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Module 4

Professionalization of Teaching

Basic Laws on Professionalization of Teaching

Presidential Decree 1006

 Known as the “Decree on Professionalization of Teachers”, Regulating their practice in the

 This decree was signed by the late President Ferdinand Marcos, declaring that teacher
education shall be given primary concern and attention by the government and shall be of the
highest quality, and strongly oriented to Philippine conditions and to the needs and aspirations
of the Filipino people even as it seeks enrichment from adaptable ideas and practices of other
 Civil Service Commission together with the Department of Education and Culture give
examinations for teachers. When the examinees pass, they will be qualified for registration as
professional teachers and will be given the Professional Teacher Certificate.
 This decree states that, “ Three years after the effectivity of this Decree, no person shall engage
in teaching and/ or act as a teacher as defined in this Decree, whether in public or private
elementary or secondary school, unless he is holder of Professional Teacher Certificate or
considered as Professional Teacher under this Decree”.

Republic Act No. 7836

 Known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994”

 This Act strengthen the regulation of the practice.
 Board for Professional Teachers is created, they are under the supervision and administrative
control of the Professional Regulation Commission, that give Licensure Examination for
 Any person violating any provision of this act shall be penalized by fine of not less than one
thousand pesos but not more than five thousand pesos with subsidiary imprisonment or to
suffer an imprisonment of not less than six months but not more than two years, or both fine
and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Republic Act No. 9293

 An act amending certain sections of Republic Act No. 7836, otherwise known as the Philippine
Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.
 Amended qualification requirements of applicants for teachers in secondary grade, by adding
the requirement of additional eight units in professional education
 States that Professional teachers who have not practiced their profession for the past five years
shall take at least twelve units of education courses, consisting of at least six units of pedagogy
and six units of content courses, or the equivalent training and number of hours.
 States that those who have failed the licensure examination for professional teachers, with a
rating not lower than five percentage points from the passing general average rating, shall be
eligible as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a two-year special permit. They shall be
assigned to areas where there is a shortage or absence of a professional teacher. The special
permit shall indicate the area of assignment of the para teacher.

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