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46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit AIAA 2008-676

7 - 10 January 2008, Reno, Nevada

46th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 2008, Reno, NV

SIMPACT-FEFLO Coupling: Recent Advances

Joaquin Arteaga-Gomez∗, Rainald Löhner†, Romain Aubry‡, Jerzy Rojek§, and Eugenio Oñate¶
College of Sciences, George Mason University, MS 4C7,
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444, USA
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research,
Warsaw, Poland
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

This paper describes the latest advances on SIMPACT, a general purpose, large defor-
mation, explicit structural dynamics code developed at the Center for Numerical Methods
in Engineering (CIMNE), and its couling with FEFLO, a general purpose compressible
and incompressible flow solver based on adaptive unstructured grids. Details on the codes,
as well as the coupling strategy are given. Examples illustrate the possibilies the present
fluid-structure coupling offers.

The ability to predict accurately fluid-structure interaction problems is of fundamental importance for
design, analysis and reconstruction in many areas of mechanical and civil engineering. In order to characterize
the effects of an accidental or intentional explosion close to a building, a coupled fluid-structure interaction
calculation has to be carried out. The initial timescales of such events dictate the use of fluid and structure
codes based on explicit timescales, and able to deal with strong shocks, large deformations and cracking.
The present paper describes the new capabilities introduced in SIMPACT (a general purpose explicit CSD
code) and its coupling with FEFLO (a general purpose CFD code), in order obtain a more precise simulation
of the behavior of a structure under blast loads.

FEFLO was conceived as a general-purpose CFD code based on the following general principles:
- Use of unstructured grids (automatic grid generation and mesh refinement);
- Finite element discretization of space;
- Separate flow modules for compressible and incompressible flows;
- ALE formulation for moving grids;
- Embedded formulation for dirty CAD/cracks/shock-structure interaction;
∗ ResearchAssociate,
† Professor,
‡ Research Associate,
§ Research Scientist,
¶ Professor,

Copyright c 2008 by the Authors. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with

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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Paper 2008-0676

Copyright © 2008 by The authors. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.
- Edge-based data structures for speed;
- Optimal data structures for different architectures;
- Bottom-up coding from the subroutine level to assure an open-ended, expandable architecture.
The code has had a long history of relevant blast applications1–7, 24, 25, 28, 30 . For the prediction of blast loads,
the FEM-FCT solvers24 are used, as they offer the best compromise of accuracy and speed for this class of

SIMPACT is a structural dynamics code that was developed at the International Center for Numerical
Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
SIMPACT was created as a general CSD code with explicit integration in time, as well as the following
set of design principles:

- Lagrangian formulation;
- General large deformation analysis;
- Large, expandable finite element library;
- Fast contact search;.
- Link of FEM, SPH and DPM.
SIMPACT also incorporates a wide range of different material models, among them elastoplastic and hyper-
elastic. The definition of the stress-strain curve can be linear or nonlinear, and the plasticity models include
different kinds of hardening. These material models will simulate properly the response of metallic mate-
rials (steel, iron, aluminum. etc). For other, more complex materials like concrete or reinforced concrete,
new models have been added to the code. Among these, we mention the continuum damage model34–36 .
Furthermore, a crack generation and progression, already implemented in SIMPACT, has been improved as
part of the present work, including new algorithms and widening the number of elements in which it can be
applied. This model is able to be used across a wide variety of materials, including steel and concrete. This
crack model was identified as a prime requirement for the shock/structure interaction studies considered.


The question of how to couple CSD and CFD codes has been treated extensively in the literature5, 9, 10, 21–23, 26, 27, 40, 41 .
Two main approaches have been pursued to date: strong coupling and loose coupling. The strong (or tight)
coupling technique solves the discrete system of coupled, nonlinear equations resulting from the CFD, CSD,
CTD and interface conditions in a single step. For an extreme example of the tight coupling approach,
where even the discretization on the surfaces was forced to be the same, see Thornton40 and Hübner et
al.21, 22, 41 . The loose coupling technique solves the same system using an iterative strategy of repeated ‘CFD
solution followed by CTD solution followed by CSD solution’ until convergence is achieved (see Figure 1).

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x,w,T,(q) f,q,(T)


f: forces
q: heat fluxes u f q,(T)
T: temperature T,(q)
u: deformations CSD CTD
x: mesh position
w: mesh velocity

Figure 1: Loose Coupling for Fluid/Structure/Thermal Simulations

Special cases of this second approach include the direct coupling in time of explicit CFD and CSD codes
and the incremental load approach of steady aero- and hydro-elasticity. The variables on the boundaries are
transferred back and forth between the different codes by a master code that directs the multi-disciplinary
run. Each code (CFD, CSD, CTD, ..) is seen as a subroutine, or object, that is called by the master
code, or as a series of processes that communicate via message passing. This implies that the transfer
of geometrical and physical information is performed between the different codes without affecting their
efficiency, layout, basic functionality, and coding styles. At the same time, different CSD, CTD or CFD
codes may be replaced, making this a very modular approach. This allows for a straightforward re-use of
existing codes and the choice of the ‘best model’ for a given application. The information transfer software
may be developed, to a large extent, independently from the CSD, CTD and CFD codes involved, again
leading to modularity and software reuse. For this reason, this approach is favored for industrialization, and
used here. Indeed, considerable effort has been devoted to develop general, scalable information transfer
libraries8, 12, 20, 26, 32. The CSD/CTD codes linked to FEFLO to date include: DYNA3D26 , PAM-CRASH33 ,


The ability to rupture materials during the simulation is an important requirement for the type of
problems considered here. All the methods implemented in SIMPACT in order to simulate the generation
and propagations of cracks are based on the idea that a crack must propagate through the faces/edges
connecting elements. The effect of a crack in a face between two elements is introduced by the duplication
of the nodes of the face, and the new nodes are assigned to the connectivities of all the elements on one side
of the crack, while the elements on the other side remain with the original nodes, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Duplication of nodes to obtain a crack

With this method we avoid the possibility of dividing any element that could be crossed by the crack
into two new smaller elements. This could make the time step smaller in an uncontrolled way.

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The process of crack generation/propagation can be divided in three parts.
+ The first is the failure criteria. Two different failure criteria are being used in SIMPACT. The first
is based on the control of the eps (equivalent plastic strain) and is used with the usual elasto-plastic
models. The second is defined for the continuum damage model and the control parameter is the
damage d. Figure 3 shows the typical strain-stress curve for each option.

Figure 3: Typical Strain-Stress for each kind of control

+ The second is the failure evaluation. This can be done in the nodes (Nodal Evaluation), or in the
Gauss points (Elemental Evaluation). In the nodal evaluation, the value of the parameter chosen for
the criteria is obtained for each node as an interpolation from the surrounding Gauss points, and then
compared to the breaking limit defined. If the limit has been reached, a crack will appear in that node.
With the elemental evaluation, the value of the parameter is evaluated and checked on the Gauss points
with no interpolation required.
+ The third is the crack propagation. When nodal evaluation is used, and a node has failed, there are two
methods to propagate the crack. The first one is the Guided Method, in which the faces around the
failed node are checked, and the crack is propagated only through the faces with the highest tensional
stress. This means that a new node is introduced in the same position as the failed one, and all
the elements on one side of the crack keep their connection to the original node, while all the others
stay connected through the new node introduced. In the second method, Free Method, when a node
fails, the n elements containing it are disconnected from each other by the introduction of n-1 new
nodes. With this method, every time a node fails several small cracks appear, and it will be the stress
distribution of the material that will decide in which direction the crack will propagate. Figure 4 shows
a 2D example of the concept.

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Figure 4: Free and Guided crack propagation Methods. Black dots represent the nodes that have
reached the prescribed limit. New nodes have been introduced into a group of elements (in the
guided method) or in every other element (free method) to disconnect the elements.

With the elemental evaluation, when a Gauss point has reached the defined limit the element will
be disconnected from the rest of the material by the duplication of the node associated to the Gauss
point. If the element only has one Gauss point, its failure will lead to the complete disconnection of
that element from the rest of the material. Figure 5 shows a 2D example of the concept.

Figure 5: Elemental evaluation and crack propagation. Black dots represent the Gauss points
that have reached the prescribed limit. Since the elements shown are triangles with just one
Gauss point per element, the failure of the Gauss point means the disconnection of the whole
element. Small side cracks appear, but the main crack (black line) is maintained.

In terms of computational cost, it could be said that the nodal evaluation with the guided method are the
most expensive combination, but even though those are the most complex evaluation (requires interpolation)
and method (requires to check all the possible propagation directions), all the options listed above are very
cheap when compared with the cost of the whole calculation, since the breakup of a node or an element will
happen only once per run.
When during the breaking process an element gets totally disconnected from the rest of the elements,
the information provided by that element is very limited, because it is not possible to guarantee that this
element will be the smallest piece of material left. Since, as previously explained, the method is designed to
avoid dividing elements into smaller ones, once the broken material reaches the size of just one element, it
is not possible to assure that the material will not break into smaller pieces, or just stay with that size and
form. The following list shows possible ways of dealing with an element that has become isolated:
- No special treatment applied. The element is treated like the others, evaluating its internal forces, and
behaving as an elasto/plastic material.

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- The element is treated as a rigid body, no strain allowed. The volume of the element is slightly reduced,
to avoid immediate contact with the surrounding elements.
- The element is transformed into an sphere, with the same mass than the element and a radius that
guarantees no immediate contact with the surrounding elements.
- The element is transformed into a number of spheres equal to the number of nodes in the element.
The centers of the spheres are inside the element, and their radius guarantee no immediate contact.
- The element is transformed into n undetermined number of spheres (more that nodes in it). The
centers of the spheres are inside the element, and their radius guarantee no immediate contact.
- The element and its nodes are deleted.
Figure 6 shows the six different options when an element is disconnected from the rest.

Figure 6: Different options when an element (red) is totally disconnected due to the breaking process

As will be seen in Example 1, isolated elements can appear not only when the elemental evaluation is
used, but even with the nodal evaluation and the Guided Method. When, as in Example 1, the material is
under tensional stress, any of the previous options can be chosen, because once an element gets disconnected
there will be no interference (at least not instantaneously) with the other elements. When the material fails
under compression, as in Example 2, an element that gets isolated losses the forces that were compressing
it, therefore it will expand, and since the element is surrounded by other elements, an immediate contact
will appear. Due to the nature of the contact algorithm used (penalty force method) this situation is not
desirable, and it is for this reason that the other five options have been introduced. The first option to
avoid that immediate contact could be, as described, a slight reduction of the volume. But in order to
avoid the expansion of the element, the calculation of the internal forces has to be eliminated. This option
basically converts the element into a point with mass, volume and the shape of the original element. Option
three is based on the same idea. The element is converted into an sphere, with the same mass as of the
original element, but the shape is much more simple (the contact algorithm is simplified too), and the volume
is reduced to guarantee that there is no immediate penetration on the faces of the surrounding elements.
Options four and five are modifications of the same idea, introducing a bigger amount of spheres, in order
to have a better simulation of materials that may behave as granulate when they fail. The last option to be
considered is that once a broken piece of material has reached the size of the element, it is uncertain what
happens with the material. It could just be divided into microscopic pieces, so to represent that possibility
the element is eliminated. This option implies a reduction of the total mass, what in some cases, could mean
a reduction in the energy transfered between fluid and solid, and it could be an unacceptable approach. So
the choice of the treatment for isolated elements must be considered on base to the kind of problem to solve.

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6.1 Blast In A Tube, Elasto/Plastic with Rupture: As example, a small blast in a tube is considered. The
TNT equivalent is 100 kg, and the tube, made of copper, has a diameter of 10 m, a length of 40 m, and
a width of 1 mm. Two CSD discretizations were considered: the first had 5476 and the second 23914
triangular (BST) shells. The CFD mesh has approximately 464000 elements, and the embedded approach30
was used. The initial solution was interpolated from a highly detailed 1-D (spherical) solution. The origin
of the explosion is at the center of the cylinder. For this problem the material is considered failed when the
equivalent plastic strain exceeds the value of 50%. The nodal evaluation and both breakup methods (free
and guided) have been used. The results obtained from the two methods, using the finer CSD mesh, are
shown. Figure 7 shows the deformation and cracking for the following times: t = 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, and
Figure 8 the pressures in the mid-plane for t = 10ms, 20ms. We can observe that both methods yield similar
results, since any main crack that appears in the guided method, appears also in the free method. It is also
very clear how in both methods a large number of elements get isolated from the rest. For this problem no
special treatment was applied to those elements.

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Figure 7: Breakup Patterns for Free and Guided Breakup (t = 5, 10, 20ms)

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Figure 8: Pressures in Cut Plane (Guided Breakup, t = 10, 20ms)

6.2 Blast inside a railroad tunnel: Two railroad tunnels are about to be built in Spain, with a length of 24.6
km. A preliminary analysis of a blast inside one of them is presented here. For this analysis only 100 m of
the tunnel have been used. The external diameter of the tunnel is 9m, and the thickness of the concrete
on the walls and ceiling is 0.6m. An explosion of 5000 kg of TNT is located in the middle of the tunnel.
The material properties of the concrete in the tunnel have been modified, increasing the resistance in order
to simulate better the effect of reinforcement. A better constitutive model for the concrete will be used in
future simulations. A different breakup method, based on the failure of the elements, has been used in this
case. For the concrete and rocks, the continuum damage model has been used. The elemental evaluation is
used, so when the damage at a Gauss Point exceeds the rupture value, the element gets disconnected from
the surrounding elements by the duplication of the corresponding node. Since for this case tetrahedra are
used, the failure of the Gauss Point leads to the total isolation of the element. In the results shown, isolated
elements are deleted, exposing new faces to the direct effect of the fluid. Figure 9 shows in a 3D view the
evolution of the blast (Pressure Field) in the first 8 ms. The same pressure field in a vertical cut of the
tunnel is shown in Figure 10. It is easy to see in both figures how new wet faces in contact with the fluid
appear when the elements that reach the failure point disappear. In Figure 11 a cut of the mountain shows
how the tunnel and the rock have elements that have disappeared. The elements marked in red are those
that have reached the yield stress but their damage was not big enough to delete the element. From this
preliminary simulation the following conclusions have been obtained:
- In order to predict the minimum amount of explosive that would cause the collapse of the tunnel, a
better constitutive model for the reinforced concrete will be used, and more than two layers of elements
will be used to describe the tunnel.
- The failure of the solid elements have two sources. The first is the direct action of the pressure from the
blast, and the second is due to the progressive collapse of the material surrounding the tunnel. This
failure is as important as the first, and will provide information if the collapse of one of the tunnels

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will eventually lead to the collapse of the other.
- Since the broken elements are being deleted, there is no material left blocking the tunnel. From that
point of view, to treat those elements as spheres, for example, seems a better solution, since most of
the broken material, will end up laying down in the tunnel, blocking it. It will probably also modify
how the collapse evolves in the rock surrounding the tunnel.

Figure 9: Pressure field, 3D view (t = 2, 4, 6, 8ms)

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Figure 10: Pressure field in a vertical cut (t = 2, 4, 6, 8ms)

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Figure 11: Damage in the tunnel and surrounding rock (t = 8ms)


The coupling between FEFLO, a general purpose CFD solver based on adaptive unstructured grids, and
SIMPACT, a general purpose, large deformation, explicit structural dynamics code, has been improved by
the addition of new capabilities, like:
- Addition of new breakup models;
- Application of breakup models to more elements in the data base;
- Addition of new contact algorithm;

Like every human endeavor, numerical algorithms are subject to continuous improvements. Present research
is directed at the proper treatment of:
- Cracks, particularly pressure loading in faces in gaps;
- Concrete failure;
- Treatment of ‘soft’ civil engineering materials;
- Analysis of progressive collapse;
- Analysis applied to mining applications;
- Treatment of special structures, like stone buildings.

This research was partially supported by DTRA. Drs. Ali Amini and Seung Lee were the technical

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