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To: Mr.

Aryeh De’eri
   Ministry of the Interior
2 Kaplan St.
P.O.B. 6158
Kiryat Ben-Gurion
Jerusalem  91061
From: Mr. Frederick Eldridge
POB 2344
Aqaba 77110
Jordan 077-5376118

Date: 04 May 4, 2017

Subj: Re-establishment of Ephraim

Dear Sir,

Over the last 8 years I have been made aware of who I am in Hashem plan. I have
repented of my sins and the sins of my fathers. I was shown that His will that we follow
His instructions that is the Torah. After seeing that none of these commands were ever
done away with I started observing Sabbath and eating only clean food that is outlined in
Leviticus. When I started eating clean I would spend hours in the store reading every box
to see what in them to make sure I was obeying this command. We as a family abandon
the pagan holidays and try to follow His feast days accorded to Torah. This Passover we
were in Jerusalem for the feast.
My family and I have no intention to missionize our brother Judah, that being said
if asked what I believe I will answer them. It is my belief that we are to live in peace with
our brothers and sisters In as much we request the same respect. In the USA there are
groups of people who have stayed to themselves these are the Amish they do not have
anything do to with the outsiders and they do not missionize those around them. We will
not cut ourselves off from our brothers rather we wish to work alongside with them as
one family and we hope to gain the honor to be one day counted as Israel. We are
learning what it means to be a community of believers and to help each other the best we
can. You will see that we will stand and be counted as the nation of Israel no matter what
the cost.
Many of us have trades that we have learned some formal and others hands on.
Our experiences range from cooking to advanced degrees of engineering. Yes many of us
are of retirement age but we are not afraid of hard work.
Yes given the chance we will fight for the land for the land is Hashem it is the
promise given to Abraham and to Isaac and Jacob (Israel). It was given to us as we
entered into the land. Yet we did not appreciate the gift as we should. We did not honor
the covenant and we followed other gods. We did not let the land enjoy her Shabbats and
we were put into exile. We have been into exile all of these years and as Ezekiel’s dry
bones we were laid waste and one day Hashem looked at us and had petty on us and
breath into us the breath of life and we stood up and fell on our faces before Him for we
have sinned. We threw away our idols and our vain worship. He cleaned us up inside and
out. Now we return, not through our righteousness but through His mercy and grace, and
we are begging to be allowed even the crumbs from the table.
We will not have a “church” building rather we will meet in our homes, if you
wish to build a synagogue there we would not be opposed only to allow us worship Him
as one. We serve the same G-d and I believe there is much we can learn from you as our
older brother.
As far as support of the cooperative efforts spiritual and physical of the
community the skills that Hashem has given me is bringing people together and figuring
out what needs to be done. He has allowed me to learn marine electronics, building
maintenance, planting of various plants helping in building. What He has not shown me
how to do He has given me the ability to learn through reading and prayer for
understanding. I am and also have taught others what He has taught me anywhere from
classroom teaching Basic English to shipboard hands on how to repair or replace
Where we are currently living in Jordan there is about 100 of us there waiting for
Hashem to give us permission to enter into the land.
Given the size of the group we bring various trades, experience and resources as
not be a burden to our brother Judah. We represent at least six countries around the globe.
Some of us have been in Jordan awaiting a day when we can go home to Israel for more
than 20 years others are new comers but all of us long for the day when we will no longer
make a broader crossing to go Jerusalem rather it will only an hour or so to be near our
King where He has placed His name.

May Hashem bless you and keep in, may He grant to you and your family a long
and prosperous life. I long for the day when we can work side by side with you and our
brother in the land.
Frederick (Shlomo) Eldridge

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