive
well-accepted theory accepted even in the capillaries having a large lumen similar to protein and erythrocyte sedimentation
twentieth century.38 However, the veins, but without pericyte investment or rate. Cytokines, such as the proin-
so-called subdural space is a layer of smooth muscle cells. These capillaries flammatory tumor necrosis factor a,
cells called dural border cells, which have show abnormal permeability through the interleukin 6 (IL-6), chemokine IL-8, and
junctions that are less tight than the rest of large gaps and sparse basal membrane the antiinflammatory IL-10, are present at
the properly bound dura and arachnoid permitting the direct spill of vascular higher concentrations in CSDH fluid than
mater.37 In 1936, Munro had already contents in the extravascular space.42 in serum.46 Because CSDH is an
shown in his surgical pathology series There are also wide gaps, 0.4e1 mm, encapsulated collection, it is unlikely that
that within 24 hours after the event between adjacent endothelial cells, CSF may permeate the subdural cavity
responsible for the initiation of CSDH, facilitating the transport of substances once CSDH is formed.46 Therefore, the
fibroblasts lining the underside of the and migration of cells as they would likely source of cytokines is represented
dura, in the vicinity of dural border cells, from intercellular gaps of venules in by fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and
begin to form an outer membrane that is inflamed tissue. During the course of inflammatory cells found in the
for the most part fully developed within 1 disease, vesicles are seen within membrane, because these types of cells
week.39 Within 3 weeks, the inner capillaries pointing toward the evacuation are known to secrete inflammatory
membrane, much thinner, is also fully of hematoma contents.17 Furthermore, markers in response to bleeding.47
constituted. These findings were later the membrane contains active IL-6 can cause enlargement of endo-
confirmed through electron microscopy.40 fibroblasts, a large number of collagen thelial gap junctions with subsequent
The trigger for the chain of events fibrils, and migrating cells (Figure 3, increased vascular permeability,48
leading to a CSDH with mass effect is Table 1). probably via the JAK/STAT3 (Janus
likely to be a minor traumatic event that The inner membrane contains 4 sepa- kinase-signal transducer and activator of
causes tearing of the dural border cell layer rate layers, from external to internal: the transcription) pathway,49 a phenomenon
and the extravasation of cerebrospinal hematoma surface; the intermediate layer, that is also described in the membrane
fluid (CSF) and blood in the now existing in which sometimes eosinophils and of the CSDH. IL-8 promotes leukocyte
subdural space. The mass effect appears edematous fluid are found in the dilated recruitment to sites of inflammation or
because of extravasation of CSF in the extracellular space; the arachnoid surface injury by activating integrins and subse-
subdural space and not as a result of the layer with blood pigments, fibrins, and quently by promoting migration through



formation. It is induced by hypoxia and

strongly present in the outer membrane
and correlates strongly with VEGF pres-
ence.63 Levels of VEGF and basic fibroblast
growth factor are higher in subdural fluid
than in serum and show a strong presence
in the neomembrane as well.61,64
VEGF is produced by macrophages,
plasma cells in the membranes, and
endothelial cells of the fragile micro-
capillaries of the outer membrane. It is
suggested that one of the therapeutic as-
pects of surgical drainage of the hema-
toma and washing of the subdural space
disrupts the cycle of autocrine cell stimu-
lation of VEGF by strongly decreasing its
level in the hematoma cavity.65
Besides VEGF, which regulates endo-
thelial cell survival through the phospha-
Figure 3. Histologic study of the outer membrane of chronic subdural tidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt/endothelial
hematoma. Notice the erythrocytes are inferior and the proliferating
fibroblasts are superior. This histologic specimen is dated 7 days after the nitric oxide synthase pathway,66 2 other
episode of bleeding. Source: permission received from Jan Leestma, forensic pathways contribute to the CSDH
neuropathologist. pathogenesis. The Ras/mitogen-activated
protein kinase/extracellular signal-
regulated kinase pathway, activated by
IL-6 and VEGF, has a role in endothelial
the extracellular matrix.50,51 It is a potent likely, eosinophils promote cell proliferation and migration and the
angiogenic factor, which may partly hyperfibrinolysis by the release of transforming growth factor b/activin
explain why it is significantly increased in plasminogen, fibrosis in the fibroblasts receptorlike kinase 1 pathway, which is
the layering type of hematoma.46 of the outer membrane, and essential for the formation and remodel-
On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), phagocytosis of metabolites, and even ing of new vessels. These pathways all
T1 hyperintense CSDH showed higher resorption of hematoma products.57-59 represent intracellular ways in which
concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8, whereas Another inflammatory pathway is the VEGF exerts its effects. Further research
T2 hyperintense hematomas showed cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2)eprostaglandin into the upregulation and downregulation
higher concentrations of b-trace protein in E2 (PGE2) pathway.60 COX-2 triggers the of these pathways, as well as into the
the subdural fluid compared with the synthesis of PGE2, which in turn stimulates factors that influence them, is required to
serum. These findings seem to be associ- the overexpression of vascular endothelial draw the line between normal endogenous
ated with recurrences in hyperintense T1 growth factor (VEGF), responsible for repair processes and pathologic VEGF
hematomas and CSF admixture in hyper- induction of angiogenesis. COX-2 is over- activation and possible halting of its
intense T2 hematomas, respectively.52 expressed in the outer membrane, espe- effects.
Levels of IL-10 seem also to be cially in endothelial cells and in The exudation rate of VEGF and albu-
increased in CSDH hematoma fluid, even inflammatory cells. Among these cells are min in the subdural fluid can be related to
although it is an antiinflammatory cyto- numerous CD-68-positive macrophages, computed tomography (CT) appearance,
kine. The patients with increased levels of which may cause the increased level of PGE2 using the Nomura classification.67
IL-10 also have higher levels of IL-6 and in the subdural fluid compared with serum. Nomura made a subdivision into 5 types
IL-8,53 but layering hematomas were of CSDH according to their appearance
correlated with a lower IL-10 level in the Angiogenesis and Growth Factors on CT: high density, isodensity, low
fluid.54 A high level of IL-6 and IL-8 with a VEGF is one of the key angiogenic factors, density, mixed density, and layering. The
high level of IL-10 is indicative of originally described as a tumor-secreted mean VEGF concentration was highest in
nonspecific inflammation and may sug- protein named the vascular permeability mixed density hematomas.68,69 There is
gest that the process can be self-limiting.53 factor, which causes substantial vascular also a significant correlation between the
The membranes show prominent infil- leakage.61 VEGF and the proangiogenic VEGF concentration and MRI
tration of degranulated eosinophils and factor angiopoietin 2, create an unstable appearance.70-72
lymphocytes, whereas within the hema- condition with the continuous formation
toma, eosinophil counts are only slightly of new and immature capillaries causing Coagulopathy, Hyperfibrinolysis, and
increased.55 Lymphocytes release extravasation and recurrent microbleeds.62 Exudation
chemoattractants, drawing the Also, hypoxia-inducible factor 1a plays Next to inflammation and angiogenesis,
eosinophils to the site of injury.56 Most an important role in the process of vessel coagulopathy, hyperfibrinolysis, and

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 116: 402-411, AUGUST 2018 405


Table 1. Factors Involved in the Pathophysiology of Chronic Subdural Hematoma

Inflammatory Pathway
Fibroblasts (Myo)fibroblasts produce chemokines
bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) Recruits fibroblasts
Lymphocytes Release chemoattractants drawing the eosinophils to the site of injury
Eosinophils Releases plasminogen, promotes fibrosis in the fibroblasts, phagocytosis of
metabolites, and resorption of hematoma products
IL-8 (interleukin) Inflammatory marker; promotes leukocyte recruitment to sites of inflammation
or injury
IL-6 (interleukin) Inflammatory marker; enlarges the endothelial gap junctions, which increases
the vascular permeability
IL-10 (interleukin) Antiinflammatory marker, lower IL-10 in layering hematomas. If IL-6, IL-8, and
IL-10 are high, this is indicative of a nonspecific inflammation and suggests a
self-limiting process
Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription pathway Effector pathway by which IL-6 exerts its pathogenic effects in CSDH
Cyclooxoygenase 2 (COX-2)eprostaglandin E2 (PGE2) pathway COX-2 triggers the synthesis of PGE2 from arachidonic acid, which in turn
stimulates the overexpression of VEGF
Angiogenesis and Growth Factors
HIF-1a (hypoxia-inducible factor 1a) Transcription factor that regulates VEGF, present in the outer membrane
PGE2 (prostaglandin E2) Stimulates the overexpression of VEGF
VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) Proangiogenic factor, increased in the subdural fluid and neomembrane
MMP-9 (matrix metalloproteinase 9) Reduced absorption of CSDH because of increased vascular permeability,
enhanced inflammation, and reduction of vascular maturation
MAPK pathways (mitogen-activated protein kinase) Regulates proliferation and migration of endothelial cells, possibly activated
by VEGF and IL-6
PI3/Akt/endothelial nitric oxide synthase pathway VEGF regulates endothelial cell survival through this pathway
Transforming growth factor b/activin receptorlike kinase 1(ALK-1) pathway Essential for the formation and remodeling of new vessels
Coagulopathy, Hyperfibrinolysis, and Exudation
Plasminogen The inactive precursor of plasmin
t-PA (tissue plasminogen activator) Activates plasminogen, which is converted to plasmin. Activated plasmin
degrades coagulation factors V, VIII, and XI
Thrombin Thrombin catalyzes the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin
FDPs (fibrinogen degradation products) Includes fibrin monomer and D-dimers. D-dimers inhibit platelet aggregation
and fibrin polymerization
TM (thrombomoduline) Thrombin receptor on endothelial cells of the capillaries that inhibits blood
clotting by binding with thrombin and the activated protein C. It is expressed
and increases after vascular endothelial injury
Ang-2 (angiopoietin 2) Proangiogenic factor that, in combination with VEGF, leads to the formation of
immature capillaries
Proteome and Hormones
TGFbI (transforming growth factor-b-induced protein Ig-H3) Protein, responds to tissue injury and has a role in wound healing. In CSDH, it
plays an important role in the proliferation of the membrane and the
meningeal reaction to the subdural collection
PICP (propeptide of type I collagen) and PIIINP (aminoterminal propeptide of Increased in the subdural fluid; indicating a long-lasting upregulation of
type III procollagen) collagen synthesis

CSDH, chronic subdural hematoma; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.



protein exudation play important roles in system becomes defective in the synthesis of t-PA. This characteristic could
the maintenance of the hematoma and development of CSDH, and the switch be more pronounced in men whose
explain why there is continuous bleeding from subdural hygroma to CSDH occurs vascular system is less adapted to high
in the cavity and no clot. when fibrinolysis begins to manifest. values of estrogen.84,85 However, these
The inflammatory mediators stimulate theories could not be reproduced in a
the vascular permeability and release tis- Proteome and Hormones later study.86
sue plasminogen activator (t-PA) from The Subdural Hematoma Proteome. A recent
endothelial cells. The level of t-PA in the study has characterized the subdural he- Nonsurgical Treatment of CSDH
hematoma fluid was found to be signifi- matoma proteome,79 in which 1100 Dexamethasone. Steroids might be an op-
cantly higher than in plasma.73 These proteins were analyzed for differences tion in the nonsurgical treatment of
levels correlated with the size of the with serum levels. In total, levels of 11 CSDH. Dexamethasone is known to be
hematoma and clinical status of the proteins were increased, most being antiinflammatory and has antiangiogenic
patient: patients with stupor and coma regulators of coagulation and fibrinolysis. effects. Moreover, it is able to inhibit the
had significantly higher levels of t-PA Among those proteins were fibrinogen, formation of new blood vessels. Over the
than did patients with headache or corresponding to the state of past decades, dexamethasone has been
somnolence. The t-PA levels also related hyperfibrinolysis and hemoglobin a and assessed in multiple studies as mono-
to the aspect on the CT scan, on which b levels, suggesting ongoing erythrocyte therapy or as an adjunct to BHC.87-93
layering hematomas show higher levels.73 lysis. Another protein with increased Dexamethasone is a noninvasive treat-
t-PA activates plasminogen, which is level is transforming growth factor be ment and might significantly reduce
then converted to plasmin. The activity induced (TGFbI) ig-h3,79 which is mortality and lead to a better outcome.94
of plasmin in the subdural fluid together associated with tissue injury and wound Also, in some patients, this treatment led
with normal plasmatic levels shows local healing, making it probably responsible to shorter hospitalization, making it
hyperfibrinolytic activity.74 Moreover, for the proliferation of the membrane more cost-effective compared with BHC.
hematoma fluid contains a low amount and the meningeal reaction to the The downside of dexamethasone use is
of plasminogen when compared with subdural collection. a higher complication rate such as dia-
serum, because of its ongoing conversion Complement values were shifted (C3ca) betes, infections, and (temporary) mental
to plasmin, and a higher amount of and decreased (C4c), suggesting a role for changes. The mortality in studies using
fibrinogen degradation products, complement in the inflammatory reaction dexamethasone for treatment of CSDH
including fibrin monomer and D-dimers. that characterizes CSDH, but its specific varies between 0.8% and 4%.94
D-dimers inhibit platelet aggregation and role has yet to be explored. Thotakura and Marabathina identified
fibrin polymerization, whereas the Two reports stated that propeptide of several variables (female sex, limited
activated plasmin degrades coagulation type I collagen and the aminoterminal midline shift and hematoma thickness,
factors V, VIII, and XI.75 Thus, the propeptide of type III procollagen were and lower CT attenuation values) that are
consequences are an impaired platelet 78-fold to 156-fold higher than in serum associated with a good outcome after
function, a defective fibrin clot, and an from the period of 10e85 days after injury, conservative treatment with dexametha-
important hemostatic imbalance.76 indicating a long-lasting upregulation of sone.92 Zhang et al.95 conclude that in
Subdural fluid collected 24 hours after collagen synthesis.80 Moreover, this patients with recurrent CSDH,
surgery showed reduced t-PA and increase is time dependent in the first dexamethasone treatment might avoid
fibrinogen degradation products levels,77 2 weeks and remains high for more than reoperation. Prospective studies on the
signifying the re-establishment of a bal- 3 months, whereas in dermal wound role of dexamethasone in the treatment
ance between coagulation and fibrinolysis. healing, these levels normally decline of CSDH are ongoing.96,97
Thrombin also plays an important role 3 weeks after injury.81,82 The dural
in the progression of CSDH. The fibrosis reaction stays active even longer Atorvastatin. Besides its role in decreasing
thrombin-antithrombin III complex and than the one observed in subarachnoid levels of low-density lipoprotein choles-
prothrombin fragments 1 and 2 are hemorrhage, which subsides after a terol, atorvastatin has also been widely
nonsignificantly increased in subdural month. investigated in the management of CSDH.
hygroma and significantly increased in Some small studies showed atorvastatin to
CSDH, whereas levels of D-dimers, indi- Hormones. An intriguing area of research be safe and effective in the treatment of
cating fibrinolytic activity, are only was proposed in 1977 by observing high CSDH, leading to a lower rate of
increased in CSDH. Thrombomodulin is urinary estrogen levels in male patients BHC.98-101 In mice models, a low dose of
expressed and increased after vascular with CSDH, suggesting that this might atorvastatin (3 mg/kg/day) was found to
endothelial injury. It is a thrombin recep- play a role in the pathogenesis of the have antiinflammatory and antiangiogenic
tor on endothelial cells of the capillaries disease.83 In 1984 and later in 1992, effects.102
that inhibits blood clotting by binding positive staining for estrogen and A proangiogenic effect of atorvastatin in
with thrombin and the activated protein progesterone receptors in the membrane rats was described by Li et al.103 and Wang
C.54 It showed higher levels in mixed of hematomas was shown. Estrogens et al.104 A higher dose of atorvastatin (8
density hematomas and the highest level might influence the vascularized mg/kg/day) led to a significantly increased
in laminar types.78 The extrinsic clotting membranes directly, including stimulating and persistently high level of VEGF and

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 116: 402-411, AUGUST 2018 407


increased levels of inflammatory factor synthesize chemokines, recruiting more diagnosed with CSDH. Drugs that might
matrix metalloprotease 9.104 inflammatory cells. Prostaglandins and be effective are dexamethasone, atorvas-
chemokines induce the expression of tatin, tranexamic acid, and ACE in-
Tranexamic Acid. Tranexamic acid might VEGF, which in turn recruits endothelial hibitors. Dexamethasone is believed to
inhibit the fibrinolytic and inflammatory cells in the outer membrane. The imma- intervene in the perpetuating pathophysi-
(kinin-kallikrein) systems. In 1 study,105 it ture capillaries without the basal mem- ologic cycle through its antiinflammatory
was used as a primary medical brane, subjected to high pressure because and antiangiogenic effects. However,
treatment, resulting in successful of lack of drainage on the one side and properly designed randomized controlled
treatment in 18 of 21 patients. In the negative pressure in the newly-formed trials need to be carried out to provide
study of Tanweer et al.,106 tranexamic subdural space on the other side, allow high-quality data to enforce clinical deci-
acid was administered postoperatively. extravasation of all the vascular contents sion making. The use of atorvastatin in the
No increase of hematoma or recurrences into the hematoma cavity. Progressively treatment of CSDH is questionable,
were noted. A multicenter randomized more eosinophils are recruited and plas- because of the contradictory findings in
controlled trial started in October 2015 in minogen and thrombin are also poured some studies performed. Tranexamic acid
Canada, planning to randomize 130 inside the cavity. Fibrin clots are dis- might intervene in the fibrinolytic and
patients to receive either tranexamic acid integrated, and platelets cannot aggregate. inflammatory pathways, but evidence is
or placebo.107 This process produces ongoing cell injury based on small retrospective studies. It is
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors. and causes a further increase of inflam- hypothesized that ACE inhibitors decrease
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in- matory cells and VEGF production. The the amount of VEGF and with that
hibitors decrease VEGF production, cycle perpetuates and the hygroma be- decrease, the volume of the CSDH. How-
possibly resulting in a reduction of new comes a CSDH. The membrane is fully ever, clinical studies have not confirmed
and immature vascularization, a decreased constituted and it takes even more damage this theory. Moreover, a small retrospec-
extravasation of fluid into the subdural from the constant pulsating rhythm of the tive study suggests that treatment with
space, and a reduction of recurrence of intracranial contents and from changes of ACE inhibitors might increase hematoma
CSDH.108 In a prospective randomized position of the head.111 The CSDH grows volumes and recurrence rate.
controlled trial,109 the ACE inhibitor until it reaches a size that impairs CBF
perindopril was tested against placebo; and metabolism in adjacent brain
there was no statistically significant structures, leading to symptoms such as CONCLUSIONS
effect on recurrence rate. Neidert et al.110 hemiparesis and/or mental changes. Based on pathophysiologic mechanisms,
performed a retrospective case-control There is no consensus on the best animal experiments, and small patient
study in which they found higher hema- treatment for the individual patient diag- studies, medical treatment may play a role
toma volumes and a higher frequency of nosed with CSDH. Trephination is inter- in the treatment of CSDH. Medical treat-
recurrences in patients treated with ACE nationally considered as the classic ment could be administered as a mono-
inhibitors as an addition to surgery. These standard treatment in symptomatic CSDH. therapy or as an adjunct to the classic
investigators hypothesize that this situa- Trephination occurs through BHC, twist- surgical treatment, consisting of hema-
tion could be caused by an increase in drill craniostomy, or even crani- toma drainage. Further research is needed
bradykinin levels, causing increased otomy.112-116 It consists of removing the to assess which treatment is most benefi-
vascular permeability of the neo- hematoma by rinsing the subdural space, cial in each individual patient diagnosed
membranes in CSDH. frequently followed by placing a temporary with CSDH. For this purpose, adequately
drain in the remaining cavity. However, sized multicenter prospective randomized
surgery is also associated with recurrence, controlled trials on the treatment of CSDH
DISCUSSION mortality, infection, bleeding, or sei- seem most valuable. Moreover, basic
Our review shows that, throughout his- zures.1,5,6,26-32 The operation-related mor- research aimed at unravelling the patho-
tory, different theories on the pathophys- tality varies between 1.5% and 6% and physiology of CSDH is required.
iology and treatment of CSDH have been CSDH recurs in 20%e26% of
put forward. Using all data from the cases.29,94,117-120 Because of the mortality,
literature search, we propose a contem- morbidity, and recurrence rates after sur- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
porary unifying theory. A minor trauma gery and also considering the pathophys- The authors would like to thank Wichor
precedes the formation of a CSDH. iologic mechanism of CSDH, other more M. Bramer, information specialist at the
Trauma causes cleavage of the dural conservative options in the treatment of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam,
border cells, after which CSF or CSF with CSDH are worth investigating. The stim- The Netherlands, for his assistance in the
blood or a very small quantity of blood is ulation of vessel maturation and antiin- literature search.
interposed between the broken cell layer flammatory pathways may contribute to
and the rest of the dura. The injured dural the resolution of CSDH and may induce
cells release cytokines, attracting inflam- neurologic recovery.121
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APPENDIX histor*) OR onset OR patholog* OR clin- TITLE-ABS-KEY(((pathophysiolog* OR

icopatholog* OR histopatholog* OR neo- physiopatholog* OR dysfunctio* OR vascular*).ab,ti.) AND ("Hematoma, angiogen* OR Angiopoietin* OR histo-
(pathophysiology/de OR angiogenesis/ Subdural, Chronic"/ OR ("subdural effu- gen* OR pathogen* OR hypocoagula* OR
de OR histogenesis/de OR inflammation/ sion"/ AND "Chronic Disease"/) OR fibrinoly* OR (("blood clot" OR "fibrin
de OR ’chronic inflammation’/de OR eti- (((((subdural* OR subepidur*) ADJ3 clot") W/3 lysis) OR fibrinogenol* OR
ology/de OR pathogenesis/de OR hypo- (hematom* OR haematom* OR bleed* (fibrin W/3 (degradat* OR split*)) OR
coagulability/de OR fibrinolysis/exp OR OR haemorrhag* OR hemorrhag* OR (growth W/1 factor*) OR vasculotropin*
’growth factor’/de OR ’angiogenic pro- effusion*)) OR ((hemorrhag* OR hae- OR etiolog* OR aetiolog* OR aetiopatho*
tein’/de OR angiopoietin/de OR vasculo- morrhag*) ADJ3 pachymening*)) AND OR etiopatho* OR causat* OR causal* OR
tropin/de OR ’vasculotropin 121’/de OR chronic*) OR csdh).ab,ti.) (natural W/1 histor*) OR onset OR path-
’vasculotropin 165’/de OR pathology/de Cochrane olog* OR clinicopatholog* OR histo-
OR histopathology/de OR ’neo- ((pathophysiolog* OR physiopatholog* patholog* OR neovascular*)) AND
vascularization (pathology)’/de OR (path- OR dysfunctio* OR angiogen* OR ((((((subdural* OR subepidur*) W/3
ophysiolog* OR physiopatholog* OR Angiopoietin* OR histogen* OR path- (hematom* OR haematom* OR bleed*
dysfunctio* OR angiogen* OR Angio- ogen* OR hypocoagula* OR fibrinoly* OR OR haemorrhag* OR hemorrhag* OR
poietin* OR histogen* OR pathogen* OR ((’blood clot’ OR ’fibrin clot’) NEAR/3 effusion*)) OR ((hemorrhag* OR hae-
hypocoagula* OR fibrinoly* OR ((’blood lysis) OR fibrinogenol* OR (fibrin NEAR/3 morrhag*) W/3 pachymening*))) AND
clot’ OR ’fibrin clot’) NEAR/3 lysis) OR (degradat* OR split*)) OR (growth NEXT/ ((chronic*))) OR (csdh))) AND doctype(ar)
fibrinogenol* OR (fibrin NEAR/3 (degra- 1 factor*) OR vasculotropin* OR etiolog* Cinahl
dat* OR split*)) OR (growth NEXT/1 fac- OR aetiolog* OR aetiopatho* OR etiopa- (MH Physiopathologyþ OR MH "Neo-
tor*) OR vasculotropin* OR etiolog* OR tho* OR causat* OR causal* OR (natural vascularization, Pathologicþ" OR MH
aetiolog* OR aetiopatho* OR etiopatho* NEXT/1 histor*) OR onset OR patholog* inflammationþ OR MH fibrinolysisþ OR
OR causat* OR causal* OR (natural NEXT/ OR clinicopatholog* OR histopatholog* MH "Angiogenic Proteinsþ" OR MH
1 histor*) OR onset OR patholog* OR OR neovascular*):ab,ti) AND ((((((sub- pathologyþ OR (pathophysiolog* OR
clinicopatholog* OR histopatholog* OR dural* OR subepidur*) NEAR/3 (hema- physiopatholog* OR dysfunctio* OR
neovascular*):ab,ti) AND (((’subdural he- tom* OR haematom* OR bleed* OR angiogen* OR Angiopoietin* OR histo-
matoma’/de OR ’subdural effusion’/de OR haemorrhag* OR hemorrhag* OR effu- gen* OR pathogen* OR hypocoagula* OR
(((subdural* OR subepidur*) NEAR/3 sion*)) OR ((hemorrhag* OR haemor- fibrinoly* OR (("blood clot" OR "fibrin
(hematom* OR haematom* OR bleed* rhag*) NEAR/3 pachymening*)):ab,ti) clot") N3 lysis) OR fibrinogenol* OR
OR haemorrhag* OR hemorrhag* OR AND ((chronic*):ab,ti)) OR (csdh):ab,ti) (fibrin N3 (degradat* OR split*)) OR
effusion*)) OR ((hemorrhag* OR hae- Web-of-science (growth N1 factor*) OR vasculotropin* OR
morrhag*) NEAR/3 pachymening*)):ab,ti) TS¼(((pathophysiolog* OR physi- etiolog* OR aetiolog* OR aetiopatho* OR
AND (’chronic disease’/de OR (chron- opatholog* OR dysfunctio* OR angiogen* etiopatho* OR causat* OR causal* OR
ic*):ab,ti)) OR (csdh):ab,ti) OR Angiopoietin* OR histogen* OR path- (natural N1 histor*) OR onset OR patho-
Medline (OvidSP) ogen* OR hypocoagula* OR fibrinoly* OR log* OR clinicopatholog* OR histo-
(pathophysiology.xs. OR "Neo- (("blood clot" OR "fibrin clot") NEAR/3 patholog* OR neovascular*)) AND
vascularization, Pathologic"/ OR inflam- lysis) OR fibrinogenol* OR (fibrin NEAR/3 ("Hematoma, Subdural, Chronicþ" OR
mation/ OR etiology.xs. OR Causality/ OR (degradat* OR split*)) OR (growth NEAR/1 (((((subdural* OR subepidur*) N3 (hema-
fibrinolysis/ OR exp "Angiogenic Pro- factor*) OR vasculotropin* OR etiolog* OR tom* OR haematom* OR bleed* OR hae-
teins"/ OR pathology/ OR pathology.xs. aetiolog* OR aetiopatho* OR etiopatho* morrhag* OR hemorrhag* OR effusion*))
OR (pathophysiolog* OR physiopatholog* OR causat* OR causal* OR (natural NEAR/1 OR ((hemorrhag* OR haemorrhag*) N3
OR dysfunctio* OR angiogen* OR histor*) OR onset OR patholog* OR clin- pachymening*)) AND chronic*) OR csdh))
Angiopoietin* OR histogen* OR path- icopatholog* OR histopatholog* OR neo- Google scholar
ogen* OR hypocoagula* OR fibrinoly* OR vascular*)) AND ((((((subdural* OR Pathophysiologyjangiogenesisjhistogenesisj
(("blood clot" OR "fibrin clot") ADJ3 lysis) subepidur*) NEAR/3 (hematom* OR hae- inflammationjetiologyjpathogenesisj
OR fibrinogenol* OR (fibrin ADJ3 (degra- matom* OR bleed* OR haemorrhag* OR hypocoagulabilityjfibrinolysisj"growth factor"j
dat* OR split*)) OR (growth ADJ factor*) hemorrhag* OR effusion*)) OR ((hemor- angiogenicjangiopoietinjvasculotropinj
OR vasculotropin* OR etiolog* OR aetio- rhag* OR haemorrhag*) NEAR/3 pachym- pathologyjhistopathologyjphysiopathologyj
log* OR aetiopatho* OR etiopatho* OR ening*))) AND ((chronic*))) OR (csdh))) dysfunction "chronic subdural hematomaj
causat* OR causal* OR (natural ADJ Scopus haematoma"



Literature Search By Wichor Bramer; Information Specialist, Erasmus Medical Centre,

Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Search on the Pathophysiology of Chronic Subdural
Database Total After Removal of Duplicates 1178 1160

Medline (OvidSP) 709 95
Web-of-science 570 161
Scopus 1153 245
Cochrane 13 2
Cinahl 147 88
Google scholar 200 115
Total 3970 1866

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 116: 402-411, AUGUST 2018 411.E2

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