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Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, 1¿30, 2012

Guidelines for the Management of Severe Head Injury,

2nd Edition
Guidelines from the Guidelines Committee
on the Management of Severe Head Injury,
the Japan Society of Neurotraumatology

The guidelines are officially approved by the Japan Neurosurgical Society

Members of the Guidelines Committee on the Management of Severe Head

Injury contributed to the 2nd Japanese version:
Chairman Minoru SHIGEMORI
Members Toshiaki ABE, Tohru ARUGA, Takeki OGAWA, Hiroshi OKUDERA,
Junichi ONO, Takehide ONUMA, Yoichi KATAYAMA,
Nobuyuki KAWAI, Tatsuro KAWAMATA, Eiji KOHMURA,
Toshisuke SAKAKI, Tetsuya SAKAMOTO, Tatsuya SASAKI,
Akira SATO, Toshiyuki SHIOGAI, Katsuji SHIMA, Kazuo SUGIURA,
Izumi TOYODA, Seigo NAGAO, Hiroshi NAKAMURA,
Young-soo PARK, Mitsunori MATSUMAE, Tamotsu MIKI,
Yasushi MIYAKE, Hisayuki MURAI, Shigeyuki MURAKAMI,
Akira YAMAURA, Tarumi YAMAKI, Kazuo YAMADA, and

In 1998, the Guidelines Committee on the Management of Severe Head Injury was established by the
Japan Society of Neurotraumatology, and performed a critical review of national and international stu-
dies published over the past 10 years. The guidelines were first published in 2000 based on the results of
this literature review and the Committee consensus, and the 2nd revised edition was published in 2006.
This English version of the 2nd edition of the guidelines is intended to promote its concepts and use

Key words: head injury, traumatic brain injury, neurotrauma, guidelines, management


On the Revision (2nd Edition) of the in 2000. Prior to this, there had been various con-
Guidelines for the Treatment and troversies over the significance of creating guide-
Management of Severe Head Injuries lines, but the basic consensus considered that main-
taining the ``quality of medical care'' constantly at
The Guidelines for the Treatment and Management an appropriate level (standardization of diagnosis,
of Severe Head Injuries (1st edition) were published treatment, and management) is the most important

Address to which opinions and comments should be directed: Secretariat of the Japan Society of Neurotraumatology, c/o
Department of Neurosurgery, The Jikei University School of Medicine, 3–25–8 Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato–ku, Tokyo
105–8461, Japan. TEL: +81–3–3433–1111; FAX: +81–3–3459–6412; E-mail:

2 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

for patients and the general public, so the guidelines opinions and comments on these guidelines that will
were prepared following this concept. Today, 6 promote further development and wider accep-
years after the publication of the 1st edition, the im- tance.
portance of guidelines has become even greater. September, 2006
Here, the ``quality of medical care'' is based on the
concept of quality in the broader sense of the mean- Introduction to the 1st Edition
ing, including the viewpoint of ``efficiency'' related
to the medical resources to be used and the About severe head injuries in Japan
``patients' safety and sense of security.'' That is in According to the demographics (Ministry of
addition to the ``net quality,'' which is the quality in Health, Labour and Welfare) in 1997, the most fre-
the narrower sense of the meaning, represented by quent cause of death in the population aged 1–24
the therapeutic results. Ultimately, as high-quality years is ``accidents,'' which also remains among the
medical care is ``the desirable state of medical care,'' top 3 causes of death in those aged 25–39 years.
Guidelines for the Treatment and Management of Moreover, about half of the deaths caused by acci-
Severe Head Injuries must also be prepared in dents are due to head injuries. Since 2–10 times
search of the ``desirable state of medical care.'' more the number of those who died suffer serious
Concerning the ``standardization'' proposed by physical, neurological, or psychological damage,
the Guidelines for the Treatment and Management even if they escaped death (Japan Neurotrauma
of Severe Head Injuries, Advanced Cardiovascular Databank, Traumatic Coma Databank [USA], and
Life Support and Japan Advanced Trauma Evalua- Teasdale GM [International Conference on Recent
tion and Care (JATEC) have already been issued by Advances in Neurotraumatology in 1999]), head in-
the related scientific associations. At individual juries are considered to inflict immeasurable
facilities, the use of a ``clinical path'' is increasing. damage to society.
The clinical path is considered to be a hypothesis Formerly, there was pessimism over the treatment
concerning the ``best management of the patient'' of parenchymal injuries of the brain, but recent
jointly prepared by an individual management team. laboratory and clinical studies on head injuries have
While a clinical path may lack evidence, it is consi- shown that hypoxia and hypotension immediately
dered to allow the implementation of a standard after injury greatly affect secondary damage. This
course of treatment. For example, even in a manage- means that the outcome may differ widely depend-
ment scenario participated in by many residents, a ing on the treatment or management early after inju-
clinical path ensures implementation of the diagno- ry. On the basis of this observation, guidelines con-
sis and treatment at a certain level and standard. cerning the treatment or management of severe head
The new edition of the Guidelines also aims to be injuries have recently been issued in Western coun-
part of such attempt to standardize. tries, and the therapeutic results and outcomes are
The Japan Society of Neurotraumatology has con- expected to improve by conducting standardized
ducted the activities of the Japan Neurotrauma Data treatment. These guidelines are also expected to in-
Bank (JNTDB) with the cooperation of the Japanese dicate directions for improvement in medical educa-
Council of Traffic Science. Evaluation of the results tion and the development of new methods of treat-
of data analysis is considered to be useful for the ment and management, as well as to eliminate the
transition of these guidelines to more evidence- unnecessary ones, reducing medical costs. In Japan,
based ones. Furthermore, clinical indicators (CIs) however, there is marked regional variation in facili-
concerning the treatment and management of severe ties that can treat patients with severe head injuries
head injuries may be developed in the near future. under the medical insurance schema and the clinical
We hope that guidelines based on CIs and evidence system is completely different from those in Western
will be prepared and disseminated in a manner liv- countries. Therefore, it is considered extremely
ing up to public expectations. This revision has been difficult to apply directly Western guidelines, and
made with the understanding of this historical creating consensus concerning the treatment and
process. We hope that these revised guidelines will management of severe head injuries in Japan might
be used widely for the standardization of the treat- be difficult. Under these circumstances, the prepara-
ment and management of severe head injuries, par- tion of guidelines for more universal and effective
ticularly with the objective of identifying the mini- treatment and management by analyzing the present
mum essentials and actions to be avoided. status and incorporating the results of clinical stu-
The fundamental spirit of the publication of this dies and expert opinions in Japan is considered to be
edition and its use are the same as those described in of major significance.
the introduction to the 1st edition. We welcome

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 3

Target patients the medical actions that have to be taken.

Severe head injuries primarily dealt with in these The specific types of treatment recommended in
guidelines are closed head injuries in adults with a these guidelines, such as ``follow-up by computed
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 8 or less after tomography (CT) is important,'' even being recog-
resuscitation (Note; GCS scores Ã8 are considered nized as the best practice today, are not necessarily
to correspond to Japan Coma Scale [JCS] scores covered by medical insurance.
Æ30). Patients in whom the GCS score after resusci-
tation is 9 or above but deteriorate to 8 or less after Future development
admission due to secondary brain damage are also These guidelines are the result of analyzing the
included. Concerning children and elderly patients, status of this problem in Japan as of October 1999,
only those points of management that are supported and their constant revision according to the future
with references at present are mentioned. Multiple development of medical science and care is antici-
head injuries and head injuries complicated by spi- pated. In addition, an inclusion of the evaluation of
nal cord injury were excluded from this edition, be- multiple injuries and brain injuries complicated by
cause these conditions are more complex and need spinal cord injury is desirable in the future.
different approaches from simple head injuries.
Course of the Creation of the
On using these guidelines Guidelines (1st Edition)
These guidelines were prepared to serve academic
purposes and for use by primary care physicians Establishment and general rules followed by the
dealing with severe head injuries such as neurosur- preparatory committee in the creation of Guide-
geons and emergency care physicians. These guide- lines for the Treatment and Management of Severe
lines were also meant to be easy to understand by Head Injuries
physicians in general, nurses, allied health profes- At the Organizers' Meeting of the 21st Annual
sionals and paramedics such as emergency medical Meeting of the Japan Society of Neurotraumatology
technicians. (March 25, 1998), it was decided to create the Guide-
In addition to first aid before arrival at the lines for the Treatment and Management of Severe
hospital, resuscitation and management in the inten- Head Injuries. Adults with closed head injuries and
sive care unit (ICU), many items including indica- a GCS score of 8 or less were regarded as the target
tions to surgical treatment and analysis of the population. The guidelines were confirmed to be ex-
present status of special treatment methods, such as clusively for academic purposes and would not regu-
barbiturate therapy and hypothermia, were evaluat- late or restrict the contents or principles of treat-
ed. According to similar guidelines in the USA, only ment and management at individual medical institu-
3 of these statements were supported by clear and tions. In addition to pre-hospital care, resuscitation,
sufficient scientific evidence. They were the follow- and ICU management, the present status of indica-
ing: 1) Prolonged hyperventilation should be avoid- tions for surgical and special types of treatment such
ed in patients with a normal intracranial pressure as barbiturate therapy and hypothermia treatment
(ICP); 2) Glucocorticoid administration provides no would be analyzed. Japanese studies published over
benefit to patients with head injuries; and 3) Ad- the past 10 years would be exhaustively reviewed,
ministration of phenytoin, carbamazepine, or and differences compared with the contents of simi-
phenobarbital is expected to have no inhibitory ef- lar guidelines in the United States and Europe
fect on the occurrence of late epilepsy. These and would be evaluated.
other items should be taken as experts' recommen-
dations. Therefore, we hope that users of these First meeting of the executive committee for the
guidelines do not unconditionally follow them in creation of Guidelines for the Treatment and
managing severe head injuries, always remembering Management of Severe Head Injuries (December
that many issues remain unresolved, and that new 12, 1998)
scientific results continue to contribute to future The guidelines were clearly intended to be con-
progress in medicine. tinuously revised after publication. The guidelines
Also, the guidelines may be used as a reference on would be presented as a consensus of experts or
making decisions in medical controversies and combined with evidence. The guidelines would be
lawsuits, but as the best treatment changes day by drafted in an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand
day, whether each item of the guidelines should be style. Multiple injuries would be excluded.
followed is left to the decision of individual physi-
cians, and they are not intended to restrict rigidly

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

4 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

Second meeting of the executive committee for the reported, and the following was decided regarding
creation of Guidelines for the Treatment and the revision procedure: The style of the present
Management of Severe Head Injuries (March 26, guidelines would be maintained in the revision; The
1999) newly published references (Japanese and interna-
The initial guidelines would be restricted to closed tional sources) after the preparation of the existing
head injuries, and multiple injuries and injuries guidelines would be evaluated; New items concern-
complicated by cervical spinal cord injuries would ing severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children
be excluded. The first edition would be created as and elderly people would be added; In addition to se-
soon as possible. References would be sorted ac- vere injuries, mild injuries that deteriorate into se-
cording to topics and listed at the end of the guide- vere ones would also be mentioned; Contents men-
lines. The guidelines would be published after ap- tioned repeatedly in the current guidelines would be
proval by all organizers (executive committee mem- edited to avoid repetitions.
bers) of the Japan Society of Neurotraumatology.
Each executive committee member began to May 14, 2004 (during the Annual Meeting of the
author the assigned parts of the guidelines in March Japanese Congress of Neurological Surgeons),
1998, and the 1st draft was completed in October. Tokushima
On the basis of the discussion at the 1st meeting of The topics and sections of the revised guidelines
the executive committee for the creation of the draft and the persons assigned to them were deter-
Guidelines for the Treatment and Management of mined.
Severe Head Injuries in December the same year, a
2nd draft was prepared in June 1999. It was decided October 6, 2004 (during the Annual Meeting of the
to itemize the contents as much as possible and to ar- Japan Neurosurgical Society), Nagoya
range the items in the order of reliability using the It was determined to submit the draft manuscript
following expressions: 1, desirable; 2, often of the Revised Guidelines for the Management of Se-
(performed); 3, ...can be (performed); 4, ...may be (per- vere Head Injuries to the secretariat of the Japan So-
formed); 5, undesirable; and 6, ...may be regarded ciety of Neurotraumatology by the end of November
as a contraindication. In these guidelines, `` 2004.
desirable'' is the strongest positive expression, fol-
lowed by `` often (performed).'' January 21, 2005 (during the Annual Meeting of
The final draft was prepared in October 1999 by the Japan Society of Neurosurgical Emergency),
evaluating the opinions of all members of the execu- Nagoya
tive committee, and, after several sessions for edit- It was determined to publish the main text of the
ing, the guidelines were published in September Revised Guidelines for the Management of Severe
2000. Head Injuries with annotations in the Journal of the
Japan Society of Neurotraumatology.
Course of Revision of the Guidelines
March 24, 2005 (during the Annual Meeting of the
March 29, 2003 (during the 26th Annual Meeting Japan Society of Neurotraumatology), Omiya
of the Japan Society of Neurotraumatology), Nara It was decided that the contents of the manuscript
It was decided to start revising the Guidelines for should be restricted to the minimum essentials on
the Treatment and Management of Severe Head In- the basis of the spirit described in the Introduction
juries. to the 1st Edition, and that representative committee
members would perform final adjustments of the
May 17, 2003 (during the Annual Meeting of the style and contents.
Japanese Congress of Neurological Surgeons), It was also determined that the contents be
Osaka itemized as far as possible and that the levels of
Prior to the revision, it was decided to conduct a recommendation be expressed in the order of
questionnaire survey on the application of the strength (1 being the strongest recommendation/in-
present guidelines and collect suggestions for the re- dication and 5 the weakest recommendation, which
vision at the facilities of the organizers of the Japan is practically a contraindication) using the following
Society of Neurotraumatology. expressions, similar to the current guidelines: 1,
desirable; 2, often (performed); 3, ...can be (per-
March 25, 2004 (during the 27th Annual Meeting formed); 4, ...may be (performed); 5, undesirable;
of the Japan Society of Neurotraumatology), Tokyo and 6, ...may be regarded as a contraindication.
The results of the questionnaire survey were

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 5


1–1. Pre-hospital Care Physicians on board an ambulance or helicopter
The objective of pre-hospital care is to minimize can be directly involved in pre-hospital care based
secondary brain damage. For this purpose, it is on one of the following methods: i) Ambulance
desirable to perform the treatment essential for life crews are stationed at hospitals and can be called
support and promptly transport the patient to an ap- out with a physician; ii) An ambulance crew
propriate medical facility based on the degree of stationed near a hospital can pick up a physician at
emergency and severity (``load and go'') as follows. i) the hospital when it is called out; iii) An ambulance
Securing the airway (mandibular support); ii) correc- car or ambulance helicopter with a physician on
tion of hypoxia (administration of high concentra- board can directly go to the accident site or take over
tions of oxygen); iii) correction of hypotension (com- handing the patient from an ambulance crew during
pression hemostasis); iv) protection of the neck transport.
(manual protection of the cervical spine or total spi-
nal immobilization using a cervical collar or back- 1–2. Criteria for Transport to Special Facilities,
board); and v) first aid for additional injuries. Transport Methods, and Information System
In Japan, pre-hospital care is performed exclusive- 1–2–1. Concerning all injury patients
ly by ambulance crews belonging to local govern- It is important to abide by 3 principles: i) accurate
ments. i) It is desirable that physicians working for evaluation of severity*Note 3; ii) appropriate selection
an emergency (casualty) room or medical facility to of the hospital to transfer to, and iii) prompt trans-
which the patient is transported give as much advice port. For this, it is desirable to select the medical in-
to the ambulance crew as possible (on-line medical stitution according to the evaluation criteria for the
control).*Notes 1 and 2 Emergency care technicians severity and emergency of injuries (advance off-line
(paramedics) can perform emergency medical treat- medical control) (Fig. 1).
ment designated as specified medical actions (secur- In emergencies requiring the fastest possible
ing the airway or a venous line using specialized transport time, it is necessary to evaluate the degree
devices or equipment under the instructions of a of emergency and severity based on only visual in-
physician, but such specified medical actions are spection, auscultation, and palpation (Fig. 2).
presently permitted only in cardiopulmonary arrest. 1–2–2. For patients with head injuries/distur-
The contents of pre-hospital care performed for bance of consciousness
patients with head injury not in cardiopulmonary ar- Transport to an emergency hospital capable of in-
rest is limited to respiratory management to prevent vestigations, including CT, is desirable.
hypercapnia or hypoxemia (ambulances carry mo- If symptoms of cerebral hernia in need of emer-
nitoring equipment such as an electrocardiography gency treatment are detected, transport to a facility
and SaO2 monitor, a ventilator for assisted respira- with a neurosurgeon (expert) is desirable. If the mini-
tion with a demand valve, etc.) It is desirable for the mum resuscitation treatment such as securing the
Local Medical Control Council to prepare and rev- airway is necessary, it is desirable to perform it at the
iew guidelines for activities concerning the observa- nearest medical facility and, then to transfer the
tion of injured patients, their treatment, evaluation patient to a facility with an expert.
of severity and emergency, and selection of facilities Patients with moderate or more severe distur-
to transport them to and conduct follow-up evalua- bance of consciousness (GCS scores 9–13) are often
tion with feedback and reeducation (off-line medical transported to a facility with an expert, but transport
control). to an expert is desirable if the GCS score is 3–8 (JCS

*Note 1: Authorized emergency care technicians can perform endotracheal intubation if there are specific instructions
given by a physician under on-line medical control.
*Note 2: Emergency care technicians can perform electric defibrillation without specific instructions by a physician. Am-
bulance crew members and firefighters other than emergency care technicians can also use an automated external
defibrillator if they have completed the required training.
*Note 3: There have been objections to classifying an injury as severe or deteriorating to severe, if the level of conscious-
ness is 100 or above on the JCS score (Table 1) at the initial evaluation. Based on the criteria for triage at the scene, using
the criteria proposed by the College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, injuries with a GCS score (Table 2) of 13 or less
are graded as severe.

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

6 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

Table 1 Japan Coma Scale (JCS) scores* (Ohta et al.; During transfer, it is desirable to continue the
No Shinkei Geka, 1974) stabilization of respiratory and cardiovascular con-
Grade Consciousness level
For transfer from a remote place, an ambulance
1-digit code the patient is awake without any stimulation, and with a physician on board belonging to an expert
1 almost fully conscious facility or emergency care center may be sent for the
2 unable to recognize time, place, and him/herself patient.
3 unable to recall name or date of birth If there is no local medical facility matching the
2-digit code the patient can be aroused (then reverts to emergency or severity of the injury, the patient may
previous state after cessation of stimulation)
10 easily by being spoken to (or is responsive with be transported to a facility such as a remote tertiary
purposeful movements, phrases, or words)# medical institution using a helicopter, etc., bypass-
20 with loud voice or shaking of shoulders (or is ing the nearest medical facility (trauma bypass).
almost always responsive to very simple words
like yes or no, or to movements)# Information and communication devices such as
30 only by repeated mechanical stimuli FAX and the Internet should be used effectively to
3-digit code the patient cannot be aroused with any applied transfer the information related to the diagnosis and
mechanical stimuli, and:
100 responds with movements to avoid the stimulus treatment. CT images, etc., may be transferred in
200 responds with slight movements including this way, and an expert who can review them may
decerebrate and decorticate posture give instructions concerning transport to an expert
300 does not respond at all except for change of
respiratory rate and rhythm facility.

The 9-grade JCS has been more widely used in Japan as a 1–3. Role of Neurosurgeons in Team Care at an
simple and understandable coma scale compared with the Expert Facility, etc.
15-grade Glasgow Coma Scale. *``R'' and ``I'' are added 1–3–1. Secondary emergency care facilities
to the grade to indicate restlessness and incontinence of It is desirable that a neurosurgeon takes the initia-
urine and feces, respectively: for example, 100-R and
tive throughout the entire care of head injuries, in-
30-RI. #Criteria in parentheses are used in patients who
cannot open their eyes for any reason.
cluding the initial diagnosis and treatment, and pre-
and postoperative management.
It is desirable that there is a specialized room for
initial care, equipped for resuscitation, that the
Table 2 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores (Teasdale,
departments handling blood tests and transfusion,
Jennett; Lancet, 1974)
imaging diagnosis, and surgery are ready for im-
Eye opening (E) Best verbal Best motor response (M)
mediate action, and that intensive postoperative
response (V) care can be performed.
4. Spontaneous 5. Oriented 6. Obeying verbal Since there may be other complicating injuries, it
commands is desirable that consultation with general surgeons,
3. To verbal 4. Confused 5. Localizes pain
command conversation orthopedic surgeons, etc., is available.
2. To pain 3. Inappropriate 4. Flexion/withdrawal to 1–3–2. Tertiary emergency care facilities
words pain Emergency care experts or trauma surgeons tend
1. None 2. Incomprehensible 3. Abnormal flexion due
sounds to pain (upper limbs) to take the lead, but the inclusion of a neurosurgeon
1. None 2. Extension to pain in the care team is desirable.
(upper limbs) In the initial diagnosis and treatment, it is desira-
1. None
ble for the neurosurgeon to perform the treatment in
GCS (3–15) = E (1–4) + V (1–5) + M (1–6). cooperation with an emergency care specialist until
the presence of other complicating injuries is ex-
scores 30–300). It is desirable that the neurosurgeon is responsible
If depressed fracture, optic canal fracture, space- for the performance of surgery and the postopera-
occupying intracranial lesion (such as an intracrani- tive management of head injuries.
al hematoma), etc., are observed, and if neurosurgi- In patients with multiple injuries including head
cal treatment or management such as continuous injuries, it is desirable that a neurosurgeon performs
ICP monitoring is judged to be necessary, transfer to the craniotomy, however the order of treatment
a facility with an expert is desirable. procedures has to be determined and general
If the patient has multiple injuries, transfer to a management be performed in cooperation with a
facility such as an emergency care center is desira- physician in charge of the emergency/intensive care
ble. (the team leader).

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 7

Fig. 1 Criteria for severity and emergency evaluation of injuries for emergency transport. Cited from the Criteria for
Severity and Emergency Evaluation of Injuries in the Report of the Committee on the Criteria for Severity and Emer-
gency Evaluation of Injuries, Foundation of Ambulance Service Development and the figure on page 187 of the Japan
Prehospital Trauma Evaluation and Care. JCS: Japan Coma Scale.

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

8 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

Fig. 2 Flow chart of load and go according to the Japan Prehospital Trauma Evaluation and Care (JPTECTM). Cited
from the figure on page 11 of the JPTEC.

It is desirable for neurosurgeons to play the same cian or the team as a whole to perform the initial
role in the local medical service system as at the sec- treatment, the pre- and postoperative management
ondary emergency care facility even at a hospital re- maintaining contact with a surgeon (the neurosur-
garded as a tertiary emergency care facility, if there geon in-charge of the surgical treatment). If only
is no existing emergency/intensive care team. conservative treatment (including continuous
If a neurosurgeon cannot regularly participate in monitoring of the ICP) is performed, a neurosurgeon
the team, it is desirable for an emergency care physi- may not be directly involved.


2–1. Initial Examination and Treatment of Inju- threatening injuries at other sites are excluded.
ries It is important in head injuries to minimize sec-
Even if the possibility of simple injury of the head ondary brain damage due to extracranial as well as
is considered high, it is desirable to perform the intracranial factors at the initial examination and
treatment according to the JATECTM until life- treatment. For this purpose, it is desirable to begin

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 9

the primary assessment and resuscitation promptly Reference: ABCDE approach: Airway, evaluation
after the arrival of the patient. and securing the airway and protection of the cervi-
Preparations for the acceptance of patients are as cal spine; Breathing, respiratory evaluation and
follows. i) It is desirable that a physician directly treatment for life-threatening thoracic injuries; Cir-
takes telephone calls requesting the acceptance of culation, cardiovascular evaluation, resuscitation,
trauma patients. ii) Devices such as a resuscitation and hemostasis; Dysfunction of central nervous sys-
set, portable X-ray machine, and diagnostic tem, evaluation of life-threatening disorders of the
ultrasound equipment are often prepared for the ini- central nervous system; and Exposure and environ-
tial examination and treatment. iii) It is desirable to mental control, undressing and body temperature
take standard infection prevention measures. management.
Primary assessment and resuscitation to secure Secondary assessment for close examination of
stability of the general condition are as follows. i) If the injury includes followings. i) If there is severe
abnormality of physiologic parameters is detected at disturbance of consciousness with a GCS score of 8
the primary assessment, it is desirable to resuscitate or less, a rapid decrease in the level of conscious-
immediately. Resuscitation includes not only ness, or signs of cerebral hernia are observed, CT is
cardiopulmonary resuscitation but also all types of performed at the beginning of the secondary assess-
emergency treatment necessary to maintain life. ii) ment, and respiratory and cardiovascular manage-
During the primary assessment, resuscitation is ment performed during the assessment. ii) It is
often performed in the order of: airway, respiration, desirable to examine for the following in the sec-
and circulation. iii) If the GCS score is 8 or less, it is ondary assessment of the head: injuries and
desirable to secure the airway by endotracheal intu- depressed fractures concealed under the hair; spec-
bation, etc. It is desirable to protect the cervical tacle hematoma (``raccoon'' eyes, ``Brillen'' hemato-
spine while securing the airway. iv) It is desirable to ma) or Battle's sign due to cranial base fracture; ocu-
maintain sufficient oxygenation and ventilation. In lar or orbital injuries; and hemorrhage or
severely injured patients, high-concentration oxyg- cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the external audito-
en administration and assisted ventilation are often ry meatus or oronasal cavity. iii) In patients suspect-
performed. v) It is desirable to start treatment imme- ed to have cranial base fracture, it is desirable to in-
diately if a life-threatening thoracic injury is detect- sert a gastric tube orally.
ed. vi) If there is abnormal respiration or circulation,
it is desirable to promptly perform chest and pelvic 2–2. Securing the Airway and Respiratory
radiography and abdominal ultrasonography. Even Management
if there is no respiratory or cardiovascular abnor- 2–2–1. Securing the airway
mality, it is still desirable to perform the above imag- i) In all injury patients, securing the airway is the
ing investigations if affected consciousness level is first priority. Reliable securing of the airway by
detected. vii) If there are symptoms of shock, it is tracheal intubation, in principle, is desirable if the
desirable to give initially rapid 1–2 l infusion for ex- GCS score is 8 or less, or if the best motor response
tracellular fluid supplementation and examine of the GCS score is 5 or less. ii) Endotracheal intuba-
response, as well as to examine whether there is ob- tion should be performed orally, in principle. If the
structive shock (cardiac tamponade, tension pneu- patient is non-responsive, apneic, or shows agonal
mothorax). viii) On the primary assessment, it is respiration, it is desirable to consider the condition
desirable to examine the following neurological clin- as an ``airway emergency'' and immediately perform
ical parameters, in particular: GCS, pupillary find- direct-vision oral intubation. iii) If the condition is
ings, and presence of focal deficit: hemiplegia, etc. not an ``airway emergency,'' prompt endotracheal
ix) If the GCS score is 8 or less, or if the GCS score intubation using sedatives and muscle relaxants is
has deteriorated rapidly by 2 or more, and anisocor- often performed, in principle. However, if intubation
ia or hemiplegia (signs of cerebral hernia) is ob- is expected to be difficult due to obesity, a short
served, it is desirable to contact immediately an ex- neck, etc., nasal or endoscopic intubation is often
pert and perform a CT. x) Undressing is often neces- selected. iv) Since many sedatives may cause
sary to search for life-threatening injuries. xi) If the hypotension due to circulatory suppression, it is
patient has a high fever, it is desirable to promptly desirable to administer them with caution. In con-
decrease the body temperature to the normal range. sideration of the necessity for repeated evaluation of
xii) If hypothermic patients are at risk of massive neurological condition, the use of short-acting seda-
hemorrhage, it is desirable to warm them promptly tives (such as propofol) is desirable. v) It is desirable
for preservation of blood coagulation and hemostat- to avoid laryngeal distention or the use of depolariz-
ic properties. ing muscle relaxants (such as succinylcholine) under

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

10 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

insufficient sedation, because that may cause an in- therapy, priority is often given to hemostatic proce-
crease in the ICP. vi) If tracheal intubation is dures (surgery, trans-arterial embolization, etc.)
difficult due to marked facial injury, etc., a surgical Before concluding that the condition is a neuro-
procedure to secure the airway such as genic shock, it is desirable to perform differential di-
thyrocricotomy is often selected. vii) The cervical agnosis with the following conditions: i) hypoxemia
collar should be removed if it interferes with laryn- (upper airway obstruction, pulmonary contusion,
geal extension, but manual fixation of the cervical atelectasis, central pulmonary edema); ii) hemor-
spine in the median neutral position is desirable dur- rhagic shock due to injuries at other sites (thoracic
ing laryngeal extension. Priority is given to securing cavity, abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal cavity), iii)
the airway and cervical spine fixation can be obstructive shock (cardiac tamponade, tension
sacrificed if necessary. pneumothorax); and iv) blunt cardiac injury, etc.
2–2–2. Indications for securing the airway in in- Intraperitoneal fluid accumulation and cardiac
jury patients tamponade are often diagnosed promptly by focused
i) Airway obstruction: If securing the airway by assessment with sonography for trauma.
the manual technique is insufficient; possibility of The following are desirable as targets of circulato-
aspiration of blood or vomitus; and risk of airway ry management at the initial examination and treat-
narrowing due to hematoma, damage, etc. ii) Secur- ment: i) Patients with uncomplicated head injuries:
ing the airway in anticipation of respiratory systolic blood pressure À90–100 mmHg and
management: apnea; hypoventilation and hypoxe- hemoglobin 7–10 g/dl; ii) Patients with complicated
mia (not corrected by oxygen administration). iii) Se- head injuries: systolic blood pressure À120 mmHg,
vere hemorrhagic shock/cardiac arrest. iv) Decrease mean arterial blood pressure À90 mmHg, cerebral
in the level of consciousness (GCS score º8), etc. perfusion pressure (CPP) À60–70 mmHg (if the ICP
2–2–3. Respiratory management is measured), and hemoglobin À10 g/dl.
i) All patients with severe injuries are often ad- In patients with hemorrhagic shock, it is desirable
ministered high-concentration oxygen (at 10–15 to perform promptly initial infusion therapy even if
l/min using a face mask with a reservoir) until it there are head injuries. However, intracranial
becomes clear that there is no risk of death. Particu- hypertension may be exacerbated with the resolu-
larly, it is desirable to administer high-concentration tion of shock due to rapid dilation of the cerebral
oxygen in patients with a problem regarding the vasculature.
respiration, circulation, or consciousness. ii) It is To prevent hyperglycemia, a glucose-free solution
desirable to perform respiratory management at ini- is desirable as extracellular fluid supplementation
tial care with the following targets: arterial blood used for initial infusion therapy. Avoidance of infu-
oxygen saturation (SpO2) À95%, arterial blood oxyg- sion overload is desirable to prevent cerebral edema.
en partial pressure (PaO2) À80 mmHg; and arterial Hypertonic saline or sodium lactate solutions may
blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2) or be used to reduce the infusion volume and prevent
end-tidal carbon dioxide tension (PetCO2) -30–35 cerebral edema.
mmHg during a period of elevated ICP, 35–45 In the secondary assessment, in principle, head
mmHg during a period of normal ICP, and PaCO2 CT is performed after stabilization of the cardiovas-
may be temporarily controlled to 30 mmHg or less cular condition. At facilities that can simultaneously
during the preparation for surgical decompression, perform hemostatic procedures against shock and
etc. iii) It is desirable to treat the following condi- surgery for head injuries, head CT may be performed
tions as soon as they are detected: flail chest, open preoperatively in anticipation of simultaneous sur-
pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, massive gery if hemodynamics can be maintained by rapid
pneumothorax, and massive airway hemorrhage, infusion.
etc. For the management of hypertension considered
to be Cushing's phenomenon, it is desirable to give
2–3. Cardiovascular Management priority to the correction of intracranial rather than
It is desirable to give priority to the prevention of systemic hypertension. There is no clear guideline
shock and resuscitation over treatment for in- concerning to what level hypertension may be per-
tracranial lesions. missible.
If there are symptoms of shock, it is desirable to It is desirable to use antihypertensive agents care-
give 1–2 l of extracellular fluid supplement by rapid fully, because many of them dilate the cerebral vas-
intravenous infusion as an initial therapy and to exa- culature and exacerbate intracranial hypertension.
mine the response. If the patient shows no response The calcium-blocker diltiazem has been reported to
or only a temporary response to the initial infusion exhibit a relatively mild effect on the ICP.

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 11

2–4. Recognition and Treatment of Life-Threa- With the following events, ultra-emergency trephi-
tening Brain Herniation nation or a small craniotomy may be performed at
A GCS score of 8 or less, rapid exacerbation of the the initial examination in the treatment room or
GCS score by 2 or more, anisocoria, hemiplegia, etc., ICU: i) If the condition is considered to be extremely
often indicate a life-threatening brain herniation. urgent, so that there is no time for normal
A large space-occupying lesion, a 5-mm or greater craniotomy. ii) When further transfer of the patient
brain midline shift, and compression or disappear- is decided to be impossible due to complicating inju-
ance of the basal cisterns often indicate life- ries, etc.
threatening brain herniation. As a treatment for a life-threatening brain hernia-
Even if a life-threatening brain herniation is diag- tion, before surgery for the space-occupying lesion,
nosed, it is desirable to give priority to the normaliza- a rapid drip infusion of mannitol at 0.25–1.0 g/kg is
tion of respiration and circulation if they are abnor- desirable. When using mannitol, it is desirable to pay
mal. attention to a possible decrease in the circulating
It is desirable to perform immediately emergency blood volume.
surgery for life-threatening brain herniation due to a See the chapter on ICU management for other
space-occupying lesion. general treatment for intracranial hypertension.


3–1. Imaging Examinations and Monitoring and arteriovenous oxygen content difference; imag-
3–1–1. Imaging evaluation ing studies of brain circulation and metabolism (sin-
Neuroimaging evaluation on admission: CT, in gle photon emission tomography, xenon-CT, dynam-
particular, is essential, because it provides very im- ic CT, positron emission tomography, etc.; tran-
portant information concerning the selection of the scranial Doppler ultrasonography and color Doppler
therapeutic strategy including the priority of treat- sonography; oxygen saturation at the bulb of the
ment in cases of multiple injuries, judgment of jugular vein (SjO2) and transcranial monitoring of
severity, and prognosis. oxygen saturation measured by near-infrared spec-
CT: CT is very important for the early diagnosis of troscopy, partial oxygen pressure in the cerebrospi-
deteriorating brain edema or the appearance or en- nal fluid or brain tissue; brain temperature (jugular
largement of an intracranial hematoma. While im- vein blood temperature, brain parenchymal temper-
portance should be given to changes in clinical con- ature, etc.); biochemical measurements of products
dition, increased ICP, or reduced CPP, follow-up by of energy metabolism, free radicals, cytokines, acid-
CT is desirable. base balance, etc., and microdialysis, etc. iii) Mul-
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging: Although MR timodality monitoring: Using a combination of i)
imaging is not available at many facilities as an and ii).
acute stage emergency examination, it is often more These monitoring techniques tend to be used for
useful than CT, particularly regarding the following:
i) Early diagnosis of parenchymal lesions of the
brain such as brain contusion, brain edema, and Table 3 Computed tomography (CT) classification of
petechial hemorrhages. ii) Diagnosis of cranial base the Traumatic Coma Data Bank (Marshall, et al.; J
lesions, which are difficult to be detected by CT due Neurosurg, 1991)
to bone artifacts. iii) Diagnosis and pathological
Category Definition
analysis of diffuse brain injuries, particularly diffuse
axonal injury (Table 3). Diffuse injury I No visible intracranial pathology seen on CT
Diffuse injury II Cisterns present with midline shift 0–5 mm
3–1–2. Monitoring and/or:
The following tends to be useful for specific Lesion densities present
No high or mixed density lesion À25 cm3
monitoring related to function of the brain and
Diffuse injury III Cisterns compressed or absent with midline
nerves (neuromonitoring): i) Physiological monitor- (swelling) shift 0–5 mm, no high or mixed density
ing: electroencephalography (EEG); evoked poten- lesion À25 cm3
Diffuse injury IV Midline shift À5 mm, no high or mixed
tials (auditory brainstem response, somatosensory e- (shift) density lesion À25 cm3
voked potential, motor evoked potential, etc.), event- Evacuated mass Any lesion surgically evacuated
related potentials (P300), etc. ii) Monitoring of brain lesion
Nonevacuated High or mixed density lesion À25 cm3, not
circulation and metabolism: ICP and CPP; cerebral mass lesion surgically evacuated
blood flow (CBF), cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen,

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

12 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

not only the pathophysiological analysis of patients of increased ICP and to obtain a route for ICP
with severe head injuries, but also evaluation of the monitoring, but not in Japan because of the difficul-
therapeutic effects and prognosis. Particularly, the ties in puncturing narrow ventricles, difficulty in
ICP and CPP are often useful for the management of ICP control due to ventricular collapse, and compli-
patients. However, many others are employed less cations including hemorrhage and infection.
frequently in Japan than in Western countries, and
so need further evaluation. 3–5. Sedation, Pain Control, Immobilization
3–5–1. Sedation
3–2. Indications for ICP Monitoring Diazepam: Diazepam may be used for epilepsy but
ICP monitoring is appropriate in patients with: is not suitable for patients requiring frequent evalua-
GCS score of 8 or less; hypotension (systolic arterial tion of the level of consciousness, because of its rela-
blood pressure º90 mmHg); and abnormal CT find- tively long half-life and period of action.
ings, e.g. midline shift, compressed basal cisterns. Midazolam: Midazolam reduces the CBF and
ICP monitoring is appropriate in patients receiv- cerebral oxygen consumption, so tends to be used
ing barbiturate or hypothermia treatment. safely and effectively for anesthesia and sedation of
Ventricular, parenchymal or subdural catheter patients with increased ICP.
connected to a catheter tip strain gauge is a reliable Barbiturates: Barbiturates markedly suppress the
method of monitoring ICP. circulation, and caution concerning the induction of
ICP monitoring may be not indicated in patients asthma is also necessary, but transition to bar-
with severe head injury and normal CT findings. biturate therapy for the treatment of status epilepti-
ICP monitoring may be done in patients with al- cus, protection of the brain, and management of the
tered level of consciousness due to heavy sedation. ICP is possible.
Propofol: i) Propofol provides satisfactory seda-
3–3. Treatment Thresholds of ICP and CPP tion in patients with severe head injuries under con-
Threshold of ICP: Values of 15 to 20 mmHg are trolled respiration. Moreover, it allows early neuro-
desirable to start aggressive treatment. Caution: logical evaluation because of rapid emergence. ii)
Neurological deterioration may occur without ICP Propofol is characterized by rapid metabolism, low-
elevation in patients with uncal herniation. level accumulation, and favorable emergence. iii)
Threshold of CPP: Values of 60 to 70 mmHg or Caution regarding a decrease in the blood pressure
less are required before starting aggressive treat- is necessary, but this also has a brain-protective ef-
ment. fect. iv) Compared with thiopental, propofol can also
be used in patients with a history of asthma. Also,
3–4. Surgical Treatment (External Decompres- the times to emergence and extubation respectively
sion, Internal Decompression, Cerebrospinal Fluid are shorter than with midazolam. v) Propofol is
Drainage) generally contraindicated in the intensive care of
3–4–1. External decompression children.
Decompressive craniotomy may be performed af- Dexmedetomidine: Dexmedetomidine allows the
ter the removal of a hematoma such as an acute sub- checking of changes in the level of consciousness
dural hematoma. and is also expected to have a brain-protective ef-
During decompressive craniotomy, duraplasty, or fect.
widening osteoplasty may be performed to enlarge 3–5–2. Immobilization (muscle relaxants)
the cranial cavity. Vecuronium: Vecuronium has a shorter duration
3–4–2. Internal decompression of action than pancuronium, so facilitates neurologi-
If the ICP exceeds 30 mmHg even after general cal diagnosis and tends to be used widely.
treatment to control it or if there is obvious deterio-
ration of neurological condition such as a decrease 3–6. Elevation of the Head
in the level of consciousness, resection at the site of Elevation of the head is useful for the control of
brain contusion is often performed to prevent sec- ICP, and the angle is often adjusted to 15–309.
ondary brain damage. Elevation of the head by 309or more is undesira-
Internal decompression may be performed in ble, because this reduces the CPP and produces ad-
brain contusion patients who are admitted with nor- verse effects.
mal speech and later deteriorate.
3–4–3. Cerebrospinal fluid drainage 3–7. Hyperventilation Therapy
Cerebrospinal fluid drainage is performed rela- If there is no increase in the ICP (À20 mmHg), it is
tively widely in the United States for the treatment desirable to maintain PaCO2 at 25 mmHg or above by

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 13

endotracheal intubation and controlled respiration. not improve the outcome.

Blind hyperventilation should be avoided. Particu- Hypothermia has unfavorable outcome in elderly
larly, it is desirable to avoid hyperventilation (PaCO2 people, but tends to result in favorable outcome in
º35 mmHg) without ICP monitoring within 24 children.
hours after injury. Hypothermia may increase the incidences of com-
During hyperventilation therapy, arterial blood plications such as infection, arrhythmia, hypokale-
gas analysis or the measurement of the end-tidal par- mia, and thrombocytopenia.
tial carbon dioxide pressure is essential, and Concerning hypothermia, no consensus has been
monitoring of the ICP and SjO2 is desirable. reached regarding the target body temperature, du-
Hyperventilation therapy is often initiated if the ration, temperature recovery method, patient selec-
ICP cannot be controlled at 20 mmHg or less by tion (except age), etc.
sedative or muscle relaxant administration,
cerebrospinal fluid drainage, or the administration 3–12. Therapeutic Procedures for Increased ICP
of a hypertonic solution. For ICP À15–25 mmHg: i) Check the respiratory
Hyperventilation therapy discontinuation is condition, intubate the patient if necessary, and
desirable if the ICP can be controlled at º20 mmHg maintain the SpO2 at 95% or above. If respiration is
by other treatments. weak, assisted ventilation is desirable. ii) It is desira-
If the ICP cannot be controlled to 20 mmHg or less ble to elevate the head (by the cranial side of the bed).
even by reducing the PaCO2 to 30–35 mmHg, the Caution not to flex the neck and impair venous
PaCO2 may be reduced to 25–30 mmHg, but it is return is necessary. iii) Intravenous administration
desirable to discontinue hyperventilation at this lev- of high-osmotic pressure diuretics (mannitol) or
el as quickly as possible. glycerol is desirable. iv) Hyperventilation may be
performed to maintain the PaCO2 at 30–35 mmHg.
3–8. Mannitol, Glycerol, Diuretics For ICP À20–25 mmHg: If the ICP is difficult to
In patients showing or suspected to have ICP, the control even by i) to iv) in above, it is desirable to per-
appropriate administration of mannitol or glycerol form CT again and advance to the next step. i) Bar-
is useful for the control of the ICP. biturate (thiopental, pentobarbital, etc.) therapy may
It is desirable for the plasma osmotic pressure be- be performed. ii) Hypothermia treatment may be ad-
fore administration to be 310 mOsm or less. ministered. iii) External or internal decompression
An effective dose is usually 0.25–1.0 g/kg. may be performed.
It is often suggested that repeated bolus adminis-
trations are more effective than continuous adminis- 3–13. Antiepileptics
tration. Antiepileptics are reported to be effective for the
treatment of early epilepsy, without significant
3–9. Barbiturate Therapy difference in the incidence of late epilepsy between
Initiation of barbiturate therapy may be consi- treated and untreated patients. Many researchers
dered if intracranial hypertension could not be con- support the view that antiepileptics are ineffective in
trolled with maximum standard treatment. Usual preventing epileptogenic foci development. Some
dose: pentobarbital 2–5 mg/kg body weight or researchers have suggested that only zonisamide has
thiopental 2–10 mg/kg as a bolus, followed by con- preventive effect.
tinuous infusion of pentobarbital 0.5–3 mg/kg/hr or Antiepileptics may be administered to the follow-
thiopental 1–6 mg/kg/hr. ing patients: i) patients showing abnormalities on
CT, particularly those found to have brain paren-
3–10. Steroids chymal injuries; ii) patients with early-onset
While the negative view that glucocorticoids epilepsy; and iii) young patients.
(steroids) are ineffective for the treatment of head in- Phenytoin, carbamazepine, zonisamide, and
juries is shared by many researchers, prednisolone phenobarbital are often used. Many researchers
or betamethasone may, in practice, be administered hold the view that valproic acid is a selective drug
intravenously. for generalized epilepsy and is not suitable for the
Sufficient attention to gastrointestinal bleeding treatment of traumatic epilepsy. Carbamazepine has
and hyperglycemia as side effects of steroids is also not been sufficiently evaluated.
necessary. Since early epilepsy deteriorates brain injuries, it
is desirable to avoid using antiepileptics. i) Since an-
3–11. Hypothermia (Brain Hypothermia) tiepileptics have a brain-protective effect, it is desira-
Although hypothermia reduces the ICP, it does ble to use them promptly in patients with brain inju-

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14 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

ries. ii) If antiepileptics are used, it is desirable to els. iv) Traumatic epilepsy generally has a favorable
start their administration within 24 hours after inju- prognosis and is resolved in 50% of the patients in 5
ry and continue the therapy for 3 months until brain years. However, as it develops into refractory
edema has subsided and cerebral circulation is stabi- epilepsy in some patients, it is desirable to discon-
lized. iii) Antiepileptic treatment is often continued tinue the administration of antiepileptics in seizure-
for 2 years in patients with severe brain injuries. free patients after careful evaluation.
Against late epilepsy: i) As in epilepsy in general,
it is desirable to start administration of antiepilep- 3–14. Nutrition
tics. ii) Phenytoin, carbamazepine, zonisamide, and Enteral or parenteral nutrition should be initiated
phenobarbital, which are effective drugs for partial early in order to attain full caloric replacement by
epilepsy, are often used. iii) During the administra- day 7 after injury.
tion of antiepileptics, it is desirable to perform Blood glucose level should be controlled within
periodically EEG studies and check plasma drug lev- the range of 100–200 mg/dl.


4–1. Closed Depressed Skull Fracture duraplasty using autologous grafts such as perioste-
Whether reduction of depressed fracture leads to um, fascia, or aponeurosis should be performed (tis-
an improvement of neurological deficit or the inci- sues with a rich blood supply are more resistant to
dence of traumatic epilepsy (late epilepsy) has not infection). iii) Timing of cranioplasty: If there is a
been established. markedly contaminated wound, severe brain lacera-
Indications: i) presence of 1-cm or greater tion, or comminuted fracture, if surgery is per-
depression or severe brain contusion; ii) presence of formed after more than 48–72 hours after injury, if
esthetically unacceptable cranial deformity; and iii) bone fragments are present in the brain, or if there is
compression of the venous sinuses, etc. brain protrusion, etc., two-stage surgery (removing
Methods: Elevation of depressed bone frag- contaminated bone fragments first and performing
ments or their repositioning by craniotomy. cranioplasty later) should be considered. The timing
of cranioplasty should be determined according to
4–2. Open Skull Depressed Fracture the state of contamination and postoperative course.
If there is dural damage (penetrating head injury), It should be performed after confirming adequate
it is important to promptly perform dural closure. If control of infection.
there is no dural damage (non-penetrating head inju-
ry), only sufficient irrigation, d áebridement, and 4–3. Penetrating Injuries
closure of the scalp wound are necessary. Penetrating injuries may be caused by objects
Indications: i) Markedly contaminated wound; used in daily life such as an umbrella, needle, and
ii) severe contusion or comminuted fracture; iii) ex- chopsticks, as well as a bullet, knife, and shard of
posure of the brain parenchyma or situations sug- glass. The route of entry may be transcranial, tran-
gestive of dural damage such as the leakage of sorbital, transnasal, transbasal, etc.
cerebrospinal fluid; iv) presence of bone fragments Indications: All penetrating head injuries are in-
in the brain; v) uncontrollable hemorrhage related to dicated for surgical treatment, but a gunshot wound,
bone fragments (damage of a venous sinus, etc.); vi) which causes extensive brain damage, is often not re-
disorders of venous return due to compression of a garded as an indication.
venous sinus by depressed bone fragments; vii) 1-cm Timing: Surgery should be performed as prompt-
or greater depression or severe brain contusion; and ly as possible. Angiography may be performed
viii) esthetically unacceptable cranial deformity, etc. preoperatively if damage of a venous sinus or artery
Timing: Surgery within 24 hours is desirable. is strongly suspected.
The infection rate clearly increases if surgery is per- Methods: i) Removal of the object penetrating
formed more than 48 hours after injury. the brain before entry into the operation room must
Methods: i) Debridement: If the wound is con- usually be avoided. ii) It is desirable to perform a
taminated, specimens for culture should be taken. ii) craniotomy in the area around the penetrating ob-
Dural closure: Not only scalp closure by suturing but ject and carefully remove the site of penetration us-
also dural closure must be ensured (particularly ing a Luer bone nibbler or a drill. iii) Dural opening
when the wound is contaminated). If the dural is often performed radially around the penetration
defect is large and difficult to close by suturing, site. iv) It is desirable to remove any subdural and in-

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Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 15

tracerebral cloth and remove debris around the in the ICP (Æ30 mmHg): If the ICP is not monitored,
penetrating object. v) Carefully remove the penetrat- decision is made according to criteria i) and ii)
ing object. Pay attention to the risk of damaging above. There is usually no indication for surgery if a
blood vessels. vi) It is desirable to perform tight long time has passed since the complete arrest of
closure of the dura using the femoral fascia, etc. vii) brainstem functions.
If the wound is contaminated, cranioplasty should Timing: i) If any of the criteria i)–iii) above are
be performed after sufficient control of infection ac- met, it is desirable to consider early surgery. ii) In
cording to the degree of contamination and patients with an initial GCS score of 9 or above, the
postoperative course. It is often performed 3–6 early performance of surgery is desirable if the neu-
months after injury. rological condition is progressively deteriorating.
Complications: Complications include meningi- iii) In patients with hematoma of the temporal or
tis, brain abscess, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and temporoparietal lobe, surgery may be considered be-
traumatic intracranial aneurysms. fore neurological deterioration.
Methods: i) Hematoma evacuation by cranio-
4–4. Acute Epidural Hematoma tomy is desirable. ii) If there is marked contusion-in-
Indications for surgical intervention: i) Surgery duced edema, contused brain tissue is often resected
is indicated as a principle for acute epidural hemato- (internal decompression). iii) Indications of only ex-
ma Æ1–2 cm in thickness, Æ20–30 ml (Æ15–20 ml tensive decompression craniotomy or in combina-
in the posterior fossa), or in the presence of con- tion with hematoma removal and internal decom-
comitant hematoma with different location. ii) pression may be evaluated. However, no consensus
Emergency craniotomy is indicated in the case of a has been reached regarding the effectiveness of ex-
progressively worsening neurological deficit (in par- ternal decompression. iv) Continuous cerebrospinal
ticular, frequent neurological examinations and fol- fluid drainage (from the ventricles or cisterns) is also
low-up CT scanning are required within 24 hours of useful for the treatment of contusion-induced ede-
the injury). iii) Conservative management, with close ma.
clinical observation, is reasonable if there is no neu-
rological deficit. 4–7. Diffuse Brain Injuries
Timing: Surgery performed as soon as possible Diffuse brain injuries such as those in patients
is desirable. remaining comatose immediately after injury
Methods: Craniotomy with hematoma evacua- despite the absence of a space-occupying lesion on
tion is the principle. CT should be treated conservatively, in principle.

4–5. Acute Subdural Hematoma 4–8. Traumatic Cerebrovascular Disorders

Indications for surgical intervention: i) Hemato- Due to the development of noninvasive and rapid
ma Æ1 cm in thickness. ii) Hematoma with a imaging modalities such as CT and MR imaging, in-
definite mass effect, or causing neurological deficit. stances of angiography performed in the initial stage
iii) Rapidly progressing neurological deficit, even if of diagnosis and treatment of head injuries have
the initial consciousness level was normal. iv) Sur- become rare. This, however, has made the early di-
gery is usually not indicated if brainstem function is agnosis of head and neck vascular injuries more
absent for a long time. Surgery performed as soon as difficult. Traumatic cerebrovascular disorders are
possible is desirable. often accompanied by intracranial lesions and mul-
Methods: Large craniotomy with hematoma tiple injuries, and, if they are diagnosed, their treat-
evacuation is the principle. In some cases, a burrhole ment is often difficult.
or a small craniotomy is performed under local 4–8–1. Tests for the diagnosis
anesthesia, and decompression is attempted. A con- Indications: Tests are indicated with conditions
sensus has yet to be reached for external decompres- suggesting a strong possibility of the presence of
sion, with reports for and against its efficacy. traumatic cerebrovascular disorders as below are
noted: i) If the neurological condition is difficult to
4–6. Intracerebral Hematoma, Brain Contusion explain based only on the TBI. ii) Delayed deteriora-
Indications: i) Presence of any of the following tion of clinical condition cannot be explained by the
CT findings: hematoma (hyperdensity area) with a traumatic mechanism or the cerebral infarction de-
diameter of 3 cm or greater; diffuse contusion-in- tected by CT. iii) Thick, diffuse, severe subarachnoid
duced edema; and disappearance of the basilar or hemorrhage or localized intense subarachnoid
perimesencephalic cisterns, etc. ii) Deterioration of hemorrhage. iv) Neck injuries (fracture at or above
neurological condition. iii) Uncontrollable increase the 5th cervical vertebra, fracture of the transverse

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

16 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

process, hyperextension or hyperrotation of the jury have been reported to be common in the
neck, etc.). v) Cranial base fracture (fracture of the peripheral part of the anterior cerebral artery or cer-
anterior cranial base reaching the medial 2/3 from vical vessels.
the sphenoidal margin or the middle cranial base
reaching the carotid canal). vi) Severe hemorrhage 4–9. Traumatic Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage
from the oral or nasal cavity or the external auditory Traumatic cerebrospinal fluid leakage stops spon-
meatus that is difficult to stop. taneously within 1–3 weeks in 50–80% of patients.
Timing: If the above indications are met, diag- Spontaneous healing of recurrent or delayed cases is
nostic studies should be performed as soon as possi- rare. Even after spontaneous resolution, there is a
ble. risk of future recurrent cerebrospinal fluid leakage
Methods: MR anghiography or cerebral an- and complication by meningitis.
giography is desirable. Cerebral angiography is con- Indications: i) Persistent cerebrospinal fluid
sidered to be the gold standard, because the cervical leakage that cannot be stopped by conservative treat-
to intracranial blood vessels can be examined, and ment in 1–3 weeks. ii) Recurrent or delayed
endovascular treatment can be immediately initiat- cerebrospinal fluid leakage
ed. Although there are limitations concerning the di- Timing: i) Surgery is generally performed after
agnostic power, simple tests that can be performed conservative treatment. ii) Surgery should be
at the bedside, such as cervical and transcranial planned promptly for recurrent or delayed cases.
Doppler sonography, may also be useful. Methods: i) Duraplasty (closure of the ruptured
4–8–2. Treatment dura mater by suturing, repair of the ruptured dura
Indications: Treatment is indicated when bleed- mater using fascia or periosteum, etc.) is performed
ing (vascular rupture, arteriovenous fistula, traumat- by craniotomy. It is often carried out starting in-
ic aneurysm, etc.) or non-bleeding head and neck tradurally. ii) There are also reports recommending
vascular lesions (wall irregularity, narrowing, ob- transnasal endoscopic repair as the first choice.
struction, etc., of vessels) are detected by the studies.
Timing: It is desirable to initiate treatment as 4–10. Fracture of the Optic Canal, Optic Nerve
soon as possible. Injury
Methods: i) Since life-threatening bleeding may Traumatic optic nerve injury may occur without
occur from traumatic vascular lesions, early treat- fracture of the optic canal.
ment should be considered. Direct surgery or en- 4–10–1. Injury mechanisms
dovascular treatment is selected depending on the Primary injury: Direct damage to the optic nerve
situation, but their combination is often effective. In per se (optic canal fracture).
carotid-cavernous fistula, if massive nasal bleeding Secondary injury: Delayed damage of the optic
persists or if a large shunt induces a significant nerve due to circulation disorder or edema.
``steal'' phenomenon, making the peripheral 4–10–2. Treatment
cerebral circulation unsatisfactory, it is desirable to Conservative treatment by drug therapy primarily
attempt its closure as soon as possible by endovascu- using steroids.
lar treatment. ii) In non-bleeding lesions, it is desira- Surgical treatment primarily by optic canal de-
ble to initiate heparin administration to prevent new compression.
cerebral infarction. However, if there is a possibility Indications: i) Surgery is often indicated for
of intracranial hemorrhage or an increase in hemor- patients who have light perception preserved, clear
rhage due to multiple injuries, administration is evidence of fracture, and visual impairment. ii)
often started after stabilization of the condition. In Patients initially with only mild visual impairment
the subacute period, administration of an antiplate- are often treated surgically if they show fracture and
let agent should be considered. progressive visual impairment. iii) Patients com-
4–8–3. Comments pletely blind immediately after injury are usually
Traumatic cerebrovascular disorders associated considered to have no surgical indications.
with neck injury are often obstructive and multiple Timing: i) Very early surgery: Decision to per-
or bilateral. form surgery may be made after administering
Cerebrovascular disorders may also occur during steroids and evaluating recovery after 48–72 hours.
sports or chiropractics. Physical characteristics ii) Early surgery: Surgery within 1–2 weeks after in-
such as a flexible or long neck are considered to be jury is desirable. iii) Surgery 30 days or more after in-
risk factors for vascular disorders due to neck inju- jury is ineffective and undesirable.
ries. Surgical procedure: Optic canal decompression
Cerebrovascular disorders caused by shearing in-

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 17

4–11. Anesthesia and Antibiotics travenous insulin injections.

4–11–1. Anesthesia 4–11–2. Antibiotics
It is desirable to perform intubation for the induc- Since patients with severe head injuries have mar-
tion of anesthesia under cricoid cartilage compres- kedly reduced biological defense abilities, i.e., are
sion on assuming a full stomach. immunocompromised, it is desirable to perform rou-
Anesthesia is often maintained using a venous tine administration of antibiotics from an early stage
anesthetic, avoiding an inhalation anesthetic, which of treatment.
may increase the intracranial pressure. Antibiotic therapy may be empiric, specific, or
In severely injured patients, the first priority is prophylactic.
stabilization of hemodynamics, and exact obser- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
vance of the usual required dose of the anesthetic is guidelines recommend the use of 1st or 2nd genera-
unnecessary. tion cephalosporins as empiric therapy.
To protect the brain, a barbiturate is often selected Since the risks of pneumonia associated with con-
as the anesthetic. trolled respiration and septicemia due to catheteri-
If hypothermia (brain hypothermia) is started be- zation are high, periodic culture tests are desirable.
fore surgery, it is desirable to maintain the low brain Efforts to clarify the focus of infection, causative
temperature (body temperature). microorganism, and drug sensitivity and to initiate
It is desirable to control intraoperatively the CPP specific therapy as early as possible are necessary.
at 60 mmHg or above and the ICP at 20 mmHg or be- Non-critical continuation of use of 3rd or 4th
low. generation cephalosporins often induces the appear-
During the operation, it is desirable to perform ance of resistant strains including methicillin-
fluid infusion using preparations not containing glu- resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and results in per-
cose and, if necessary, to avoid hyperglycemia by in- sistent infection.


5–1. Blow-out Fracture 5–2. Maxillofacial Injuries
Indications: Refractory diplopia and esthetical- 5–2–1. Zygomatic bone fracture
ly intolerable enophthalmos. 5–2–1–1. Fracture of the zygomatic arch
Timing: i) Elective surgery (1–3 weeks after inju- Indications: Lockjaw due to depression of the
ry) is commonly performed. ii) Emergency surgery is arch; skin depression at the zygomatic arch.
necessary in patients exhibiting an oculo-cardiac Timing: Surgery should be performed early af-
reflex (hypotension, bradycardia, nausea, and dizzi- ter injury. Adhesion becomes more severe in the
ness due to the vagus reflex) (more often observed in chronic stage.
young patients). iii) Acute-stage surgery is selected Methods: Reduction of the zygomatic arch un-
for patients in whom the eyes are completely im- der the temporal fascia by employing Gillies' proce-
mobilized in a downward position, exposing the dure is a common treatment. In comminuted frac-
white of the eye (called white-eyed blowout), those ture, etc., fixation using miniplates is performed by
who show no eye movement on the forced traction direct surgery.
test, those who exhibit enophthalmos immediately 5–2–1–2. Fracture of the zygomatic body
after injury, etc. iv) Surgery within 2 weeks after in- In zygomatic body fracture, the frontal process of
jury is recommended in patients exhibiting diplopia the zygomatic bone, inferior orbital margin, zygo-
in the 1st ocular position, a positive forced traction matic arch, and inferior zygomatic crest are frac-
test, constriction of the orbital contents on imaging tured (tripod or tetrapod fracture), and the zygomat-
studies and those with large fractures. ic bone is displaced.
Methods: i) Inferior wall orbitoplasty by the Indications: Displacement of the zygomatic
trans-inferior palpebral approach is usually selected. body is expected to cause permanent facial deformi-
ii) Trans-maxillary sinus reduction and inferior or- ty.
bital wall fixation has also been performed by the Timing: Early surgery is desirable. Adhesions
placement of a balloon catheter in the maxillary si- become significant 2 weeks or more after injury.
nus. Methods: The fracture line is exposed by inci-
sion of the area lateral to the eyebrow, vestibule of
the mouth, lower eyelid, etc., and the zygomatic
body is reduced and fixed. Rigid fixation using

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

18 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

miniplates is often performed. In patients showing possible after injury. In old Le Fort III injury, addi-
minor displacement, zygomatic bone fracture may tional techniques such as osteotomy may be necessa-
be treated by Gillies' blind reduction. ry.
5–2–2. Mandibular fracture Methods: After mobilization and reduction of
The objective of treatment is to restore occlusion the joint, reconstruction is performed in the occlud-
effective for mastication and normal jaw move- ed state by intermaxillary fixation, and bone frag-
ments. Intermaxillary fixation is usually performed. ments are then fixed using wires or miniplates.
Treatment must not be performed only for fusion of 5–2–3–2. Le Fort I and II fractures
the fractured bone. These fractures are often accompanied by frac-
Indications: Edentulous mandible, large dis- tures of other facial bones. Le Fort II fracture may be
placements due to fracture, multiple fractures, man- accompanied by cerebrospinal fluid leakage as a
dibulomaxillary fracture, open fracture, bone result of cranial base fracture. These fractures are
defects, etc., are indications for invasive treatment. accompanied by diplopia, ocular depression, in-
Timing: Surgery should be performed early after fraorbital nerve injury, etc., because of the orbital
injury. Reduction becomes difficult due to adhe- wall fracture. The objective of treatment is to restore
sions in the chronic stage. the facial morphology and dental occlusion.
Methods: Depressed soft tissues are surgically Indications: Le Fort I or II fracture is an indica-
removed, and fixation is performed using miniplates tion for surgery in all patients, in principle.
or wires. Usually, intermaxillary fixation is re- Timing: Surgery early after injury is desirable.
quired. Methods: Le Fort I: A transverse incision is
5–2–3. Maxillar fracture made in the vestibule of the mouth under intermaxil-
5–2–3–1. Le Fort III fracture lary fixation and bone fixation using wire or
Le Fort III fracture involves the orbit, nasal bone miniplates is performed at the margin of the
and ethmoid bone, and is often accompanied by an- pyriform aperture. Le Fort II: After performing inci-
terior cranial base fracture. Since the injury is also sion at the root of the nose, inferior orbital margin,
often complicated by brain injuries, it is treated as or vestibule of the mouth, or, if the fracture is com-
an old fracture in many patients. plex, performing coronal incision (bifrontotemporal
Indications: Le Fort III fracture is an indication incision), intermaxillary fixation and bone fixation
for surgery in all patients except those with severe are performed similarly to Le Fort I surgical tech-
brain injuries. nique.
Timing: Surgery should be performed as soon as


6–1. Severe TBI in Infants, Children, and Adoles- ed to an emergency facility, which has a neurosurgi-
cents cal service and a CT scanner available at all times. It
These guidelines address key issues relating to the should have a pediatric service, if possible. ii) TBI
management of severe TBI in pediatric patients with patients with GCS 9–13 should be directly transport-
a GCS score of 3–8. Pediatric is defined as º16 years ed to a facility, which has both a neurosurgical and a
of age. pediatric services. iii) Severe TBI patients with GCS
6–1–1. Prehospital management 3–8 should be directly transported either to an emer-
The purpose of prehospital management is to gency center or a facility which has both a neurosur-
avoid secondary brain injury as much as possible. i) gical and a pediatric services.
Hypoxia and hypotension should be avoided if pos- 6–1–3. Evaluation on admission
sible, and attempts should be made to correct them i) Both hypoxia and hypotension are often to de-
immediately. ii) Supplementary oxygen should be velop rapidly in a child during apnea, hypoventila-
administered, securing airway to maintain ventila- tion, and airway obstruction. ii) Paleness, inactivity,
tion. iii) Cervical spine should be protected to main- and/or tachycardia are often to be considered as clin-
tain its stability. iv) Complicated injury should be ical signs of shock. iii) Hypotension is often a late
managed immediately, if possible. sign of shock, appearing after the above mentioned
Comments: Prehospital hypoxia has a statistically clinical signs. iv) Focal neurological deficit is rarely
significant negative impact on outcome. recognized even in patients with intracranial injury.
6–1–2. Transportation to a special facility v) Patients should be checked systematically, includ-
i) Pediatric patients with TBI should be transport- ing the possibility of child abuse injury. Body tem-

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 19

perature should be maintained. mal CT findings, intracranial hypertension may be

6–1–4. Primary care after admission potentially present. vi) ICP monitoring and/or ag-
i) Management of general condition should take gressive ICP control are associated with favorable
precedence over everything else. ii) Primary care in- outcome.
cludes airway, ventilation, and circulation main- Threshold for treatment of intracranial hyperten-
tenance. Hypoxia and hypotension should be avoid- sion: i) Treatment for intracranial hypertension, de-
ed if possible, and attempts should be made to cor- fined as pathologic elevation in ICP, should begin at
rect it immediately. iii) Blood pressure should be ICP Æ15–20 mmHg. ii) Treatment of intracranial
monitored frequently. Timely fluid administration hypertension should be corroborated by monitoring
should be provided to maintain systolic blood pres- data of physiological variables, such as ICP, CPP,
sure in the normal range. iv) Airway should be se- SjO2, and cranial imaging.
cured in patients with GCS º9, or with hypoventila- CPP: i) In children with TBI, CPP À40 mmHg is
tion. Initial therapy with 100% oxygen is appropri- desirable to be maintained. ii) CPP between 40 and
ate in the resuscitation phase of care. v) Cervical 65 mmHg probably represents an age-related con-
spine should be protected to maintain its stability. tinuum for the optimal treatment threshold.
Comments: i) Hypoxia is defined as apnea, cyano- Use of sedation and neuromuscular blockade:
sis, PaO2 º60 mmHg, or oxygen saturation º90%. Sedatives, analgesics, and neuromuscular blocking
ii) Hypoventilation is defined as ineffective respira- agents are commonly used for emergency intuba-
tory rate for age, shallow or irregular respirations, tion, ICP control, mechanical ventilation, and crani-
frequent periods of apnea, or registered hypercar- al imaging. However, attention should be paid to un-
bia. iii) Normal respiratory rate is 30–45/min in in- favorable side effects, such as sedative-induced
fant, 25/min in 3 years old, and 20/min over years decrease in arterial blood pressure.
old. iv) Lower limit of systolic blood pressure for age Comments: i) Bolus injection of ketamine is
may be estimated by the formula: 70 mmHg + (2× reported to decrease ICP in patients with severe
age in years). v) In children, hypotension is defined TBI, but may raise ICP. ii) Neuromuscular blockade
as systolic blood pressure below the fifth percentile have been reported to reduce ICP, oxygen consump-
for age or by clinical signs of shock. vi) In patients tion, and energy consumption. iii) Propofol is not in-
with clinical signs of shock, internal and spinal cord dicated for pediatric sedation as safety has not been
injury should be evaluated. vii) If peripheral vascu- established.
lar access is difficult, intraosseous infusion of fluids CSF drainage to manage ICP: CSF drainage can be
is indicated. viii) Bolus injection of lactate Ringer's considered as an option in the management of
solution 20 ml/kg should be provided immediately elevated ICP in children with severe closed head in-
after diagnosis of shock. ix) Combination of jury.
hypotension and hypoxia increase morbidity and Comments: i) Drainage can be accomplished via
mortality. only a ventriculostomy catheter or in combination
6–1–5. Management in intensive care unit with a lumbar drain. ii) Addition of lumbar drainage
Techniques and indications for ICP monitoring: i) should be considered as an option only in the case of
ICP should be monitored in patients with severe refractory intracranial hypertension with a fun-
TBI. ii) Ventricular catheter or catheter tip pressure ctioning ventriculostomy, open basal cisterns, and
transducer device is an accurate and reliable no evidence of a major mass lesion or shift on imag-
method of monitoring ICP. iii) ICP monitoring is not ing studies.
routinely indicated in patients with mild or moder- Use of hyperosmolar therapy: i) Both mannitol
ate head injury. iv) ICP should be monitored in and glycerol may be effective for control of ICP after
patients with severe TBI, who receive barbiturate severe TBI. ii) Serum osmolarity should be main-
therapy or hypothermia therapy. tained below 310 mOsm/l with mannitol use. iii) Ef-
Comments: i) A ventriculostomy catheter device fective bolus doses of mannitol range from 0.25 to
also allows therapeutic cerebrospinal fluid drainage. 1.0 g/kg of body weight. iv) Euvolemia should be
ii) Parenchymal ICP monitoring with fiber optic or maintained by fluid replacement.
strain gauge catheter is reliable but has the potential Comments: i) Acute tubular necrosis and renal
for measurement drift. iii) ICP measurement data failure have been observed with mannitol adminis-
with parenchymal ICP catheter correlate well with tration with serum osmolarity levels À320 mOsm/l.
those of a ventriculostomy catheter. iv) Overall safe- Much higher levels of serum osmolarity (360
ty of ICP monitoring devices is excellent, with clini- mOsm/l) appear to be well tolerated in children
cally significant complications, such as infection, when induced with hypertonic saline. ii) Hypertonic
occurring infrequently. v) In infants, even with nor- saline is effective for control of increased ICP after

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

20 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

severe TBI. iii) Effective doses as a continuous infu- Temperature control following severe pediatric
sion of 3% saline range between 0.1 and 1.0 TBI: i) Hyperthermia should be avoided in children
ml/kg/hr. with severe TBI. ii) Hypothermia may be considered
Use of hyperventilation: i) Chronic prolonged in the setting of refractory intracranial hyperten-
hyperventilation therapy should be avoided. ii) sion. iii) Appropriate hemodynamic monitoring may
Hyperventilation therapy (PaCO2 of 30–35 mmHg) be required, as well as monitoring of ICP and SjO2.
may be necessary for brief periods if there is acute Comments: Posttraumatic hyperthermia is de-
neurological deterioration or for longer periods if fined as core body temperature À38.59 C.
there is intracranial hypertension refractory to seda- Decompressive craniectomy: Decompressive
tion, paralysis, cerebrospinal fluid drainage, and os- craniectomy should be considered in pediatric
motic diuretics. iii) SjO2, arterial jugular venous oxy- patients with severe TBI, diffuse cerebral swelling,
gen content differences, and ICP monitoring may and intracranial hypertension refractory to inten-
help to identify cerebral ischemia if hyperventila- sive medical management.
tion, resulting in PaCO2 values º30 mmHg, is neces- Comments: i) Decompressive craniectomy is
sary. iv) Prophylactic hyperventilation therapy dur- reported to significantly reduce mean ICP in chil-
ing the first 24 hours after severe TBI should be dren with severe TBI and has a trend toward better
avoided because it can compromise cerebral perfu- clinical outcome at 6 months after injury. ii) In
sion during a time when CBF is reduced. patients who underwent bifrontal decompressive
Comments: i) Hyperventilation induces hypocap- craniectomy for severe TBI, favorable outcome was
nia, leading to cerebral vasoconstriction accompa- more frequent in pediatric than adult patients. iii) As
nied by a reduction in cerebral blood volume and a surgical techniques, unilateral fronto-temporo-
decrease in ICP. However, hyperventilation is asso- parietal craniectomy for unilateral cerebral swelling
ciated with a risk of iatrogenic ischemia. ii) or bilateral frontal craniectomy for bilateral cerebral
Cerebrovascular response to hyperventilation can swelling have been generally recommended. iv)
be extremely variable following TBI. CBF, SjO2, or Decompressive craniectomy should be considered
brain tissue oxygen monitoring may be suggested to in the treatment of severe TBI and medically refrac-
help identify cerebral ischemia in this setting. iii) tory intracranial hypertension in infants and young
Mild or prophylactic hyperventilation (PaCO2 º35 children with head trauma due to abuse. v) Decom-
mmHg) in children should be avoided. iv) Aggres- pressive craniectomy may be most appropriate in
sive hyperventilation (PaCO2 º30 mmHg) may be patients meeting some or all of the following criter-
considered as a second tier option in the setting of ia: diffuse cerebral swelling on cranial CT imaging,
refractory intracranial hypertension. within 48 hours of injury, no episodes of sustained
Use of barbiturates in the control of intracranial ICP À40 mmHg before surgery, GCS À3 at some
hypertension: i) High-dose barbiturate therapy may point subsequent to injury, secondary clinical de-
be considered in hemodynamically stable patients terioration, and evolving cerebral herniation syn-
with salvageable severe TBI and refractory in- drome.
tracranial hypertension. ii) If high-dose barbiturate Use of corticosteroids: The use of steroids is un-
therapy is used, appropriate hemodynamic monitor- desirable for improving outcome or reducing ICP in
ing and cardiovascular support are essential. pediatric patients with severe TBI.
Comments: i) High-dose barbiturates are known to Comments: i) Steroids are useful in reducing
reduce ICP, but are also associated with increased cerebral edema, attenuating free radical production
risk of hypotension. ii) Monitoring of EEG patterns in experimental models of TBI. ii) Corticosteroids
for burst suppression is thought to be reflective of did not improve functional outcome in adult
therapeutic effect. iii) Therapeutic regimens patients with severe TBI. iii) Use of steroids sig-
(Nordby, 1984): protocol for thiopental: loading nificantly reduces endogenous cortisol production,
dose, 10–20 mg/kg; maintenance, 3–5 mg/kg/hr. iv) and may have an associated increased risk of infec-
Barbiturates are effective in lowering ICP in select- tion in children.
ed cases of refractory intracranial hypertension in Nutritional support: i) Nutritional support should
children with severe TBI. However, studies on the begin by 72 hours with full replacement by 7 days. ii)
effect of barbiturate therapy have not evaluated neu- Replace 130–160% of resting metabolism expendi-
rological outcome. v) Potential complications of ture after TBI in pediatric patients.
high-dose barbiturate therapy in infants and chil- Comments: i) Mean energy expenditure is report-
dren with severe TBI mandate that its use be limited. ed to be significantly elevated in pediatric as well as
vi) There is no evidence to support use of barbiturates adult patients with severe TBI. ii) Serum glucose lev-
for prophylactic neuroprotective effects. els should be tightly controlled even in pediatric

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 21

patients with severe TBI. iii) Based on the adult ity of the head in pediatric patients with TBI, be-
guidelines, weight-specific nutritional support cause of the relatively large cranium and short neck.
should be provided in pediatric patients with TBI. ii) CPP should be monitored, if possible. iii) Head
Anti-convulsive prophylaxis: i) Prophylactic anti- elevation À309 may result in a greater risk of
convulsant therapy may be considered as a treat- decreased CPP in case of systemic hypotension.
ment option to prevent early posttraumatic seizures
(PTSs) in young pediatric patients and infants at 6–2. Severe Head Injury in the Elderly
high risk for seizures following head injury. ii) i) Main causes of severe traumatic brain injuries
Prophylactic use of anti-convulsant therapy is not in aged group are pedestrian traffic accidents and
recommended for children with severe TBI for falls in daily life. ii) Mortality rate increases with
preventing late PTS. age. According to the JNTDB, the mortality rate in
Comments: i) Infants and small children are patients aged over 70 years is over 70% with or
known to have lower seizure thresholds, leading to a without surgical treatment. iii) Incidence of focal
greater risk of early PTS compared with adults after brain injuries such as acute subdural hematoma and
severe TBI. ii) In the acute period after severe TBI, brain contusion is higher and that of acute epidural
seizures increase brain metabolic demands and ICP, hematoma is lower in the aged group. Higher inci-
and may lead to secondary brain injury resulting in dence of multiple traumas is one of the poor prog-
unfavorable outcome. iii) PTSs are classified as early nostic factors in the aged group. iv) Intensive gener-
(occurring within 7 days) or late (occurring after 7 al care is desirable in the aged group, because sys-
days) following injury. The reported incidence of temic complications are major causes (35–40%) of
early PTS after severe TBI in children varies from early death. v) Individuals aged 50 years and older
approximately 20–39%. iv) Children º2 years of age are more likely to sustain progressive neurological
have almost a three-fold greater risk of early PTS deterioration into coma after suffering acute sub-
compared with older children up to 12 years of age. dural hematoma, contusion hematoma, or in-
v) Majority of cases of early pediatric PTS occur wi- tracerebral hematoma. GCS at deterioration, not ini-
thin the first 24 hours after injury. vi) Among chil- tial GCS, has prognostic value. Early surgical inter-
dren º3 years old who had brain trauma and early vention is indicated if patients deteriorate. Time be-
PTS, 12% of infants and toddlers experienced late tween injury and deterioration is less than 3 hours in
PTS, and risk of late PTS was significantly greater 80% of acute epidural or subdural hematoma
among children º1 year of age compared with 2- patients, but is longer in brain contusion or in-
and 3-year-old children. vii) Phenytoin has been tracerebral hematoma patients. vi) Surgical indica-
shown to reduce the incidence of early PTS in a sin- tions for acute subdural hematoma: Surgical inter-
gle study of children with severe TBI. viii) Anticon- vention may not be indicated in patients with GCS 3.
vulsant therapy to prevent the occurrence of early With early and intensive treatment, patients with
PTS in high risk children during the first week fol- GCS 4 or more and independent before injury may
lowing severe TBI is recommended as a treatment have good prognosis even aged over 75 years. In
option. patients with GCS 5 or less, hematoma irrigation
Head elevation: i) The cranial part of the bed may with trephination therapy might be more effective
be elevated to approximately 15–309to control ICP, than external decompression. vii) Recovery from
and the response of ICP and CPP monitored for ef- higher cortical dysfunction after TBI takes longer in
ficacy. ii) Cervical flexion should be avoided in the aged group. Intensive treatment and care might
pediatric patients with TBI to secure venous return. be extended to the chronic phase in the elderly.
Comments: i) Attention should be paid to instabil-


7–1. Predictive Factors of Deterioration: Find- of the above findings: i) episode of loss of conscious-
ings Suggestive of Organic Intracranial Injury ness, amnesia, or disorientation after injury; ii) fre-
(Tables 4 and 5) quent vomiting or headache; iii) epileptic attack; iv)
Disturbance of consciousness, disorientation, am- condition suggestive of depressed or cranial base
nesia, (a GCS score º15), or other neurological ab- fracture; v) head radiograph suggestive of fracture;
normalities noted on evaluation. vi) circumstances of injury suggestive of severe frac-
Presence of any of the following if there are none ture (traffic accident, fall from a high place, etc.); vii)

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

22 Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury

Table 4 Canadian Computed Tomography (CT) Head Table 5 Request computed tomography (CT) immedi-
Rules for patients with minor head injury (adult)* ately (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excel-
lence head injury guidelines)
High risk (for neurological intervention)
GCS score º15 at 2 hrs after injury 1. All patients with any of the following risk factors:
Suspected open or depressed skull fracture GCS º13
Any sign of basal skull fracture GCS 13 or 14 at 2 hrs after the injury
Vomiting Æ2 episodes Suspected open or depressed fracture
Age Æ65 yrs Any sign of basal skull fracture
Medium risk (for brain injury on CT) Posttraumatic seizure
Amnesia before impact À30 min Focal neurological deficit
Dangerous mechanism (pedestrian struck by motor More than one episode of vomiting (clinical judgment
vehicle, occupant ejected from motor vehicle, fall should be used regarding the cause of vomiting in
from height À1 m or five stairs) patients aged Ã12 yrs)
*Minor head injury is defined as witnessed loss of con- Amnesia À30 min of events before impact (assessment
will not be possible in pre-verbal children and is un-
sciousness, definite amnesia, or witnessed disorientation
likely to be possible in any child aged º5 yrs)
in a patient with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of
2. CT should also be requested immediately in the follow-
ing situations provided the patient has experienced
some loss of consciousness or amnesia since the injury:
Age Æ65 yrs
old age; viii) condition suggestive of blood clotting Dangerous mechanism of injury: pedestrian struck by a
abnormalities such as a regular use of warfarin; and motor vehicle, occupant ejected from a motor vehicle
ix) history of neurosurgical operation (ven- or fall from a height of greater than 1 m or five stairs (a
triculoperitoneal shunt, etc.) lower threshold for height of falls should be used
when dealing with infants and young children aged
7–2. Risk Factors of Deterioration º5 yrs).
Airway obstruction (hypoxemia, increased ICP).
Hypoxia and hypotension (exacerbation of brain GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale.
edema, decrease in CPP).
Underestimation of the injury mechanism. Adjustment of the blood glucose level.
Overlooking of complicating injuries (cervical spi- Evaluation of the injury mechanism (high-impact
nal injury, cardiac tamponade, hemopneumothorax, injury).
lung contusion, intraperitoneal hemorrhage, pelvic Initial evaluation by head and neck radiography.
hemorrhage, etc.) Initial diagnosis and serial follow-up by CT.
Delayed referral to an expert facility. Early consultation with a neurosurgeon, etc.

7–3. Methods of Management Acknowledgment

Observation of the respiratory condition, chest
auscultation. We would like to thank Dr. Kostadin L. Karagiozov
Checking of vital signs and continuous observa- for his technical assistance.

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Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52, January, 2012

Guidelines for Management of Severe Head Injury 23

sure and electroencephalographic activity in trau- Wilberger JE: Guidelines for the management of se-
matic brain injury patients during propofol seda- vere head injury. J Neurotrauma 13: 643–734, 1996
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