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SESSION 2020-21



M.M. 80


I. (10 x1=10 Marks) Any ten

1. b) Tata

2. d) Dr M S Swaminathan

3. d) Bengaluru

4. d) Kolkata

5. c) giving a meaning to life

6. c) Gave India the power of steel and hydroelectric energy

7. b) her comfortable life

8. c) best model to follow

9. a) reduce

10. b) Plenty

11. b) exceedingly small percentage of people

12. b) He had seen the havoc caused by the Bengal

II. (10 x1=10 Marks) Any ten

1. a) Between 1910 to 2005

2. c) 125

3. a) 140

4. a) No rise or fall

5. a) Prohibition of its hunting

6. c) 1986

7. b) 2500

8. b) 100

9. a) 1964-1986

10. b) 1995

11. b) landscape

12. d) population


III (5x1=5 Marks) Any one

1. b) Nelson Mandela

2. d) All of them

3. d) decades

4. b) Policy of Apartheid

5. a) Rise of great Freedom Fighters


1. b) Maddie

2. d) absent-mindedly

3. a) courage

4. d) All of the above

5. c) Indifferent

IV . (5x1=5 Marks) Any one

1. c) a simple event of great significance

2. a) enjambment

3. b) Both are usually considered bad omens

4. a) Falling of snow particles on the poet
5. a) Robert Frost
1. a) Walt Whitman
2. c) animals

3. a) human vices
4. a) alliteration
5. d) The longing that the poet feels for these two qualities in human beings.

GRAMMAR (10 Marks) (Any 10)

1.a) may
2.d) could
3.a) might
4.a) can
5.d) will
6.a) should not
7. b) a;the
8. c) only a few; some
9. d) Most
10.b) Much
11.b) could
12.d) Those



VI. & VII (5+5=10 MARKS)


Content- 2



VIII . (2x4=8 Marks) Any 4 (2 out of each of the books)

i. The young seagull was afraid to fly because he felt certain that his wings would never
support him to fly. He was frightened to see the sea around him. He was afraid that he
would fall down into the sea. He had not eaten anything since the previous night.

ii. Anne Frank believes that paper has more patience than people. She believes that
a diary will have more patience to listen to her plight. That is why she
could confide more in her diary than in people.

iii. The tiger expresses his rage quietly because there is nothing he can do from behind the
bars of his cage. His strength is inside his cage now. He is no longer free as he was
in the jungle.

iv. Hari Singh Grateful for Getting Education: Hari Singh wanted to be educated. He
was grateful that, at least, Anil had given him the basic education. He knew that once
he could write like an educated man, there would be no limit to what he could achieve.

v. Yes, Tricki was in better hands as the surgeon treated him well. He gave him the
diet as per his need. He avoided over-feeding as his
affectionate and emotional mistress did.

vi. Anil realised that Hari ran with his money when he touched the money that Hari
had returned back at night. They seemed wet to touch because of the damp rain.
Still Anil did not ask Hari about this incident and pretended as if something like
this had never happened.

IX. ( 3x4=12 Marks) Any 4 (2 out of each of the books)

i. She was feeling guilty for not having said anything when everybody else was teasing
Wanda. It was her guilt that made her think very hard and arrive at the important
decision. Maddie and Peggy had written a letter to Wanda.

ii. According to the poem, Amanda seems to be a school going teenager who is asked
about the completion of her homework and cleaning of her shoes. Further, the lines
mentioned in the poem where Amanda is stopped from eating chocolates and the
warning of Acne, a skin disease that clarifies she is an adolescent

iii. The token that the poet says he might have dropped long ago, and which the animals
have kept for him, is his true nature as a human. While humans came close to
civilisation, they gradually moved away from their true nature.

iv. Mrs. Pumphrey was a rich lady as she used to spend a lot of money on buying
expensive foods for her dog Tricki. She made Tricki eat so much that he fell ill and
had to see the doctor.

v. Anil made a lot of money by fits and starts. He would borrow money this week and
lend this money the following week. He would be tensed about the next pay cheque,
but as and when he gets the cheque, he goes out and celebrates. He writes for
magazines, which is the queer way of making money for his living

vii. Tricki was a greedy dog who wanted to eat anything and everything at any hour of the
day or night. He never believed in going for walks and doing exercises. So, he
was also to be blamed for his present condition.

X. (5x1=5 Marks) Any one

As he flew into the storm, everything went black. It was impossible to see anything outside
the plane. It jumped and twisted in the air. When he looked at his compass, he saw that it was
turning round and round. It was dead. Along with it, the other instruments, including the
radio, were also dead. Suddenly, he saw another aeroplane. Its pilot waved at him, asking him
to follow. He was glad to find a helper. He was using his last fuel tank and there was only
enough fuel to fly five or ten minutes more. Then, the other pilot started to go down and he
followed. He suddenly came out of the clouds and saw the runway, on which he then landed
his plane safely.
Fire and Ice are the two causes that poet belief could lead to the destruction of humanity. Fire
represents desire , fury , conflicts , intolarance ... which poet has seen people are suffering from
that could lead to the destruction of humanity . Poet belief that ice is also enough for the
destruction of world . Ice represents hatred , rigidity , insensitivity ... which the poet belief is
enough for the destruction of humanity . But poet favoured the belief that humanity will end
due to fire .

XI. (5x1=5 Marks) Any one

Mrs. Pumphrey was a rich lady who admired her dog very much. She preferred to live a
prosperous and generous life and also wanted her dog to spend a similar. She used to overfill
Tricki out of her love and attention. She never recognized that Tricki was a selfish dog and this
would destroy his health. She could not even resist answering Tricki dropping for cakes. This
made the dog lethargic, sedentary and obese. He used to lie on his carpet and pant all day long.
Mrs. Pumphrey served him extremely, spoiling Tricki’s health to such a degree that he had to
be hospitalized. Even in the hospital, she resumed conveying Tricki her love through chocolates
and cakes. Her affection and concern for Tricki showed that excess of everything made him
fall suffering.

Money can't make a man as much as education can. We all know that education gives us
knowledge and help us to be a good person and citizen as well. Hari singh is a boy of fifteen
years who was experienced and fairly a successful hand. Some circumstances made him to

choose thief as profession. Anil, his targeted person, knows everything about theft. Anil
retained work for him. Anil was full of kind, large hearted person. He taught Hari Singh to
write his name. He also promised him to write sentences and help him to solve maths
problems like adding the numbers. Hari Singh started realising that education could bring him
money and respect. Hari singh broke Anil's trust but after all of that Anil was all forgiving
and compassionate. In the excitement of theft Hari Singh forgot about education. But after
sometime he realised that the only man who helped him was Anil so he shouldn't robbed him.
Also at that time he realised the value of education too. He thought that if he get educated
then he can surely get success.

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