COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus: Assignment No. 01 - Spring 2019

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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

(Defence Road, Off Raiwind Road, Lahore)

Assignment No. 01 – Spring 2019

Compiler Construction & Design
Course Title: Course Code: CSC-459 Credit Hours: 1(0,1)
– Lab
Course Instructor/s: M Mudassar Programme Name: BCS
Semester: Batch: Section: C Date: 14/02/2019
Time Allowed: Maximum Marks: 25
Student’s Name: Reg. No.
Important Instructions / Guidelines:
 Read the statement note, and marks evaluation carefully.
 Last date of submission is 21 Feb, 2019.

1. Assignment is strictly individual.
2. Sharing of assignment ideas, content, solution is not permissible with your class fellows.
3. Assignment grade do not entirely depend upon submission of solution documents.
4. Your performance during viva sessions will play a lead role to determine your grades.
5. Please submit the assignment as per given deadline. Late submitters will be penalized.
6. Assignment can be submitted in hand-written or printed format (except title page and
table of content).
7. Again, assignment should only be in C or C++ language.
8. In case assignment is done in any other language then it will carry 0 marks.

Evaluation Criteria of Assignment:

Feature Assessment Criteria Marks
Present ability Assignment is clean, properly formatted, Title page
contains the name/logo of your institute, Submitter’s
Name, Teacher’s Name, Proper Numbering, Table of
Assignment Content Question solved correctly. 15
Deadline Met Assignment is submitted on given deadline 5

Deadline Missed Assignment deadline is missed -5

Write a program in C or C++ which asks user to input a paragraph, and
 Separate the words from that paragraph
 Store each word of the paragraph in a separate node using link list
 Display all the words stored in the link list
 Total no. of spaces

Do your own work, some One is watching!

Best of Luck!

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