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Process Control Structure Selection Based

on Economics
Jonathan A. Heath, Ioannis K. Kookos, and John D. Perkins
Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology,
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BY, U.K.

In process systems, selecting suitable sets of manipulated and controlled ®ariables and
the design of their interconnection, known as the control structure selection problem, is
an important structural optimization problem. The operating performance of a plant
depends on the control structure selected, as well as the characteristics of the dis-
turbances acting on the plant. The economic penalty associated with the ®ariability of
main process ®ariables close to acti®e constraints was used in this work to de®elop a
quantitati®e measure for the ranking of alternati®e control structures. The problem is
formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear optimization problem of special structure, which
was used for an algorithm to sol®e this problem to global optimality. The final formula-
tion is a mixed integer linear problem for which effecti®e solution methods are currently
a®ailable. The ®alidity and usefulness of the method are demonstrated through a num-
ber of case studies.

An important structural decision in terms of the operating negligible even for large-scale problems. The mathematical
performance of a process plant is related to the selection of programming-based methods, on the other hand, are rigor-
suitable sets of manipulated and controlled variables, and the ous and produce structures that are optimal within the limi-
design of their interconnection. This problem is known as the tations imposed by the mathematical methods and models
control structure selection problem. The last two decades used. An obvious limiting factor in the latter approaches is
have witnessed important theoretical developments in this the size and complexity of the models that can be tackled
area, and two major approaches have emerged. The first ap- within a mathematical programming framework. The method
proach is based on qualitative methods. Heuristic and logical presented in this article belongs to the mathematical pro-
rules are used in sequential decisions that lead to the inven- gramming-based methods and, as such, it consists of three
tion of feasible and plausible control structures. The work of major elements ŽNishida et al., 1981; Morari and Perkins,
Buckley Ž1964. had a profound impact on the development of 1995.: the problem representation, the problem e®aluation, and
these methods. Most of the available literature is reviewed in the solution strategy. The rationale behind the elements em-
Stephanopoulos Ž1983. and in Luyben et al. Ž1999.. The sec- ployed in this work is briefly discussed in what follows.
ond approach uses quantitative methods where mathematical Nishida et al. Ž1981. state that the main task of chemical
models are formulated and solved using mathematical pro- process control synthesis is to structure a dynamic system of
gramming methods. Georgiou and Floudas Ž1989., Moore measurements and manipulated variables so that certain con-
Ž1992., Luyben and Floudas Ž1992., Turkay et al. Ž1993., Nar- trol objectives are satisfied in the presence of disturbances.
raway and Perkins Ž1993, 1994., and Mohideen et al. Ž1996. They divide these control objectives into two main categories.
have presented methodologies that fall into this category. The The first set of control objectives stems from purely eco-
main advantage of the heuristic-based approaches stems from nomic considerations and can be related to the optimization
the fact that they do not involve any detailed evaluation. As a of an objective function that accounts for the profitability of
result, the engineering effort and computational time can be the plant. These control objectives are assigned to the
Žsteady-state . optimizing control system. The second set of
control objectives is related to maintaining certain process
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to J. D. Perkins. variables within the constraints that define the feasible re-

1998 October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 AIChE Journal

gion of operation. These constraints originate from product n d vector of design variables, and X is the vector of integer
quality specifications, safety related aspects, operational re- variables associated with the decisions that define the topol-
quirements and environmental regulations, and can be posed ogy of the process Žincluding that of the controller.. h D and
as constraints on the maximum, time domain deviation of h A are the n x , n z vectors of differential and algebraic equa-
certain process variables. tions that describe the dynamic behavior of the system and g
Rijnsdorp Ž1967., Maarleveld and Rijnsdorp Ž1970., and is the n g vector of inequality constraints that define the re-
Lee and Weekman Ž1976. were among the first to discuss the gion of feasible operation of the plant. J is the objective
important implications of the second set of control objectives function whose expected value Ž E . is to be minimized and T
for the economic performance of a process. They investi- is the time period over which the optimization is carried out.
gated, through a number of industrial case studies, the opera- Given a set of appropriate initial conditions, the above prob-
tional difficulties arising from the fact that the operating point lem aims to choose the optimal process topology Ž X ., the
is in most cases defined by the intersection of several con- optimal process design Ž d ., as well as an operating point Ž uŽ t ..
straints on variables that belong to the second category of that will minimize the expected value of the goal function
control objectives. Reduction of the variability of variables Ž E Ž J Ž... and at the same time satisfy the feasibility con-
close to these constraints was identified as a key aspect in straints Ž g Ž... over the time horizon t gT Ž s w0,`. in most
any attempt to increase process profitability. Thus, the vari- cases.. Therefore, it is an infinite dimensional, dynamic opti-
ability of certain process variables can directly be related to mization problem. Attempts to solve even simplified versions
the economic performance of a plant and seen as part of the of this problem have only recently appeared in the literature
objective function. ŽNarraway and Perkins, 1994; Dimitriadis and Pistikopoulos,
Based on the impact of disturbances on the economic per- 1995; Mohideen et al., 1996; Perkins and Walsh, 1996;
formance of a plant, Perkins Ž1989., Narraway et al. Ž1991., Figueroa et al., 1996; Bahri et al., 1996..
Narraway and Perkins Ž1993., and Perkins and Walsh Ž1996. The uncertain parameters can be decomposed into two
presented variations on a method that yields an economic subsets depending on their time scales. The first set contains
performance index that allows the design engineer to un- the uncertain parameters with time scales considerably longer
ambiguously rank control structure alternatives. This is an than the time scale of the process Žlow frequency disturb-
optimization-based approach where the economic cost of dis- ances.. The effect of these disturbances is, in most cases, to
turbances, acting at specified frequencies, is evaluated as a change the optimum operating point of the plant and thus
function of the control structure employed. Integer variables require the corrective action of an on-line, steady-state opti-
are introduced in order to model the alternatives. mization algorithm. The second set contains the uncertain
In this study an extension of this previous work is pre- parameters with time scales comparable to the time scale of
sented. Approximate bounds on the maximum time domain the process Žhigh frequency disturbances .. These parameters
deviation of the main process variables are calculated under do not change the optimum operating point, but their effect
closed-loop conditions. In addition, the range of discrete fre- is to constantly move the actual operation point in a Žclosed.
quencies considered in this previous work is replaced by the region that surrounds the optimum operating point. The un-
worst case combination of disturbance frequencies. Further- certain parameters are replaced in the formulation of the
more, the assumption of perfect control at all frequencies of process synthesis problem by their nominal values. Thus, the
interest is relaxed and realistic, decentralized PI controllers expectation term can be dropped, but, more importantly, the
are included in the proposed formulation. A number of case time horizon of interest is now restricted to the steady state.
studies are presented including an evaporator, a reactive dis- Thus, problem P1 is simplified to
tillation column, and a reactor separator process.
min J Ž x, z , p, u, d, Y .
u, d, Y
Process Synthesis Problem and Concept of
Back-Off s.t. h D Ž x , z , p, u, d, Y . s 0
h A Ž x, z , p, u, d, Y . s 0
The mathematical formulation of the process synthesis Ž P2 .
problem for continuous plants can be stated as follows g Ž x , z , p, u, d, Y . F 0
ŽMohideen et al., 1996. x g X , z g Z, ugU, d g D
min E w J Ž x Ž t . , z Ž t . , p Ž t . , u Ž t . , d, X . x Y g  0, 1 4 , ps pN
uŽ t . , d , X
where Y is obtained from X by eliminating all integer vari-
s.t. hDŽ ˙
x Ž t . , x Ž t . , z Ž t . , p Ž t . , u Ž t . , d, X . s 0 ables that correspond to structural decisions related to the
h A Ž x Ž t . , z Ž t . , p Ž t . , u Ž t . , d, X . s 0 control system design. The solution of the MINLP problem
g Ž x Ž t . , z Ž t . , p Ž t . , u Ž t . , d, X . F 0 Ž P1 . P2 gives the optimum design, as well as the optimum operat-
ing point. However, the performance of the actual process is
x Ž t . g X , z Ž t . g Z, p Ž t . g P
described by problem P1. If we assume that the optimal
u Ž t . gU, d g D, t gT , X g  0, 1 4 steady-state operating point is defined by the intersection of
active constraints Žas shown in Figure 1 for the case of 2 de-
where x Ž t . is the n x vector of differential variables, z Ž t . is grees of freedom., then any disturbance is likely to produce
the n z vector of algebraic variables, p Ž t . is the n p vector of plant operation in the infeasible region. Thus, in order to
uncertain parameters, uŽ t . is the n u vector of control vari- avoid dynamic infeasibility we need to modify problem P2 so
ables Žvariables that can change during operation., d is the that the plant satisfies the constraints under the effect of un-

AIChE Journal October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 1999

the Lagrange multipliers l l , we can obtain an estimate of the
economic giveaway necessary to mitigate the effects of dis-
turbances. However, the actual value of d J can be obtained
by solving problem P3. Nevertheless, Eq. 2 clearly shows that
the economic giveaway depends strongly on the size of con-
straint back-offs given by the vector m. Therefore, the amount
of back-off required to ensure feasible dynamic operation is a
crucial factor and a method for its calculation has to be de-
vised. The size of the back-off depends on the regulatory
control system implemented Žits structure and parameters .,
the disturbance characteristics Žmagnitude and frequency.,
and plant design Žtopology and design parameters .. The first
two factors are the more complicating ones. Since the size of
the back-off depends on the structure and the parameters of
the regulatory control system, the design of an ‘‘optimal’’ reg-
ulatory controller has to be carried out prior to the estima-
tion of the amount of back-off. This requires decisions to be
made about the control objectives and their realization, the
type of controller to be used, and the specific technique for
Figure 1. Dynamic and steady-state process eco- designing its parameters. This is far from a trivial task. The
nomics. second factor is related to the characteristics of the dis-
turbances. However, only limited information can be avail-
able about the disturbance characteristics prior to the real
certainty. To this end, we define the following quantities plant operation. Thus, in looking for a method for estimating
the size of back-off one must have in mind that this method
m l s max should give answers to an incompletely defined problem and
Ž g l Ž x , z , p, u, d, X . .
tgT that the subproblems involved are of high complexity.
pŽ t . g P

y g l Ž x N , z N , pX , u N , d N , X . , ;l, l s1, 2, . . . , n g Ž1. Linearization at the Optimum Steady State

In this section the linearization of the system dynamics is
that is, m l is the maximum violation of the l-th constraint performed. To this end, we consider the problem that is ob-
over the time horizon of interest Žthe subscript N denotes tained from problem P1 by assuming that the disturbances
nominal value.. Then, by using this information we can mod- obtain their nominal values and that the design variables Žin-
ify problem P2 to the form cluding the binary variables. are fixed

min J Ž x, z , p, u, d, Y . min J Ž x , z , p, u .
u, d, Y u

s.t. h D Ž x , z , p, u, d, Y . s 0 s.t. h D Ž ˙
x , x , z , p, u . s 0
h A Ž x, z , p, u, d, Y . s 0 h A Ž x , z , p, u . s 0
Ž P3 .
g Ž x , z , p, u, d, Y . q m F 0 g Ž x , z , p, u . F 0 Ž3.
x g X , z g Z, ugU x L F x F xU , z L F z F zU
nY u L F uF uU , ps pN , ˙
d g D, Y g  0, 1 4 , ps pN
The solution of this problem defines the optimum steady-state
This formulation ensures that its solution will give a new
operating point denoted by the subscript N Ž x N , z N , u N ..
nominal operating point for which the plant operation will
The dynamics of the process close to this nominal point can
remain feasible for the whole set of uncertainty. This is illus-
be described with adequate accuracy by the linearization of
trated in Figure 1. The solution of problem P2 defines the
the Eq. 3 at the nominal point
steady-state economics, while the solution of the problem P3
defines the dynamic economics of the process. ­ hD ­ hD ­ hD
It should be noted that, since the feasible region of prob- d xq
ž ˙/ ˙ ž / ž d xq / dz
­x ­x ­z
lem P3 is a subset of the feasible region of problem P2, the
following holds true ­ hD ­ hD
ž q d uq
/ ž / d ps 0
­u ­p
d J s JŽ P 3. y JŽ P 2. ( Ý ll ml G 0 Ž2.
l g IA
­ hA ­ hA ­ hA ­ hA
d xq
ž / ž / ž d zq d uq
/ ž / d ps 0 Ž4.
­x ­z ­u ­p
that is, the dynamic economics is bounded from below by the
­g ­g ­g ­g
steady-state economics. Furthermore, using information ob-
ž / ž / ž
gN q d xq d zq / ž /d uq d pF 0
tained from the optimality conditions of problem P2, namely, ­x ­z ­u ­p

2000 October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 AIChE Journal

where d stands for deviation from the nominal point Žsuch as Frequency Response Bounds to Step Disturbances
d x s x y x N .. Assume that h D , and h A constitute a differ- Heath et al. Ž1996. and Owen Ž1996. have demonstrated
ential-algebraic equations ŽDAE. system of index not exceed- that an upper bound in the frequency domain can be devel-
ing 1 ŽBrenan et al., 1989., for which the matrix oped for the vector r Žsee Eq. 12.. They have shown that for
single input, single output ŽSISO. systems, the maximum of
­ hD ­ hD the magnitude curve over the frequency domain is an upper
ž ˙/ ž /
­x ­z
bound for the maximum of the step response of the system
­ hA
ž /
0 dp
­z g Ž s . F f s max < g Ž j v . < ? < d p <
max Ly1
t ž s / v
Ž 13 .

is nonsingular. Then, Eq. 4 can be written as

where Ly1 is the inverse Laplace transform, f s is a scaling
factor that depends on the type of the system Žconsidered as
yId˙x q A d x q B d uq F d ps 0 equal to one in the following for simplicity., and g Ž s . a SISO
g N q H d x q P d uq S d pF 0
transfer function. For the case of multi-input, multi-output
ŽMIMO. systems, due to the principle of superposition, the
where following bound also holds

n ­ hD y1
­ hD ­ hD ­ hA y1
­ hA max < d yi Ž t . < F Ý max < g i j Ž j v . < ? < d pj < Ž 14.
Asy ž ˙/
­x ­x
­z ž / ž /
­z ­x
Ž7. t j

I is the identity matrix and B, F, H, P, and S are defined
analogously to A. Finally, we define the vector s as the vec- d yi Ž s . s Ý g i j Ž s . d p j Ž s . , ; i Ž 15.
tor of deviations of the inequality constraints from their nom- j
inal value
It should be noted that Eq. 14 is also valid for systems with
s s g y gN Ž8. time delay since the magnitude of the time delay is one for
all frequencies.
Since for points close to the nominal point the following holds Before closing this section, it should be noted that the use
true of the inequality given by Eq. 14 restricts the applicability of
the proposed method to systems that exhibit stable open-loop
g f g N q H d x q P d uq S d pF 0 Ž9. dynamics. This is due to the fact that the step response of an
integrating or unstable system is not bounded. Thus, the as-
sumptions that need to be fulfilled for the application of the
Equation 8 can be written as
proposed methodology are the following: Ža. the open-loop
dynamics of the system is described by a DAE system of in-
y Is q H d x q P d uq S d ps 0 Ž 10. dex not exceeding one; Žb. the A matrix defined in Eq. 7 has
negative eigenvalues.
Comparing Eq. 8 with Eq. 1, we observe that the maximum
value of s l is a linear, local approximation to the exact value
Control Structure Selection Based on Perfect
of the maximum constraint deviation denoted by m l . Thus, Control
the following linear model can be used to estimate the neces-
sary open-loop Žwithout control. back-off In this section, the linear deviation model of the system
given by Eq. 11 will be combined with a mathematical de-
scription of the perfect controller in order to develop a
yId˙x q A d x q B d uq F d ps 0
Ž 11. method for estimating the closed-loop constraint back-off.
y Is q H d x q P d uq S d ps 0 Equation 11 describes the dynamics of the system and the
deviations of the inequality constraints from their nominal
by assuming that values, close to the steady-state optimal point, under the ef-
fect of uncertainty. However, this is an open-loop description
since no controller is included. Thus, a method has to be
m l f r l s max < s l Ž t . < , ;l, l s1, 2, . . . , n g
Ž 12. devised that would invent the optimal, regulatory controller
pŽ t .g P and then its state space description can be used together with
Eq. 11 in order to estimate the necessary constraint back-off.
This is a dynamic optimization problem that can be avoided In order to overcome the complicating nature of this prob-
by transforming the problem into the frequency domain. To lem, Narraway and Perkins Ž1993. proposed the use of the
this end, a bounding property connecting the maximum devi- perfect control assumption.
ation in the time domain with the maximum of the magni- Firstly, a set of potential controlled variables has to be de-
tude in the frequency domain is presented. fined. This set is a subset of the state vector and can be de-

AIChE Journal October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 2001

fined as follows Finally, in order to assure that the regulatory control struc-
ture selected corresponds to a square controller we impose
d ys C d x Ž 16. the following equality constraint over the binary variables

Putting Eq. 16 together with Eq. 11 and decomposing into ny nu

real and imaginary parts, we obtain Ý Zi q Ý Wj s n y Ž 24.
is 1 js 1

AX R q v I x X I q BU R sy FP R
Equations 17, 18, 21, and 24 constitute a mixed-integer for-
y I S R q HX R q PU R sy SP R mulation of the perfectly controlled closed-loop system. For
IY R y CX R s 0 Ž 17. any feasible realization of the binary variables, this formula-
tion can be used in order to obtain the frequency response of
y v IX q AX q BU s 0
the closed-loop system that corresponds to the control struc-
y I S I q HX I q PU I s 0 ture defined by the binary variables. We are interested in
calculating the maximum of the magnitude of the variables
IY I y CX I s 0 S l Žs. over a frequency range
where X, U, P, S and Y are the Laplace transforms of the x,
u, p, s , and y vectors, superscript R Ž I . denotes the real max
ve V
'S R
l Ž v . 2q S lI Ž v . 2 , ;l s1, 2, . . . , n g Ž 25.
Žimaginary. part of a complex number, and v denotes the
frequency. The perfect control assumption implies that when
However, this nonlinear calculation would transform our for-
a potential controlled variable is selected at the regulatory
mulation to a MINLP problem. In order to preserve the lin-
control level, then the controller will keep this variable at its
earity of the formulation we use the following lower bounds
set point irrespective of any other factor. If we use the set of
on the magnitude
binary variables Z to denote the decisions associated with the
selection of controlled variables, then the following inequali-
ties can be used to impose the perfect control S lR Ž v p . F e l¶
y S lR Ž vp . F el
y yi , H Zi F Yi R F yi , H Zi
y yi , H Zi F Yi I F yi , H Zi 5 ; is1, 2, . . . , n y Ž 18. S lI •
Ž v p . F e l ;l s1, 2, . . . , n l Ž 26.
y S lI Ž vp . F el ps1, 2, . . . , nv
When Zi s 0, then Eq. 18 takes the form Žperfectly con-
trolled candidates .
'Ž 2 2
S lR Ž v p . . q Ž S lI Ž v p . . G e l ß
Yi R sYi I s 0 Ž 19 . Furthermore, in order for these lower bounds to approximate
tightly the maximum over the whole frequency range a multi-
and when Zi s1 then Žacceptable variation of the uncon- period Žor multifrequency. formulation was used. It is inter-
trolled candidates . esting to note that as the number of frequencies included in
the formulation tends to infinity, e approaches the maximum
y yi , H F Yi R F yi , H over the frequency domain with negligible error. Thus, at least
Ž 20. in principle, no accuracy is lost by this discretization of the
y yi , H F Yi I F yi , H frequency space. However, as the number of periods is in-
creased, the size and the complexity of the underlying prob-
We can associate a binary vector W with the potential manip- lem is also drastically increased.
ulated variables used in the regulatory control Having a method to calculate the back-off vector that cor-
responds to each control structure, then, using Eqs. 6 and 16,
y u j, H Wj FUjR F u j, H Wj we can calculate the economic penalty associated with this

y u j, H Wj FUjI F u j, H Wj 5 ; js1, 2, . . . , n u Ž 21. back-off vector by solving the following LP

min a T d x q b T d u
When Wj s 0 then Eq. 21 takes the form Žunused candidates . u

A d x q B d us 0
UjR sUjI s 0 Ž 22 . I d yy C d x s 0 Ž 27.
g N q H d x q P d uFy I r
and when Wj s1 then Žacceptable variation of the candidates
used for control. u L F uF uU

y u j, H FUjR F u j, H where a and b are the gradients of the objective function

Ž 23. with respect to the state and control variables, respectively.
y u j, H FUj F u j, H
Finally, in order to select the best control structure, the

2002 October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 AIChE Journal

structure that corresponds to the minimum economic penalty, creased. Nevertheless, the objective function obtained is a
we have to solve the following MILP problem lower bound on the actual objective function and a modified
MILP solution algorithm that takes this into consideration is
min a Td x q b Td u presented in the following.
u For any realization of the binary variables Zi , Eq. 18 can
A d x q B d us 0 be written in the following equivalent form
Id yy C d x s 0
EyY s 0 Ž 30.
g N q Hd x q P d uFy I r
u L F uF uU In a similar way, for any realization of the binary variables Wj
we also have
ny nu

Ý Zi q Ý Wj s n y Ž 28. EuUs 0 Ž 31.

is 1 js 1

AX R q v p IX I q BU R sy FP R ¶ Equations 30 and 31 together with the Laplace transform of

Eqs. 11 and 16 constitute for each frequency the following set
y I S R q HX R q PU R sy SP R of n x q n y q n u q n g equations in n x q n u q n y q n g un-
IY R y CX R s 0 knowns ŽNarraway et al., 1991.
y v p IX q AX I q BU I s 0

y I S I q HX I q PU I s 0 U
IY I y CX I s 0 s F Ž jv . P Ž 32.
y yi , H Zi F Yi F yi , H Zi S
y yi , H Zi F Yi I F yi , H Zi 5 ;i
•; p where
y u j, H Wj FUjR F u j, H Wj
y u j, H Wj FUjI F u j, H Wj 5 ;j j v Ix yA
0 Iy
0 0
S lR F e l ¶ ˜ Ž jv . s
F yH yP 0 Ig S Ž 33.
y S lR F e l 0 Eu 0 0 0

S lI F e l ;l 0 0 Ey 0 0
y S lI F e l
el F rl ß ß In order to calculate the upper bounds on the maxima of the
time domain deviations we define the following matrix

This formulation assumes that a model of the form given by ˜ s w˜i j s max < wi j Ž v . N
F Ž 34.
Eq. 3 is available. However, in many cases such a detailed vg V
model may not be available. In these cases we can use an
objective function of the form The frequency domain bounds can then be calculated as fol-
D J s Ý wixx i q Ý wjyy j Ž 29.
i j x
y sF Ž 35.
where w are weights that reflect the economic penalty that is r
related to the maximum deviations of the state Ž x . and con-
trol Žy . variables. These maximum deviations can be calcu- where x , y , and r are the vectors of actual upper bounds
lated by applying the procedure used to calculate the maxi- on the maximum time domain deviations of the state, input,
mum deviations of s . and slack variables, respectively. Having calculated these
The formulation given by Eq. 28 is a mixed integer linear bounds, the actual value of the objective function can be cal-
programming problem which determines the regulatory con- culated using the LP formulation given by Eq. 27.
trol structure that minimizes the economic penalty associated In order to solve the control structure selection problem,
with the maximum time domain deviations of certain process the MILP formulation given by Eq. 28 is solved to the first
variables. However, due to the fact that the estimated max- integer solution. Then, the actual value of the objective func-
ima over the frequency domain are only lower bounds on the tion is calculated based on Eqs. 27 and 35. This value is used
real maxima, this formulation does not give Žfor each control as the entry cost at this integer solution and an integer cut is
structure defined by the binary variables. the actual objective added to exclude the current integer solution from further
function but only a lower bound on this objective function. consideration. In cases where no further integer solution can
This lower bound becomes increasingly tight as the number be found the algorithm has converged and the best entry cost
of discrete frequencies over which Eq. 28 is solved is in- corresponds to the global optimum. If no feasible integer so-

AIChE Journal October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 2003

lution can be found, then the problem is infeasible. The Since only square, decentralized controllers are considered
reader is referred to Williams Ž1985. for a comprehensive in- in this work, the following constraints on the binary variables
troduction to the terminology and solution of general MILP must hold
Ý Ý cjim F1, ;j Ž 41.
i m
Control Structure Selection Based on Realistic
Ý Ý cjim F1, ;i Ž 42.
In this section, a method for simultaneous selection of con- j m
trolled and manipulated variables, variable pairing, and de-
centralized PI controller tuning is presented. To this end, Equation 41 imposes the constraint that, at most, one poten-
consider the SISO transfer function relating input j to out- tial controlled variable is assigned to each potential manipu-
put i under PI control lated variable, and Eq. 42 that, at most, one potential manip-
ulated variable is assigned to each potential controlled vari-
Uj s g jiPI Ž yYi . Ž 36. able. It should further be noted that Ý i Ý m c jim s 0 means
that the potential manipulated variable u j is not used in the
where control structure while, when Ý j Ý m c jim s 0 the potential
controlled variable, yi is not used in the control structure.
1 Using these integer variables and discrete detuning factors,
g jiPI s k ji 1q
t ji s / Ž 37. Eq. 40 can be written in the following form

f jim
k ji is the controller gain and t ji is the integral Žor reset. time. Ý Ž y k ji . f jim cjim
We assume that these controller parameters can be calcu-
lated by considering each input-output pair and applying one
Uj s Ý
i m
ž 1y j
t ji v / Yi Ž 43.

of the well-known methods for SISO PI controller tuning We further define the following discrete controller gains and
ŽMarlin, 1995.. However, these parameters can be totally in- transformed measurements
appropriate in a multivariable closed-loop system. In order to
take the multivariable nature of the problem into considera- K jim sy k ji f jim Ž 44.
tion, Luyben Ž1990. suggested the use of a detuning factor f.
Using this factor, the parameters of the decentralized PI con- f jim
trollers can be related to the values obtained by the SISO Yjim sYi R q Yi I Ž 45.
t ji v
tuning procedures according to the following rules
f jim
k MIMO s k SISO f ji Ž 38. Yjim sYi I y Yi R Ž 46.
ji ji t ji v
t jiSISO
t jiMIMO s Ž 39. Using Eqs. 44]46, Eq. 43 becomes
f ji

A method for calculating the detuning factors is also dis-

UjR s Ý Ý K jim cjimYjim
, ;j Ž 47.
i m
cussed by Luyben Ž1990.. Upon substitution of Eqs. 38 and
39 into Eq. 37 we take UjI s Ý Ý K jim cjimYjim
, ;j Ž 48.
i m

f ji
Uj sy k ji f ji 1y j
t ji v / Yi Ž 40. Equations 47 and 48 are nonlinear due to the multiplication
of continuous and binary variables. Fortunately, this is one of
the cases where efficient linearization techniques have been
In general, it is desirable to have continuous detuning fac- proposed. First, the following variables are introduced
tors and calculate their optimal values as part of the algo-
rithm. However, as can be observed from Eq. 40, using con- Gjim
s K jim c jimYjim
Ž 49.
tinuous detuning factors leads to the introduction of bilinear
terms involving the detuning factors and the measured vari- Gjim
s K jim c jimYjim
Ž 50.
ables. In order to formulate a linear problem, which can be
solved effectively to global optimality, the continuous detun-
and Eqs. 47 and 48 can be written in the following linear
ing factors are replaced by a discrete set of values. This is
done by introducing a discrete set of detuning factors f jim
and a set of binary variables c jim that are used to select the
particular discrete detuning factor according to: c jim s1 im-
UjR s Ý Ý Gjim
Ž 51.
i m
plies that f jim is the detuning factor used in j-i channel, c jim
s 0 implies that f jim detuning factor is not used in j-i chan- UjI s Ý Ý Gjim
Ž 52.
nel. i m

2004 October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 AIChE Journal

Finally, in order to enforce Eqs. 49 and 50 we assume that min a Td x q b Td u
u , c ji m

y yiR, H F Yi R F yiR, H Ž 53. A d x q B d us 0

I d yy C d x s 0 Ž 59.
then the following linear under- and over-estimators can be g N q H d x q P d uFy I r
used ŽGlover, 1975.
u L F uF uU

y Gjim
F K˜jimYjiR, H c ji m Ý Ý cjim F1, ;j
i m
F K˜jimYjiR, H c ji m
Ž 54. Ý Ý cjim F1, ;i
y Gjim
Fy K jimYjim q K jimYjiR, H ˜ Ž 1y cji m . j m

˜ AX 0R q BU0R sy FP R
F K jimYjim q K jimYji,R H Ž 1y cji m .
y I S R q HX 0R q PU0R sy SP R
where K˜jim denotes the absolute value of K jim and Yji,RH are IY0R y CX 0R s 0
upper bounds defined as follows

max Ž f ji .
y u j, H ž Ý Ý c / FU
i m
ji m
0 , j F u j, H ž Ý Ýc / ,
i m
ji m ;j

YjiR, H s 1q
ž ti j v / yiR, H Ž 55.
y yi , H ž 1y Ý Ý c / F Y
i m
ji m
0 , i F yi , H ž 1y Ý
Ý cji m
/ , ;i

It should be noted that, when c jim s 0, then Eq. 54 simplifies

AX R q v p IX I q BU R sy FP R ¶
y I S q HX q PU sy SP

s0 Ž 56 . IY R y CX R s 0 •; p
y v p IX q AX I q BU I s 0

while when c jim s1 y I S I q HX I q PU I s 0

IY I y CX I s 0
s K jimYjim Ž 57.
UjR s Ý Ý Gjim

It is particularly important to incorporate the steady state Ž v
i m
•; j, p
s 0. in the formulation due to its significance. By using the
Uj s Ý I

Ý Gjim
property of perfect steady-state control that characterizes
controllers with integral action, we can neglect the structure S lR F e l ¶
of the controller at zero frequency and use the plant model
y S lR F e l
together with the perfect control constraints applied at that
frequency, that is S lI F e l ;l, • ;p
y S lI F e l
AX 0R q BU0R sy FP R el F rl ß
y I S R q HX 0R q PU0R sy SP R y Gjim
F K˜jimYjiR, H c ji m ¶
IY0R y CX 0R s 0 Ž 58. Gjim
F K˜jimYjiR, H c ji m
y Gjim
Fy K jimYjim q K˜jimYjiR, H Ž 1y c ji m .
y u j, H ž Ý Ý c / FU
i m
ji m
0 , j F u j, H ž Ý Ýc /,
i m
ji m ;j
F K jimYjim q K˜jimYji,R H Ž 1y c ji m .
y Gjim
F K˜jimYjiI, H c ji m
y y j, H ž Ý Ý c / FY
i m
ji m
0 , i F yi , H ž 1y Ý
Ý cji m
/ , ;i
F K˜jimYjiI, H c ji m •; i , j, m, p
y Gjim
Fy K jimYjim q K jimYjiI, H ˜ Ž 1y cji m .
where the subscript 0 has been used in order to explicitly
denote that these equations apply only at steady state. It Gjim
F K jimYjim q K jimYji,I H ˜ Ž 1y cji m .
should be noted that the imaginary parts of the variables have
f jim
been eliminated from these steady-state constraints since, as R
Yjim sYi R q Yi I
can be seen by examining Eq. 17, they are identically zero at t ji v p
zero frequency. In summary, the following MILP formulation f jim
sYi I y Yi R
for the solution of the control structure selection problem
with realistic, decentralized PI controllers is proposed
t ji v p ß
AIChE Journal October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 2005
The algorithm presented for the case of perfect control is This set of equations is of the same form as the one pre-
also applied in the case of decentralized PI control since the sented for the case of perfect control given by Eq. 32. Thus,
calculated cost is a lower bound to the actual cost. In order the maximum constraint back-off can be calculated as indi-
to calculate the actual cost the worst case back-off is calcu- cated by Eq. 35.
lated first. Then the LP problem given by Eq. 27 is solved
and its solution is used as the entry cost that corresponds to Solution Algorithm
the current integer solution. However, Eqs. 30]35 were de-
rived for the case of perfect control and, thus, they do not In this section, a decomposition approach that can acceler-
apply in the case of decentralized PI controllers. In what fol- ate the solution of problem given by Eq. 59 is presented. The
lows the calculation of the worst case back-off for the case of necessity of this decomposition approach is due to the fact
decentralized controllers is presented. that the number of alternatives that has to be taken into con-
The system dynamics is described by Eqs. 11 and 16 sideration, even for small problems, is extremely large. This
number can be calculated using the following
y j v IX q AX q BUq FP s 0
y I Sq HX q PUq SP s 0 Ž 60. nu ny
IY y CX s 0
NS s Ý
k s1
ž /ž /
k k
k!n kt

N nu! n y!
We then define the following variables as the integrals of the
potential controlled variables s Ý k!n kt Ž 67.
k s1 k! Ž n u y k . ! k! Ž n y y k . !

q˙s y Ž 61.
where Ns min n u ,n y 4 and NS is the number of alternative
or solutions.
In order to apply the proposed algorithm more effectively,
j v QyY s 0 Ž 62. a decomposition is used that is based on the idea of separat-
ing the problem of selecting sets of controlled and manipu-
where Q is the Laplace transform of q. Furthermore, define lated variables from the pairing and tuning problem. This is
the n u by n y matrix J whose elements j ji are given by achieved by first solving the following steady state, perfect
control problem that is derived from Eq. 28 by eliminating
j ji s Ý f jim c jim Ž 63. the imaginary parts of variables

min a T d x q b T d u
that is, each element of the matrix J denotes whether or not Z, W , u
the pairing j-i is part of the chosen structure and, at the
A d x q B d us 0
same time, the value of the corresponding detuning factor.
Then, the description of the PI controller that corresponds to I d yy C d x s 0 Ž 68.
the current integer solution is given by
Ig N q H d x q P d uFy I g r
Uy EK Y y EI Qs 0 Ž 64. y u L F uF uU
ny nu
Ý Zi q Ý Wj s n y
EK s KmJ is 1 js 1

EI s KmTmJ Ž 65. AX R q BU R sy FP R
K s k ji , T s ty1
y I S R q HX R q PU R sy SP R

and m denotes element by element multiplication ŽSchur IY R y CX R s 0

product.. Equations 60, 62, and 64 constitute, at each fre- y yi , H Zi F Yi R F yi , H Zi , ;i
quency, the following system of n x q n g q2 n y q n u linear
equations in n x q n g q2 n y q n u unknowns y u j, H Wj FUjR F u j, H Wj , ;j

y jv I y A yB 0 0 0 X F ¶
S lR F e l
yH yP 0 Ig 0 U 0 •;l
y S lR F e l
yC 0 Iy 0 0 Y s S P e F rß
l l
0 0 Iy 0 y jw I y S 0
0 Iu y EK 0 y EI Q 0 Then, for each structure chosen by the solution of the prob-
lem given by Eq. 68, the problem given by Eq. 59 is solved by
Ž 66. imposing the constraints

2006 October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 AIChE Journal

Ý Ý cjim s1, ; j g JA s  j: Z j s1 4 given by Eqs. 71 and 72 eliminate a substantial number of
i m alternatives that do not satisfy the IS or ICI conditions.
Ý Ý cjim s1, ; ig IA s  i: Wi s 0 4 Ž 69.
j m Case Studies
Case study 1: E©aporation process model
In order to reduce the number of feasible alternative solu-
The evaporation process examined in this section is shown
tions at this variable pairing and tuning step the following
in Figure 2. This is a process which removes a volatile liquid
constraints are also used
from a nonvolatile solute, thus concentrating the solution. It
consists of a heat exchange vessel with a recirculating pump.
l ji The overhead vapor is condensed by the use of a process
ž Ý c / G0
jim Ž 70.
heat exchanger. The major variables of interest are summa-
rized in Table 1. The details of the mathematical model can
where l ji is the j-i element of the relative gain array defined be found in Newell and Lee Ž1989.. The final form of the
as dynamic model is given by

L s l ji s G Ž 0 . m GT Ž 0 . Ž 71. dL2
rA s F1 y F4 y F2 Ž 73.
and G Ž0. syCAy1 B is the steady-state gain matrix. Equa- dC2
tion 70 imposes the well-known necessary condition for inte- M s F1C1 y F2 C2 Ž 74.
gral controllability with integrity ŽICI. ŽCampo and Morari,
1994.. Furthermore, systems that are not integral stabilizable dP2
ŽIS., that is, structures that do not satisfy the Žnecessary and C s F4 y F5 Ž 75.
sufficient . condition for IS ŽCampo and Morari, 1994.
det w G Ž 0 . x / 0 Ž 72.
F4 s  0.16 Ž F1 q F3 .
never enter the variable pairing and tuning step, and are ex-
cluded from further consideration by using integer cuts. = Ž y0.3126C2 y0.5616 P2 q0.1538 P100 q41.57 .
This decomposition has proven to be efficient in practice
due to the fact that Eq. 68 can be solved easily to first integer y F1C p Ž 0.3126C2 q0.5616 P2 q48.43yT1 . 4 rl s1 Ž 76 .
solution even for large-scale problems, while the conditions
2UA 2 Ž 0.507P2 q55yT200 . C p F200
F5 s Ž 77.
l s2 Ž UA 2 q2C p F200 .

In the above equations r A is the product of liquid density

and the cross-sectional area of the evaporator Ž20 kgrm., M
is the liquid holdup in the evaporator Ž20 kg., C is a constant
Ž4 kgrkPa., UA 2 is the product of the heat-transfer coeffi-
cient and the heat-transfer area in the condenser Ž6.84 kWrK.,
C p is the heat capacity of the cooling water Ž0.07 kWrkg?min.,
l s1 is the latent heat of steam at saturated conditions Ž36.6
kWrmin ? kg. and l s2 is the latent heat of evaporation of wa-
ter Ž38.5 kWrkg ? min..
The operating cost of the evaporator consists of the cost of
electricity, the cost of steam, and the cost of cooling water
ŽWang and Cameron, 1994.

Table 1. Major Variables of the Evaporation Process Model

F1sfeed flow rate Žkgrmin. T3svapor temperature
F2sproduct flow rate T100ssteam temperature
F3scirculation flow rate T200scooling water inlet temperature
F4svapor flow rate T201scooling water outlet temperature
F5scondensate flow rate C1sfeed composition Ž%.
F100ssteam flow rate C2sproduct composition
F200scooling water flow rate P2soperating pressure ŽkPa.
T1sfeed temperature Ž8C. P100ssteam pressure
T2sproduct temperature L2sseparator level Žm.
Figure 2. Evaporator system.

AIChE Journal October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 2007

Table 2. Results for Case 1 (Evaporator Model - Perfect Control)
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 d x1 d x2 d u1 d u2 D J =10y3
Open Loop 7.34 4.61 4.61 0.00 0.00 q`
Žu1, u2.yŽy1, y2. 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.90 91.06 0.00 y2.90 y11.89 33.04 0.0011
u1yy1 0.00 8.01 8.01 44.69 0.00 q`
u1yy2 14.57 0.00 0.00 52.18 0.00 q`
u2yy1 q`
u2yy2 3.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 88.98 3.00 y2.91 0.00 51.79 0.0966

96 Ž F1 q F3 .Ž T100 yT2 . we consider the following input conditions

J s1.009 Ž F2 q F3 . q q0.6 F200
l s1
F1 s10 kgrmin, C1 s 5%, T1 s 408C, T200 s 258C
in Ž $rh . Ž 78.
Ž 88.
The objective function is optimized, subject to the equality as
T100 s 0.1538 P100 q90 Ž 79. well as the inequality, constraints. The optimum operating
point is the following
T2 s 0.5616 P2 q0.3126C2 q48.43 Ž 80.
x 1, N 35.0000
The inequality constraints that define the region of feasible xN s s Ž 89.
x 2, N 56.2079
operation are the following
u1, N 400.000
g 1 syC2 q35F 0 uN s s Ž 90.
Ž 81 . u 2, N 229.925
g 2 s 40y P2 F 0 Ž 82 .
and the optimum objective function is 5891.6 Ž$rh.. The con-
g 3 s P2 y80F 0 Ž 83 . straints g 1 and g 4 are active at the optimum operating point
and the corresponding Lagrange multipliers are l1 s 0.032191
g 4 s P100 y400F 0 Ž 84. and l4 s 0.000092. The linearized system is obtained directly
g 5 s F200 y400F 0 Ž 85. from the calculated Jacobian of the constraints at the opti-
mum operating point.
The perfect control formulation is applied first. In the case
The process is open-loop unstable due to the integrating be-
of the evaporation process model the number of alternative
havior of the Eq. 73. Thus, in order to make the system
regulatory control structures is six: the open-loop structure,
open-loop stable we introduce the algebraic equation
one 2=2 control structure, plus four 1=1 control structures.
The calculations were carried out for three sets of values for
F2 s F1 y F4 Ž 86. the uncertain parameters

corresponding to perfect control of the level in the overhead 0.1 kg 0.05 kg

drum Ž L2 . that eliminates the first differential equation. We
further define the following vectors d p 1 s 0.5% , d p 2 s 0.25% ,
4.08C 2.08C
2.58C 1.258C
0.01 kg
C1 P100 C1
x s ys
, us
, ps
Ž 87. d p 3 s 0.05% Ž 91.
T200 0.258C

In order to find the optimum point of steady-state operation The results are summarized in Table 2 Žfor d p 1 ., Table 3 Žfor

Table 3. Results for Case 2 (Evaporator Model - Perfect Control)

e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 d x1 d x2 d u1 d u2 D J =10y3
Open Loop 3.67 2.30 2.30 0.00 0.00 q`
Žu1, u2.yŽy1, y2. 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.95 45.53 0.00 y1.45 y5.95 16.52 0.0005
u1yy1 0.00 4.00 4.00 22.34 0.00 0.00 y5.5 y22.3 62.0 0.0021
u1yy2 7.29 0.00 0.00 26.09 0.00 q`
u2yy1 q`
u2yy2 1.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.93 1.50 y1.45 0.00 28.89 0.0483

2008 October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 AIChE Journal

Table 4. Results for Case 3 (Evaporator Model - Perfect Control)
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 d x1 d x2 d u1 d u2 D J =10y3
Open Loop 0.73 0.46 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.73 y0.71 0.00 12.67 0.0236
Žu1, u2.yŽy1, y2. 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.19 9.11 0.00 y0.29 y1.18 3.30 0.0001
u1yy1 0.00 0.80 0.80 4.46 0.00 0.00 y1.09 y4.46 12.41 0.0004
u1yy2 1.45 0.00 0.00 y5.21 0.00 1.45 y2.68 y5.21 39.64 0.0474
u2yy1 q`
u2yy2 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.89 0.30 y0.29 0.00 5.17 0.0097

d p 2 . and Table 4 Žfor d p 3 .. From these tables, we can con- tions and the definition of the model constraints, we can cal-
clude that: culate the exact value of the maximum deviation of the con-
v Decreasing the magnitude of the uncertainties generates straints from their nominal values Žsee the definition given by
more feasible structures, but the relative ranking of these Eq. 1.
structures is consistent.
v The calculated economic penalties can be predicted ex- 0.199
actly by the simplified calculation given by Eq. 2. 0.675
v For the model evaporation process, the full control m s 0.660 Ž 94.
structure is the best structure followed by the 1=1 structure 7.835
that controls perfectly the composition Ž y 1 .. 45.109
Finally, in Table 5 the calculated economic penalties for
the formulations given by Eq. 28 ŽMILP formulation with ap- Comparing m given by Eq. 94 with r given by Eq. 93, we can
proximate back-off. and Eqs. 27 and 35 ŽLP formulation with see that a key assumption of this work Žsee Eq. 12. is clearly
exact back-off. are compared. From this table, we can con- satisfied. The worst case combination of the maximum time
clude that, for the example under consideration, the pro- domain deviations of the nonlinear, closed-loop model Ž m . is
posed algorithm will have a satisfactory performance. This is well predicted by the worst case combination of the maxi-
due to the fact that the optimum control structure has an mum magnitudes over the frequency domain Ž r ..
economic penalty that is better than the approximate eco-
nomic penalties of almost all other structures. Only one Case study 2: Reacti©e distillation for ethylene glycol
structure Ž u1-y 1 structure . has a smaller approximate eco- synthesis.
nomic penalty.
In this case study the double feed, reactive distillation col-
The realistic controller-based MILP formulation was solved
umn for ethylene glycol ŽEG. production presented by Ciric
next only for case 2. The open-loop response was fitted to
and Gu Ž1994. is considered. EG is produced from ethylene
simple, first-order transfer functions, and the SISO PI con-
oxide ŽEO. and water ŽW.
troller parameters were calculated using the IMC tuning rules
with an open-loop to closed-loop time constant ratio of three EOqW™EG
ŽMorari and Zafiriou, 1989.. Five discrete detuning factors
equally spaced between 0.1 and 1 were used, as well as two EG reacts further with EO to produce the unwanted byprod-
discrete frequencies v 1 s10y8 and v 2 s10y1. The optimum uct diethylene glycol ŽDEG.
structure is given by the following J matrix
1 0
Js Ž 92. Ciric and Gu Ž1994. present an optimal flowsheet for a dou-
0 1
ble feed, reactive distillation column that consists of ten trays
that is, the best structure corresponds to the pairings C2-P100 shown in Figure 3. The lower part of the distillation column
and P2-F200 and both detuning factors equal to one. The Žtrays 1 to 4. is a simple separation zone, while the upper
back-off is given by the following vector part Žtrays 5 to 10. is a reaction zone. Pure water is fed on
tray 10, while pure ethylene oxide is fed on tray 5. A produc-
0.252 tion rate specification of 25 kmolrh of EG is assumed. The
0.660 modeling equations are presented in the following:
r s 0.660 Ž 93.
42.534 Table 5. Results for Case 3 (Evaporator Model-Perfect
and the economic penalty is 8.8 Ž$rh.. This economic penalty D J MI LP =10y3 D JLP =10y3
is considerably greater than the economic penalty of the per-
Open Loop 0.005614 0.023638
fectly controlled system, although the control structure se- Žu1, u2.yŽy1, y2. 0.000057 0.000109
lected in both cases is the same. Using the nonlinear model u1yy1 0.000100 0.000412
of the evaporator process and the best control structure, the u1yy2 0.024719 0.047399
response of the closed-loop system to step disturbances of u2yy1
u2yy2 0.005040 0.009664
magnitude d p 2 is calculated. From these closed-loop simula-

AIChE Journal October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 2009

Column Base Ž js 0, is1, . . . , NC y1.

Ž M j . s L jq1 y L j yVj Ž 101.

Ž Mj x i j . s L jq1 x i jq1 y L j x i j yVj yi j Ž 102.

Column Condenser and Reflux Drum Ž js NT q1, is1, . . . ,

NC y1.

Ž Mj . sVjy1 y L j Ž 103.

Ž M j x i j . sVjy1 yi jy1 y L j x i j Ž 104.

Algebraic Equations

L j s c o r L j l W Ž h OW , j . , js1, 2, . . . , 10 Ž 105.
p DC2 rL j
M j s Ž hW q h OW , j .
ž /ž 4 MWL j / , js1, 2, . . . , 10

Ž 106.

Figure 3. Reactive distillation process. Ž Vj yVjy1 . D H VAP y M j Ý R jk D HkR s 0, js1, 2, . . . , 10

k s1

Ž 107.
Separation Section Ž js1, 2, 3, 4, is1, . . . , NC y1. r L j s r Ž Tj , Pj , x i j . , js1, 2, . . . , 10 Ž 108.
d Vj D H VAP y Q R s 0, js 0 Ž 109.
Ž Mj . s L jq1 y L j yVj qVjy1 Ž 95.
Vj D H VAP y QC s 0, js10 Ž 110.
Ž M j x i j . s L jq1 x i jq1 y L j x i j yVj yi j qVjy1 yi jy1 Ž96. MWL j E1

Reaction Section Ž js6,7,8,9, is1,..., NC y1.

R j1 s
ž /
rL j ž
k 0 , 1 exp y
R g Tj / x EO j xW j , js6, 7, 8, 9

Ž 111.
d MWL j E2
Ž Mj . s L jq1 y L j yVj qVjy1 y M j Ý
k s1
R jk Ž 97. R j2 s
ž /
rL j ž
k 0 , 2 exp y
R g Tj / xEO j xEG j , js6, 7, 8, 9

d Ž 112.
Ž M j x i j . s L jq1 x i jq1 y L j x i j yVj yi j qVjy1 yi jy1
K i j Pj y Pisat
j s 0, js1, 2, . . . , 10, is1, . . . , NC y1 Ž 113 .
q Mj Ý n ik R jk Ž 98 . yi j y K i j x i j s 0, js1, 2, . . . , 10, is1, . . . , NC y1 Ž 114 .
k s1
Ý x i j y1s 0, Ý yi j y1s 0, js1, 2, . . . , 10 Ž 115.
Feed Trays Ž js 5,10, is1, . . . , NC y1. i i

d NR where M is the liquid holdup, L and V are the liquid and

Ž Mj . s L jq1 y L j yVj qVjy1 q Fj y Mj Ý R jk Ž 99 . vapor flows, x and y are the molar fractions in liquid and
dt k s1 vapor phase, respectively, R is the reaction rate, n is the stoi-
d chiometric coefficient, F is the feed flow rate, z the feed
Ž M j x i j . s L jq1 x i jq1 y L j x i j yVj yi j qVjy1 yi jy1 composition, R g is the universal gas constant, E is the activa-
dt tion energy, T is the tray temperature, and P is the tray
NR pressure, DC is the column diameter, l W is the length of the
q Fj z i j q M j Ý n ik R jk Ž 100. weir and hW its height, h OW is the height of the liquid over
k s1 the weir, c o is a constant, D H VAP is the heat of vaporization,

2010 October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 AIChE Journal

Table 6. Reactive Distillation Column Case Study
(Perfect Control)
Controlled Economic
Variable Penalty Ž$ryr.
1 T2 120.90114
2 T1 121.18146
3 T3 121.53186
4 T4 293.19720

following algebraic equation

FW y rFEO s 0 Ž 116.

where r s1.0488.
The perfect control formulation given by Eq. 29 is applied
Figure 4. Temperature profile in the reactive distillation in order to find the best temperature sensor location for the
column. minimization of the maximum time domain deviation of the
bottom product composition in EG. The four best solutions
are reported in Table 6. Controlling the temperature at tray
2 is the best solution followed by temperatures at trays 1 and
3. Then, the PI controller-based formulation is applied. The
Q R Ž QC . is the heat input in the reboiler Žcondenser., D H R open-loop responses of the tray temperatures were fitted to
is the heat of reaction, r L is the liquid density, and MWL is first-order transfer functions and single PI controllers were
the liquid molar weight. Subscript i refers to the set of com- designed based on the IMC tuning rules ŽMorari and Zafiriou,
ponents Ž1 to NC ., j refers to the set of trays Ž1 to NT q1., 1989.. Only one detuning factor was used Ž f s1. and one
and k to the set of reactions Ž1 to NR .. All required data are frequency v s 0.1. The results of the realistic control formu-
obtained from Ciric and Gu Ž1994.. In addition to the equa- lation were the same as the results of the perfect control case.
tions used by Ciric and Gu, we also use in this case study the This is due to the fact that Bode diagrams of all SISO loops
Francis weir formula to relate the liquid outflow from a tray were identical to that of a first-order system and, thus, their
with the liquid holdup. An 0.083 m weir is assumed in the maximum appears at zero frequency. Since the perfect con-
separation zone and a 0.166 m weir in the reaction zone. The trol and realistic PI control formulations are the same at zero
liquid holdups are restricted between 0.01 and 0.2 m3. A frequency, the same structures are chosen.
parametric optimization problem is solved in order to mini- In Figure 5, the closed-loop response of the bottom com-
mize the annual operating cost. The temperature profile is position is given. In these closed-loop simulations tray tem-
given in Figure 4. The feed flow rate of water and ethylene peratures are controlled using PI controllers. It is interesting
oxide are 26.314 kmolrh and 27.6 kmolrh, respectively. The to note that unstable closed-loop response is obtained by us-
heat input to the reboiler is 7.36 MW. Compared to the solu- ing any tray temperature above tray 3. Thus, the proposed
tion of Ciric and Gu, this solution has increased operating method was successful in predicting the tray temperatures
cost by 0.03=10 6 $ryr.
The structure of the regulatory control employed is shown
in Figure 3. The feed flow rate of water is used in order to
set the total production rate. The feed flow rate of ethylene
oxide is ratioed to the feed flow rate of water. A constant
excess of 4.887% in EO is used to achieve 95% EG in the
bottom product. The bottom product flow rate is adjusted to
control the bottom holdup, while heat input is adjusted in
order to control the product composition. The main distur-
bances acting on the system are the water feed flow rate
Žproduction rate level. and column pressure. The condensa-
tion rate at the top of the column is assumed to be used for
controlling the column pressure. However, in order to ac-
count for the effect of the inefficiencies of this control loop,
we consider the pressure variation as a major disturbance.
The production rate is assumed to vary by 50% and pressure
by 10% of nominal values. The problem investigated is the
selection of the best tray temperature sensor location for in-
ferential control of the EG composition at the bottom of the Figure 5. Product composition response under control
column. In order to mimic the ratio specification imposed on of different tray temperatures (reactive distil-
the feed flow rates of water and ethylene oxide we use the lation case study).

AIChE Journal October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 2011

Ž7. The liquid hydraulics are described by the Francis weir
Then, the mathematical model of the reactorrseparator
process can be stated as follows
Distillation Column Ž js 2, 3, . . . , NT, igC s A,I4.

Ž Mj x i j . s L jq1 x i jq1 y L j x i j yVj yi j qVjy1 yi jy1 q Fj x i R
Ž 117.
Ž Mj . s L jq1 y L j yVj qVjy1 q Fj Ž 118.
yi j s K i j x i j s xi j Ž 119.
Ý ak xk j

Vj sVjy1 q Ž 1y q V . Fj Ž 120.
L j s c o r L l W Ž h OW j . Ž 121.
p DC2 rL
M j s Ž hW q h OW j . Ž 122.
4 MW , L

F, js NF
Fj s ½ 0, j/ NF 5 Ž 123.

Figure 6. Reactorr
rseparator with recycle process. Column Base Ž js1, igC.

Ž Mj x i j . s L jq1 x i jq1 y L j x i j yVj yi j Ž 124.
that should be controlled in order to minimize the variability
of the product composition using an inferential control d
Ž M j . s L jq1 y L j yVj Ž 125.
Case study 3: The reactorr
rseparator process yi j s K i j x i j s xi j Ž 126.
Ý ak xk j
The reactorrseparator process is shown in Figure 6. The kgC
fresh feed consists of component A and an inert component QR
I. The first-order irreversible reaction A ™ B takes place in Vj s Ž 127.
the single-phase CSTR and transforms reactant ŽA. into D H VAP
product ŽB.. The output of the CSTR contains all three com-
ponents and is fed into a distillation column where the unre- Column Condenser and Reflux Drum Ž js NT q1, igC.
acted A is separated from the product and recycled back to
the reactor. In order to avoid accumulation of the inert com- d
Ž M j x i j . sVjy1 yi jy1 y Ž L j q P q R . x i j Ž 128.
ponent in the process it is necessary to purge this material at
some point. This point is mainly determined by the relative d
volatility of the inert. In cases where the volatility of the inert Ž M j . sVjy1 y Ž L j q P q R . Ž 129.
is between the volatility of reactant and product then the most dt
plausible point is the rectifying section of the distillation col-
Reactor Ž igC.
In order to develop a relatively simple mathematical model
of the reactorrseparator process the following assumptions Ž MR x i R . s F0 x i0 q Rx i N Tq1 y Fx i R q MR x A R n i k Ž 130.
are used dt
Ž1. The liquid on trays and in the reactor is perfectly mixed d
and has uniform properties. Ž MR . s F0 q Ry F Ž 131.
Ž2. Thermodynamic equilibrium on all trays is achieved.
Ž3. The pressure drop in the column is negligible. yE
k s k 0 exp
Ž4. Constant relative volatility and equimolar overflow.
Ž5. The vapor holdup is negligible.
ž R g Ž T qT0 . / Ž 132.

Ž6. The reflux is saturated liquid. n A sy1, nI s 0 Ž 133.

2012 October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 AIChE Journal

where k is the reaction rate constant. The rest of the sym- The optimum value of the objective function is 4.955 10 6
bols used are defined in Figure 6, as well as in the previous $ryear. The values of the optimization variables at the solu-
case study. The parameters of the model can be found in tion are
Belanger and Luyben Ž1998.. The value of the parameter q V
Žheat content of the distillation feed. is set equal to one. L1 298.611
The open-loop response of the model is not self-regulating V1 901.389
due to the integrating holdup dynamics in the column base,
reflux drum, and reactor. In order to apply the proposed al- us L NTq1 s 652.916 Ž 149.
gorithm the model has to be stabilized. This is achieved by R 198.661
the introduction of the following algebraic equations for each P 49.813
of these holdups F 547.084

Constraints g 6 and g 12 are active at the optimum solution.

LsC V f Ž l . 'M Ž 134.
The perfect control formulation for control structure selec-
tion was applied to the reactorrseparator process. To this end,
where L is the liquid outflow, M is the liquid hold-up, C V is the following potential controlled variables and disturbances
the valve constant, f Ž l . is the flow characteristic, and l is the are selected
We assume that the fresh feed consists of 95% A and 5% x B, 1
I. The constraints that define the feasible operation of the
process are summarized below x A, N Tq1
x I, N Tq1
g 1 s 239.5y L1 F 0 Ž 135. M1
ys , ps x A, 0 Ž 150.
g 2 s M1 y100F 0 Ž 136. qV
g 3 s 30y M1 F 0 Ž 137. x A, R
g 4 s MN Tq1 y250F 0 Ž 138. x I, R
g 5 s100y MN Tq1 F 0 Ž 139.
In Table 7 the results of the application of the perfect con-
g 6 s MR y3,000 F 0 Ž 140. trol formulation are summarized. The magnitudes of the dis-
turbance vector elements was equal to 5% of their nominal
g 7 s1,000y MR F 0 Ž 141. values. The most promising structures are the ones that con-
g 8 sVN F y1,200 F 0 Ž 142. trol all holdups and composition of the product in the col-
umn bottom. The column bottoms flow rate, the purge flow
g 9 s 400yVN F F 0 Ž 143. rate, and reactor outflow are included as manipulated vari-
g 10 s Ry400F 0 Ž 144. ables in the most promising structures. Controlling the com-
positions in the reactor or in the recycle stream is not neces-
g 11 sy RF 0 Ž 145. sary for this system. Furthermore, the system exhibits high
sensitivity to the magnitude of the disturbance in the fresh
g 12 s 0.9895y x 1, B F 0 Ž 146. feed flow rate and composition. These conclusions are in close
agreement with those of Belanger and Luyben Ž1998. Žstruc-
Constraint g 1 assures that the production rate will be greater ture I2 in their article ..
than the minimum acceptable. Constraints g 2 to g 7 are re- Finally, it was assumed that no composition measurements
lated to minimum and maximum holdup levels, while con- are available for the distillation column system. In this case
straints g 8 and g 9 are related to flooding and weeping con- inferential composition control is an alternative strategy. Tray
straints. Constraints g 10 and g 11 are related to the maximum temperatures at selected locations are controlled in order to
rate of recycle that can be achieved. Finally, constraint g 12 is
a product purity constraint.
The objective function to be maximized is the value of the rSeparator Case Study (Direct
Table 7. Reactorr
products minus the cost of utilities and raw material Composition Control)
Rank Manipulated Variables Controlled Variables
J s 0.10 ? L1 y0.05F0 y250
ž ? V1 / 1 L1 , P, V1 , F MD , MB , MR , x B, 1
10 6 L1 , P, L N Tq1 , F MD , MB , MR , x B, 1
2 L1 , P, L N Tq1 , R MD , MB , MR , x B,1
? 8,760 ? 50, in $ryr Ž 147. L1 , P, V1 , F MD , MB , MR , x B,1
L1 , P, R, F MD , MB , MR , x B,1
The effective degrees of freedom for the optimization are the 3 L1 , P, L N Tq1 , F MD , MB , MR , x A, N Tq1
potential manipulated variables 4 L1 , P, L N Tq1 , R MD , MB , MR , x A, N Tq1
5 L1 , P, R, F MD , MB , MR , x A, N Tq1
6 L1 , P, V1 , F MD , MB , MR , x A, N Tq1
us w L1 V1 L N Tq1 R P F x Ž 148. 7 L1 , P, V1 , R MD , MB , MR , x A, N Tq1

AIChE Journal October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 2013

Table 8. Best Structures for the Reactorr
rSeparator Case toms composition. Product flow rate, purge flow rate, and
Study (No Direct Composition Control) reactor outflow are used to control columns bottom level, re-
Manipulated Controlled flux drum level, and reactor level, correspondingly. In addi-
Variables Variables tion the detuning factor f s1 was selected in all loops. In
One point control L1 , L N Tq1 , P, R MD , MB , MR , T4 Figures 7 and 8 the closed loop system response to a 20%
Two point control L1 , L N Tq1 , V1 , P, R MD , MB , MR , T4 , T22 change in production level Žset by fresh feed flowrate. and
5% change in fresh feed composition is shown. The closed
loop dynamics of this system, as can be seen from these fig-
ures, is acceptable. Although we cannot claim that this is the
reduce the variability of the product composition. The poten- best closed loop structure for this system the proposed
tial measurements are the following method identified a structure that can control the system ef-
. Conclusions
F0 The choice of suitable sets of manipulated and controlled
M1 variables as well as their interconnection is a challenging
ys , ps x A, 0 Ž 151.
MNTq1 problem. A modification of the previous work of Narraway
MR and Perkins Ž1993. on this problem is presented in this arti-
x A, R cle. The control objectives are posed in terms of economic
penalties associated with the effect of disturbances on key
x I, R
process variables. These control objectives are then related

that is, tray temperatures are included in the measurement

vector instead of composition measurements. In this case the
control structure is defined by the value of 40 binary vari-
ables, and the number of alternatives is extremely large Ž2 40 ..
Two cases are examined. In the first case one point composi-
tion control is assumed. The algorithm converges after the
examination of 15 control structures requiring only a few
minutes of cpu time. The optimum structure is given in Table
8. In the second case two point control is assumed and the
algorithm converges after the examination of 29 alternative
control structures. The results are also given in Table 8. It is
interesting to note that even in the case where direct compo-
sition control is not available, the reactor composition is not
selected as controlled variable in the best control structures.
Furthermore, the control of a tray temperature close to the
column bottoms seems to be an effective means for composi-
tion control.
Finally, the MILP formulation that uses decentralized PI
control was applied. SISO PI tunings were obtained, as in the
previous case studies. Two detuning factors per input-output
pair were considered, namely f s 0.25 and f s1. A 5% varia-
tion of the disturbances was assumed. It is interesting to note
that the number of alternatives in this case study is extremely
large. A simple application of Eq. 67 shows that this number
equals to 3.04 10 6. The best control structure corresponds to
the following J matrix

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Js Ž 152.
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Figure 7. Closed-loop response of the reactor r
This matrix corresponds to the control structure selected as separator system-manipulated variables.
the best solution when perfect control was used Žsee Table 20% change in production rate and 5% change in feed com-
7.. Heat input at the reboiler is used in order to control bot- position.

2014 October 2000 Vol. 46, No. 10 AIChE Journal

nslength of the vector used as a subscript Ž n y equals the
length of vector y .
psindex over the set of periods
PsLaplace transform of the p vector
ps vector of disturbances
ss complex variable
ts time
Us Laplace transform of the u vector
Ws vector of binary variables that select the set of manipu-
lated variables
Xs Laplace transform of the x vector
ys vector of the potential measurements
YsLaplace transform of the y vector
Zs vector of binary variables that select the set of controlled

Greek letters
asgradient of the cost function with respect to the state vari-
bsgradient of the cost function with respect to the input vari-
dsdeviation variable
Lsrelative gain array
lsLagrange multipliers
rs linear estimate of the back-off vector
SsLaplace transform of the s vector
sslinear estimate of the deviation of the inequality con-
straints from their nominal values

0s initial conditions
Asalgebraic variable
cls closed loop
Dsdifferential variable
Hs maximum allowable variation
Figure 8. Closed-loop response of the reactor r Lslower bound
separator system-controlled variables. Us upper bound
20% change in production rate and 5% change in feed com-
Is imaginary part or integral variable
MIMOsmulti-input, multi-output system
to a subset of the potential measured variables, and a suit- Rsreal part
SISOs single-input, single-output system
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